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Schur elements for the Ariki–Koike algebra and applications


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DOI 10.1007/s10801-011-0314-4

Schur elements for the Ariki–Koike algebra and applications

Maria Chlouveraki·Nicolas Jacon

Received: 30 May 2011 / Accepted: 6 September 2011 / Published online: 27 September 2011

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract We study the Schur elements associated to the simple modules of the Ariki–Koike algebra. We first give a cancellation-free formula for them so that their factors can be easily read and programmed. We then study direct applications of this result. We also complete the determination of the canonical basic sets for cyclotomic Hecke algebras of typeG(l, p, n)in characteristic 0.

Keywords Hecke algebras·Complex reflection groups·Schur elements·Blocks· Basic sets

1 Introduction

Schur elements play a powerful role in the representation theory of symmetric alge- bras. In the case of the Ariki–Koike algebra, that is, the Hecke algebra of the complex reflection groupG(l,1, n), they are Laurent polynomials whose factors determine when Specht modules are projective irreducible and whether the algebra is semisim- ple.

Formulas for the Schur elements of the Ariki–Koike algebra have been obtained independently, first by Geck, Iancu and Malle [13], and later by Mathas [18]. The first aim of this paper is to give a cancellation-free formula for these polynomials (Theorem3.2), so that their factors can be easily read and programmed. We then present a number of direct applications. These include a new formula for Lusztig’s a-function, as well as a simple classification of the projective irreducible modules for Ariki–Koike algebras (that is, the blocks of defect 0).

M. Chlouveraki

School of Mathematics, JCMB Room 5610, King’s Building, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK e-mail:maria.chlouveraki@ed.ac.uk

N. Jacon (


UFR Sciences et Techniques, 16 route de Gray, 25030 Besançon, France e-mail:njacon@univ-fcomte.fr


The second part of the paper is devoted to another aspect of the representation the- ory of these algebras in connection with these Schur elements: the theory of canonical basic sets. The main aim here is to obtain a classification of the simple modules for specializations of cyclotomic Hecke algebras in characteristic 0. In [6], we studied mainly the case of finite Weyl groups. In this paper, we focus on cyclotomic Hecke algebras of typeG(l, p, n). Using Lusztig’sa-function, defined from the Schur el- ements, the theory of canonical basic sets provides a natural and efficient way to parametrize the simple modules of these algebras.

The existence and explicit determination of the canonical basic sets is already known in the case of Hecke algebras of finite Weyl groups (see [11] and [6]). The case of cyclotomic Hecke algebras of typeG(l, p, n)has been partially studied in [11, 14], and recently in [7] using the theory of Cherednik algebras. Answering a question raised in [7], the goal of the last part of this paper is to complete the determination of the canonical basic sets in this case.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce the necessary definitions and notation.

2.1 A partitionλ=1, λ2, λ3, . . .)is a decreasing sequence of non-negative inte- gers. We define the length ofλto be the smallest integer(λ)such thatλi =0 for alli > (λ). We write|λ| :=

i1λi and we say thatλis a partition ofm, for some m∈Z>0, ifm= |λ|. We setn(λ):=

i1(i−1)λi. We define the set of nodes[λ]ofλto be the set

[λ] :=

(i, j )|i≥1, 1≤jλi


A nodex =(i, j ) is called removable if[λ] \ {(i, j )}is still the set of nodes of a partition. Note that if(i, j )is removable, thenj=λi.

The conjugate partition ofλis the partitionλdefined by λk:=#{i|i≥1 such thatλik}. Obviously,λ1=(λ). The set of nodes ofλsatisfies

(i, j )∈ [λ] ⇔(j, i)∈ [λ]. Note that if(i, λi)is a removable node ofλ, thenλλ

i=i.Moreover, we have n(λ)=


(i−1)λi=1 2




λi 2


Ifx=(i, j )∈ [λ]andμis another partition, we define the generalized hook length ofxwith respect to (λ,μ) to be the integer:

hλ,μi,j :=λii+μjj+1.


Forμ=λ, the above formula becomes the classical hook length formula (giving the length of the hook ofλthat x belongs to). Moreover, we define the content ofx to be the differenceji. The following lemma, whose proof is an easy combinatorial exercise (with the use of Young diagrams), relates the contents of the nodes of (the

“right rim” of)λwith the contents of the nodes of (the “lower rim” of)λ.

Lemma 2.2 Letλ=1, λ2, . . .) be a partition and let k be an integer such that 1≤kλ1. Letqandybe two indeterminates. Then we have

1 (qλ1y−1)·


qλii+1y−1 qλiiy−1

= 1



qλj+j1y−1 qλj+jy−1


2.3 Let l and n be positive integers. An l-partition (or multipartition) of n is an orderedl-tupleλ=0, λ1, . . . , λl1)of partitions such that

0sl1|λs| =n. We denote byΠnl the set ofl-partitions ofn. The empty multipartition, denoted by∅, is anl-tuple of empty partitions. Ifλ=0, λ1, . . . , λl1)Πnl, we denote byλ the l-partition(λ0, λ1, . . . , λl1).

2.4 Let R be a commutative domain with 1. Fix elementsq, Q0, . . . , Ql1of R, and assume thatq is invertible inR. Set q:=(Q0, . . . , Ql1;q). The Ariki–Koike algebraHqnis the unital associativeR-algebra with generatorsT0, T1, . . . , Tn−1and relations:

(T0Q0)(T0Q1)· · ·(T0Ql1)=0,

(Tiq)(Ti+1)=0 for 1≤in−1, T0T1T0T1=T1T0T1T0,

TiTi+1Ti=Ti+1TiTi+1 for 1≤in−2,

TiTj=TjTi for 0≤i < jn−1 withji >1.

The last three relations are the braid relations satisfied byT0, T1, . . . , Tn−1.

The Ariki–Koike algebraHqnis a deformation of the group algebra of the complex reflection groupG(l,1, n)=(Z/ lZ)Sn. Ariki and Koike [3] have proved thatHqnis a freeR-module of ranklnn! = |G(l,1, n)|(see [2, Proposition 13.11]). In addition, whenRis a field, they have constructed a simpleHqn-moduleVλ, with characterχλ, for eachl-partitionλofn(see [2, Theorem 13.6]). These modules form a complete set of non-isomorphic simple modules in the case whereHqnis split semisimple (see [2, Corollary 13.9]).

2.5 There is a useful semisimplicity criterion for Ariki–Koike algebras which has been given by Ariki in [1]. This criterion will be recovered from our results later (see Theorem4.2), so let us simply assume from now on thatHqn is split semisim- ple. This happens, for example, when q, Q0, . . . , Ql1 are indeterminates and R=Q(q, Q0, . . . , Ql1).


Now, there exists a linear form τ :HqnR which was introduced by Bremke and Malle in [4], and was proved to be symmetrizing by Malle and Mathas in [16]

whenever allQi’s are invertible inR. An explicit description of this form can be found in any of these two articles. Following Geck’s results on symmetrizing forms (see [12, Theorem 7.2.6]), we obtain the following definition for the Schur elements associated to the irreducible representations ofHqn.

Definition 2.6 Suppose thatRis a field and thatHnqis split semisimple. The Schur elements ofHqnare the elementssλ(q)ofRsuch that

τ =


1 sλ(q)χλ.

2.7 The Schur elements of the Ariki–Koike algebraHqn have been independently calculated by Geck, Iancu and Malle [13], and by Mathas [18]. From now on, for all m∈Z>0, let[m]q:=(qm−1)/(q−1)=qm1+qm2+ · · · +q+1. The formula given by Mathas does not demand extra notation and is the following:

Theorem 2.8 Letλ=0, λ1, . . . , λl1)be anl-partition ofn. Then sλ(q)=(−1)n(l1)(Q0Q1· · ·Ql1)nqα(λ)



(i,j )∈[λs]

Qs hλi,jss







n λs


Xstλ =

(i,j )∈[λt]



(i,j )∈[λs]

qjiQsqλt1Qt 1kλt1

qjiQsqk1λtkQt qjiQsqk−λtkQt


The formula by Geck, Iancu and Malle is more symmetric, and describes the Schur elements in terms of beta numbers. Ifλ=0, λ1, . . . , λl1)is an l-partition ofn, then the length of λ is (λ)=max{s)|0≤sl−1}. Fix an integer L such thatL(λ). TheL-beta numbers forλs are the integersβis=λsi +Lifori= 1, . . . , L. SetBs= {β1s, . . . , βLs}fors=0, . . . , l−1. The matrix B=(Bs)0sl1is called theL-symbol ofλ.

Theorem 2.9 Let λ=0, . . . , λl1) be an l-partition of n with L-symbol B= (Bs)0sl1, where L(λ). Let aL :=n(l−1)+l




and bL:=lL(L− 1)(2lL−l−3)/12. Then


sλ(q)=(−1)aLqbL(q−1)n(Q0Q1. . . Ql1)nνλλ, where




0s, tl1













As the reader may see, in both formulas above, the factors ofsλ(q)are not obvious.

Hence, it is not obvious for which values of q the Schur elementsλ(q)becomes zero.

3 A cancellation-free formula for the Schur elements

In this section, we will give a cancellation-free formula for the Schur elements ofHqn. This formula is also symmetric.

3.1 LetXandY be multisets of rational numbers ordered so that their elements form decreasing sequences. We will writeX Y for the (ordered) multiset consisting of all the elements ofX andY together and such that the elements of X Y form a decreasing sequence. We have|X Y| = |X| + |Y|.

Theorem 3.2 Letλ=0, λ1, . . . , λl1)be anl-partition ofn. Setλ¯:=

0sl1λs. Then



(i,j )∈[λs]



λs ,λt

i,j QsQt 1−1 .

(1) Since the total number of nodes inλis equal ton, the above formula can be rewritten as follows:




(i,j )∈[λs]



0tl1, t=s


λs ,λt

i,j QsQt 1−1 . (2)

3.3 We will now proceed to the proof of the above result using the formula of Theo- rem2.8. The following lemma relates the termsqn(λ)¯ andqα(λ).

Lemma 3.4 Letλbe anl-partition ofn. We have






Proof Following the definition of the conjugate partition, we haveλ¯i=

0sl1λsi, for alli≥1. Therefore,

n(λ)¯ =


λ¯i 2



0sl1λsi 2


i1 0sl1

λsi 2








Hence, to prove Equality (2), it is enough to show that, for all 0≤s < tl−1, Xstλ =qi1λsiλtiQ|sλt|Q|tλs|

(i,j )∈[λs]


λs ,λt

i,j QsQt 1−1


(i,j )∈[λt]


λt ,λs

i,j QtQs1−1

. (3)

3.5 We will proceed by induction on the number of nodes ofλs. We do not need to do the same forλt, because the symmetric formula for the Schur elements given by Theorem2.9implies the following: ifμis the multipartition obtained fromλby exchangingλs andλt, then

Xλst(Qs, Qt)=Xμst(Qt, Qs).

Ifλs= ∅, then

Xstλ =

(i,j )∈[λt]



(i,j )∈[λt]











(i,j )∈[λt]


λt ,λs

i,j QtQs1−1 ,

as required.


3.6 Now assume that our assertion holds when #[λs] ∈ {0,1,2, . . . , N−1}. We want to show that it also holds when #[λs] =N≥1. Ifλs= ∅, then there existsisuch that (i, λsi)is a removable node ofλs. Letνbe the multipartition defined by

νis:=λsi −1, νjs:=λsj for allj=i, νt:=λt for allt=s.

Then[λs] = [νs] ∪ {(i, λsi)}. Since (3) holds forXstν and


qλsiiQsqλt1Qt 1kλt1

qλsiiQsqk1λtkQt qλsiiQsqkλtkQt


it is enough to show that (to simplify notation, from now on setλ:=λsandμ:=λt):



qλiiQsqk1μkQt qλiiQsqk−μkQt


qλii+μλiλi+1QsQt 1−1

·A·B, (4) where



qλii+μkk+1QsQt 1−1 qλi−i+μk−kQsQt 1−1 and




qμkk+λλiλi+1QtQs1−1 qμkk+λλiλiQtQs1−1


Note that, since(i, λi)is a removable node ofλ, we haveλλ

i=i. We have



qλiiQsqk1μkQt qλiiQsqkμkQt .

Moreover, by Lemma2.2, fory=qiλiQtQs1,we obtain B= (qμ1+iλiQtQs1−1)




qμk+k1+iλiQtQs1−1 qμk+k+iλiQtQs1−1



B=Qt 1qμλiλi+1 (qλiiQsqμ1Qt) (qμλiλi+1+λiiQsQt 1−1)



qλiiQsqk1μkQt qλiiQsqkμkQt


Hence, Equality (4) holds.


4 First consequences

We give here several direct applications of Formula (2) obtained in Theorem3.2.

4.1 A first application of Formula (2) is that we can easily recover a well-known semisimplicity criterion for the Ariki–Koike algebra due to Ariki [1]. To do this, let us assume thatq, Q0, . . . , Ql1are indeterminates andR=Q(q, Q0, . . . , Ql1).

Then the resulting “generic” Ariki–Koike algebraHqn is split semisimple. Now as- sume thatθ:Z[q±1, Q±01, . . . , Q±l11] →Kis a specialization and letKHqn be the specialized algebra, whereKis any field. Note that for allλΠnl, we havesλ(q)∈ Z[q±1, Q±01, . . . , Q±l11]. Then by [12, Theorem 7.2.6],KHqnis (split) semisimple if and only if, for allλΠnl, we have θ (sλ(q))=0. From this, we can deduce the following:

Theorem 4.2 (Ariki) Assume thatKis a field. The algebraKHqnis (split) semisimple if and only ifθ (P (q))=0, where

P (q)=


1+q+ · · · +qi1



qkQsQt .

Proof Assume first thatθ (P (q))=0. We distinguish three cases:

(a) If there exists 2≤in such that θ (1+q+ · · · +qi1)=0, then we have θ ([hλ1,n−i+00 1]q)=0 for λ=((n),, . . . ,)Πnl. Thus, for thisl-partition, we haveθ (sλ(q))=0, which implies thatKHnqis not semisimple.

(b) If there exist 0≤s < tl−1 and 0≤k < nsuch thatθ (qkQsQt)=0, then we haveθ (qh

λs ,λt

1,n−kQsQt 1−1)=0 forλΠnl such thatλs=(n),λt = ∅. We haveθ (sλ(q))=0 andKHqnis not semisimple.

(c) If there exist 0≤s < tl−1 and−n < k <0 such thatθ (qkQsQt)=0, then we haveθ (qh

λt ,λs

1,n+kQtQs1−1)=0 forλΠnl such thatλs= ∅,λt=(n). Again, we haveθ (sλ(q))=0 andKHqnis not semisimple.

Conversely, ifKHqnis not semisimple, then there existsλΠnl such thatθ (sλ(q))= 0. As for all 0≤s, tl−1 and(i, j )∈ [λs], we have−n < hλi,jst< n, we conclude

thatθ (P (q))=0.

4.3 We now consider a remarkable specialization of the generic Ariki–Koike algebra.

Letube an indeterminate. Letr∈Z>0and letr0, . . . , rl1be any integers. Set r:=

(r0, . . . , rl1)andηl:=exp(2√

−1π/ l). For alli=0, . . . , l−1, we setmi:=ri/r and we define m:=(m0, . . . , ml1)∈Ql. Assume thatR=Z[q±1, Q±01, . . . , Q±l11] and consider the morphism

θ:R→Z[ηl] u±1

such thatθ (q)=ur andθ (Qj)=ηjlurj forj =0,1, . . . , l−1. We will denote by Hm,rn the specialization of the Ariki–Koike algebraHqn viaθ. The algebraHnm,r is


called a cyclotomic Ariki–Koike algebra. It is defined overZ[ηl][u±1]and has a pre- sentation as follows:

• generators:T0, T1, . . . , Tn1,

• relations:



· · ·


=0, Tjur

(Tj+1)=0 forj=1, . . . , n−1 and the braid relations symbolized by the diagram

4 · · ·

T0 T1 T2 Tn1


We setK:=Ql). The algebra K(u)Hm,rn , which is obtained by extension of scalars toK(u), is a split semisimple algebra. As a consequence, one can apply Tits’s Deformation Theorem (see, for example, [12, §7.4]), and see that the set of simple K(u)Hm,rn -modules Irr(K(u)Hm,rn )is given by




Vλ|λΠnl .

Using the Schur elements, one can attach to every simpleK(u)Hm,rn -moduleVλ a rational number a(m,r)(λ), by setting a(m,r)(λ)to be the negative of the valuation of the Schur element ofVλinu, that is, the negative of the valuation ofθ (sλ(q)). We call this number the a-value ofλ. By [11, §5.5], this value may be easily computed combinatorially: LetλΠnl and lets∈Z>0such thats > (λ). LetBbe the shifted m-symbol of λ of sizes∈Z>0. This is thel-tuple(B0, . . . ,Bl1)where, for all j=0, . . . , l−1 and for alli=1, . . . , s+ [mj](where[mj]denotes the integer part ofmj), we have

Bji =λjii+s+mj and Bj= Bjs+[m

j], . . . ,Bj1 .


κ1(λ)κ2(λ)≥ · · · ≥κh(λ)

for the elements ofBwritten in decreasing order (allowing repetitions), whereh= ls+

0jl1[mj]. Letκm(λ)=1(λ), . . . , κh(λ))∈Qh0and define nm(λ):=



Then, by [11, Proposition 5.5.11], the a-value ofλis a(m,r)(λ)=r

nm(λ)nm() , wheredenotes the empty multipartition.

Generalizing the dominance order for partitions, we will writeκm(λ)κm(μ)if κm(λ)=κm(μ)and


1itκi(μ)for allt≥1. The following result [11, Proposition 5.5.16] will be useful in then next sections:


Proposition 4.4 Assume thatλandμare twol-partitions with the same rank such thatκm(λ)κm(μ). Then a(m,r)(μ) >a(m,r)(λ).

Now, Formula (2) allows us to give an alternative description of the a-value ofλ:

Proposition 4.5 LetλΠnl. The a-value ofλis a(m,r)(λ)=r



(i,j )∈[λs]



hλi,jst +msmt,0 .

4.6 We now consider another type of specialization. Letv0, . . . , vl1be any integers.

Letkbe a subfield ofCand letηbe a primitive root of unity of ordere >1. Assume thatR=Z[q±1, Q±01, . . . , Q±l11]and consider the morphism


such thatθ (q)=η andθ (Qj)=ηvj for j =0,1, . . . , l−1. By Theorem 4.2, the specialized algebrak(η)Hqn is not generally semisimple, and a result by Dipper and Mathas which will be specified later (see Sect.5.2) implies that the study of this algebra is enough for studying the non-semisimple representation theory of Ariki–

Koike algebras in characteristic 0. Let D= Vλ:M

λ∈Πnl, M∈Irr(k(η)Hqn)

be the associated decomposition matrix (see [12, §7.4]), which relates the irreducible representations of the split semisimple Ariki–Koike algebraHqn and the specialized Ariki–Koike algebrak(η)Hqn. We are interested in the classification of the blocks of defect 0. That is, we want to classify the l-partitions λΠnl which are alone in their blocks in the decomposition matrix. These correspond to the modulesVλ which remain projective and irreducible after the specializationθ. By [17, Lemme 2.6] (see also [12, Theorem 7.2.6]), these elements are characterized by the property thatθ (sλ(q))=0. In our setting, using Formula (2), we obtain the following:

Proposition 4.7 Under the above hypotheses,λΠnl is in a block of defect 0 if and only if, for all 0s, tl1 and(i, j )∈ [λs],edoes not dividehλi,jst +vsvt. Remark 4.8 As pointed out by M. Fayers and A. Mathas, the above proposition can also be obtained using [10].

5 Canonical basic sets for Ariki–Koike algebras

In this part, we generalize some known results on basic sets for Ariki–Koike algebras, using a fundamental result by Dipper and Mathas. This will help us determine the canonical basic sets for cyclotomic Ariki–Koike algebras in full generality.


5.1 We consider the cyclotomic Ariki–Koike algebraHm,rn defined in Sect.4.3, re- placing from now on the indeterminateuby the indeterminateq(following the usual notation). Letθ:Z[ηl][q±1] →K(η)be a specialization such that θ (q)=η∈C. We obtain a specialized Ariki–Koike algebraK(η)Hm,rn . The relations between the generators are the usual braid relations together with the following ones:



· · ·


=0, Tjηr

(Tj+1)=0 forj =1, . . . , n−1.


D= Vλ:M

λ∈Πnl, M∈Irr(K(η)Hm,rn )

be the associated decomposition matrix (see [12, §7.4]). The matrixD relates the irreducible representations of the split semisimple Ariki–Koike algebraK(q)Hm,rn

and the specialized Ariki–Koike algebraK(η)Hm,rn . The goal of this section is to study the form of this matrix in full generality.

First assume thatηis not a root of unity. Then, for all 0≤i=jl−1, we have ηiljηrirj=ηrd

for alld∈Z>0. By the criterion of semisimplicity due to Ariki (Theorem4.2), this implies that the algebraK(η)Hm,rn is split semisimple, and thus D is the identity matrix. Hence, from now, one may assume thatηis a primitive root of unity of order e >1. Then there existsk∈Z>0such that gcd(k, e)=1 andη=exp(2√

−1π k/e).

5.2 We will now use a reduction theorem by Dipper and Mathas, which will help us understand the form ofD. Set I:= {0,1, . . . , l−1}. There is a partition

I=I1 I2 · · · Ip

such that

• for all 1≤α < βp,(i, j )Iα×Iβ andd∈Z>0, we have ηrdηiljηrirj=0

• for all 1≤αpand(i, j )Iα×Iα, there existsd∈Z>0such that ηrdηiljηri−rj=0.

For allj=1, . . . , p, we setl[j] := |Ij|and we consider Ijas an ordered set Ij=(ij,1, ij,2, . . . , ij,l[j]) withij,1< ij,2<· · ·< ij,l[j]. We define

πj: Ql → Qli

(x0, x1, . . . , xl1)(xij,1, xij,2, . . . , xij,l[j])



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