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Received 30 June 2004 and in revised form 19 April 2005

Consider the minimization problem with a convex separable objective function over a feasible region defined by linear equality constraint(s)/linear inequality constraint of the form “greater than or equal to” and bounds on the variables. A necessary and sufficient condition and a sufficient condition are proved for a feasible solution to be an optimal so- lution to these two problems, respectively. Iterative algorithms of polynomial complexity for solving such problems are suggested and convergence of these algorithms is proved.

Some convex functions, important for problems under consideration, as well as compu- tational results are presented.

1. Introduction

In many cases, we have to minimize a convex separable function over a region defined by a linear equality or inequality “” constraint with positive coefficients, and two-sided bounds on the variables.

Such problems and problems related to them arise, for example, in production plan- ning and scheduling [2] and Problem 4,Section 5, in allocation of resources [2,31] and Problem 1,Section 5, in allocation of effort resources among competing activities [16]

and Problems 3, 5, and 6,Section 5, in the theory of search [6], in subgradient opti- mization [11], in facility location [24], and in the implementation of projection methods when the feasible region is of the considered form [28] and Problem 2,Section 5, and so forth.

The problems under consideration can mathematically be formulated as follows:




cj xj

(1.1) subject to


djxj =

α, (1.2)

ajxjbj, jJ, (1.3)

Copyright©2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2005:9 (2005) 1339–1363 DOI:10.1155/IJMMS.2005.1339


wherecj(xj) are twice differentiable convex functions, defined on the open convex sets XjinR,jJ, respectively;dj>0 for every jJ,x=(xj)jJ, andJ≡ {1,...,n}.

Denote this problem by (C=) in the first case (problem (1.1), (1.2), and (1.3) with equality constraint (1.2)), and by (C) in the second case (problem (1.1), (1.2), and (1.3) with inequality “” constraint (1.2)). Denote byX=andXthe feasible region (1.2)-(1.3) in the two cases, respectively. A constraint like (1.2) is known as theknapsack constraint.

Also, a generalization of problem (C=), denoted by (Cm=), is considered in which (1.2) is defined bymlinear equality constraints.

The feasible region (1.2)-(1.3) is an intersection of the hyperplane(s)/halfspace (1.2) and the box (1.3) of dimension|J| =n. Therefore, (1.2)-(1.3) is a convex set. Therefore, (C=), (C=m), and (C) are convex programming problems.

Problems like (C=) and (C) are subject of intensive study. Related problems and methods for them are considered in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31]. The solution of knapsack problems with arbitrary convex or concave objective functions is studied in [2,16,20,25,31], and so forth. Algorithms for solving convex quadratic minimization problems with a linear equality/inequality constraint and box constraints are proposed in [27]. Quadratic knap- sack problems and problems related to them are studied in [4,22,23], and so forth. A nonconvex variant of these problems is considered in [29], and algorithms for the case of convex quadratic objective function are proposed in [4,9,12,21], and so forth. Bounded knapsack sharing is considered in [3]. Algorithms for bound constrained quadratic pro- gramming problems are proposed in [19], and minimization of quadratic functions sub- ject to box constraints is considered in [8]. Quasi-Newton updates with bounds are sug- gested in [5]. A Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for the constrained matrix problem is proposed in [7]. Analytic solutions of nonlinear programs subject to one or two equality constraints are studied in [10], and minimization subject to one linear equality constraint and bounds on the variables is considered in [17]. Iterative quadratic optimization algo- rithms for pairs of inequalities are proposed in [13]. A polynomial-time algorithm for the resource allocation problem with a convex objective function and nonnegative inte- ger variables is suggested in [14]. Algorithms for the least-distance problem are proposed in [1,30]. Polynomial algorithms for projecting a point onto a region defined by a lin- ear constraint and box constraints inRnare suggested in [28]. An algorithm for finding a projection onto a simple polytope is proposed in [18]. A method for solving a con- vex integer programming problem is suggested in [26]. The problems of maximizing and minimizing subsums subject to a sum- and a Schur-convex constraint are solved in [15]

without the use of the theory of convex programming.

In this paper, we propose iterative algorithms (Sections3.2and3.4) which are based on Theorems2.1and2.4(Sections2.1and2.3, resp.). Convergence of these algorithms is based onTheorem 3.2(Section 3.3). Then we pay our attention to some extensions concerning theoretical and computational aspects of the proposed approach (Section 4).

InSection 5, we give examples of convex functionscj(xj), which are involved in problems under consideration, and some computational results.

This paper is a continuation of the author’s work [25] in which we proposed poly- nomial-time algorithms for a convex separable problem subject to convex separable


inequality constraint of the form “” and bounded variables, and generalization of the author’s paper [27], in which the special case ofquadraticseparable objective function is studied.

2. Main results: characterization theorems

2.1. Problem(C=). First consider the following problem (C=):




cj xj


subject to


djxj=α, dj>0, jJ, (2.2)

ajxjbj, jJ. (2.3)

Suppose that the following assumptions are satisfied.

(1a) ajbj for all jJ. Ifak=bk for somekJ, then the valuexk:=ak=bk is determined in advance.


jJdjbj. Otherwise, the constraints (2.2) and (2.3) are incon- sistent andX== ∅, whereX=is defined by (2.2) and (2.3).

Leth=j, jJ, be the value ofxj for whichcj(xj)=0. If a finite value with this prop- erty does not exist, this means that the functioncj(xj) does not change the type of its monotonicity, that is,cj(xj) is a nondecreasing or nonincreasing function in the interval (−∞, +). That is why, in case there does not exist a finite valueh=j such thatcj(h=j)=0, we adopt the following:

(i)h=j := −∞, ifcj(xj) is a nondecreasing function;

(ii)h=j :=+, ifcj(xj) is a nonincreasing function.

The Lagrangian for problem (C=) is L(x,u,v,λ)=















, (2.4)

whereλR1,u,vRn+, andRn+consists of all vectors withnreal nonnegative compo- nents.

The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for the minimum solutionx=(xj)jJ for problem (C=) are

cjxj+λdjuj+vj=0, jJ, (2.5)

ujajxj=0, jJ, (2.6)


xj bj

=0, jJ, (2.7)


λR1, ujR1+, vjR1+, jJ, (2.8)


djxj =α, (2.9)

ajxj bj, jJ, (2.10)

whereλ,uj,vj, jJ, are the Lagrange multipliers associated with the constraints (2.2), ajxj,xjbj,jJ, respectively. Ifaj= −∞orbj=+for somej, we do not consider the corresponding condition (2.6) ((2.7), resp.) and Lagrange multiplieruj(vj, resp.).

Sincecj(xj), jJ, are convex differentiable functions in one variable, thencj(xj) are monotone nondecreasing functions ofxj,jJ, that is,

cjx1jcjx2jx1jx2j0 x1j,x2j, jJ. (2.11) Sinceuj0,vj0, jJ, and since the complementary conditions (2.6) and (2.7) must be satisfied, in order to findxj, jJ, from system (2.5), (2.6), (2.7), (2.8), (2.9), and (2.10), we have to consider all possible cases foruj,vj: alluj,vj equal to 0; alluj, vj different from 0; some of them equal to 0 and some of them different from 0. The number of these cases is 2|J|=22n, where 2nis the number of alluj,vj,jJ, and|J| = n. Obviously, this is an enormous number of cases, especially for large-scale problems.

For example, whenn=1500, we have to consider 2300010900cases. Moreover, in each case, we have to solve a large-scale system of (nonlinear) equations inxj,λ,uj,vj, jJ.

Therefore, thedirectapplication of the KKT theorem, using explicit enumeration of all possible cases, for solving large-scale problems of the considered form would not give a result and we need efficient methods to solve the problems under consideration.

Theorem 2.1gives necessary and sufficient condition (characterization) of the optimal solution to problem (C=). Its proof, of course, is based on the KKT theorem. As we will see inSection 5, by usingTheorem 2.1, we can solve problem (C=) withn=1500 variables for about 0.0001 seconds on a personal computer.

Theorem2.1 (characterization of the optimal solution to problem (C=)). A feasible sol- utionx=(xj)jJX=is an optimal solution to problem(C=)if and only if there exists a λR1such that

xj =aj, jJaλdef=

jJ:λ≥ −cjaj dj

, (2.12)

xj =bj, jJbλdef=

jJ:λ≤ −cjbj


, (2.13)

xj :λdj= −cjxj, jJλdef=


dj λ≤ −cjaj


. (2.14)

Whencj(xj)are strictly convex, inequalities definingJλin (2.14) are strict.

Proof. Necessity. Letx=(xj)jJ be an optimal solution to (C=). Then there exist con- stantsλ,uj,vj,jJ, such that KKT conditions (2.5), (2.6), (2.7), (2.8), (2.9), and (2.10) are satisfied.


(a) Ifxj =aj, thenuj0 andvj=0 according to (2.6), (2.7), and (2.8). Therefore, (2.5) implies thatcj(xj)=ujλdj≥ −λdj. Sincedj>0, then

λ≥ −cjxj dj ≡ −


dj . (2.15)

(b) Ifxj =bj, thenuj=0 andvj0 according to (2.6), (2.7), and (2.8). Therefore, (2.5) implies thatcj(xj)= −vjλdj≤ −λdj. Hence,

λ≤ −cjxj

dj ≡ −cjbj

dj . (2.16)

(c) Ifaj< xj < bj, thenuj=vj=0 according to (2.6) and (2.7). Therefore, (2.5) im- plies that cj(xj)= −λdj. Sincecj(xj), jJ, are convex differentiable functions, then cj(xj) are nondecreasing functions, and sincebj> xj,xj > aj,jJ, by the assumptions, it follows that



, jJ. (2.17)

Multiplying these inequalities by1/djand using that dj>0, λ= −cjxj

dj , (2.18)

we obtain


dj λ≤ −cjaj

dj . (2.19)

Whencj(xj), jJ, arestrictly convex, thenaj< xj < bj implies thatcj(bj)> cj(xj)>

cj(aj), jJ, strictly. Then inequalities in (2.19) are strict.

To describe cases (a), (b), and (c), we introduce the index setsJaλ,Jbλ,Jλ defined by (2.12), (2.13), and (2.14), respectively. It is obvious thatJaλJbλJλ=J. The “necessity”

part ofTheorem 2.1is proved.

Sufficiency. Conversely, letx=(xj)jJX= and components ofxsatisfy (2.12), (2.13), and (2.14). Set

λ= −cjxj

dj ; uj=vj=0 forjJλ; uj=cjaj

+λdj (0), vj=0 forjJaλ; uj=0, vj= −cjbj

λdj (0) for jJbλ.


Clearly, x,λ,uj,vj, jJ, satisfy KKT conditions (2.5), (2.6), (2.7), (2.8), (2.9), and (2.10), which are necessary and sufficient conditions for a feasible solution to be an opti- mal solution to a convex minimization problem. Therefore,xis an optimal solution to problem (C=) defined by (2.1), (2.2), and (2.3).


Whencj(xj), jJ, arestrictlyconvex, this optimal solution is unique.

The importance ofTheorem 2.1consists in the fact that it describes components of the optimal solution to problem (C=) only through the Lagrange multiplierλassociated with the equality constraint (2.2).

Since we do not know the optimal value ofλfromTheorem 2.1, we define an iterative process with respect to the Lagrange multiplierλand we prove the convergence of this process inSection 3.

Using thatdj>0,jJ, from monotonicity ofcj(xj) and fromajbj,jJ, it follows thatubjdef

= −cj(bj)/dj≤ −cj(aj)/djdef

=laj, jJ, for the expressions by means of which we define the setsJaλ,Jbλ, andJλ.

The problem how to ensure a feasible solution to problem (C=) defined by (2.1), (2.2), and (2.3), which is an assumption forTheorem 2.1, is discussed inSection 3.3.

The question whetherxj,jJλ, are always uniquely determined from (2.14) in [aj,bj] is important. In general, ifc(x)

jJcj(xj) is a strictly convex function, then problem (C=) has a unique optimal solution in the feasible regionX=defined by (2.2) and (2.3) in case (C=) has a feasible solution, that is,xj,jJλ, are uniquely determined from (2.14) in this case. If the parametersaj,bj, and so forth of particular problems of type (C=) are generated in intervals where the functionscj(xj) are strictly convex, then the optimal solution to the corresponding problem (C=), if it has an optimal solution, is unique.

Ifc(x) is a convex function but not necessarily a strictly convex function, then, as it is known, any local minimum point ofc(x) is a global minimum point as well and the set of optimal solutions to a convex minimization problem is convex. Therefore, the optimal value of the objective function subject to (2.2) and (2.3) is the same for all optimal solu- tions to (C=) if it has more than one optimal solution. If, for example, (2.14) is a linear equation ofxj, thenxj,jJλ, are uniquely determined from (2.14) in this case as well.

2.2. Problem(C=m). Denote by (C=m) the problem min



cj xj

(2.21) subject to

Dx=α, (2.22)

axb, (2.23)

wherecj(xj) are differentiable strictly convex functions,jJ,D=(di j)Rm×n,αRm, a=(a1,...,an), andb=(b1,...,bn)Rn.

The feasible region (2.22)-(2.23) is an intersection ofmhyperplanes (2.22) and the box (2.23).

Problem (C=), considered inSection 2.1, is a special case of problem (C=m) withm=1.

We consider problem (C=) separately becauseTheorem 2.1and the algorithm suggested for (C=) inSection 3.2 are used in the proof ofTheorem 2.4 and in the statement of Algorithm 3.2for problem (C), respectively.


Denote byPc(D,α,a,b) the solution to problem (C=m). Sincec(x) is strictly convex as a sum of strictly convex functions, thenPc(D,α,a,b) is uniquely defined, that is, there is at most one minimum which is both local and global.

Denotey=[x]ba, whereyj=min{max{xj,aj},bj}for eachjJ.

The KKT conditions forxRnto be a local minimum of (Cm=) are

Dx=α, (2.24)

ax, (2.25)

xb, (2.26)

cx+DTλu+v=0, (2.27)

ujajxj=0, jJ, (2.28)


xj bj

=0, jJ, (2.29)

u0, (2.30)

v0, (2.31)

whereλRm,u,vRn+are the Lagrange multipliers associated with (2.22) and the two inequalities of (2.23), respectively.

The mapc≡ ∇c:RnRnis strict monotone increasing sincecis a strictly convex function. Therefore, (c)1:RnRnis well defined.

Theorem2.2. Letc:RnRbe separable, differentiable, and strictly convex. Then, Pc(D,α,a,b)=

(c)1DTtcc(b)(a): tRm

, (2.32)

whereD,α,a,bare defined above.

Proof. Relation (2.32) is proved by two-way inclusion.

(i) Letx=Pc(D,α,a,b) for someαRm. Then there existλRm,u,vRn+satis- fying the KKT conditions (2.24), (2.25), (2.26), (2.27), (2.28), (2.29), (2.30), and (2.31) together with thisx.

It follows from (2.27) that

DTλ= −cx+uv, (2.33)

that is,

Dj= −cjxj+ujvj (2.34) for eachjJ.

IfDj,λ>cj(xj), thenuj> vj0, soxj =ajaccording to (2.28), that is,

Dj>cjxjimplies thatxj =aj. (2.35) Similarly, ifDj,λ<cj(xj), thenvj> uj0, soxj =bjaccording to (2.29), that is, Dj<cjxjimplies thatxj =bj. (2.36)


Sinceajbj,jJ, by assumption, we have three cases to consider.

Case 1. Dj,λ>cj(aj). ThenDj>cj(xj) according to (2.25) and the mono- tonicity ofcj. Hence,xj =ajin accordance with (2.35).

Case 2. Dj,λ<cj(bj). ThenDj<cj(xj) according to (2.26) and the mono- tonicity ofcj. Hence,xj =bjin accordance with (2.36).

Case 3. cj(bj)Dj ≤ −cj(aj). IfDj<cj(xj), thenxj =bjaccording to (2.36).

Therefore,Dj ≥ −cj(xj) becauseDj,λ ≥ −cj(bj) by the assumption ofCase 3, a contradiction. Similarly, if we assume thatDj,λ>cj(xj) strictly, this would imply thatxj =ajaccording to (2.35) andDj ≤ −cj(xj), a contradiction.

ThenDj,λ = −cj(xj), so it follows thatxj =(cj)1(Dj,λ).

In the three cases considered, we have xj =


Djccjj((bajj)). (2.37) Hence,x=(c)1[DTλ]cc(b)(a), that is,



. (2.38)

(ii) Conversely, suppose thatxRnandx=(c)1[DTt]cc(b)(a)for sometRm. Set α=D(c)1DTtcc(b)(a),

λ=t, u=c(a) +DTt, v= −c(b)DTt.


We have to prove thatx,α,λ,u,vsatisfy the KKT conditions (2.24), (2.25), (2.26), (2.27), (2.28), (2.29), (2.30), and (2.31).

Obviously,x and αsatisfy (2.24), x satisfies (2.25) and (2.26) (these are (2.23)) according to the definition of [x]baand the monotonicity ofc.

In order to verify (2.27), (2.28), (2.29), (2.30), and (2.31), we consider each jJ.

There are three possible cases.

Case 1. Dj,t>cj(aj). Then cj(aj) +Dj,t>0, and sinceaj bj, thencj(bj) Dj,t<0. Therefore,xj =aj,λ=t,uj=cj(aj) +Dj,t,vj=0.

Case 2. Dj,t<cj(bj). Then cj(bj)Dj,t>0, and sinceajbj, thencj(aj) + Dj,t<0. Therefore,xj =bj,λ=t,uj=0,vj= −cj(bj)Dj,t.

Case 3. cj(bj)Dj,t ≤ −cj(aj). Then cj(bj)Dj,t0, Dj,t+cj(aj)0.

Therefore,xj =(c)j1(Dj,t),λ=t,uj=vj=0.

Obviously, in each of the three cases,xj,uj,vj(jJ),λsatisfy (2.27), (2.28), (2.29), (2.30), and (2.31) as well.


Therefore,x,α,λ,u,vsatisfy the KKT conditions (2.24), (2.25), (2.26), (2.27), (2.28), (2.29), (2.30), and (2.31), soxPc(D,α,a,b) according to the definition ofPc(D,α,a,b).

The two-way inclusion implies (2.32).

Define the functionsx:RmRn,α:RmRmby

x(t)=(c)1DTtcc(b)(a), (2.40) α(t)=D(c)1DTtcc(b)(a). (2.41) Then the following corollary holds.

Corollary2.3. VectorsxRn,αRmsatisfyx=Pc(D,α,a,b)if and only if there existstRmsuch that

xt=x, (2.42)

αt=α. (2.43)

Proof ofCorollary 2.3follows from the statement of problem (C=m) and (2.32).

It follows fromCorollary 2.3thatx=Pc(D,α,a,b) can be solved with respect tox for givenαby first solving (2.43) fortand then calculatingxby using (2.42).

LetSbe the set of solutions to (2.43) for a particular value ofα: S=

tRm:α(t)=α. (2.44)

According to (2.41), each component ofα(t) is a linear combination of the same set of terms. Each term (c)j1[DTjt]c


cj(aj)is a smooth function oftexcept on the pair of break hyperplanes


tRm:Dj,t= −cjaj , Bj=

tRm:Dj,t= −cjbj

. (2.45)

These break hyperplanes are generalizations of breakpoints considered inSection 3.1.

2.3. Problem(C). Consider now the problem (C) with linear inequality “” con- straint (1.2):





(2.46) subject to


djxjα, dj>0, jJ, (2.47)

ajxjbj, jJ. (2.48)


Suppose that the following assumptions are satisfied.

(1b)ajbjfor alljJ.


jJdjbj. Otherwise, the constraints (2.47) and (2.48) are inconsistent and X= ∅, whereXis defined by (2.47) and (2.48). In addition to this assumption, we suppose thatjJdjajα(see comments after the proof ofTheorem 2.4,Section 2.3).

Lethj, jJ, be the value ofxj for whichcj(xj)=0. If such a value does not exist, sincecj(xj) is a monotone nondecreasing function (cj(xj) is convex), we adopthj =+ for problem (C).

Rewrite problem (C) in the form min



cj xj

(2.49) subject to


djxj≤ −α, dj>0, jJ, (2.50)

ajxjbj, jJ. (2.51)

Since the linear functiond(x)def= −

jJdjxj+αis both convex and concave, then (C) is a convex optimization problem.

Letλ,λbe the Lagrange multipliers associated with (2.2) (problem (C=)) and with (2.47) (problem (C)), and letxj,xj, jJ, be components of the optimal solutions to (C=), (C), respectively. For the sake of simplicity, we useuj,vj,jJ, instead ofuj,vj, jJ, for the Lagrange multipliers associated withajxj,xjbj, jJ, from (2.51), respectively.

The Lagrangian for problem (C) is Lx,u,v,λ=















, (2.52)

and the KKT conditions for (C) are

cjxjλdjuj+vj=0, jJ, (2.53) uj

ajxj=0, jJ, (2.54)

vjxj bj=0, jJ, (2.55)

λ α



=0, λR1+; (2.56)


djxj α, (2.57)

ajxj bj, jJ, (2.58)

ujR1+, vjR1+, jJ. (2.59)



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