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Be Prepared Navy Individual Deployment Support Are you a Navy family getting ready to go through a deployment? Feeling overwhelmed with everything to


Academic year: 2021

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Everything Under the Sun

Marine Corps Family Team Building,


Inside this issue

Time Out ... 1

Be Prepared ... 2

Who Will Care?... 2

It’s the Season! ... 3

Transition ... 3

感謝際お料理教室 ... 4

Changing Focus ... 5

Contact Us ... 6


 Naha Great Tug-of-War

Naha City (Kokusai Street) (October)

 Okinawa International Festival


Time Out

We’ve literally been swept into the fall season with one tropical storm after the next, and with holiday season right around the corner things are likely hectic and plans are being made. Does your life feel like a whirlwind? When is the last time you sat down and had some quiet time all to yourself? Regardless of the situation, we all need some R&R periodically, and one shouldn’t feel guilty, because ultimately taking time to refresh yourself helps you to be the best you can be for your loved ones. Whether you schedule a relaxing pedicure, take a cup of tea to your porch and lose yourself in a book, or stroll along the beach to take in the sights and sounds of na-ture, sometime over the next month, and before things get even more hectic, set aside some time for yourself. We all need something to look forward to, so give yourself this little gift.

Marine Corps Family Team Building is here to help you find that balance we all so crave. Perhaps you will choose to register for one of our upcoming classes for your self-inflicted “time-out.” We have many educational LifeSkills classes to choose from, including Emergency Preparedness, Social Networking Safety, Stress and An-ger Management, Safe and Sound at Home, Healthy Blended Families and Family Care Plan briefings.

Readiness and Deployment Support will offer a Strong Military Couples briefing, as well as an In the Midst workshops for deployed spouses going through a deployment. L.I.N.K.S. has events coming up for spouses, seasoned spouses, kids and teen/ tweens, and Japanese Spouse Orientation will provide a learning series on the pen-sion system, as well as a holiday cooking class.

Whatever your needs, we hope you find an opportunity to meet them and attend one of our fourth quarter events.

All of us at Marine Corps Family Team Building wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season full of cheer (and happy time-outs)!

Quarter 4 2012 Volume 2, Issue 4


“Before everything else, getting ready is the

secret of success


Henry Ford

Be Prepared

Who Will Care For Them if You Can’t?

LifeSkills Navy Individual Deployment Support

Are you a Navy family getting ready to go through a deploy-ment? Feeling overwhelmed with everything to do on your deployment checklist? Not to mention the worries you may be feeling about added responsibilities with your household.

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your family is to educate yourself on the many resources available in case of an emergency. When one member of the family is away, the burden of hard situations is often carried on the shoulders of the remaining spouse. If you are prepared for whatever may come your way it will help ease some stress about the “what-ifs,” and also help the deployed service member relax and focus, knowing the family is equipped with the correct tools-just in case they need to use them.

Do you have a Family Care Plan in place?

If not, then you may be put-ting your family at risk should you be called away for any reason.

This season we are offering two important workshops to get your family prepared for the unexpected. Contact your unit FRO or MCFTB for registration or informa-tion.

Naval Services Family Line has a booklet called Are You Ready? Guidelines for Navy Family Emergency Preparedness. The 94-page booklet contains valuable information relating to emergency preparedness, from protecting your personal prop-erty, care for pets, and document preparation. The guide, available from the Navy Individual Deployment Specialist. is even equipped with emergency contact cards, a Family Emergency Plan template and many resources.

For information on Navy family preparedness, or to pick up a copy of the above-mentioned guide, please contact the Navy Individual Deployment Specialist.


LifeSkills Q4 Events Line-up:

All courses require registration @ 645-3689. Please call for event details.

Family Care Plan Workshop

October 17 (1130-1300)

November 14 (1130-1300)

Safe & Sound at Home

October 4 (1500-1700) Stress Management

October 23 (1400-1600) Anger Management

November 1 (1400-1600) Healthy Blended Families

November 19 (0900-1100) Social Networking Safety

December 5 (0900-1030) Emergency Preparedness

December 18 (1400-1600) Premarital Workshop

October 12 (0830-1530)

November 9 (0830-1530)

December 14 (0830-1530) PREP

October 25-26 (0800-1400)

December 11-12 (0800-1400)


As we head into the final months of 2012, it seems like only yesterday we were

clean-ing up from the holidays, packclean-ing away our decorations and makclean-ing New Year’s reso-lutions! And things won’t get any slower with the approaching holidays, including balls, school events and holiday parties. Before you fill up your calendar, make sure to take a look at the upcoming L.I.N.K.S. workshops available!

In October, we have Advanced L.I.N.K.S. for Seasoned Spouses on the 11th being held at the MCFTB building, and L.I.N.K.S. 4 Kids on the 27th at the Camp Foster Chapel (Bldg# 455). There will be a L.I.N.K.S. for Teens on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, November 20th , and an in-demand Saturday offering of L.I.N.K.S. for Spouses on De-cember 8th. Our final L.I.N.K.S. 4 Kids will be held on December 18th .

A myriad of volunteer opportunities are on-going, including Mentoring, Food Angels, and so much more!

All workshops require advance registration, so please call 645-3698 with any questions or to sign-up!

As we transition from the summer to the fall, our schedules are now being filled up with back-to-school activities and youth sports fun. However, deployments are al-ways lurking around the corner. Make sure that your family is prepared. Take advan-tage of the workshops offered by our Readiness & Deployment Support team. Contact your unit FRO or MCFTB for workshop information and or registration for planned workshops!

It’s the Season!




Unit Personal and Family

Readiness Program Q4

Training Schedule:

All events are held at MCFTB, Classroom 210, unless

otherwise noted. Savvy Spouses*

November 2 (0900-1030)

*Please contact the FRPT at 645-2261 to register.

Please call your FRO to register for the following trainings:

FRO Training:

October 17 (0800-1600)

November 15 (0800-1600)

December 13 (0800-1600) Command Team Training:

October 10 (0830-1100)

November 07 (1330-1600)

December 12 (0830-1100) Advisor/Assistant Training:

October 2 (0800-1300)

November 6 (0800-1300)

December 4 (0800-1300) OPSEC Training:

October 2* (1400-1600)

October 31 (0830-1030)

November 6* (1400-1600)

November 27 (0830-1030)

December 4* (1400-1600)

*Offered in conjunction with Advisor/ Assistant Training or as a stand- alone course. eMarine Training:

October 30 (0830-1600)

December 18 (0830-1600) eMarine Lab:

October 4 (0830-1130)

November 9 (0830-1130)

December 7 (0830-1130) CO/Senior Enlisted Spouse Tng:

October 25 (0830-1230) Community Relations


♪感謝祭お料理教室♪ 今年もいよいよ残すところ3ヶ月となり、季節もすっかり秋めいてきましたね。ここ沖縄 でも朝夕は少し肌寒い季節になってきました。 さて、海兵隊ファミリーチームビルディングでは今年も毎年大変好評をいただいています “感謝祭お料理教室”を開催いたします! 私達、日本人にとっ て“感謝祭”といってもまったく馴染のない行事ですが、本国アメリカでは毎年11月の 第4木曜にサンクスギビング(感謝祭)の行事があちらこちらで行われます。感謝祭の起 源は古く1620年までさかのぼります。この年の12月に英国の清教徒団がメイフラ ワー号でマサチューセッツ州のプリウスということろに着きました。しかし、極度の寒さ と飢えにより半数の清教徒が命を落としてしまいました。生き残った清教徒達はインディ アンから農耕や狩猟を学び、とうもろこしなどの収穫や七面鳥の飼育に成功して、生計を たてました。清教徒たちは収穫の感謝を神に、そして色々教えてくれたインディアンたち にも感謝の意を表すために祝宴を開きました。これがサンキスギビング(感謝際)の始ま りだといわれています。それ以後、毎年秋になると収穫を祝うお祭りや行事が開かれ、各 家庭では伝統的な感謝祭の食べ物を囲み家族で過ごすのが一般的になりました。一般的な サンキスギビングメニューは、ローストターキー、スタッフィング、キャセロール、ヤム 芋といった感じですが、私達日本人にとってはどれも、馴染がありません。そこでJSOク ラスでは、先輩の日本人配偶者の方々がみなさんがご自宅でも作れるように、調理法をお 教えします! クラスの日程は下記を予定しています。毎年すぐに定員に達してしまいますので、参加を ご希望の方はお早めに645-3689/3204までお申し込み下さい! 感謝祭お料理教室 日にち:10月18日(木) 時間:午前10時~午後2時 場所:キャンプフォスター内、チャペルセンター 内容:感謝際お料理教室 伝統的なサンクスギビングメニューを参加者の皆様と一緒に作り、その後は楽しい 試食タイム♪♪


Shinjichi nu ada nayumi.

~Kindness will never be wasted in any way.

-Okinawan Proverb

For over a decade, deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan have been the overwhelming drive for much of the Marine Corps. Just as individual Marines and units are moving their attention to peace time operations, the Readiness and Deployment Support Pro-gram (RDSP) must also adjust its focus. For 237 years, the Marine Corps has operated in times of war and peace. The need for each Marine and his or her family to be ready for anything has never wavered. It is easy to associate RDSP with only deployment readiness, but we are here to help all Marines in all units prepare for the challenges of Marine Corps life.

Marines often leave home for reasons other than deployment. TAD, exercises, and training are just a few examples of what might take a Marine away from home for over 30 days. Are you prepared for that departure? Is your family? Single and married Ma-rines have a multitude of things to consider before leaving. RDSP is here to make sure you don’t forget a thing!

(cont. below)


Changing Focus

Readiness & Deployment

Support for Q4:

All briefs and workshops available at Unit Level by Request. Individual Augmentee Pre-Deployment Briefs and Return & Reunion Workshops scheduled upon request.

Strong Military Couples: November 29 (1800-2000)

In the Midst-Spa: December 6 (1300-1530)

Japanese Spouse

Orientation Dates for Q4:

All trainings are located at Marine Corps Family Team Building on Camp Foster. Call to register.

Child Support Program: October 4 (0900-1200)

Cooking Class: October 18 (TBD)

Educational Program: November 1 (0900-1200)

Safety, CID, PMO:

November 15 (0900-1200) Health Program: December 6 (0900-1200) Space A Workshop: December 20 (1300-1600)

Learning Series:

(0900-1200) Pension System-October 23 Readiness & Deployment Support

Residing on Okinawa, we have more to consider when assessing our readiness. While in CONUS your spouse might be able to

survive 30 to 90 days without a Power of Attorney, here on Okinawa spouses need POAs for nearly everything. In CONUS, you might be able to let your car sit in the barracks parking lot for a month or so without any problems. Here on Okinawa, your car might not start when you get back! These are just a few very simple examples of what Marines on Okinawa need to keep in mind.

RDSP can be thought of as having two areas of concentration: Readiness Support and Deployment Support. Just as Marines still work during times of peace, RDSP is still very relevant for all Marines and their families during all phases of Marine Corps activity.

The question is, “Are you, the Marine, ready to leave tomorrow?” For deployment, for training, for family emergencies in the States, for the MEU, for an exercise. The “where” is not important. If you think the answer might not be yes, talk to your FRO about having a Readiness Workshop at your Unit, or call Marine Corps Family Team Building and talk to a Readiness and Deployment Support Trainer. We’re here to en-sure you can focus on your mission, whatever that mission may be!



you know

Oki-nawa is home to


Gusuku castles?

The largest castles

were destroyed or

severely damaged

during World War II,

but efforts to restore

them to their original

condition resulted in

designation as UNESCO

World Heritage Sites

in 2000.

MCB Camp S.D. Butler

Unit 35023


Marine Corps Family Team Building—Contact Us:

Michael Jackson—Chief: 645-3689

Gina McMillan—Office Manager: 645-3689

Family Readiness Program Trainer:

Vacant 645-2261 L.I.N.K.S Program Trainer:

Stacy Roark 645-3698 Navy Individual Deployment Support Specialist, CFAO:

Katherine Diaz 645-5707

Readiness & Deployment Support Trainer:

Michelle Lahmon 645-3693 LifeSkills Trainer:

Tony Rodriguez 645-3749 Japanese Spouses Orientation/Community Relations

Maki Takahashi 645-3204


Office/DSN: 645-3689

From Off-Base: 098-970-3689

Fax: 098-970-4024



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