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RAVI P. AGARWAL, DONAL O’REGAN, AND SVATOSLAV STAN ˇEK Received 1 April 2005; Accepted 12 May 2005

The paper presents general existence principles which can be used for a large class of nonlocal boundary value problems of the form (φ(x))= f1(t,x,x) + f2(t,x,x)F1x+ f3(t,x,x)F2x,α(x)=0,β(x)=0, where fjsatisfy local Carath´eodory conditions on some [0,T]×jR2, fj are either regular or have singularities in their phase variables (j= 1, 2, 3), Fi:C1[0,T]C0[0,T] (i=1, 2), and α,β:C1[0,T]R are continuous. The proofs are based on the Leray-Schauder degree theory and use regularization and sequen- tial techniques. Applications of general existence principles to singular BVPs are given.

Copyright © 2006 Ravi P. Agarwal et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

1. Introduction

LetT >0. As usual,Cj[0,T] and ACj[0,T] (j=0, 1) denote the set of functions having thejth derivative continuous and absolutely continuous on [0,T], respectively.L1[0,T] is the set of Lebesgue integrable functions on [0,T]. In what follows,C0[0,T] andL1[0,T]

are equipped with the norms

x =maxx(t): 0tT, xL= T


x(t)dt, (1.1)


Assume thatGR2. Car([0,T]×G) stands for the set of functions f : [0,T]×G Rsatisfying local Carath´eodory conditions on [0,T]×G, that is: (j) for each (x,y) G, the function f(·,x,y) : [0,T]R is measurable; (jj) for a.e. t[0,T], the func- tion f(t,·,·) :GRis continuous; (jjj) for each compact setKG, sup{|f(t,x,y)|: (x,y)K} ∈L1[0,T]. For any measurableᏹR,μ(ᏹ) denotes the Lebesgue measure ofᏹ.

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis

Volume 2006, Article ID 96826, Pages1–30 DOI10.1155/AAA/2006/96826


We will denote byᏴthe set of operatorsF:C1[0,T]C0[0,T] which are (a) continuous and

(b) bounded, that is, for anyr >0,

supFx:xC1[0,T],x+xr<. (1.2) Finally, letᏭdenote the set of functionalsα:C1[0,T]Rwhich are

(a) continuous and

(b) bounded, that is,α(Ω) is bounded (inR) for any boundedΩC1[0,T].

We study singular nonlocal boundary value problems (BVPs) of the type φx(t)=f1


t,x(t),x(t)F1x(t) +f3

t,x(t),x(t)F2x(t) (1.3)

α(x)=0, β(x)=0, (1.4)

whereφ is an increasing homeomorphism fromRontoR, fjCar([0,T]×j), the setsᏰj=1j×2jR2 are not necessarily closed, fj have singularities in their phase variables on the boundary∂ᏰjofᏰj(j=1, 2, 3),FiᏴ(i=1, 2) andα,βᏭ.

Letj∈ {1, 2, 3}. We say that fjhas a singularity on∂Ᏸjin its phase variablexi(i=1, 2) if there existsai,j∂Ᏸijsuch that

lim sup


fjt,x1,x2= ∞ (1.5)

for a.e.t[0,T] and allx3iD3ji.

A function xC1[0,T] is said to be a solution of the BVP (1.3), (1.4) if φ(x) AC[0,T], x satisfies the boundary conditions (1.4) and (1.3) holds for almost allt [0,T].

Nonlocal BVPs for second-order differential equations with nonlinear left-hand sides and having singularities in their phase variables were studied in [1,2,5,10–12]. In [1]

the differential equation (g(x))= f(t,x, (g(x))) is discussed together with the non- local boundary conditions x(0)=x(T), min{x(t) : 0tT} =0. In [2] the authors present conditions guaranteeing that the BVP (φ(x))=μ f(t,x,x), x(0)=0=x(T), max{x(t) : 0tT} =Ahas for anyA >0 a positive solution with a positive value of the parameterμ. The existence of a solution of (φ(x))= f(t,x,x) satisfyingx(0)=x(T), max{x(t) : 0tT} =Ais considered in [11], satisfyingx(0)=x(T)= −γmin{x(t) : 0tT}(0,)) in [10] and satisfying min{x(t) : 0tT} =0,χ(x)=0 where χis a continuous functional in [12]. Existence results for functional-differential equations with nonlinear functional left-hand sides and nonlocal functional boundary conditions are also presented in [5].

The aim of this paper is to present general existence principles for solving regular and singular nonlocal BVPs for second-order functional-differential equations with φ- Laplacian and to give applications of these general principles. The general existence prin- ciple for regular nonlocal BVPs can be used either for solving regular BVPs or in the case


of singular BVPs for solving a sequence of auxiliary regular BVPs obtaining by regulariza- tion and sequential techniques. We note that our general existence principle for singular nonlocal BVPs is related to that given in [9] for singular BVPs

x(n)(t)=ht,x(t),. . .,x(n1)(t), x᏿, (1.6) wherehhas singularities in all its phase variables and᏿is a closed subset ofCn1[0,T].

To obtain a solution of the BVP (1.3), (1.4), we use regularization and sequential tech- niques. To use these techniques we consider a sequence of regular functional-differential equations

φx(t)=f1,nt,x(t),x(t)+ f2,nt,x(t),x(t)F1x(t)

+f3,nt,x(t),x(t)F2x(t), (1.7) where fj,nCar([0,T]×R2),nN,j=1, 2, 3. Ifxnis a solution of the BVP (1.7), (1.4), then a solution of the BVP (1.3), (1.4) is obtained as the limit (inC1[0,T]) of a subse- quence of{xn}. In limiting processes one usually uses the Lebesgue dominated conver- gence theorem. Note that in our case with general nonlocal boundary conditions (1.4), we often cannot find a Lebesgue integrable majorant function for the auxiliary sequence of regular functions connected to the BVP (1.3), (1.4). In such a case our limiting processes are based on Vitali’s convergence theorem, where the assumption about the existence of a Lebesgue integrable majorant function is replaced by a more general assumption about the uniform integrability.

A collectionᐂL1[0,T] is called uniformly integrable (UI) on [0,T] if to givenε >0 there existsδ >0 such that ifρᐂandᏹ[0,T],μ(ᏹ)< δ, then

ρ(t)dt < ε. (1.8)

Theorem 1.1 (Vitali’s convergence theorem, [3]). Let{ρn}be a sequence inL1[0,T] which convergent toρfor a.e.t[0,T]. Then the following statements are equivalent:

(a)ρL1[0,T] and limn→∞ρnρL=0, (b) the sequence{ρn}is UI on [0,T].

Remark 1.2. Assumption (b) inTheorem 1.1is equivalent to the following condition: to givenε >0 there existsδ >0 such that for any at most countable set{aj,bj}j∈Jof mutually disjoint intervals (aj,bj)(0,T),j∈J(bjaj)< δ, we have




ρn(t)dt < ε, nN. (1.9)

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. InSection 2, we present a general ex- istence principle for regular nonlocal BVP and general existence principles for singular nonlocal BVP. Applications of both principles are given in Sections3and4.Section 3dis- cusses singular nonlocal BVPs where nonlinearities in the singular differential equations


are positive.Section 4 is devoted to the study of positive solutions to singular Dirich- let BVPs for functional-differential equations with right-hand sides changing their sign.

Results are demonstrated with examples throughout.

2. General existence principles

We first denote byᏸthe set of functionalsF:C1[0,T]L1[0,T] which are (a) continuous and

(b) for eachr >0,

sup(Fx)(t):xC1[0,T],x+xrL1[0,T]. (2.1) Notice that for each f Car([0,T]×R2), the operator F:C1[0,T]L1[0,T] with (Fx)(t)=f(t,x(t),x(t)), belongs to the setᏸ.

Consider the regular functional-differential equation

φx(t)=(Fx)(t), (2.2)

whereFᏸ. We give a general existence principle for the BVP (2.2), (1.4).

Theorem 2.1 (general existence principle for regular nonlocal BVP). Let φ be an increasing homeomorphism fromRontoR,Fandα,β. Suppose there exist positive constantsS0andS1such that

x< S0, x< S1 (2.3)

for all solutionsxto the BVP


α(x)=0, β(x)=0 (2.4)

and eachλ[0, 1]. Also assume there exists positive constantsΛ0andΛ1such that

|A|<Λ0, |B|<Λ1 (2.5) for all solutions (A,B)R2of the system


β(A+Bt)μβ(ABt)=0 (2.6)

and eachμ[0, 1]. Then the BVP (2.2), (1.4) has a solution.

Proof. Set Ω=


. (2.7)


ThenΩis an open, bounded and symmetric with respect to 0C1[0,T] subset of the Banach spaceC1[0,T]. Define the operatorᏼ: [0, 1]×ΩC1[0,T] by the formula

ᏼ(λ,x)(t)=x(0) +α(x) + t


φx(0) +β(x)+λ s


ds. (2.8)

A standard argument shows thatᏼis a continuous operator. We claim thatᏼ([0, 1]×Ω) is compact inC1[0,T]. Indeed, sinceΩis bounded inC1[0,T],

α(x)r, β(x)r, (Fx)(t)ρ(t) (2.9)

for a.e.t[0,T] andxΩ, whereris a positive constant andρL1[0,T]. Then ᏼ(λ,x)(t)maxS001T+r+1φmaxS11


, ᏼ(λ,x)(t)φ1φmaxS11


, φᏼ(λ,x)t2

φᏼ(λ,x)t1 t2




fort,t1,t2[0,T] and (λ,x)[0, 1]×Ω. Henceᏼ([0, 1]×Ω) is bounded inC1[0,T] and {φ[ᏼ(λ,x)(t)]}is equicontinuous on [0,T]. From



φ1φᏼ(λ,x)t1 (2.11) and φ1 being an increasing homeomorphism from RontoR, we deduce that{ᏼ(λ, x)(t)}is also equicontinuous on [0,T]. Now the Arzel`a-Ascoli theorem shows thatᏼ([0, 1]×Ω) is compact inC1[0,T]. Thusᏼis a compact operator.

Suppose thatx0is a fixed point of the operatorᏼ(1,·). Then x0(t)=x0(0) +αx0

+ t


φx0(0) +βx0

+ s




ds. (2.12)

Henceα(x0)=0,β(x0)=0 andx0is a solution of (2.2). Thereforex0is a solution of the BVP (2.2), (1.4) and to prove our theorem, it suffices to show that

Dᏼ(1,·),Ω, 0 =0, (2.13)

where “D” stands for the Leray-Schauder degree and Ᏽ is the identity operator on C1[0,T]. For this purpose let the compact operator᏷: [0, 1]×ΩC1[0,T] be given by

᏷(μ,x)(t)=x(0) +α(x)μα(x) +x(0) +β(x)μβ(x)t. (2.14)


Then᏷(1,·) is odd (i.e.,᏷(1,x)= −᏷(1,x) forxΩ) and

᏷(0,·)=ᏼ(0,·). (2.15)

If᏷(μ0,x0)=x0for someμ0[0, 1] andx0Ω, then x0(t)=x0(0) +αx0


+x0(0) +βx0


t, t[0,T].

(2.16) Therefore x0(t)=A0+B0t where A0=x0(0) +α(x0)μ0α(x0), B0=x0(0) +β(x0) μ0β(x0), and alsoα(x0)μ0α(x0)=0,β(x0)μ0β(x0)=0. Hence


βA0+B0tμ0βA0B0t=0. (2.17) Thus

A0<Λ0, B0<Λ1 (2.18) since (A0,B0) is a solution of (2.6) withμ=μ0. Thenx0<Λ01T,x0<Λ1, which givesx0Ω. Now, by the Borsuk antipodal theorem and a homotopy property (see, e.g., [6]),

D᏷(0,·),Ω, 0=D᏷(1,·),Ω, 0 =0. (2.19) Finally assume thatᏼ(λ,x)=xfor someλ[0, 1] andxΩ. Thenxis a solution of the BVP (2.4) withλ=λand, by our assumptions,x< S0andx< S1. Hence xΩand a homotopy property yields

Dᏼ(0,·),Ω, 0=Dᏼ(1,·),Ω, 0. (2.20) From the last equality, (2.15) and (2.19) it follows that (2.13) is true. Therefore the BVP

(2.2), (1.4) has a solution.

Remark 2.2. Let the functionalsα,βᏭbe linear. Then the system (2.6) has the form Aα(1) +Bα(t)=0,

Aβ(1) +Bβ(t)=0, (2.21)

and all of its solutions (A,B) are bounded if and only ifα(1)β(t)α(t)β(1) =0 (and then (A,B)=(0, 0)).

Special cases ofTheorem 2.1are the general existence principles presented in [8] for the differential equation (φ(x))=q(t)f(t,x,x) with the Dirichlet and mixed boundary conditions.

Now consider the singular functional-differential equation (1.3) whereφis an increas- ing homeomorphism fromRontoR, fjCar([0,T]×j), the setsᏰj=1j×2jR2


are not necessarily closed, fj have singularities in their phase variables on the bound- ary∂Ᏸj of Ᏸj (j=1, 2, 3) andFiᏴ(i=1, 2). Also consider the sequence of regular differential equations (1.7) where fj,nCar([0,T]×R2),nN,j=1, 2, 3.

Theorem 2.3 (general existence principle for singular nonlocal BVP). Letα,βᏭ. Suppose there exist a bounded setΩC1[0,T] such that

(i) for eachnN, the regular BVP (1.7), (1.4) has a solutionxnΩ,

(ii) the sequences{fj,n(t,xn(t),xn(t))}are uniformly integrable on [0,T] forj=1, 2, 3.

Then we have

(a) there existxΩand a subsequence{xkn}of{xn}such that limn→∞xkn=xinC1([0, T]),

(b)xis a solution of the BVP (1.3), (1.4) if


t,xkn(t),xkn(t)= fj

t,x(t),x(t), j=1, 2, 3, (2.22) for almost allt[0,T].

Proof. SinceΩis bounded inC1[0,T] and{xn} ⊂Ω, there are positive constantsKandr such that

F1xn(t)K, F2xn(t)K, xnr, xnr, nN. (2.23) Now (ii) guarantees that for eachε >0 there existsδ >0 such that for eacht1,t2[0,T],

|t2t1|< δ, andnN, φxnt2

φxnt1 t2










t,xn(t),xn(t)dt< ε.


Therefore{φ(xn(t))}is equicontinuous on [0,T], and then using (2.23) and the fact that φis continuous and increasing onR, we see that{xn(t)}is equicontinuous on [0,T] as well. The Arzel`a-Ascoli theorem guarantees the existence of a subsequence{xkn}of{xn} converging inC1[0,T] toxΩ.

Suppose that limn→∞fj,kn(t,xkn(t),xkn(t))= fj(t,x(t),x(t)) for a.e.t[0,T] and for j=1, 2, 3. By (ii),{fj,kn(t,xkn(t),xkn(t))}are uniformly integrable on [0,T]. Therefore, by Vitali’s convergence theorem, fj(t,x(t),x(t))L1[0,T] forj=1, 2, 3 and also letting n→ ∞in

φxkn(t)=φxkn(0)+ t

0 f1,kns,xkn(s),xkn(s)ds +


0 f2,kns,xkn(s),xkn(s)F1xkn(s)ds +


0 f3,kns,xkn(s),xkn(s)F2xkn(s)ds



fort[0,T] andnN, we have φx(t)=φx(0)+


0 f1


+ t

0 f2


+ t

0 f3

s,x(s),x(s)F2x(s)ds, t[0,T].


Consequently,φ(x)AC[0,T] andxis a solution of (1.3). In addition, since limn→∞xkn

=xinC1[0,T] andαandβare continuous inC1[0,T], it follows thatα(x)=0,β(x)=0.

Hencexis a solution of the BVP (1.3), (1.4).

Remark 2.4. Let fjin (1.3) have singularities only at the value 0 of their phase variables and fj,nin (1.7) satisfy

fj,n(t,x,y)= fj(t,x,y), j=1, 2, 3 (2.27) for a.e.t[0,T] and all (x,y)j,nN,|x| ≥1/nand|y| ≥1/n. Then the condition



t,x(t),x(t), j=1, 2, 3 (2.28) for a.e.t[0,T] is satisfied ifxandxhave a finite number of zeros.

Remark 2.5. The absolute continuity of the Lebesgue integral yields that condition (ii) in Theorem 2.3is satisfied if there exists a functionϕL1[0,T] such that


t,xn(t),xn(t)ϕ(t) (2.29) for a.e.t[0,T] and eachnN,j∈ {1, 2, 3}.

We now discuss the special case of (1.3) with f1=f and f2=f3=0, that is the differ- ential equation

φx(t)= ft,x(t),x(t), (2.30) wherefCar([0,T]×(0,)×(R\ {0})). Together with (2.30), we consider the sequence of regular differential equations


t,x(t),x(t), (2.31)

where fnCar([0,T]×R2) and

fn(t,x,y)=f(t,x,y) for a.e.t[0,T] and allx1/n,|y| ≥1/n. (2.32) For the solvability of the singular BVP (2.30), (1.4) the following result holds.


Theorem 2.6. Suppose that

(j) there existsγL1[0,T] such that fn(t,x,y)γ(t)>0 for a.e.t[0,T] and each (x,y)R2,nN,

(jj) there exists a bounded setΩC1[0,T] such that for eachnN, the BVP (2.31), (1.4) has a solutionxnΩ,xnn)=xn)=0 whereξn[0,T] and{xn(t)}is equicontinuous on [0,T].


(a) there existxΩand a subsequence{xkn}of{xn}such that limn→∞xkn=xinC1[0, T],x(ξ)=x(ξ)=0 with aξ[0,T] andx >0 on [0,T]\ {ξ}.

(b)xis a solution of the BVP (2.30), (1.4) if to givenε >0, there existδεL1[0,T] and nεNsuch that


n(t)δε(t) (2.33)

for a.e.t[0,T]\ε,ξ+ε] and eachnnε.

Proof. Since (φ(xn(t)))=fn(t,xn(t),xn(t))γ(t)>0 for a.e.t[0,T] and eachnN, xnis increasing on [0,T] andxnn)=xnn)=0 implies

xn(t)≤ −φ ξn

t γ(s)ds

, xn(t) ξn

t φ ξn

s γ(v)dv

ds, t 0,ξn, xn(t)φ




, xn(t) t


φ s



ds, t ξn,T.


We know, by the assumptions, that{xn}is bounded inC1[0,T] and{xn(t)}is equicon- tinuous on [0,T]. Hence there exist a convergent subsequence{xkn}converging tox in C1[0,T] and a convergent subsequence{ξkn}converging toξ inR. ThenxC1[0,T], ξ[0,T], and taking the limit asn→ ∞in (2.34) withkninstead ofn, we get

x(t)≤ −φ ξ

t γ(s)ds

, x(t) ξ

t φ ξ

s γ(v)dv

ds, t[0,ξ], x(t)φ

t ξγ(s)ds

, x(t) t

ξφ s


ds, t[ξ,T].


Thereforex(ξ)=x(ξ)=0,x >0,|x|>0 on [0,T]\ {ξ}, and consequently (see (2.32))

nlim→∞fknt,xkn(t),xkn(t)=ft,x(t),x(t) (2.36) for almost allt[0,T].

From{φ(xkn(0))}and{φ(xkn(T))}being bounded, φxkn(T)φxkn(0)=


0 fknt,xkn(t),xkn(t)dt, nN, (2.37)


and fkn(t,xkn(t),xkn(t))γ(t)>0, it follows that f(t,x(t),x(t))L1[0,T], by Fatou’s theorem. If the condition in (b) is satisfied, then lettingn→ ∞in

φxkn(t)=φxkn(0)+ t



φxkn(t)=φxkn(T) t

T fkns,xkn(s),xkn(s)ds,


we obtain

φxn(t)=φx(0)+ t

0 fs,x(s),x(s)ds, t[0,ξ), φx(t)=φx(T)


T fs,x(s),x(s)ds, t(ξ,T]


by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. Now using f(t,x(t),x(t))L1[0,T], we haveφ(x)AC[0,T] andxis a solution of (2.30). Also fromα(xkn)=0,β(xkn)=0 and the continuity ofα and βon C1[0,T] it follows α(x)=0,β(x)=0. Hencex is a

solution of the BVP (2.30), (1.4).

3. Application to singular nonlocal BVPs with positive nonlinearities

3.1. Introduction. Denote byᏮthe set of all functionalsα:C1[0,T]Rwhich are (i) continuous,

(ii) sign preserving with respect to the derivative of functions in the following sense:

xC1[0,T],εx>0 on [0,T] whereε∈ {−1, 1} ⇒εα(x)>0, (iii) bounded that isΩC1[0,T] boundedα(Ω) bounded.

Of course,ᏮᏭwhereᏭis defined inSection 1.

Remark 3.1. IfαᏮthenα(A)=0 for each AR. Indeed, let αᏮ,ARand set xn(t)=A+t/n,yn(t)=At/nfort[0,T] andnN. Thenα(yn)<0< α(xn) by (ii), and{xn},{yn}are convergent inC1[0,T] toA. Thus 0limn→∞α(yn)=α(A) and 0 limn→∞α(xn)=α(A) yieldα(A)=0.

Example 3.2. Letγ:C1[0,T][0,T] be a continuous functional,q,rC0(R),qbe pos- itive,ur(u)>0 foru =0 and 0t1< t2<···< tnT. Then the functionals

α1(x)=xγ(x), α2(x)= T

0 qx(t)rx(t)dt, α3(x)=




rxtj (3.1) and all their linear combination with positive coefficients belong to the setᏮ.

We discuss the singular nonlocal boundary value problems

φx(t)= ft,x(t),x(t), (3.2) minx(t) : 0tT=0, α(x)=0, (3.3) whereφC0(R),αᏮ, f Car([0,T]×(0,)×(R\ {0})) is positive and f may be


singular at the value 0 of both its phase variables in the following sense limx0+f(t,x,y)=

for a.e.t[0,T] and eachyR\ {0}, limy0f(t,x,y)= ∞for a.e.t[0,T] and each x(0,). Equation (3.2) is the special case of (1.3) withF1=F2=0.

A function xC1[0,T] is said to be a solution of the BVP (3.2), (3.3) if φ(x) AC[0,T],xsatisfies (3.3) and for a.e.t[0,T] fulfills (3.2).

We give conditions on the functionsφand f in (3.2) which guarantee the solvability of the BVP (3.2), (3.3) for eachαᏮin (3.3). Existence results are based on regulariza- tion and sequential techniques and use our general existence principles (Theorems2.1 and2.6). Notice that any solution of the BVP (3.2), (3.3) and its derivative “go through”

singularities of f somewhere inside of [0,T].

Throughout this section we will use the following assumptions.

(H1)φC0(R) is odd and increasing onR, limx→∞φ(x)= ∞;

(H2) f Car([0,T]×(0,)×(R\ {0})) and there existsδL1[0,T], such that for a.e.t[0,T] and each (x,y)(0,)×(R\ {0}),

0< δ(t)f(t,x,y); (3.4)

(H3) For a.e.t[0,T] and each (x,y)(0,)×(R\ {0}), f(t,x,y)

h1(x) +h2(x)ω1φ(y)+ω2φ(y), (3.5) withh11C0[0,) positive and nondecreasing,h22C0(0,) positive and nonincreasing,h1+h2andω1+ω2nonincreasing on a neighbourhood of 0,


0h2(s)ds <, (3.6)

lim inf



H(Tx)>1, (3.7)

where G(x)=




ω1(s) +ω2(s)ds, H(x)= x


h1(s) +h2(s)ds (3.8) forx[0,).

3.2. Auxiliary regular BVPs. Let assumption (H2) be satisfied. For eachnN, define the function fnCar([0,T]×R2) by the formula


f(t,x,y) fort[0,T], x 1

n,|y| ≥ 1 n f



fort[0,T], x <1

n,|y| ≥1 n n



t,x,1 n






y1 n

fort[0,T], xR,|y|<1 n.




Shakhmurov, “Coercive boundary value problems for regular degenerate di ff erential-operator equations,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. Shakhmurov,

In [LN] we established the boundary Harnack inequality for positive p harmonic functions, 1 &lt; p &lt; ∞, vanishing on a portion of the boundary of a Lipschitz domain Ω ⊂ R n and

Kiguradze, On some singular boundary value problems for nonlinear second order ordinary differential equations.. Kiguradze, On a singular multi-point boundary

Therefore to find conditions which guarantee that singular homoclinic solutions do not exist while φ − 1 ∈ / Lip loc ( R ) is an open problem and we plan to solve it in our next

Wu, “Positive solutions of two-point boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear second-order singular and impulsive differential equations,” Nonlinear Analysis: Theory,

In recent years, singular second order ordinary differential equations with dependence on the first order derivative have been studied extensively, see for example [1-8] and

The first paper, devoted to second order partial differential equations with nonlocal integral conditions goes back to Cannon [4].This type of boundary value problems with

Gupta, “Solvability of a three-point nonlinear boundary value problem for a second order ordinary differential equation,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,