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The Elliptic GL n Dynamical Quantum Group as an h -Hopf Algebroid


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Volume 2009, Article ID 545892,41pages doi:10.1155/2009/545892

Research Article

The Elliptic GL n Dynamical Quantum Group as an h -Hopf Algebroid

Jonas T. Hartwig

Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, Postbus 94248, 1090 GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Correspondence should be addressed to Jonas T. Hartwig,jonas.hartwig@gmail.com Received 17 May 2009; Accepted 3 August 2009

Recommended by Francois Goichot

Using the language ofh-Hopf algebroids which was introduced by Etingof and Varchenko, we construct a dynamical quantum group,FellGLn, from the elliptic solution of the quantum dynamical Yang-Baxter equation with spectral parameter associated to the Lie algebrasln. We apply the generalized FRST construction and obtain anh-bialgebroidFellMn. Natural analogs of the exterior algebra and their matrix elements, elliptic minors, are defined and studied. We show how to use the cobraiding to prove that the elliptic determinant is central. Localizing at this determinant and constructing an antipode we obtain theh-Hopf algebroidFellGLn.

Copyrightq2009 Jonas T. Hartwig. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

1. Introduction

The quantum dynamical Yang-Baxter QDYB equation was introduced by Gervais and Neveu1. It was realized by Felder2that this equation is equivalent to the Star-Triangle relation in statistical mechanics. It is a generalization of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, involving an extra, so-called dynamical, parameter. In2an interesting elliptic solution to the QDYB equation with spectral parameter was given, adapted from theA1n solution to the Star-Triangle relation constructed in3. Felder also defined a tensor category, which he suggested that it should be thought of as an elliptic analog of the category of representations of quantum groups. This category was further studied in4in thesl2case.

In5, the authors considered objects in Felder’s category which were proposed as analogs of exterior and symmetric powers of the vector representation ofgln. To each object in the tensor category they associate an algebra of vector-valued difference operators and prove that a certain operator, constructed from the analog of the top exterior power, commutes with


all other difference operators. This is also proved in6, Appendix Bin more detail and in7 using a different approach.

An algebraic framework for studying dynamical R-matrices without spectral parame- ter was introduced in8. There the authors defined the notion ofh-bialgebroids andh-Hopf algebroids, a special case of the Hopf algebroids defined by Lu9. See10, Remark 2.1for a comparison of Hopf algebroids to related structures. In 8the authors also show, using a generalized version of the FRST construction, how to associate to every solutionRof the nonspectral quantum dynamical Yang-Baxter equation anh-bialgebroid. Under some extra condition they get an h-Hopf algebroid by adjoining formally the matrix elements of the inverse L-matrix. This correspondence gives a tensor equivalence between the category of representations of the R-matrix and the category of so-called dynamical representations of theh-bialgebroid.

In this paper we define anh-Hopf algebroid associated to the elliptic R-matrix from2 with both dynamical and spectral parameters forgsln. This generalizes the spectral elliptic dynamicalGL2 quantum group from 11and the nonspectral trigonometric dynamical GLn quantum group from 12. As in 11, this is done by first using the generalized FRST construction, modified to also include spectral parameters. In addition to the usual RLL relation, residual relations must be added “by hand” to be able to prove that different expressions for the determinant are equal.

Instead of adjoining formally all the matrix elements of the inverse L-matrix, we adjoin only the inverse of the determinant, as in 11. Then we express the antipode using this inverse. The main problem is to find the correct formula for the determinant, to prove that it is central and to provide row and column expansion formulas for the determinant in the setting ofh-bialgebroids.

It would be interesting to develop harmonic analysis for the ellipticGLnquantum group, similarly to13. In this context it is valuable to have an abstract algebra to work with and not only a tensor category analogous to a category of representations. For example, the analog of the Haar measure seems most naturally defined as a certain linear functional on the algebra.

The plan of this paper is as follows. After introducing some notation inSection 2.1, we recall the definition of the elliptic R-matrix in Section 2.2. In Section 3 we review the definition ofh-bialgebroids and the generalized FRST construction with special emphasis on how to treat residual relations for a general R-matrix. We write down the relations explicitly inSection 4for the algebraFellMnobtained from the elliptic R-matrix. In particular we show that only one family of residual identities is needed.

Left and right analogs of the exterior algebra over Cn are defined in Section 5 in a similar way as in 12. They are certain comodule algebras over FellMn and arise naturally from a single relation analogous to vv 0. The matrix elements of these corepresentations are generalized minors depending on a spectral parameter. Their properties are studied in Section 6. In particular we show that the left and right versions of the minors in fact coincide. InSection 6.3we prove Laplace expansion formulas for these elliptic quantum minors.

In Section 7 we show that the h-bialgebroid FellMn can be equipped with a cobraiding, in the sense of14, extending then2 case from10. We use this and the ideas as in5,6to prove that the determinant is central for all values of the spectral parameters.

This implies that the determinant is central in the operator algebra as shown in5.

Finally, inSection 7.4we defineFellGLnto be the localization ofFellMnat the determinant and show that it has an antipode giving it the structure of anh-Hopf algebroid.


2. Preliminaries

2.1. Notation

Letp, q ∈ R, 0 < p, q <1. We assumep, qare generic in the sense that ifpaqb 1 for some a, b∈Z, thenab0.

Denote byθthe normalized Jacobi theta function:

θz θ z;p


1−zpj 1− pj1


. 2.1

It is holomorphic onC× :C\ {0}with zero set{pk:k∈Z}and satisfies θ

z−1 θ


−z−1θz 2.2

and the addition formula θ xy,x

y, zw, z w

θ xw, x w, zy,z


z y


xz,x z, yw, y


, 2.3

where we use the notation

θz1, . . . , zn θz1· · ·θzn. 2.4 Recall also the Jacobi triple product identity, which can be written





. 2.5

It will sometimes be convenient to use the auxiliary functionEgiven by E:C−→C, Es qsθ


. 2.6

Relation2.2implies thatE−s −Es.

The set{1,2, . . . , n}will be denoted by1, n.

2.2. The EllipticR-Matrix

Lethbe a complex vector space, viewed as an abelian Lie algebra,hits dual space, and letV

λ∈hVλ a diagonalizable h-module. A dynamical R-matrix is by definition a meromorphic function

R:h×C× −→EndhV ⊗V 2.7


satisfying the quantum dynamical Yang-Baxter equation with spectral parameterQDYBE:

R λ,z2 z3


R λh2,z1 z3


R λ,z1 z2


R λh3,z1 z2


R λ,z1 z3


R λh1,z2 z3

23 .


Equation2.8is an equality in the algebra of meromorphic functionsh×C× → EndV⊗3. Upper indices are leg-numbering notation, andhindicates the action ofh. For example,

R λh3,z1

z2 12

u⊗vw R λα,z1


u⊗vw, if wVα. 2.9

An R-matrixRis called unitary if

Rλ, zR

λ, z−121

IdV⊗V 2.10

as meromorphic functions onh×C×with values in EndhV⊗V.

In the example we study, his the Cartan subalgebra ofsln. Thushis the abelian Lie algebra of all traceless diagonal complexn×nmatrices. LetV be theh-moduleCnwith standard basise1, . . . , en. Defineωi∈hi1, . . . , nby

ωih hi, ifhdiagh1, . . . , hn∈h. 2.11

We haveVni1VωiandVωiCei. Define

R:h×C×−→EndV⊗V 2.12


Rλ, z n



i /j

α λij, z


i /j

β λij, z

EijEji, 2.13

whereEij∈EndVare the matrix units,λijλ∈his an abbrevation forλEiiEjj, and

α, β:C×C×−→C 2.14


are given by

αλ, z α

λ, z;p, q

θzθ q2λ1 θ

q2z θ

q, 2.15

βλ, z β

λ, z;p, q θ

q2 θ

q−2λz θ

q2z θ

q−2λ. 2.16

Proposition 2.1see2. The mapRis a unitary R-matrix.

For the reader’s convenience, we give the explicit relationship between the R-matrix 2.13and Felders R-matrix as written in 5which we denote by R1. ThusR1 : h1×C → EndV ⊗V, whereh1 is the Cartan subalgebra of gln, is defined as in 2.13 with α, β replaced byα1, β1 :C2 → C,

α1λ, x α1

λ, x;τ, γ


λγ;τ θ1


θ1λ;τ, β1λ, x β1

λ, x;τ, γ


γ;τ θ1




Hereτ, γ ∈Cwith Imτ >0, andθ1is the first Jacobi theta function:



eπij2τ2πijx1/2. 2.18

As proved in2,R1satisfies the following version of the QDYBE:


λγh3, x1x212

R1λ, x1x313R1

λγh1, x2x323 R1λ, x2x323R1λ−γh2, x1x313R1λ, x1x212


and the unitarity condition

R1λ, xR211 λ,−x IdV⊗V. 2.20 We can identifyh h1/Ctr where tr ∈ h1 is the trace. Since R1 has the form2.13, it is constant, as a function ofλ ∈ h1, on the cosets moduloCtr. SoR1induces a maph×C → EndV⊗V, which we also denote byR1, still satisfying2.19,2.20.

Let τ, γ ∈ C with Imτ > 0 be such thatp eπiτ,q eπiγ. Then, as meromorphic functions ofλ, x∈h×C,


γλ,−x;τ 2, γ


λ, z;p, q

, 2.21


whereze2πix. Indeed, using the Jacobi triple product identity2.5we have







, 2.22

and substituting this into2.17givesα1γλ,−x;τ/2, γ αλ, z;p, qandβ1γλ,−x;τ/2, γ βλ, z;p, qwhich proves2.21.

By replacingλ,xiin2.19byγλ,−xiand using2.21we obtain2.8withzie2πixi. Similarly the unitarity2.10ofRis obtained from2.20.

2.3. Useful Identities

We end this section by recording some useful identities. Recall the definitions ofα, βin2.15.

It is immediate that

α λ, q2


−λ, q2

. 2.23

By induction, one generalizes2.2to θ




θz, fors∈Z. 2.24

Applying2.24to the definitions ofα,βwe get α

λ, pkz

q2kαλ, z, β λ, pkz

q2kλ1βλ, z, 2.25

and, using alsoθz−1 −z−1θz,


q−1θ q2z

q−2zαλ, z α

λ, pkq2 ,


q−1θ q2z

q−2zβλ, z −β

−λ, pkq2 ,


forλ∈C,z∈C×, andk∈Z. By the addition formula2.3with x, y, z, w

z1/2q−λ1, z1/2qλ−1, z1/2qλ1, z1/2q−λ−1

, 2.27

we have

αλ, zα−λ, zβλ, zβ−λ, z q2θ q−2z θ

q2z. 2.28


3. h-Bialgebroids

3.1. Definitions

We recall some definitions from8. Lethbe a finite-dimensional complex vector spacee.g., the dual space of an abelian Lie algebra, and letMh be the field of meromorphic functions onh.

Definition 3.1. Anh-algebra is a complex associative algebraAwith 1 which is bigraded over h,Aα,β∈hAαβ, and equipped with two algebra embeddingsμl, μr :MhA, called the left and right moment maps, such that


f aaμl

Tαf , μr

f aaμr


, foraAαβ, fMh, 3.1 whereTαdenotes the automorphismTαfζ fζαofMh. A morphism ofh-algebras is an algebra homomorphism preserving the bigrading and the moment maps.

The matrix tensor productA⊗Bof twoh-algebrasA,Bis theh-bigraded vector space withA⊗Bαβγ∈hAαγMhBγβ, where⊗Mh denotes tensor product overCmodulo the relations:

μAr f

abaμBl f

b, ∀a∈A, bB, fMh. 3.2 The multiplicationa⊗bcd acbdfora, cAandb, dBand the moment maps μlf μAl f⊗1 andμrf 1⊗μBrfmakeA⊗Binto anh-algebra.

Example 3.2. LetDhbe the algebra of operators onMh of the form

ifiTαi withfiMh andαi∈h. It is anh-algebra with bigradingfT−α∈Dhαα, and both moment maps equal to the natural embedding.

For anyh-algebraA, there are canonical isomorphismsA A⊗Dh Dh⊗A defined by x xT−β T−αx, forxAαβ. 3.3 Definition 3.3. Anh-bialgebroid is anh-algebraAequipped with twoh-algebra morphisms, the comultiplicationΔ:AA⊗Aand the counitε:ADhsuch thatΔ⊗Id◦Δ Id⊗Δ◦Δ andε⊗Id◦Δ Id Id⊗ε◦Δ, under the identifications3.3.

3.2. The Generalized FRST Construction

In8the authors gave a generalized FRST construction which attaches anh-bialgebroid to each solution of the quantum dynamical Yang-Baxter equation without spectral parameter.

One way of extending to the case including a spectral parameter is described in 11.

However, when specifying the R-matrix to2.13withn2, they had to impose in addition certain so-called residual relations in order to prove, for example, that the determinant is central. Such relations were also required in4in a different algebraic setting. In the setting of operator algebras, where the algebras consist of linear operators on a vector space depending


meromorphically on the spectral variables, as in5, such relations are consequences of the ordinary RLL relations by taking residues.

Another motivation for our procedure is that h-bialgebroids associated to gauge equivalent R-matrices should be isomorphic. In particular one should be allowed to multiply the R-matrix by any nonzero meromorphic function of the spectral variable without changing the isomorphism class of the associated algebrafor the full definition of gauge equivalent R- matrices see8.

These considerations suggest the following procedure for constructing an h- bialgebroid from a quantum dynamical R-matrix with spectral parameter.

Let hbe a finite-dimensional abelian Lie algebra, Vα∈hVα a finite-dimensional diagonalizableh-module, andR:h×C× → EndhV⊗Va meromorphic function. We attach to this data anh-bialgebroidARas follows. Let{ex}x∈Xbe a homogeneous basis ofV, where Xis an index set. The matrix elementsRabxy :h×C× → CofRare given by

Rζ, zeaeb


Rabxyζ, zexey. 3.4

They are meromorphic onh×C×. Defineω:X → hbyexVωx. LetARbe the complex associative algebra with 1 generated by {Lxyz : x, yX, z ∈ C×} and two copies of Mh, whose elements are denoted by and fρ, respectively, with defining relations fλgρ gρfλforf, gMhand

fλLxyz Lxyzfλωx, f ρ

Lxyz Lxyzf ρω


, 3.5

for allx, yX,z∈C× andfMh. The bigrading onARis given byLxyz∈ARωx,ωy forx, yX,z∈C×andfλ, fρ∈AR00forfMh. The moment maps are defined by μlf fλ,μrf fρ. The counit and comultiplication are defined by

εLabz δabT−ωa, ε

ε f

ρ fT0, ΔLabz


Laxz⊗Lxbz, Δ

fλ⊗1, Δ

f ρ

1⊗f ρ



This makesARinto anh-bialgebroid.

Consider the ideal inARgenerated by the RLL relations:


Rxyac λ,z1




Rbdxy ρ,z1


Lcyz2Laxz1, 3.7


wherea, b, c, dX, andz1, z2∈C×. More precisely, to account for possible singularities ofR, we letIRbe the ideal inARgenerated by all relations of the form



ϕwRxyacλ, w




ϕwRbdxy ρ, w

Lcyz2Laxz1, 3.8

wherea, b, c, dX,z1, z2 ∈ C×, andϕ :C× → Cis a meromorphic function such that the limits exist.

We define AR to be AR/IR. The bigrading descends to AR because 3.8 is homogeneous, of bidegreeωa ωc, ωb ωd, by theh-invariance ofR. One checks thatΔIRAR⊗I RIRAR andεIR 0. Thus AR is anh-bialgebroid with the induced maps.

Remark 3.4. Objects in Felder’s tensor category associated to an R-matrix R are certain meromorphic functionsL : h×C× → EndhCnWwhere W is a finite-dimensionalh- module2. After regularizingLwith respect to the spectral parameter it will give rise to a dynamical representation of theh-bialgebroidARin the same way as in the nonspectral case treated in8. The residual relations incorporated in3.8are crucial for this fact to be true in the present, spectral, case.

3.3. Operator form of the RLL Relations

It is well known that the RLL relation3.7can be written as a matrix relation. We show how this is done in the present setting. It will be used later inSection 6.2.

AssumeRabxyζ, z are defined, as meromorphic functions of ζ ∈ h for anyz ∈ C×. DefineRλ, z,Rρ, z∈EndV⊗VARby

Rλ, zeaebu


exeyRabxyλ, zu, R

ρ, z



exeyRabxy ρ, z



fora, bX,uAR. Note that theλandρin the left-hand side are not variables but merely indicate which moment map is to be used. Forz∈C×we also defineLz∈EndV ⊗ARby



ExyLxyz. 3.10

HereExyare the matrix units in EndV, andARacts on itself by left multiplication. The RLL relation3.7is equivalent to

R λ,z1 z2

L1z1L2z2 L2z2L1z1R ρh1h2,z1 z2



in EndV ⊗VAR, whereLiz Lzi,3 ∈EndV⊗VARfori1,2 and the operator Rρh1h2, z1/z2∈EndV⊗VARis given by



exeyRabxy ρωa ωb,z1 z2

u, 3.12

whereRabxyρωa ωb, z1/z2means the image inARof the meromorphic functionh ζRabxyζωaωb, z1/z2under the right moment mapμr. This equivalence can be seen by acting onebed⊗1 in both sides of3.11and collecting and equating terms of the form eaecu. The matrix elements of the R-matrix in the right-hand side can then be moved to the left using thatRish-invariant and using relation3.5.

4. The Algebra F



We now specialize to the case wherehis the Cartan subalgebra ofsln,V Cn, andRis given by2.13–2.16. The case n 2 was considered in11. We will show that3.8contains precisely one additional family of relations, as compared to3.7, and we write down all relations explicitly.

When we apply the generalized FRST construction to this data we obtain an h- bialgebroid which we denote byFellMn. The generatorsLijzwill be denoted byeijz.

ThusFellMnis the unital associativeC-algebra generated byeijz,i, j ∈1, n,z ∈C×, and two copies ofMh, whose elements are denoted byandfρforfMh, subject to the following relations:

fλeijz eijzfλωi, f ρ

eijz eijzf ρω


, 4.1

for allfMh,i, j∈1, n, andz∈C×, and

n x,y1

Rxyac λ,z1 z2


n x,y1

Rbdxy ρ,z1 z2

ecyz2eaxz1, 4.2

for alla, b, c, d∈1, n. More explicitly, from2.13we have

Rabxyζ, z









1, abxy,

α ζxy, z

, a /b, xa, yb, β

ζxy, z

, a /b, xb, ya,

0, otherwise,



which substituted into4.2yields four families of relations:

eabz1eabz2 eabz2eabz1, 4.4a

eabz1eadz2 α ρbd,z1


eadz2eabz1 β ρdb,z1


eabz2eadz1, 4.4b α λac,z1


eabz1ecbz2 β λac,z1 z2

ecbz1eabz2 ecbz2eabz1, 4.4c α λac,z1


eabz1ecdz2 β λac,z1


ecbz1eadz2 α ρbd,z1


ecdz2eabz1 β ρdb,z1 z2



wherea, b, c, d∈1, n,a /c, andb /d. Sinceθhas zeros precisely atpk, k ∈Z,αandβhave poles atzq−2pk, k∈Z. Thus4.4b–4.4dare to hold forz1, z2 ∈C×withz1/z2/∈ {pkq−2 : k∈Z}.

In3.8, assuminga /c,b /d, takingz1 z,z2 pkq2z,ϕw q−1θq2w/qθq−2w, and using the limit formulas2.26, we obtain the relation


λac, q2





α ρbd, q2

ecd pkq2z

eabz−q2kρbdβ ρbd, q2

ecb pkq2z

eadz. 4.5 This identity does not follow from4.4a–4.4din an obvious way. It will be called the residual RLL relation.

Proposition 4.1. Relations 4.4a–4.4d, and 4.5 generate the ideal IR. Hence 4.1, 4.4a–

4.4d, and4.5consitute the defining relations of the algebraFellMn.

Proof. Assume that we have a relation of the form3.8and that a limit in one of the terms, limw→zϕwRabxyλ, w, say, exists and is nonzero. Then one of the following cases occurs.

1Atw z,ϕwandRabxyλ, ware both regular. If this holds for all terms, then the relation is just a multiple of one of4.4a–4.4d.

2Atw z,ϕwhas a pole whileRabxyλ, wis regular. ThenRabxyλ, wmust vanish identically at w z. The only case where this is possible is when x /y and Rabxyλ, w αλxy, w, and z pk. But then there is another term containingβ which is never identically zero for anyz, and hence the limit in that term does not exist.

3Atw z,ϕwis regular whileRabxyλ, whas a pole. Since these poles are simple and occur only whenzq−2pZ, the functionϕmust have a zero of multiplicity one there. We can assume without loss of generality thatϕhas the specific form

ϕw q−1θ q2w

q−2w. 4.6

Then, ifa /candb /d,3.8becomes the residual RLL relation4.5.


If insteadca,b /d, and we takez1z,z2pkq2zin3.8, we get, using2.26, 0α

ρbd, pkq2 ead



ρbd, pkq2 eab


eadz, 4.7

or, rewritten,

ead pkq2z

eabz q2kρbdE

ρbd−1 E

ρbd1eab pkq2z

eadz. 4.8

However this relation is already derivable from4.4bas follows. Takez1pkq2zandz2z in 4.4b multiply both sides byq2kρbdbd−1/Eρbd1, and then use 4.4bon the right-hand side.

Similarly, ifa /c,d b,z1 z,z2 pkq2z,ϕw q−1θq2w/qθq−2win3.8, and using2.26we get


λac, pkq2




λca, pkq2



0, 4.9






. 4.10

Similarly to the previous case, this identity follows already from4.4c.

5. Left and Right Elliptic Exterior Algebras

5.1. Corepresentations ofh-Bialgebroids

We recall the definition of corepresentations of anh-bialgebroid given in13.

Definition 5.1. Anh-spaceV is anh-graded vector space overMh,Vα∈hVα, where each VαisMh-invariant. A morphism ofh-spaces is a degree-preservingMh-linear map.

Given anh-spaceVand anh-bialgebroidA, we defineA⊗V to be theh-graded space withA⊗Vαβ∈hAαβMhVβ, where⊗Mh denotes⊗Cmodulo the relations

μr f

avafv, 5.1

forfMh,aA,vV.A⊗Vbecomes anh-space with theMh-actionfa⊗v μlfa⊗v.

Similarly we defineV⊗A as anh-space byV⊗A βαVαMhAαβ, where⊗Mh here means

Cmodulo the relationvμlfafvaandMh-action given byfva vμrfa.

For anyh-spaceV we have isomorphismsDh⊗V V V⊗D hgiven by

T−αv v vTα, forvVα, 5.2 extended toh-space morphisms.


Definition 5.2. A left corepresentationVof anh-bialgebroidAis anh-space equipped with an h-space morphismΔV :VA⊗Vsuch thatΔV⊗1◦ΔV 1⊗Δ◦ΔVandε⊗1◦ΔV IdV under the identification5.2.

Definition 5.3. A lefth-comodule algebraV over anh-bialgebroidAis a left corepresentation ΔV : VA⊗V and in addition aC-algebra such thatVαVβVαβand such thatΔV is an algebra morphism, whenA⊗Vis given the natural algebra structure.

Right corepresentations and comodule algebras are defined analogously.

5.2. The Comodule AlgebrasΛandΛ.

We define in this section an elliptic analog of the exterior algebra, following 12, where it was carried out in the trigonometric nonspectral case. It will lead to natural definitions of elliptic minors as certain elements ofFellMn. One difference between this approach and the one in5is that the elliptic exterior algebra in our setting is really an algebra and not just a vector space. Another one is that the commutation relations in our elliptic exterior algebras are completely determined by requiring the natural relations5.3a,5.3b, and5.5 and that the coaction is an algebra homomorphism. This fact can be seen from the proof of Proposition 5.4. Since the proof does not depend on the particular form ofαand β, we can obtain exterior algebras for any h-bialgebroid obtained through the generalized FRST construction from an R-matrix in the same manner. In particular the method is independent of the gauge equivalence class ofR.

LetΛbe the unital associativeC-algebra generated byviz, 1≤ in,z ∈C×and a copy ofMhembedded as a subalgebra subject to the relations

fζviz vizfζωi, 5.3a

vizviw 0, 5.3b

α ζkj, z


vkzvjw β ζkj, z


vjzvkw 0, 5.3c

fori, j, k ∈ 1, n,j /k,z, w ∈ C×,z/w /∈ {pkq−2 :k ∈ Z}andfMh. We require also the residual relation of5.3cobtained by multiplying byϕz/w q−1θq2z/w/qθq−2z/w and lettingz/wp−kq−2. After simplification using2.26, we get





. 5.3d

Λbecomes anh-space by

μΛ f

vfζv 5.4

and requiringviz∈Λωifor eachi, z.


Proposition 5.4. Λ is a left comodule algebra over FellMn with left coaction ΔΛ : Λ → FellMn⊗Λsatisfying



eijz⊗vjz, 5.5

ΔΛ fζ

⊗1. 5.6

Proof. We have




j /k


μjk, z w

eikweijz β μkj, z




j /k

eijweikz⊗ α

ζkj, z w

vkzvjw β ζkj, z


vjzvkw 0.

5.7 Similarly one proves that5.3c,5.3dare preserved.

Relation5.3cis not symmetric under interchange ofjandk. We now derive a more explicit, independent, set of relations forΛ. We will use the functionE, defined in2.6.

Proposition 5.5. iThe following is a complete set of relations forΛ:

fζviz vizfζωi, 5.8a

vk psq2z

vjz −q2sζkjE ζkj−1 E

ζkj1vj psq2z

vkz, ∀s∈Z, k /j, 5.8b vkzvj




, 5.8c

vkzvjw 0 if z w/


or ifkj. 5.8d

iiThe set

vidzd· · ·vi1z1: 1≤i1<· · ·< idn, zi1



is a basis forΛoverMh.

Proof. iElimination of thevjzvkw-term in5.3cyields

α ζjk, z


α ζkj, z


ζkj, z w


ζjk, z w

vkzvjw 0. 5.10


Combining5.10,2.28, and the fact that theθzis zero precisely forz∈ {pk |k ∈Z}we deduce that inΛ,

vkzvjw/0⇒ z

w psq2 for somes∈Z. 5.11

Using2.25we obtain from5.11,5.3b, and5.3cthat relations5.8b,5.8dhold in the left elliptic exterior algebraΛ. Relations5.8a,5.8care just repetitions of5.3a,5.3d.

iiIt follows from the relations that each monomial inΛcan be uniquely written as fζvidzd· · ·vi1z1, where 1≤i1 <· · ·< idnandfMh. It remains to show that the set 5.9is linearly independent overMh. Assume that a linear combination of basis elements is zero and that the sum has minimal number of terms. By multiplying from the right or left by vjwfor appropriatej,wwe can assume that the sum is of the form



· · ·vi1


· · ·frζvid


· · ·vi1


0, 5.12

for some fixed set{i1, . . . , id}. By the relations, a monomial vidzd· · ·vi1z1 can be given the ”degree”d

i1ziti−1 ∈Ct, wheretis an indeterminate. Formally, considerCt⊗Λ, the tensor productoverCofΛ by the field of rational functions int. We identifyΛ with its image underΛ v → 1⊗v ∈Ct⊗Λand viewCt⊗Λnaturally as a vector space over Ct. By relations5.8a–5.8d, there is aC-algebra automorphismT ofCt⊗Λsatisfying Tvjz tvjz,Tfζ, andTp⊗1 p⊗1. Define

Dviz zviz, D

0, D p⊗1

0, 5.13

forfMh,p∈Ctandi∈1, n,z∈C×, and extendDto aC-linear mapD :Ct⊗Λ → Ct⊗Λby requiring

Dab DaTb aDb, 5.14

fora, b ∈ Ct⊗Λ. The point is that the requirement5.14respects relations5.8a–5.8d, making D well defined. Write uj fjζvidzjd· · ·vi1zj1. Then one checks that Duj

pjtuj, wherepjt d

i1zjiti−1. By applyingDrepeatedly we get u1


· · ·urzr 0, p1tu1


· · ·prturzr 0, ...

p1tr−1u1 z1

· · ·prtr−1urzr 0.


Inverting the Vandermonde matrixpjti−1ijwe obtainujzj 0 for eachj, that is,fjζ 0 for eachj. This proves linear independence of5.9.


Analogously one defines a right comodule algebraΛwith generatorswizandMh. The following relations will be used:

wkzwj psq2z

−q2sζkjwjzwk psq2z

, ∀s∈Z, k /j, wkz1wjz2 0, if z2



, or if kj.


Λhas alsoMh-basis of the form5.9. In factΛandΛare isomorphic as algebras.

5.3. Action of the Symmetric Group

From 4.4a–4.4d, and 4.5 we see that Sn × Sn acts by C-algebra automorphisms on FellMnas follows:

σ, τ

Lσ, σ, τ f

μ f

μLτ , σ, τ


eσiτjz, 5.17

whereLσ :h → hσ∈Snis given by permutation of coordinates:


diagh1, . . . , hn


hσ1, . . . , hσn

. 5.18

Also,Snacts onΛbyC-algebra automorphisms via σ

Lσ, σviz vσiz. 5.19 Similarly we define anSnaction onΛ.

Lemma 5.6. For eachv∈Λ,w∈Λ, and anyσ, τSnwe have

ΔΛσv σ, τ⊗τΔΛv, 5.20 ΔΛτw σ⊗σ, τΔΛw. 5.21 Proof. By multiplicativity, it is enough to prove these claims on the generators, which is easy.

6. Elliptic Quantum Minors

6.1. Definition

ForI⊆1, nwe set



E ζij1

, FIζ


E ζij

, 6.1


and define the left and right elliptic sign functions:

sgnIσ;ζ σFIζ




ζσiσj1 E

ζσjσi1, sgnIσ;ζ FσIζ





ζσjσi E



forσSn. In fact,ij/Eζji −1 so sgn1,nσ;ζis just the usual sign sgnσ. However we view this as a “coincidence” depending on the particular choice of R-matrix from its gauge equivalence class. We keep our notation to emphasize that the methods do not depend on this choice of R-matrix.

We will denote the elements of a subsetI ⊆1, nbyi1< i2<· · ·. Proposition 6.1. LetI ⊆1, n,d#I,σSn, andJσI. Then forz∈C×,



· · ·vσi1z sgnIσ;ζvjd


· · ·vj1z, 6.3 wσi1z· · ·wσid


sgnIσ;ζwj1z· · ·wjd


. 6.4

Proof. We prove6.3. The proof of6.4is analogous. We proceed by induction on #I d, the cased1 being clear. Ifd >1, setI {i1, . . . , id−1}, JσI. Let 1≤j1 <· · ·< jd−1nbe the elements ofJ. By the induction hypothesis, the left hand side of6.3equals



sgnIσ, ζvjd−1


· · ·vj

1z. 6.5

Now vσidq2d−1z commutes with sgnIσ, ζ since the latter only involves ζij with i, j /σid. Using the commutation relations5.8bwe obtain

sgnIσ, ζ·



ζjσid1 E

ζσidj1 ·vjd


· · ·vj1z. 6.6

ReplacejJsuch thatj > σidbyσi, whereiI, i < id, σi> σid. Introduce the normalized monomials

vIz FIζ−1vir

q2d−1z vir−1


· · ·vi1z∈Λ, 6.7 wIz FIζwi1zwi2


· · ·wid


∈Λ. 6.8

Corollary 6.2. LetI ⊆1, n. For any permutationσSn, σvIz vσIz, σ


wσIz 6.9



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