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Proceedings of the 22 nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’02)


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Tatsuo Nak ajimaand Atsushi Hasegaw a

Departmentof Information and Computer Science

Waseda University

3-4-1 Okub o Shinjuku Tokyo 169-8555 JAP AN


Inthispap er,weprop oseuniversalinteractionfornet-

worked home appliances, which is a simple mechanism

to llthegap b etween traditionaluser interface systems

and advanced user interaction devices. Our system en-

ables us to control appliances in a uniformway at any

places, andthe systemallowsusto select suitable input

andoutput devicesaccording toourpreferences andsit-

uations. Also, the devices can b e changed dynamically

according toauser's preferences.

1 Introduction

In ubiquitous computing environments[6], one of the

mostimp ortantproblemsishowto interact withavari-

etyofobjectsemb eddingcomputers. Theinteractionb e-

tweenusandcomputersemb eddedinvariousobjectshas

b een develop ed by several research groups[1, 4]. These

devices enable us to interact with emb edded computer

more naturally. However, current standard middleware

comp onentsfornetworkedhomeapplianceshaveadopted


asJavaAWTorGTK+. Therefore,itisnoteasytocon-

trol home appliances fromadvanced interaction devices

such as PDAs, cellularphones, or a variety of research

prototyp esdescrib ed ab ove. Also, naturalinteractionis

changed according toauser's current situation. For ex-

ample, ifauser is co oking adish. S/he likes to control

appliances via voices, but if s/he is watching TV on a

sofa,aremotecontrollermayb eb etter. Thismeansthat

themostappropriateinteractiondeviceshouldb edynam-

icallychosen accordingto a user's current situationand

preference, andtheselectionofinteractiondevicesshould

b econsistentwhethers/heislivinginanyspaces suchas

at home,inoÆces,orinpublicspaces.

Inthispap er,weprop oseuniversalinteractionfornet-


to ll the gap describ ed ab ove. Our system allows us

to control various appliances in a uniform way at any

places,andthesystemenables anapplicationtousetra-

ditional standard graphical user interface systems such

as Java AWT or GTK+, but a user can navigate the

interface through avarietyofdevicessuch asPDAs, cel-

lular phones, or advanced technologies. We show that

it isp ossible torealize the goalvery easilybased onthe



AT&T VNC(Virtual Network Computing)system. W e

havebuiltaprototyp esystem,andshownthatausercan

use avarietyof interactiondevices carriedby him. The

prototyp e systemis currently integrated with ourhome


Audio/VideoInterop erability)[3],whichisastandarddis-

tributed middleware sp ecication for home appliances,

and showsthatoursystemisusefulto controlhomeap-


2 Design and Implementation

2.1 Universal Interaction

In our approach, we call the proto col that can b e

universally used for the communication b etween in-

put/output interaction devices and appliances universal

interaction. Universalinteractionenablesustocontrola

varietyofhomeappliancesinauniformway. Thismeans

thatourb ehaviorisnotrestrictedaccordingtowherewe

areor which appliancewe liketocontrol. Therefore,our



The output events pro duced by appliances are con-

verted to universal output interaction events, and the

events are translated for resp ective output interaction

devices. Also, input events generated in input interac-

tiondevices are converted to universalinput interaction

events,andtheeventsarepro cessed byapplicationsexe-

cuted inappliances.

A universal interaction proxy that is called the Uni-

Int proxy describ ed in the next section plays a role to

convert b etween the universal interaction proto col and

input/outputeventsofresp ective interactiondevicesina

genericway. Theproxyallowsustouseanyinput/output

interaction devices to control appliances if theeventsof


to col. This approach oers thefollowing three very at-

tractive characteristics.


and outputinteractiondevicesare chosenindep endently

accordingtoauser'ssituationandpreference. Forexam-

ple, auser canselect theirPDAs fortheir input/output

interaction. Also, the user maycho ose his/her cellular

phones as their inputinteraction devices, and television

displaysas his/her output interaction devices. The user

maycontrol appliancesbyhis/her gesture bynavigating



ustocho osesuitableinput/outputinteractiondevicesac-

cording to a user's preference. Also, these interaction

devices are dynamicallychanged accordingto the user's

current situation. For example, auser who controls an

applianceby his/her cellularphone as aninput interac-

tion device willchange theinteractiondevice to avoice

Proceedings of the 22 nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’02)

1063-6927/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE



The third characteristic is that any applications exe-


iftheuser interface systems sp eak theuniversalinterac-

tion proto col. In ourapproach,we currently adopt key-

b oard/mouseeventsasuniversalinputeventsandbitmap

imagesasuniversaloutputevents. Theapproachenables

ustousetraditionalgraphicaluserinterfaceto olkitssuch

as JavaAWT,GTK+, and Qt for interfacing with any

interaction devices. Infact, most of standard sp ecica-


AWT fortheirGUI standards. Thus, our approach will

allow us to control various future consumer electronics

fromv ariousinteractiondevices withoutmo difyingtheir

application programs. The characteristic is very desir-

able b ecause it is very diÆcult to c hange existing GUI


2.2 System Arc hitecture

Our system uses the thin-client system to transfer

bitmap imagesto drawgraphical user interface, and to

pro cess mouse/keyb oard events for inputs. The usual

thin-clientsystemconsistsofaviewerand aserver. The

server is executed ona machine where anapplicationis

running. The applicationimplementsgraphical user in-

terface by usingatraditional user interfacesystem such

as the Xwindowsystem. Thebitmapimagesgenerated

bytheuser interfacesystemare transmittedto aviewer

that are usually executed on another machine. On the

otherhand,mouseandkeyb oard eventscaptured bythe

viewerareforwardedtotheserver. Theproto colb etween

theviewerandtheserveraresp eciedasastandardpro-

to col. In the pap er, we callthe proto col the universal

interactionprotocol. Thesystemisusuallyusedtomove

auser's desktopaccordingtothelo cationofauser[2],or


b oth MS-WindowsandtheXWindowsystem.

In our system, we replace the viewer of a thin-client

system to the UniInt(Universal Interaction) proxy that

forwardsbitmapimagesreceivedfromaUniIntserver to

anoutputdevice. Inourapproach,aserver ofanythin-

client systems can b e used as the UniInt server. Also,

UniIntproxyforwards inputeventsreceived froman in-

put interactiondevicetotheUniIntserver.

Oursystemconsistsofthefollowingfourcomp onents.

Inthefollowingparagraphs,weexplainthesecomp onents





Input/Output Devices

Home appliance applications generate acontrol panel

for currently available appliances to control them. F or


erates user interface fortheTV.Ontheother hand,the

applicationgeneratesthecomp osedGUIforTVandVCR

ifb othTVandVCRarecurrently available.

byawindowsystemusingthe universalinteraction pro-

to col to a UniInt proxy. Also, it forwards mouse and

keyb oardeventsreceivedfromaUniIntproxytothewin-

dow system. In our current implementation, we need

nottomo difyexisting servers ofthin-clientsystems,and

anyapplicationsrunningon windowsystems supp orting

aUniIntserver canb e controlled inoursystemwithout

mo difyingthem.

TheUniIntproxyisthemostimp ortantcomp onentin

our system. The UniInt proxy converts bitmap images

receivedfromaUniIntserver accordingtothecharacter-

istics ofoutputdevices. Also,itconvertseventsreceived

frominputdevicesto mouseorkeyb oardeventsthatare

complianttotheuniversalinteractionproto col. TheUni-

Intproxycho osesacurrentlyappropriateinputandout-

put interactiondevices forcontrollingappliances. Then,

theselectedinputdevicetransmitsaninputplug-inmo d-

ule, and theselected output devicetransmits anoutput

plug-in mo dule to the UniIntproxy. The input plug-in

mo dulecontainsaco de totranslateeventsreceivedfrom

theinputdevice to mouseorkeyb oard events. Theout-

put plug-in mo dule contains a co de to convert bitmap

imagesreceived fromaUniIntserver to imagesthat can

b e displayedonthescreen ofthetargetoutputdevice.

The last comp onent is input and output interaction

devices. An input device supp orts the interaction with

a user. The role of an input device is to deliver com-

mandsissued by auser to control home appliances. An


interface tocontrolappliances.


withtheheterogeneityofinteractiondevices. Also,itcan

switch interactiondevicesaccordingto auser's situation

or preference. This makes it p ossible to p ersonalize the

interactionb etween auserandappliances.

3 Conclusion

This pap erhasdescrib ed anew user interface system

tollthegapb etweentraditionalgraphicaluserinterface

systems and adv anced input/output interaction devices

for networked homecomputing. We havealso describ ed




[1] W.Ark,D.ChristopherDryer,D.J.Lu,\TheEmotionMouse",In

Pro ceedingoftheHCIInternationalconference,1999.

[2] AndyHarter,AndyHopp er,PeteSteggles,AndyWard,PaulWeb-

ster,\TheAnatomyofaContext-AwareApplication",InPro ceed-

ingsofthe5th Annual ACM/IEEEInternational Conferenceon


[3] HAVi Consortium,

"HAViSp ecication: Sp ecicationoftheHomeAudio/VideoIn-

terop erability(HAVi)Architecture,http://www.havi.org/

[4] H. Ishii, B.Ullmer, \Tangible Bits: TowardsSeamless Interfaces

b etweenPeople,BitsandAtoms",InPro ceedingsofConferenceon


[5] T.Nakajima,\SystemSoftwarefor AudioandVisualNetworked

HomeAppliancesonCommo dityOp eratingSystems",InPro ceed-



[6] MarkWeiser, \The Computer for the 21st Century", Scientic


Proceedings of the 22 nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS’02)

1063-6927/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE



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