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Page 2 SECTION A 1. Write the reading of the following dates in Hiragana. You must spell out the numbers (no Kanji and Arabic numerals allowed). [1.5]


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Page 2 SECTION A 1. Write the reading of the following dates in Hiragana. You must spell out the numbers (no Kanji and Arabic numerals allowed). [1.5]"


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PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1

UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies

Main Series UG Examination 2017-18



Time allowed: 2 hours

Answer ALL questions.

Answers should be written in Japanese using hiragana, katakana and kanji appropriately. Answers should be written directly on the exam paper, except the last question which should be written on the Genkō Yōshi provided. You may take note on the last page. You are advised to use pencil NOT pen.

The whole of the question paper should be handed in at the end of the examination. Section A carries 10% of the marks.

Section B carries 25% of the marks. Section C carries 25% of the marks. Section D carries 40% of the marks

Dictionaries MAY NOT be used.


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1 SECTION A

1. Write the reading of the following dates in Hiragana. You must spell out the numbers (no Kanji and Arabic numerals allowed). [1.5]

20 April 2018

2. Complete the table below in HIRAGANA. [4.5]

Dictionary Form Meaning in English ない Form Volitional Form

1) 卒業する

2) 怒る

3) 習う

3. Read the conversation below and complete the sentence to describe what happened using て Form. [4]

1) たけし:もう 10 時ですね。遅いですから、うちまで送りましょうか。 メアリー:ありがとうございます! メアリーさんは 。 2) ジョン:こうたさん、あの漢字は何と読むんですか。 こうた:ああ、あの漢字は「バラ」と読むんですよ。 こうたさんは 。


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1 SECTION B

4. Translate the following sentences into Japanese. [25] 1) This is my favourite Chinese tea.

2) The light went on.

3) Because Takeshi overslept, he went to work without shaving his beard.

4) Do you know what kind of person lives in the next house?

5) I am sorry that I was late for the history class.

6) There are three children in front of the bank.

7) I make it a rule to have a bath when I have gotten tired.

8) Shall I explain how to use this computer?

9) I will not cry even if I lose tomorrow’s football match.

10) Professor Yamashita has already gone home. [Use honorific expression]


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1 SECTION C

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions. 『おぼんの行事』 a.なつになると、日本の b.町や村むらで「おぼん」の行事ぎょうじが見られます。おぼんは、 年 中ねんちゅう 行事 ぎょうじ ( 1 ) 一つです。7 月にするところもありますが、いなかでは、たいてい 8 月 13 日か 15 日ごろにします。人々は、おぼんになると、なくなった c.かぞくや先祖せ ん ぞが うちへ d.かえってくる ( 2 ) e.かんがえています。このおぼんの f.間、人々は食べ物など を準備じゅんびして、先祖せ ん ぞをうちにむかえます。つぎに 紹 介しょうかいするのは、長野県の村むらの行事 ですが、他ほかのいなかのおぼんも、これとにています。 ① おぼんの日が近くなると、人々は、うちの中にたなを作って、その上に、花や おかしや野菜や さ いをおきます。先祖せ ん ぞがうちへかえってくる時は、g.乗り物を準備じゅんびします。 乗り物は馬うまと牛です。馬うまはきゅうりで、牛はなすで作ります。先祖せ ん ぞがうちへかえって くる時は、足のはやい馬うまに乗ります。おぼんがh.終わって、うちを出て行く時は、足の 遅い牛に乗ります。 13 日の i.夕方、門もんのところで火を準備じゅんびして、いえの前を明るくします。これを 「むかえ火」( 3 ) いいます。② いえの前が明るいと、いえがどこにあるか、よく わかって、先祖せ ん ぞがまっすぐかえってこられるからです。その夜は、かぞくや親しんせきの 人々がj.あつまって、なくなった人たちのことを思い出しながら、いろいろな k.話を します。いえの外では、l.ひろばや学校の庭にわなどに人々があつまって、夜おそくまで にぎやかに「ぼんおどり」をします。 8 月 16 日は、先祖せ ん ぞを送る日です。人々は、おかしや花 ( 4 ) 川へ持っていって、 流 なが します。この時、ろうそくに火をつけて、花などといっしょ ( 5 ) 流ながす人もいます。

(Adapted from JPLANG https://jplang.tufs.ac.jp/en/yo/5/5.html)


おぼん=Obon festival, 村=village, 行事=event, 年中行事=annual event, なくなった=dead, 先祖=ancestors, むかえる=to welcome, にている=similar, たな=alter, おかし=sweets, 馬=horse, きゅうり=cucumber, なす=aubergine, 出て行く=to get out, 門=gate, 流す=to release into (the river),


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1 1) Write kanji for hiragana, and write readings in hiragana for kanji for the

underlined words marked a.-l. Write Okurigana appropriately. [6]

a e i

b f j

c g k

d h l

2) Write the particles in the brackets. Write X if not necessary. [5]

( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 )

3) Answer the following questions in Japanese. [7] (1) When is Obon normally held in the countryside?

(2) Who would come back to the house on Obon?

(3) When do ancestors ride on the cow?

(4) What do people do outside the house at night on 13 August?


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1 (5) What kind of festival do you have in your country? Explain one thing you do in the festival.

4) Translate the underlined sentences into English. [7] ①


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1 SECTION D

6. You were asked to write a letter to a Japanese student, Tomoko, who is coming to the University of East Anglia as an exchange student next year. Write the letter to Tomoko including the following information at the minimum. [15]  Self-introduction

 Description about the university and the city including facilities available  Things students have to do and must not do

 Advices on preparation before coming to UK


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1 7. Write a childhood memory using the short form. You must include the

following information. The contents can be fictional. [25]  Things you were made to do and why

 Most memorable place you visited including the description of the place  Things you wanted to try and why

 Things you wish you had done and why

Write a minimum of 300 characters on the Genkō Yōshi provided and write vertically. Do not use your own name (use a fictional name).


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1


PPLJ4008Y Module Contact: Mika Brown, PPL Copyright of the University of East Anglia Version 1 This page is for note taking. Anything written on this paper will not be marked.

Return together with the exam paper.


Most of the students managed to tackle all questions, including the written composition. However, some seemed to need additional time allocation to have enough time to complete the last written composition to a higher standard with clearer structure and avoiding minor spelling and grammatical errors.

Generally, students will need to revise vocabularies and Kanji more. It will also be highly beneficial to look back at the textbook grammar points again to consolidate the basic Japanese grammars and vocabularies over the summer.


The correct answer rate for Q1 was a little low. Q2 was answered well in general but some had problems with Kanji readings. Some students had confusion of how the Te-form was to be included in the

sentence. SECTION B

Many students answered correctly at the vocabulary level. The errors were with commonly incorrect verb forms, spelling mistakes, particles and Kanji.


Students showed a good understanding of the contents in general. When answering questions in Japanese, it is important to answer with your own words rather than copying the reading text (copying answers from the reading text will not suit the questions). When translating the text, the students must pay attention to the grammar points used in the source text (Japanese in this case). More detailed information could be included in Question (5) in general.


This section requires not only language knowledge but also structure of the composition, contents with originality, completing the tasks/information required, and the use of Genko Yoshi (Q7).

Question 6: Most of the students successfully included the information required but some of them failed to use the letter format and the correct register for writing a letter to someone you have never

met. Some showed excellent originality in the contents which also showed good usage of the language.

Question 7: Generally, students wrote essays with interesting contents and originality. Some did not

conclude the essay well so this needs to be improved. Students are advised to plan what they are going

to write first (structure, information to include, tasks to complete etc.) and leave sufficient time to read back a few times before submission. Improving the spelling (including Kanji) and wider usage of grammar and vocabularies will express your contents in a better way and demonstrate your language fluency.



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