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Vol.52 , No.2(2004)086Stefano ZACCHETTI「An Shigao's Texts Preserved in the Newly Discovered Kongo-ji Manuscript and Their Significance for the Study of Early Chinese Buddhism」


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Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 52, No. 2, March 2004

An Shigao's Texts Preserved in the Newly Discovered Kongo-ji Manuscript

and Their Significance for the Study of Early Chinese Buddhism



The two manuscripts discovered at the Kongo-ji ‹à•„Ž› in 19991) (hereafter the MS = MS A / •b–{) represent an important new source on early Chinese Buddhism.

MS A contains the following texts (all hitherto unknown apart from n. 1): 1. Preface to the Anban [shouyi jing] ˆÀ”Ê•˜ (linesl-59, by Kang Senghui •N‘m‰ï);2. ˆÀ”ÊŽç


(1. 60-274, hereafter K-ABSYJ) ; 2) 3. Three short glosses attached to the end of the K-ABSYJ, introduced by the formula "The Master said ..." Žt‰] (1. 275-281) ; 4. ˜Å•à

•\“ñ–åŒo (1. 282-364, hereafter SMJ) ; 5. ˜Å•à•\“ñ–åŒo (1. 365-384) ; 6. A commentary on the •\“ñ–åŒo , anonymous and without title (1. 385-583, hereafter SMJcomm) . 3)

A number of facts suggest that all the sutra translations contained in the MS can be ascribed, more or less safely, to the famous Han dynasty translator An Shigao

ˆÀ•¢•‚ (active since circa 148 AD) .

As to the SMJcomm, the evidence relevant to its dating and authorship can be summarised as follows : a) the SMJcomm must have been composed at least before the time of Zhi Qian ŽxŒª (first half of 3rd century AD) , who freely quoted from this commentary in one of his works4). b) The first of the three glosses on the K-ABSYJ by the anonymous "Master" (item n. 3 above) is in fact a quotation from the SMJcomm ; the second gloss, on the other hand, is also found in the ‘åˆÀ”ÊŽçˆÓ

ãS T 602, (hereafter ABSYJT 602).5)

In short, the "Master" mentioned in the MS is the author of the SMJcomm, and is also quoted in the ABSYJT 602 - a scripture which, as is well known, contains many interpolated glosses. This evidence, coupled with linguistic and stylistic fea-tures, suggests that An Shigao is a possible candidate for the authorship of the SMJcomm.

Apart from their intrinsic significance, the texts found in the MS can also be of considerable help in getting a clearer picture of the earliest phase of Chinese



An Shigao's Texts Preserved in the Newly Discovered Kongo-ji Manuscript and

Their Significance for the Study of Early Chinese Buddhism (S. ZACCHETTI)

dhist exegetical literature.

The glosses interpolated into the ABSYJ T 602 are generally believed to be among

the very few surviving early exegetical texts composed in China. The new texts

preserved in the MS may enable us to reconsider the problem posed by this scripture.

Although the K-ABSYJ is, quite obviously, the potentially most significant source

in this respect, I hope to demonstrate that also the other texts preserved in the MS

(and notably the SMJ and the SMJcomm) should be taken into account.

The starting point in this research has been the second gloss found at the end of

the K-ABSYJ which, as already remarked above, also occurs, in almost the same

words, in the ABSYJ T 602 (p. 164b 18-19). Following this clue, I made a systematic

survey of the ABSYJ T 602 (especially the portions considered

8 by Ui Hakuju) 6),

comparing it with the texts found in the MS (especially

the SMJ and the SMJcomm).

This search resulted in a number of parallels, of varying degrees of significance,

between the two sources. Here I shall confine myself to two examples.

1. ABSYJ T 602 p.171a 11-14 (definitions of citta- and dharma-smrtyupasthanas) :


意 止?謂

已 念 復 念,是 爲 意 意 止.何等

爲 法 意 止?謂

往 時 爲 行,還 報 爲 法.亦 謂 作 是 得 是.

是 爲 法 意 止 也.

Cf. the exposition of the same categories in the third and fourth "gates" of the SMJ (1.301-304) :

第 三 門 爲 何等?爲

自観 意,観 他 人 意.意 念 是,復 念 是...第 四 門 爲 何等?爲

自観 法 、 非

法...,黠 人 校 諦 計,便 知 行 是 得 是...


at is the third gate? It is [this] : one considers his own thought, considers other people's

thought : [i. e. considers that at a given moment] the mind thinks of this, and then again of this

[other thing]... What is the fourth gate? It is [this] : one considers in himself the dharmas and

the non-dharmas... A wise person considering carefully, understands [the principle that] by doing

this [certain action] one would get this [as a result]..." .

The explanation

found in the ABSYJ T 602 no doubt echoes the SMJ : not only

these definitions

are quite peculiar, 7) but even the wording of the two sources seems

on the whole consistent.

2. ABSYJ T 602 p.171c 3-7 :

観 他 人 身 爲 見 色肥 白黛 眉 赤 唇.見 肥,當

念 死 人 脹.見

白,當 念 死 人 骨.見 眉 黒,當 念 死 人

正 黒.見 朱 唇,當 念 血 正 赤.校 計 身 諸 所 有,以 得 是 意 便 轄,不 復 愛 身 也.



An Shigao's Texts Preserved in the Newly Discovered Kongo-ji Manuscript and

Their Significance for the Study of Early Chinese Buddhism (S. ZACCHETTI)

Cf. SMJcomm (1. 544-553) :

欲 坐禪 行 道,常 當 分 別 観 身...所

有 悪 露....意

愛 女 人 身 白 好,當 念 死 人 骨 正 白.意 愛 女

人 肌 肉 好,當

念 人 死 壊 時 痒痕.意

愛 女 人 唇 赤 好,當

念 死 人 壊 時*血 正 赤8).意 愛 女 人 眉 黒


念 死 人 壊 時 正 青 黒.



one wishes to sit in dhyana and practise the path, one should constantly analyse and con-template the body ... with all its impurities. ... If he is attracted by the beauty of the whiteness of women's bodies, he should think that the bones of a dead man are just as white. If he is

attracted by the beauty of women's flesh, he should think of a decomposing corpse which is swelling. If he is attracted by the beauty of the redness of women's lips, he should think that the blood of a decomposing corpse is just as red. If he is attracted by the beauty of the blackness of women's eyebrows, he should think that a decomposing corpse is just as bluish-black".

Although the sequence of topics in the two texts is not identical, given their re-markable correspondence in terms of both content (same associations between a given colour - desire - remedy through a topic of the asubhabhavana) and form, I think that they very likely reflect the same exegetical tradition.

There are several other potentially significant similarities, especially in unusual terminology, 9) between the ABSYJ T 602 and the SMJcomm.

Not only do these parallels corroborate the early dating of the texts found in the MS, but they can also shed some light on the formative process of the ABSYJ T 602. To begin with, in some cases they provide us with an additional tool for

distin-guishing basic text and glosses within the received text of the ABSYJ T 602. They also show, for instance (example 1), that the SMJ had probably been among the sources used by the compilers of the interpolated commentary.

On the other hand, the similarities between the ABSYJ T 602 and the SMJcomm (see example 2 and n. 9) seem to substantiate the hypothesis that the glosses

inter-polated into the ABSYJ T 602 "... basically represent the exegesis transmitted to K'ang Seng-hui by the three laymen from the school of An Shih-kao...". 10) They

(especially in the light of the second Žt‰] gloss in the MS) even suggest (though do not demonstrate conclusively) that some of these interpolations may indeed reflect An Shigao's own exegesis on the ˆÀ”ÊŽçˆÓŒo.


梶 浦 晋,金

剛 寺 一 切 経 と新 出 安 世 高 訳 仏 典,仏

教 学 セ ミ ナ ー,2001,pp.25-44.


On the K-ABSYJ see Florin Deleanu, "The Newly Found Text of the An ban shou yi jing



An Shigao's Texts Preserved in the Newly Discovered Kongo-ji Manuscript and

Their Significance for the Study of Early Chinese Buddhism (S . ZACCHETTI)

Translated by An Shigao", Journal of the ICABS, vol. ‡Y, 2003, pp. 63-100 .

3) On the SMJ and the SMJcomm, see Stefano Zacchetti, "The Rediscovery of Three Early Buddhist Scriptures on Meditation....", ARIRIAB n. 6,2003, pp. 251-299.

4) See Zacchetti, "The Rediscovery ... pp. 286-287.

5) Deleanu, "The Newly Found Text..." n. 20 p. 162 ; Zacchetti, "The Rediscovery... " p. 289 .


井 伯 寿,訳経

史 研 究,Tokyo 1971, 


7) See Zacchetti, "The Rediscovery ...", n. 21-22 pp. 256-257.

8) Conjectural reading (mainly based on MS B / ‰³–{ and the ABSYJ T 602 parallel).


E. g. the rare and obscure expression

生 死 校 計, which occurs once in the ABSYJ T 602

(p. 166a 27-28) and twice in the SMJcomm (l. 393 and 495), and apparently designates, in

both sources, a kind of obstaclee to meditation.


Erik Zurcher, in T'oung Pao LXIV, 1978, p. 119. See also


T 2145 p. 43b

26-c 1 ; E. Zur26-cher,

The Buddhist Conquest of China, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1972, p. 36 and 53.

•q Key Words•r An Shigao, Kongo-ji Manuscript,


(Associate Professor) Soka University, IRIAB)






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