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Motivational Strategies in Language Instruction: The Case of EFL Teaching in Japan


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Motivational Strategies in Language Instruction: The Case of EFL Teaching in Japan"


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(1)Motivati㎝al Strategies inLanguage Instructi㎝:TheCaseofEFLTeachinginJap㎝. 教科・領域教育学専攻 言語系コース. ∼{07148B 篠原 みゆき.    Thep㎜一x鵬。f他血dyklohv納騨㎞出h.     T㎞5s血dy邸to pmvide a飾㎜dation危r wh鉦. 屹achers’ Pe㏄eptions of motivaOon sO蛸es as to how. 。an b6 done in En出h classn〕oms −o 白。i1㎞ students’. impo血mt曲ey“nk曲e鰍gi齪a爬,how鞠u㎝dy曲ey. modvation to軸En蝉by pmbi㎎English娩。hers’. ㏄tua皿y説血㎝mc㎞,㎝dw㎞血池g1es鵬㎜d削血肘. 岬血㎝s of motM血。n and眺㎜㎜mg血er1説。f. R鮒h on値㏄hers’p㎝軸。ns of moOv血。n舳割es ls. mO㎞O阯蛸eS.. sca鵬.Mo説附,wh㎝螂血と㎞ts’mod㎞㎝佃1f is.    αゆl e㎞es他6曲θo曲。al㎞;㎏mmd. 軸1㎜町㎞by㈱h㎝,㎞oom邸。fm血舳㎝訓. 軸心ediscussmof岬㎜㎝s血di閉㎜’畠㎎㎜触F凪. 舳gle舳㎜dy榊㎝. p枷mo血w血。n s血dies鵬ad榊甘mゆwhich曲e.    The ddba値 over s・uden1s’dec㎞ng moOvaI=■on to. m岬施mc6of榊h危rooncI1出motiw血。m1鴎園危r. s血dy h悶㎞hi蝉gh値d説㎝仙y,almos一訓w五ys disc雌d. Jψ㎜ese E−1出h c1欄is㈱⊥T11θn,DOmyei md Cs敏. 訓㎝g舳sho倣ed血dyho㎜舳㎝emd血edo㎜㎞h. (1998),DOmyei’s(2001)舳㎞k on motiv出。ml. acadeI=nic abi1ily.Th6 爬ason f〕r 舳s 庇nd tends to be. s鵬es,and Cheng and肺nye1(2007)a爬su1111nar㎞i. 砒伽射止柵㎜lceinJ那㎜esesoc帥aswe皿as〃洲.    C帥2exp㎞how曲6欄℃h was oondu側. ゆ㎝〃(曲xedノ岬㎜一畑㎞cadon),whichwas. de.aj1ing two p爬㎞y studies,a pi1ot study,一he mai]n sユudy,. ㎞耐h2002,1曲gtoa30%出前㎝h倣1㎞k. ミmd how曲e伽w師an佃i Au㎞e s血dies w㈹. 的祉school W㎞ver血e㎜om㎞r曲e d㈹mg1eve1s. oondu側fm妙Ψ餉。m㎜語w㎞曲e脾血。1r舳。nof64. of modvaI=ion,schools1=iave been危。illg a㎞ous sMon. ju11ior high schoo1腕。he耐(JHSTs he−1出)and senior high. ㎝鵬d吋舳dec㎞e.En蝉。lasses鵬mex卿d㎝ω舳s. ㏄hoo1屹㏄h師(SHSTsh㎝幽)in曲e㎞p記”皿血㎜ys血dy,. 位㎝吐. 115』HS1きand SHSTs in the s㏄ond p記㎜m㎞ry study,209. 一318一.

(2) JHSTs㎜d SHSTs in曲e pi1ot study,㎜d762JHS“and. de㎜d危m血舳雌m囎’The㎜o舳弾曲. SHSTlm曲1㎜的. ㎜mting a泣6nhon are−hose peI℃eived as less缶npo血nt〃.     In Chap屹r3,co皿ec㎏d daIa is analyzGd and d㎞ユ. 廿日t a爬 used 軸uenOy. Thes6 a肥 ‘inclrease s.ude■1ts’. The醐此胴。om紬ω岬vlo㎜血diesmH㎜鮒㎜d. gω一〇一切㎞ess’,‘Pmm屹gm叩。oh闘i棚essandgmΨ. T射wm,他11owed by a oomp沽。n of』HSTs㎜d SHSTs. nomls’ Cand‘舳ze sludents w血h L2−n…㎞d valu6s’.. ㎞.The㎞血㎞gk曲祉E㎎趾㈱h鮒hJ司㎜.    Reg池g此。om師son of JHSTs and SHSTs,. p㎝鴫ive‘Pmp釘佗㏄h町b曲avior’as曲e mo敏impo血nt. 』HSTs’資mko㎞σis舳㎞sameas SHSTs,b血JHSTs㎝. 危皿。w記by ‘P鵬nt触ks p叩P的’,‘Pmmo蛇㎞㎞値’. 危mdωbe mo爬螂・◎onscio㎜㎝d mo爬師ent一説腕. se此。nfid6nce’,’make the lean㎡ng値sks s血nu㎞I1g’,‘h61p. 。f触gies他nSHS鴉.Am昨p㎜m㎞cp凶. 血denおbm的ha脆’,‘m蝕a由㎜d危{diviω. 爬vea1記舳jHSTs…鵬much m㎝…oo説10us of‘d㎜oom. d固㎞㎝㏄s’,‘Prom誠一銭mer㎜lmomy’,‘爬。o胸s血d㎝岱,. c㎞’,‘9mμP coheslvoness…md gmup nonms’,‘6脆血’,and. e肺h,,‘㎝眺a p1㈱mt c㎞oom c㎞1地’,‘Pmmo恒卵up. 樹m出血g触ks’,and much mo爬的u帥us恥。f曲e. coh制iv㎝制㎜d岬m㎜5’,‘㎞㈱鵬血d㎝ば. 血流叡閉爬㎞gt0‘C㎞OOmCli㎜晩’,‘岬OOheS1V㎝eSS. goal_onθn屹dness’,and‘舳s11Id6nts w允h L2_reia屹d. mdgm㎜pmmls’md‘e脆血’此m SHST皇. V出eS’..    Aoomp沽㎝ofilldividua1蛸齪indica蟻M.     The oompmson of献㎞m J榊Hm鮒,㎜d. jHSTs㈹m‘鵬。o㎜;io㎎of and mo爬師馴t㎜of. 咽w㎜sho㎜舳a皿曲説mO㎝a附esp㈹lvピ岬. 誠gi闘爬㎞㎎血s血d馴値’撒此m SHSTs,whθ㈱. 腕h研㎏havlor’as曲em耐㎜po伽tm㏄m舳駆The. SHSTs seem的比比ve in md㎜鵬mo爬。o鈍tive,彗如却,and. d脆㎜卿㎞w馴曲eco㎜血esc㎝㎞㎝血e岬血㎝of. use−onen屹d s触gles㎞aI1』HSTs. ㎞,c㎞oom 副moΨh㎝s,㎜d aulonomy 切㎜ese.    C軸4舳es曲e studyby d池gmswersto a皿. 屹achers placed ‘n由ke the leanlj皿g触ks s血mu㎞ng’and. 此醐㏄h輔。ns,1ouc㎞g㎝此㎞㎞㎝sof冊5. ‘Pmm雌1艶m釘汕㎝omy’証ahi曲ぼ㎜k㎝ガ㈱蛇a. 間㈱h,ands㎎9es血g肋鵬燗肌h欄。㎜. p1脳mt and爬㎞記祉molΨhe爬m㎞e clas㎝D0m’祉a low町. mllk曲an the othe『O〃。 coun血・ies.. 主任指導教員  中田賀之     The m耐md剛血糊m㏄m血流gies by担㎜ese. 指導教員 中田賀之. ㈱he躍鵬‘makε曲e1㎞11g跳前mu1痂g’and‘m蝕a 一319一.




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