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Academic year: 2018

シェア "CityNewsうらやすバックナンバー(平成24年度)|浦安市公式サイト"


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No. 187

December 1, 2012

http://www.city.urayasu.chiba.jp Published by the City of Urayasu

1-1-1 Nekozane, Urayasu-shi, Chiba 279-8501 047-351-1111

Population: 162,047 Male : 80,649 F e m ale : 81,3 9 8 H ouse hold s: 72,05 0 F ore ig n R e sid e nts: 3 ,05 2 ( A s of O ctobe r 3 1, 2012) Population and No. of Households in Urayasu

Ple ase coope rate in g arbag e re d uction e f f orts by so

rting your g arbag e into com bustible g arbag e , noncom

bustible g arbag e , and re cyclable

re source s ( bottle s, cans, plastic PE T bottle s, and

pape r) .

I n ad d ition, ple ase d ispose of your g arbag e be twe e n

7 and 8 a.m . to pre v e nt the the f t of re cyclable re

source s.

L e t’s f ollow the rule s f or g arbag e d isposal and we l

com e the Ne w Y e ar with a f re sh, cle an f e e ling .

Applications will be accepted for April 2013 admission to licensed nursery schools and hoiku mama (family-style child-care provider) facilities. If you applied for the current iscal year, but your child was not accepted for admission, you must apply again.

Applicable Nursery Schools and Hoiku Mama Facilities: Any of the 18 licensed nursery schools and 4 hoiku mama facilities (See list.)

Year-end/New Year Holiday Garbage

Collection Schedule and Disposal Procedures

Year-end/New Year Holiday Garbage Collection Schedule

Community Nekozane, Todaijima, K itazakae Horie, F ujimi, Higas hino, M aihama

K airaku, M ihama, I rif une, Hinode, A kemi

Tomioka, I magawa, B enten Tekko-dori, Takas u,

M inato, Chidori

Garbage Typ e L ast D ay

( D e ce m be r)

F irst D ay ( J anuary)

L ast D ay ( D e ce m be r)

F irst D ay ( J anuary)

L ast D ay ( D e ce m be r)

F irst D ay ( J anuary)

L ast D ay ( D e ce m be r)

F irst D ay ( J anuary) Combus tible Garbage 3 1 ( Mon.) 4 ( F ri.) 29 ( S at.) 5 ( S at.) 3 1 ( Mon.) F ri.) 4 (29 ( S at.) 5 ( S at.) Noncombus tible Garbage 25 ( T ue .) 8 ( T ue .) 26 ( W e d .) 9 ( W e d .) ( T hu.) 27 ( T hu.) 28 ( F ri.) 10 11 ( F ri.) * B ottles , Cans , P las tic P E T B ottles25 ( T ue .) 8 ( T ue .) 26 ( W e d .) 9 ( W e d .) ( T hu.) 27 ( T hu.) 28 ( F ri.) 10 11 ( F ri.) * R ecyclable R es ources ( P ap er Tras h)24 (national holid ay.) 7 ( Mon.) 29 ( S at.) 12 ( S at.) national holid ay.) 24 ( 7 ( Mon.) 29 ( S at.) 12 ( S at.)

Hazardous Garbage 18 ( T ue .) 8 ( T ue .) 19 ( W e d .) 9 ( W e d .) ( T hu.) 20 ( T hu.) 21 ( F ri.) 10 11 ( F ri.)

* Because the amount of combustible garbage in other communities is so large in the beginning of the year, the collection of noncombustible garbage, bottles, cans, and plastic PET bottles for the communities of Tomioka, I magaw a, Benten, Tekko- dori, Takasu, M inato, and C hidori w ill start on J anuary 11 ( F ri. ) . I n addition, the collection of haz ardous garbage w ill be conducted on the second and fourth F ridays in J anuary ( J anuary 11 and 25 ) . The normal collection schedule w ill resume in F ebruary.

How to Dispose of Garbage

Please be sure to dispose of combustible garbage and noncombustible garbage using the garbage bags designated by U rayasu C ity. Do not use plastic shopping bags to dispose of garbage.

Combus tible Garbage

Kitchen scraps → S q ueez e or drain out w ater. • Styrofoam → C ut into small pieces.

Plastic items (such as videotapes and CDs) → Dispose of w ith combustible garbage.

Matches → S oak in w ater before disposal.

Skewers for yakitori, etc. → Break into short pieces and w rap in paper.

Noncombus tible Garbage

G as cylinders and spray cans → U se completely before disposal.

Sharp items, such as pieces of g lass and knives → W rap in thick paper.

R ecyclable R es ources

B ottles, cans, and plastic PE T b ottles → Place items directly into the collection container or net. Please remov e bottle caps ( and dispose of them w ith noncombustible garbage) and crush cans and plastic PET bottles before disposal.

N ewspapers, mag az ines, and cardb oard → Bundle similar types of items w ith string and dispose of them on the collection day for paper ( the collection day v aries depending on the neighborhood w here you liv e) .

Please leav e combustible garbage and paper items in separate locations.

Hazardous Garbage

F luorescent lig hts, dry- cell b atteries, etc. → Place haz ardous garbage in transparent bags and dispose of it on the collection day for noncombustible garbage. Please leav e noncombustible garbage and haz ardous garbage in separate locations.

Items That Are Not Collected by Urayasu City

To dispose of dangerous items such as propane gas and used engine oil, construction materials such as bricks and grav el, and

items such as car batteries and tires, please contact the dealer that you purchased the items from or a specializ ed collection company.

Schedule for Bringing Bulky Items to the Clean Center

U ntil D e ce m be r 28 ( F ri., R e g ular H ours)

Mond ay throug h F rid ay

9 to 11 a.m . and 1 to 4 p.m .

S aturd ays 9 to 11 a.m .

D e ce m be r 29 ( S at.)

and 3 1 ( Mon.) S pe cial hours 9 to 11 a.m .

F ees are charged for garbage that is brought in directly ( including during special hours) .

( F ee: ¥210 per 10 kg)

N ote: Please bring some form of identiication, such as a driv er’s license, indicating that you are a resident of U rayasu.

You Must Make a Telephone Reservation to Have Bulky Garbage Collected (for a Fee)

H ousehold garbage that is larger than an 18 - liter plastic kerosene tank ( length × w idth × height ≥ 20,000 m


) or measures betw een 5 0 cm and 2 meters on any one side is considered a

bulky item.

U nlike combustible garbage and noncombustible garbage, bulky items req uire you to call to schedule a pickup ( for a fee) .

C ollection of bulky items by telephone reserv ation w ill be conducted until December 28 ( F ri. ) . Please note that bulky items may not be collected before the end of the year ev en if you make place a call before this date. S ince there are many calls for reserv ations as the end of the year approaches, please call to make a reserv ation as early as possible.

H ow to Schedule a Pickup

( 1) C all the Bulky I tems R eception C enter ( Tel: 3 05- 4 000) to schedule a pickup. ( Y ou w ill be informed of the fee, pickup date, reception number, etc. )

( 2) Purchase the req uired amount of disposal tickets at stores selling these tickets.

( 3 ) W rite the pickup date and reception number on a ticket and attach it to your bulky item. Take the bulky item to the designated collection place or in front of your house before 8 a. m. on the designated pickup date.

( 4 ) C ollection staff w ill collect your bulky item. ( Y ou do not need to be present at the time of collection. )

N ote: N o one w ill enter your home to collect any bulky items. C ollection w ill be conducted until December 28 ( F ri.) this year.

I nq uiries: G arbage- F ree S ection, C lean C enter, T el: 3 8 1- 5 3 00

Applications for April 2013 Admission to Licensed Nursery Schools

and the

Hoiku Mama

Facilities to Be Accepted

Eligibility: Infants and toddlers who can adapt to groups and whose parents are not able to properly care for them from April due to employment, illness, or other reasons

Application: Complete the designated application form (available from November 20 [ Tu e.] at th e N u r s e r y S ch o o ls & Kindergartens Affairs Section [Urayasu City Hall No. 3 Bldg., 1F] or on Urayasu City’s website for download) and submit it in person to the Nursery Schools & Kindergartens Affairs Section between December 2 (Sun.) and January 10 (Thu.), 2013 (closed on Saturdays, national holidays, and from December 29 [Sat.] through January 3 [Thu.]), 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please be sure to bring along other required documents.

Note: On Sundays, applications are distributed and accepted at Urayasu City Hall Main Bldg. 2F. If you apply on or after January 11 (Fri.), your application will be reviewed if there is a vacancy. Please call for more information.

Inquiries: Nursery Schools & Kindergartens Afairs Section

List of Licensed Nursery Schools and Hoiku Mama Facilities

Nursery School/Hoiku Mama Facilities Address Telephone No.

Todaijima Nursery School 1-25-27 Todaijima 352-1866

Nekozane Nursery School 3-31-14 Kitazakae 353-2152

Irifune Nursery School 6-9-1 Irifune 353-6992

Tomioka Nursery School 3-1-6 Tomioka 351-5335

Higashino Nursery School 1-7-2 Higashino 350-4321

Hinode Nursery School 2-11-1 Hinode 380-0880

Takasu Nursery School 2-3-4 Takasu 305-1313

Kaien-no-machi Nursery School 3-2-12 Akemi 316-8688

Benten Nursery School 1-1-28 Benten 316-8841

Urayasu Ekimae Nursery School 4-19-24 Nekozane 381-7802

Futaba Nursery School 4-1-16 Kitazakae 723-2828

Irifune-Kita Nursery School 4-34-1 Irifune 316-6665

(Private) Minori Nursery School 2-4-7 Nekozane 351-5993

(Private) Shiokaze Nursery School 4-12-15 Fujimi 306-5501

(Private) Poppins Nursery Shin-Urayasu Shin-Urayasu Il Mare, 1-2-1 Irifune 304-2101 (Private) Aiwa Motomachi Nursery School 5-20-11 Horie 353-5410 (Private) ASC Maihama Nursery School 5-24-5 Fujimi 306-2300

(Private) Takashi Nursery School 5-46-1 Irifune 353-5151

Nekozane area hoiku mama Nekozane 3-chome (near Toyouke-jinja Shrine)

-Irifune 2-chome area hoiku mama Irifune 2-chome (Irifune-Nishi Estate)

-Irifune 5-chome area hoiku mama* Irifune 5-chome (Irifune-Kita Estate) -Horie area hoiku mama* Horie 3-chome (near JA Ichikawa)

-*Scheduled to start April 1, 2013

Year-end/New Year Holiday

Schedule for Libraries; Up to 20

Items Can Be Checked Out

C huo L ibrary, branch librarie s, the library se rv ice counte r

insid e S hin- U rayasu I l Mare , and the U rayasu and S h in-U rayasu S tation C ity A d m inistration O f f ice s will be close d

f rom D e ce m be r 29 ( S at.) , 2012 throug h J anuary 3 ( T hu.) , 2013 . A ccord ing ly, up to 20 book s/m ag az ine s can be che ck e d

out pe r pe rson f or thre e we e k s as of D e ce m be r 15 ( Sat.) and up to e ig ht aud iov isual ite m s f or two we e k s as of De ce m be r 22 ( S at.) . B e cause the book post pox is of te n ille d to the brim d uring the holid ays, ple ase hold of f re turning ite ms to the library until af te r the holid ays as m uch as possible . Note: C huo L ibrary and the branch librarie s will be ope n on J anuary 4 ( F ri.) f rom 1 to 5 :00 p.m .

I nq uiries : C huo L ibrary, T e l: 3 5 2- 4646


Hello to all!

Hideki Matsuzaki, Mayor of Urayasu

No. 187 December 1, 2012

Recyclable Waste Disposal Schedule for December

Collection Area

PET plastic bottlesBottles/Cans/ Newspapers/Magazines

Nekozane, Kitazakae, Todaijima

Every Tue.

Every Mon.

Horie, Higashino, Fujimi, Maihama

Every Wed.

Every Sat.

Kairaku, Mihama, Irifune, Hinode, Akemi

Every Thu.

Every Mon.

Tomioka, Imagawa, Benten, Tekkodori, Takasu, Minato, Chidori

Every Fri.

Every Sat.

* Please put out your garbage between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. It is against the rules to put it out earlier or later than this designated time as it could become a nuisance in your neighborhood.

* Bulky items will be collected separately on request by phone. Call the Bulky Items Reception Center, 305-4000. For inquiries, contact the Garbage-Free Section.

(ext. 1665)

Christmas Festival 2012: Alice

in Wonderland

Date and Time: December 9 (Sun.), 2 to 3:30 p.m.

Location: Ura La Mer

Capacity: 100 people on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis

Program: Christmas show (Shogakukan Recreation Leaders Club)

Fee: ¥300 (free of charge for those under 2 years old)

Application: Call Ura La Mer (Tel: 316-5777) after 1 p.m. on November 20 (Tue.).

Inquiries: Ura La Mer (Youth Section)

Greenery Class: Making a

Christmas Wreath

Date and Time: December 14 (Fri.), 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Location: Benten Fureai-no-Mori Park

Eligibility: 20 residents of Urayasu City (If the number of applications exceeds capacity, a lottery will be held.)

Program: Making wreaths using natural materials, such as nuts and dried globe amaranths.

Fee: ¥1,500 (for materials)

Application: Send a reply-paid postcard (sending side: write the name of the event, your address, name [with furigana], and telephone number ; return side: write your return address) to the Parks & Public Areas Section (Urayasu City Hall 279-8501) no later than December 7 (Fri.) (must be received by this date).

Inquiries: Parks & Public Areas Section

Ninth Symphony Millionen

Concert 2012

Date and Time: December 23 (Sun.), from 2 p.m. (Hall opens at 1:30 p.m.)

Location: Culture Hall

Capacity: 1,300 people

Program: Third and four th movement of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Christmas songs, and more

Performers: Urayasu City Orchestra, Ninth Symphony Millionen Concer t Chorus, Takashi Kinoshita (conductor), Rie Shimizu (soprano), Marie Hori (alto), Norihisa Uemoto (tenor), and Rihito Furusawa (Bass)

Fee: ¥999 (All seats are non-reserved.) Note: Tickets are sold at the Shimin Plaza and Culture Hall.

Inquiries: Mr. Hakariya (Ninth Millionen Project),

Tel: 03-6663-6075 (Lifelong Learning Section)

Urayasu Foreign Residents

Association (UFRA) Year-end

Thank-You Party

Date and Time: December 15 (Sat.), 12:30 to 3 p.m.

Location: Club Ikspiari

Capacity: 80 people on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis

Program: Friendly exchanges with UFRA members while enjoying a buffet and Peruvian folk music

Fee: ¥3,500 (UFRA members: ¥2500), children between 4 and 12 years old: ¥1000

Application: Call the UFRA Offi ce (inside the Local Network Section).

Inquiries: UFRA Offi ce (Local Network Section)

Urayasu International

Friendship Association (UIFA)

English Café

Date and Time: December 9 (Sun.), 2 to 4 p.m.

Location: International Center (inside Shin-Urayasu Il Mare)

Eligibility: 30 people who are high school students or older, on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis

Program: Enjoy conversing in English with native English speakers.

Fee: ¥500 (with tea and confections)

Application: Call the UIFA Office, Tel: 381-5931 (weekdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1 to 4 p.m.).

Inquiries: UIFA Offi ce (Local Network Section)

International Center Exhibition

and Lecture: Malawi

Date, Time, and Program:

(1) December 16 (Sun.): Lecture about Malawi (Takeshi Masakane [former senior volunteer] and Katsumi Honda [former member of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers])

(2) Until December 25 (Tue.): Exhibit of Malawi folk art

Location: International Center (inside Shin-Urayasu Il Mare)

Capacity: (1) 40 people on a come, first-served basis

Application: (1) Call the International Center, Tel:


Inquiries: International Center (Local Network Section)

Make Toys of Long Ago and

Experience Rice-Cake Making

at Historical Residences That

Are Cultural Assets

Date and Time: December 9 (Sun.), 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (storytelling: from 10:30 a.m., from 11:30 a.m., and from 12:30 p.m., for 30 minutes each)

Location, Capacity, and Programs:

Udagawa Family House: Kite-making, 50 people on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis; netsuke-making, 80 people on a first-come, first-served basis; storytelling, 20 people on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis for each session

Otsuka Family House: Experiencing mochi-tsuki

(rice-cake making) and kagamimochi-tsuki (giant, round rice-cake making)

Note: No reservations are necessary. Simply come to the site on the day of the event. Each event will end when the supplies of ingredients and materials are gone.

Inquiries: Urayasu City Facilities Use & Promotion Public Corporation, Tel: 355-8321

(Folk Museum)

Ikebana Exhibition

Date and Time: December 15 (Sat.), 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and December 16 (Sun.), 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Location: Shimin Plaza

Program: Exhibit of ikebana. Various styles of ikebana will be displayed.

Inquiries: Ms. Nishiyama (Urayasu City Flower Arrangement Association), Tel: 353-1496 (Lifelong Learning Section)

National Suisei Calligraphy


Date and Time: December 15 (Sat.) through 17 (Mon.), 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (admission until 3 p.m. on December 17)

Location: Tower Hall Funabori (Funabori, Edogawa-ku)

Program: Exhibit of works of calligraphy

Inquiries: Mr. Saito (Kana Calligraphy Institute), Tel:


(Lifelong Learning Section)

M ermaid J ap an

O n O ctober 5 , tw o w omen came to v isit the mayor’s office. A ccompanied by M r. Tetsuya Y amamoto, w ho oper-ates a div ing shop in N ekoz ane, the tw o w omen I met w ere the w orld champions of the A I DA TEA M W orld C hampion-ship 2012.

A t the w orld div ing championships, div ers compete in the follow ing three competitions: a competition to see how deep they can div e in the ocean w ithout taking a breath, a competition to see how long they can hold their breath in a pool, and a competition to see how long they can sw im w ithout taking a breath. The scores that each team member earns in these three competitions are combined to decide the w inner.

A maz ingly, tw o of the three athletes in the team from J apan, w hich is know n as N ingyo ( M ermaid) J apan, w ho par-ticipated in the championships held this year from S eptember 10 in N ice, F rance, are U rayasu C ity residents. M s. M isuz u H irai liv es in Benten, and M s. H anako H irose liv es in H orie. A n acq uaintance suggested that I congratulate them for their achiev ement, and that’s w hat led to this v isit.

I n addition to w inning the gold medal in the team competition this year, they also w on in the w orld championships tw o years ago. The number of participat-ing countries in the competition held

in O kinaw a tw o years ago w as few er, so rising to the top of the 17 nations w ho participated in the competition in Europe, w here this competition is v ery popular, gav e these tw o athletes self-confidence. W hile their team w in is amaz ing, I also heard that M s. H irai

placed i rst in the indiv idual scores and that M s. H irose placed second. I am con-v inced that these tw o ladies truly ex cel in their i eld.

M s. H irai has been competing for nine years. A lthough she could not sw im w hen she trav eled to the O gasaw ara islands 13 years ago, she w as ov er-w helmed er-w ith the urge to ser-w im er-w hen she saw people sw imming w ith dol-phins. A fter a lot of effort and struggle, in 2006 , she set the national record for the depth competition, and has since set a new record each year. Today, she ranks third in the w orld.

M s. H irose w as born in M ikuraj ima I sland of Tokyo. S he grew up sw imming w ith dolphins as a child, and this ex peri-ence w as the foundation for her current div ing prow ess.

A s for the records at the recent cham-pionships, M s. H irai, w hose personal best is 8 2 meters, scored 7 7 meters in the depth competition, w hile in the distance competition, M s. H irose set a new re-cord for J apan at 18 9 meters, beating the second place score by a signii cant dis-tance. F urthermore, M s. H irose can hold her breath for 6 minutes and 3 2 seconds, w hich is the present J apanese record. I believ e these records alone can tell you how amaz ing team M ermaid J apan is.

The tw o athletes, w ho are dev oted to this unimaginably grueling competition, are aiming for their third consecutiv e v ictory in the w orld championships, w hich w ill be held tw o years from now . Before they left my ofi ce, I w as able ex -press my pride in the fact that tw o w orld champions are U rayasu C ity residents, and I promised them that w e w ould all root for them as members of the same city.

Jido Ikusei Clubs (Children’s After-School Clubs) provide childcare after school for children who would normally be home alone because their parents are at work or are otherwise absent. The clubs are open to children in the fi rst through third grades of elementary school (up to the fourth grade if the club has vacancies) or up to the sixth grade of elementary school if the child has Ryoiku Techo (Developmental Dis-ability Handbook), etc. To qualify, the child’s parents must work 15 days or more per month, fi ve hours or more per day, and return home at 4 p.m. or later (for parents of fi rst to third graders) or 4:50 p.m. or later (for parents of fourth graders or older children). Applications are being accepted from those who would like to enroll their children in April 2013.

Application: Submit an application in person (postal mail is also acceptable)

be-tween December 2 (Sun.) and January 10 (Thu.), 2013, to the Youth Section (Urayasu City Hall No. 3 Bldg. 1F, 279-8501). Application forms are available at the Youth Sec-tion or your local Jido Ikusei Club. The forms are also available for download on the city’s website. Please be sure to bring along other required documents.

Note: Applications are not accepted on Saturdays, national holidays, or December

29 (Sat.) through January 3 (Thu.), 2013. On Sundays, applications are accepted at Urayasu City Hall Main Bldg. 2F. Applications that are incorrectly fi lled out or incom-plete will not be accepted. If you cannot apply in person and have to apply by mail (certifi ed mail or simplifi ed registered mail), send your application to the Youth Sec-tion (Urayasu City Hall 279-8501) by January 10, 2013 (must be postmarked by this date).

Inquiries: Youth Section

Accepting Applications

for FY2013 Enrollment

in Jido Ikusei Clubs



The analog current sense pin in such an event will output the fault state current−typically higher than the currents sensed during normal operation and a high fault−state sense

Multiple micro-rate applications of Intensity One Post-Emergence Grass Herbicide in tank mixtures with reduced rates of desmedipham + phenmedipham or desmedipham and methylated

When change occurs in the contact person name, address, telephone number and/or an e-mail address, which were registered when the Reporter ID was obtained, it is necessary to

This is done by starting a Byte Write sequence, whereby the Master creates a START condition, then broadcasts a Slave address with the R/W bit set to ‘0’ and then sends two

Amount of Remuneration, etc. The Company does not pay to Directors who concurrently serve as Executive Officer the remuneration paid to Directors. Therefore, “Number of Persons”

As the power MOSFET heats up during the current limit operation, the adjacent control circuit also observes a rapid increase in temperature. The sense resistor and the threshold of

A WRITE Operation Where DATA from the Master is Written in SPI Register with Address 2 Followed by a READ Back Operation to Confirm a Correct WRITE Operation. Registers are updated

To write data to a TS register, or to the on−board EEPROM, the Master creates a START condition on the bus, and then sends out the appropriate Slave address (with the R/W bit set