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178 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. /,, No.., , (,**/) 34 *, ** * * * * * ** Removal of Dissolved Oxygen in Sudachi Juice by Nitrogen


Academic year: 2021

シェア "178 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. /,, No.., , (,**/) 34 *, ** * * * * * ** Removal of Dissolved Oxygen in Sudachi Juice by Nitrogen"


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(1)178. Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. /,, No. ., +12V+2, (,**/) ¹º»=>¼. ® 34 g.  

(2)  *, ** *  *

(3) * * *     ** . Removal of Dissolved Oxygen in Sudachi Juice by Nitrogen Gas Pressurization Yoshihisa Muramoto*, **, Katsuhiro Tamura*, Takanori Taniwaki*, Shingo Takai* and Yoshihisa Suzuki* * Department of Chemical Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, ,ῌ+ Minamijosanjima-cho, Tokushima, Tokushima 11*ῌ2/*0 ** Shikoku Kakoki Co., Ltd., 0- Aza-Rokunokoshi, Yagura, Otsu-cho, Naruto, Tokushima 11,ῌ**-/ ῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌῌ The removal of dissolved oxygen in sudachi juice was examined by nitrogen gas pressurization. The direct pressurization of sudachi juice with nitrogen gas decreased the amount of dissolved oxygen in it. When sudachi juice was compressed directly with nitrogen gas, more oxygen could be eliminated by applying higher nitrogen gas pressure and by taking more time. Repetition of pressurization and depressurization with nitrogen gas could shorten the time to remove oxygen : when the compression of +* MPa at -* for -* s was repeated - times, the dissolved oxygen reduced to less than + mg/l. Furthermore, the amount of dissolved oxygen could be decreased to *.*, mg/l by the continuous repetition of pressurization and depressurization treatment : 1 times,* s. From the facts described above, we may conclude that the repetition of pressurization and depressurization of liquid food with nitrogen gas is very e#ective to remove the dissolved oxygen in it. On the basis of an organoleptic test, it was found that the flavor of sudachi juice could be retained even if the compression and decompression was repeated under the following conditions ; pressure : +* MPa, temperature : -*, time : + min (,* s-, -* s,, + min+). Since the compression treatment of sudachi juice with nitrogen gas can get rid of the dissolved oxygen with holding its flavor, this method can be applied to the long-term preservation of sudachi juice without deterioration of its quality. (Received Sep. ,,, ,**. ; Accepted Jan. +-, ,**/).  

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(21)   Ž   !i" >?i ?*pSqrw  - mm ­V®W¯Gr A0 /* cm EF=u ¯Gr G° F±‚@ F*+ / cm ”w + mm H# ² ,* ³:h Z !" +** ml ¢G£G /* ml  IJ. ¯Gr ²:h) ´|@ ²*+ . !Dµ¬  "j? XWm*+= Fig. +. Schematic diagram of pressurization device and high-pressure vessel. +, Nitrogen gas cylinder ; ,, Pressure control valve ; -, Pressure sensor ; ., Pressure display ; /, Decompression valve ; 0, Stop valve ; 1, High pressure vessel ; 2, Thermostat.. R¶ ?*pSqr0  9/ /** mlῌmin - '&·   

(22) /" !:¸ *+ + ,./ / 1./ ¹º +* @ž; 0  $%&'.  >?C0   

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(24) ± ² ³´µ´¶· ¸ /, ¹ ¸ . º ,**/ » . ¼. 180. Fig. ,. E#ect of nitrogen gas blow on the amount of dissolved oxygen in sudachi juice. Sudachi juice was blown with nitrogen gas at various temperatures (,*^(­), -*^(®) and .*^(¯)) and atmospheric pressure at the flow rate of /** ml/min.. Fig. -. B 36 -. E#ect of nitrogen gas pressurization on the amount of dissolved oxygen in sudachi juice. Sudachi juice was pressurized up to /.* MPa (­) and +*.* MPa (®) at ,*^, /.* MPa (¯) and +*.* MPa (°) at -*^ with nitrogen gas..  

(25)  .  Q RS;  €`#Š'.   ! "#. &‹p‡ / o ,.* mgῌl Œ 3  p /. $%&'  () *+, #./012#&3&. ?  +.0 mgῌl Œ 30Ž63& $%&TU. +,4 /  56 783&. ‘; RS  ’“  TU !CD;”. #93 :#./&. I‡/&. 3-. 9; <= >?@A B9 /- CD#EA #F30D B. -  

(26)  ! Fig. - ; ,*^ b! -*^  / MPa Œ&; +* MPa . 9 .-  ;G H#F30D;. # &ˆ  Q. DID B9 --  ;JI B. RS "#‰30D no#•?. 9 ,- #EAID B9 +- / KL9MN3.  Q RS;! 3 -*^ +*. +,4 / 

(27) OP 3&. MPa ; +* p. . !CD;I? @ATUI—XD  ‡/&. +

(28) . =Q RS; TU!/0" VW T UX?IRS;  YZ[\] ; -*^ *.+ MPa B_`a-. + mg ῌ l –aŒ 3& .  !RS "; @AI— TU. .  " #$%&'. . -*^ +* MPa #.˜. bcRS.  +* oRS + mgῌl –aŒ 3  p. dP; 1./- mgῌl G e  +** ml fgh B/. ;™yu"3I‡/&  š‡ Q. -. YZ[\]# /* ml ijk -*^ *.+ MPa  . RS# + mgῌl –aŒ }‚#S›. lmgm#D0 + no3&p YZ[\]Q R. œ !3 } no&' . S#q63&r 

(29) O; 1.3+ mg ῌ l . ›#ž "3&ˆ Ÿ#$%&. G/& ;st\SIuvIw#xyD. Fig. . ; -*^ +* MPa  ,* #o -* #o + o ,./. &' Q cz{S 

(30) YZ[\];JI. o / o +* ob! +/ o p _` B*.+. |q} YZ[\]@AQ. MPa- Œ#$ ¡# +  3 # +~-. RS#q63&r 0.*0~1.+, mgῌl G 

(31). ž "3&ˆ  Q RS "#. O 0.1/ mgῌl G/&. ‰30D B¢Q £¤¥¦ §; §#‰- . ,  

(32) . › ž "3 ¨D Q RS;. =Q _`a B*.+ MPa-  `#€}. 3 ,* #o# -  B© + o- ; +.*1 mgῌl,. ‚ Sƒ„} RS . -* #o# -  B© +  -* #o- ; *.2. mgῌl I.  Fig. , ; ,* -* b! .*^  /* ml. .  + mgῌl –aŒ }‚ˆ& }  . †‡ `# /** mlῌmin €}‚. §#ª«¬ RS; 3 ¢Q ‰30. &ˆ  Q RS "#‰30D. DID ,* #o# 1  B© ,  ,* #o- ž ".

(33) ¤ῌ¥ : "%&'(). i 37 j. Fig. .. E#ect of the repetition of pressurization and depressurization on the amount of dissolved oxygen in sudachi juice. Each sudachi juice was pressurized up to +*.* MPa at -*G with nitrogen gas and then depressurized to atmospheric pressure. The pressurization for ,* s (), -* s (ž), + min (Ÿ), ,./ min ( ), / min (¡), +* min (¢) and +/ min (£) was repeated + to - times..  *.*, mgῌl  

(34)  . Fig. /. E#ect of the repetition of pressurization and depressurization on the amount of dissolved oxygen in water. Water was pressurized up to /.* MPa ( ), +*.* MPa (¡), and +-.* MPa (¢) at -*G for ,* s with nitrogen gas and then depressurized to atmospheric pressure. These treatments were repeated for the numbers of plots.. Table +. E#ect of nitrogen gas pressurization on the flavor of sudachi juice. +  !"#$ "%&'(). Treatment time. * + mgῌl +, -./01 +* 23+45 36789:;. Pressurization (-*G, +* MPa). +4*1 +4-,4,0 *42/ +40, *43*403 *431 *423. .4, .4* .4, -42 -4, -4, -4, -4. -4.. Blowing (-*G, *4+ MPa). + min , min / min +* min. .4/0 -4/, ,4++40+. .4, -42 -4, ,40. => ?@53*A>B C'D EF1 -*G HIJKLM B / +* NO P +- MPa Q$R, ,* S3#$>T $U VWX<=> HIJKL)* YZ Fig. / [> \]"%&'(^_`a bcd9 -*G  +* MPa $Ref> #$ $<= HIJKL)* *.*+ mgῌl -./0 /  

(35). Dissolved oxygen Grade (mg/l). ,* sy-* sy, + miny+ ,4/ miny, / miny+ / miny, / miny+* miny+ +/ miny+. !"#$$<. 82:9. 181. "%&'()gh$, i*.+ MPaj  !"kh   lm`5 "%&'(no pqr s #$ !"ef>B"%&'(). #$n ,‰Š1 #$?@‹Œ>B. > ntuvwx. Ž8  gh$, !"kh>". "%&'( -*G +* MPa  ,* S3y- iQ ,* S3#. %&'( + 23?@nƒ„>B  k. $ - #$$<=> +,`aj -* S3y,. hT* ../ mgῌl 8 C'[/. + 23y+ ,./ 23y, / 23y+ y, y- +* 23y+. :9 / 23+4 !"kh?@>"%&'(. NOP +/ 23y+ #$$<=>^_n.  n † - +,8 "%&'(‚n. YZ z{1"%&'( !"h|gh. ‘ƒ„>B :9 ’d9gh$, !. $, i*.+ MPaj -*G  + , / NOP +* 23k}/0. "kh?@N B nƒ„“b. nYZ Table + [ n~X€. ”‹Œ•;r:9. . +4 "%&'(‚nƒ„>B  . ’–—:; "%&'( !"˜™#$. † -*G +* MPa  ,* S3y- -* S3y, NOP +.  "%&'() /;. 23y+ #$$<=>"%&'( n. "#$$<=> "%&'(). ƒ„‡ˆ / 23+4 !". š534 C›D82:9 œ. !.

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