*Glyphosate, N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine, in the form
of its isopropylamine salt . . . 41.0%
TOTAL 100.0%
*Contains 480 grams per litre or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient, glyphosate, in the form of its isopropylamine salt. Equivalent to 356 grams per litre or 3 pounds per U.S. gallon of the acid, glyphosate.
Licensed for Roundup Ready® alfalfa, cotton, corn, canola, Flex cotton, sugarbeets and soybeans.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doc- tor, or going for treatment. FOR A MEDICAL EMERGENCY INVOLVING THIS PROD- UCT CALL: 1-866-944-8565.
EPA REG. NO. 34704-889 EPA EST. NO. 34704-MS-001 NET CONTENTS 2½ GALS. (9.46 L)
040809 V3D 02M11
Harmful If absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.
Some of the materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are listed below. If you want more options, follow the instructions for category A on an EPA chemical-resistance category selection chart.
Applicators and other handlers must wear:
• Long-sleeved shirt and long pants
• Shoes plus socks
• Protective eyewear
• Chemical resistant gloves made of any waterproof material such as polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride.
Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily con- taminated with this product’s concentrate. Do not reuse them. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or aircraft in a manner that meets the requirements listed in Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides [40 CFR 170.240 (d) (4-6)], the handler PPE requirements may be reduced or modified as specified in the WPS.
Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when cleaning equip- ment or disposing of equipment washwaters.
Spray solutions of this product should be mixed, stored and applied using only stainless steel, aluminum, fiberglass, plastic or plastic-lined steel containers.
DO NOT MIX, STORE OR APPLY THIS PRODUCT OR SPRAY SOLUTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT IN GALVANIZED STEEL OR UNLINED STEEL (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL) CONTAINERS OR SPRAY TANKS. This product or spray solutions of this prod- uct react with such containers and tanks to produce hydrogen gas which may form a highly combustible gas mixture. This gas mixture could flash or explode, causing serious personal injury, if ignited by open flame, spark, welder’s torch, lighted cigarette or other ignition source.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its label- ing. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application.
For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulations.
Read the entire label before using this product. Use only according to label instruction.
Read the “WARRANTY DISCLAIMER AND NOTICE” statement at the end of the label before buying or using. If terms are not acceptable, return at once unopened.
The maximum use rates stated throughout this product’s labeling apply to this product combined with the use of all other herbicides containing Glyphosate or sulfosate as the active ingredient, whether applied as mixtures or separately. Calculate the application rates and ensure that the total use of this and other Glyphosate or sulfosate containing products does not exceed stated maximum use rate.
This product, a water soluble liquid, mixes readily with water to be applied as a foliar spray for the control or destruction of most herbaceous plants. It may be applied through most standard industrial or field-type sprayers after dilution and thorough mixing with water in accordance with label instructions.
The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). The WPS applies when this product is used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries or greenhouses.
Keep people and pets off treated areas until spray solution has dried.
Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This standard contains requirements for the protection of agricultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, noti- fication, and emergency assistance. It also contains specific instructions and excep- tions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE), and restricted-entry interval. The requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Protection Standard.
Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry inter- val (REI) of 4 hours.
PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water is:
• Coveralls
• Chemical resistant gloves made of any waterproof material
• Shoes plus socks.
Users should:
• Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet.
• Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing.
If in eyes: • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.
• Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.
• Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
If on skin • Take off contaminated clothing.
or clothing: • Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
• Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
®EPA REG. NO. 34704-889
This product moves through the plant from the point of foliage contact and into the root system. Visible effects on most annual weeds occur within 2 to 4 days, but on most perennial weeds may not occur for 7 days or more. Extremely cool or cloudy weather fol- lowing treatment may slow activity of this product and delay visual effects of control.
Visible effects are a gradual wilting and yellowing of the plant which advances to com- plete browning of above-ground growth and deterioration of underground plant parts.
Unless otherwise specified on this label, delay application until vegetation has emerged and reached the stages described for control of such vegetation under the “WEEDS CONTROLLED” section of this label. Unemerged plants arising from unattached under- ground rhizomes or root stocks of perennials will not be affected by the herbicide and will continue to grow. For this reason, best control of most perennial weeds is obtained when treatment is made at late growth stages approaching maturity.
Always use the higher rate of this product per acre within the specified range when (1) weed growth is heavy or dense, or (2) weeds are growing in an undisturbed (nonculti- vated) area.
Do not treat weeds under poor growing conditions such as drought stress, disease or insect damage, as reduced weed control may result. Reduced results may also occur when treating weeds heavily covered with dust.
Reduced control may result when applications are made to annual or perennial weeds that have been mowed, grazed, or cut, and have not been allowed to regrow to the spec- ified stage for treatment.
Rainfall or irrigation occurring within 6 hours after application may reduce effectiveness.
Heavy rainfall or irrigation within 2 hours after application may wash the chemical off the foliage and a repeat treatment may be required.
This product does not provide residual weed control. For subsequent residual weed con- trol, follow a label-approved herbicide program. Read and carefully observe the caution- ary statements and all other information appearing on the labels of all herbicides used.
Buyer and all users are responsible for all loss or damage in connection with the use or handling of mixtures of this product with herbicides or other materials that are not expressly specified in this labeling. Mixing this product with herbicides or other materials not specified on this label may result in reduced performance.
For best results, spray coverage should be uniform and complete. Do not spray weed foliage to the point of runoff.
DOMESTIC ANIMALS: This product is considered to be relatively nontoxic to dogs and other domestic animals; however, ingestion of this product or large amounts of freshly sprayed vegetation may result in temporary gastrointestinal irritation (vomiting, diarrhea, colic, etc.). If such symptoms are observed, provide the animal with plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Call a veterinarian if symptoms persist for more than 24 hours.
Do not allow the herbicide solution to mist, drip, drift, or splash onto desirable vegetation since minute quantities of this product can cause severe damage or destruction to the crop, plants, or other areas on which treatment was not intended. The likelihood of injury occurring from the use of this product increases when winds are gusty or in excess of 5 miles per hour or when other conditions, including lesser wind velocities, will allow spray drift to occur. When spraying, avoid combinations of pressure and nozzle type that will result in splatter or fine particles (mist) which are likely to drift. AVOID APPLYING AT EXCESSIVE SPEED OR PRESSURE.
NOTE: Use of this product in any manner not consistent with this label may result in injury to persons, animals or crops, or other unintended consequences. Keep container closed to prevent spills and combination.
This product mixes readily with water. Mix spray solutions of this product as follows: Fill the mixing or spray tank with the required amount of water. Add the specified amount of this product (see the “DIRECTIONS FOR USE” and “WEEDS CONTROLLED” sections of this label) near the end of the filling process and mix well. Use caution to avoid siphon- ing back into the carrier source. Use approved anti-back-siphoning devices where required by state or local regulations. During mixing and application, foaming of the spray solution may occur. To prevent or minimize foam, avoid the use of mechanical agitators, terminate by-pass and return lines at the bottom of the tank, and, if needed, use an approved anti-foam or defoaming agent.
Always predetermine the compatibility of labeled tank mixtures of this product with water carrier by mixing small proportional quantities in advance.
Mix labeled tank mixtures of this product with water as follows:
• Place a 20 to 35-mesh screen or wetting basket over filling port.
• Through the screen, fill the spray tank one-half full with water and start agitation.
• If a wettable powder is used, make a slurry with the water carrier, and add it SLOWLY through the screen into the tank. Continue agitation.
• If a flowable formulation is used, premix one part flowable with one part water. Add diluted mixture SLOWLY through the screen into the tank. Continue agitation.
• If an emulsifiable concentrate formulation is used, premix one part emulsifiable concentrate with two parts water. Add diluted mixture slowly through the screen into the tank. Continue agitation.
• Continue filling the spray tank with water and add the required amount of this product near the end of the filling process.
• Where nonionic surfactant is specified, add this to the spray tank before completing the filling process.
• Add individual formulations to the spray tank as follows: wettable powder, flowable, emulsifiable concentrate, drift control additive, water-soluble liquid followed by surfactant.
Maintain good agitation at all times until the contents of the tank are sprayed. If the spray mixture is allowed to settle, thorough agitation is required to resuspend the mixture before spraying is resumed.
Keep by-pass line on or near the bottom of the tank to minimize foaming. Screen size in nozzle or line strainers should be no finer than 50 mesh. Carefully select proper nozzle to avoid spraying a fine mist. For best results with conventional ground application equip- ment, use flat fan nozzles.
Clean sprayer and parts immediately after using this product by thoroughly flushing with water.
Nonionic surfactants which are labeled for use with herbicides may be used. Do not reduce rates of this product when adding surfactant. When adding additional surfactant, use 0.5 percent surfactant concentration (2 quarts per 100 gallons of spray solution) when using surfactants which contain at least 70 percent active ingredient or a 1 percent surfactant concentration (4 quarts per 100 gallons of spray solution) for those surfactants containing less than 70 percent active ingredient. Read and carefully observe surfactant cautionary statements and other information appearing on the surfactant label.
The addition of 1 to 2 percent dry ammonium sulfate by weight or 8.5 to 17 pounds per 100 gallons of water may increase the performance of this product, and this product plus 2,4-D, Banvel® or residual herbicide tank mixtures on annual and perennial weeds. The improvement in performance may be apparent when environmental stress is a concern.
Low-quality ammonium sulfate may contain material that will not readily dissolve, which could result in nozzle tip plugging. To determine quality, perform a jar test by adding 1/3 cup of ammonium sulfate to 1 gallon of water and agitate for 1 minute. If undissolved sed- iment is observed, predissolve the ammonium sulfate in water and filter prior to addition to the spray tank. If ammonium sulfate is added directly to the spray tank, add slowly with agitation. Adding too quickly may clog outlet line. Ensure that ammonium sulfate is com- pletely dissolved in the spray tank before adding herbicides or surfactant. Thoroughly rinse the spray system with clean water after use to reduce corrosion.
NOTE: The use of ammonium sulfate as an additive does not preclude the need for addi- tional surfactant. Do not use herbicide rates lower than specified in this label.
Agriculturally approved colorants or marking dyes may be added to this product.
Colorants or dyes used in spray solutions of this product may reduce performance, espe- cially at lower rates or dilutions. Use colorants or dyes according to the manufacturer’s directions.
Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
This product may be applied with the following application equipment.
Aerial– Fixed Wing and Helicopter Broadcast Spray
Controlled Droplet Applicator (CDA)– Hand-held or boom-mounted applicators which produce a spray consisting of a narrow range of droplet sizes.
Hand-held and High-Volume Spray Equipment– Knapsack and backpack sprayers, pump-up pressure sprayers, handguns, handwands, mistblowers*, lances and other hand-held and motorized spray equipment used to direct the spray onto weed foliage.
*This product is not registered in California or Arizona for use in mistblowers.
Selective Equipment – Recirculating sprayers, shielded sprayers, and wiper applicators.
See the appropriate part of this section for specific instructions and rates of application.
Use the specified rates in 3 to 15 gallons of water per acre unless otherwise specified on this label. See the “WEEDS CONTROLLED” section of this label for specific rates.
Unless otherwise specified, do not exceed 1 quart per acre. Aerial applications of this product may be in annual cropping conventional tillage systems, fallow and reduced tillage systems and preharvest applications. Refer to the individual use sections of this label for specified volumes and application rates.
®EPA REG. NO. 34704-889
Avoid direct application to any body of water.
Coarse sprays are less likely to drift; therefore, do not use nozzles or nozzle configura- tions which dispense spray as fine spray droplets. Do not angle nozzles forward into the airstream and do not increase spray volume by increasing nozzle pressure.
Drift control additives may be used. When a drift control additive is used, read and care- fully observe the cautionary statements and all other information appearing on the addi- tive label.
Ensure uniform application– To avoid streaked, uneven or overlapped application, use appropriate marking devices.
Thoroughly wash aircraft, especially landing gear, after each day of spraying to remove residues of this product accumulated during spraying or from spills. PROLONGED EXPOSURE OF THIS PRODUCT TO UNCOATED STEEL SURFACES MAY RESULT IN CORROSION AND POSSIBLE FAILURE OF THE PART, LANDING GEAR ARE THE MOST SUSCEPTIBLE. The maintenance of an organic coating (paint), which meets aerospace specification MIL-C 38413, may prevent corrosion.
This product plus BANVEL® or 2,4-D tank mixtures may not be applied by air in California.
AVOIDING SPRAY DRIFT AT THE APPLICATION SITE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICATOR. The interaction of many equipment-and-weather-related factors determine the potential for spray drift. The applicator is responsible for considering all these factors when making decisions.
The following drift management requirements must be followed to avoid off-target move- ment from aerial applications to agricultural field crops. These requirements do not apply to forestry applications, public health uses or applications using dry formulations.
1. The distance of the outer most nozzles on the boom must not exceed ¾ the length of the wingspan or rotor.
2. Nozzles must always point backward parallel with the airstream and never be pointed downwards more than 45 degrees.
Where states have more stringent regulations, they should be observed.
The applicator should be familiar with and take into account the information covered in the Aerial Drift Reduction Advisory.
Aerial Drift Reduction Advisory
(This section is advisory in nature and does not supersede the mandatory label requirements)
Information on Droplet Size
The most effective way to reduce drift potential is to apply large droplets. The best drift management strategy is to apply the largest droplets that provide sufficient coverage and control. Applying larger droplets reduces drift potential, but will not prevent drift if appli- cations are made improperly, or under unfavorable environmental conditions (See Wind, Temperature and Humidity, and Temperature Inversion).
Controlling Droplet Size
• Volume – Use high flow rate nozzles to apply the highest practical spray volume.
• Nozzles with higher rated flows produce larger droplets.
• Pressure – Do not exceed the nozzle manufacturer’s recommended pressures. For many nozzle types lower pressure produces larger droplets. When higher flow rates are needed, use higher flow rate nozzles instead of increasing pressure.
• Number of nozzles – Use the minimum number of nozzles that provide uniform coverage.
• Nozzle Orientation – Orienting nozzle so that the spray is released parallel to the airstream produces larger droplets than other orientations and is the recommended practice. Significant deflection from horizontal will reduce droplet size and increase drift potential.
• Nozzle Type – Use a nozzle type that is designed for the intended application. With most nozzle types, narrower spray angles produce larger droplets. Consider using low-drift nozzles. Solid stream nozzles oriented straight back produce the largest droplets and lowest drift.
Boom Length
For some use patterns, reducing the effective boom length to less than ¾ of the wingspan or rotor length may further reduce drift without reducing swath width.
Application Height
Application should not be made at a height greater than 10 feet above the top of the tar- get plants unless a greater height is required for aircraft safety. Making applications at the lowest height that is safe reduces exposure of droplets to evaporation and wind.
Swath Adjustment
When applications are made with a crosswind, the swath will be displaced downwind.
Therefore, on the up and downwind edges of the field, the applicator must compensate for this displacement by adjusting the path of the aircraft upwind. Swath adjustment dis- tance should increase with increasing drift potential (higher wind, smaller droplets, etc.) Wind
Drift potential is lowest between wind speeds of 2-10 mph. However, many factors, including droplet size and equipment type determine drift potential at any given speed.
Application should be avoided below 2 mph due to variable wind direction and high inver- sion potential. NOTE: Local terrain can influence wind patterns. Every applicator should be familiar with local wind patterns and how they affect spray drift.
Temperature and Humidity
When making applications in low relative humidity, set up equipment to produce larger droplets to compensate for evaporation. Droplet evaporation is most severe when con- ditions are both hot and dry.
Temperature Inversions
Applications should not occur during a temperature inversion because drift potential is high. Temperature inversions restrict vertical air mixing, which causes small suspended droplets to remain in a concentrated cloud. This cloud can move in unpredictable direc- tions due to the light variable winds common during inversions. Temperature inversions are characterized by increasing temperatures with altitude and are common on nights with limited cloud cover and light to no wind. They begin to form as the sun sets and often continue into the morning. Their presence can be indicated by ground fog: however, if fog is not present, inversions can also be identified by the movement of smoke from a ground source or an aircraft smoke generator. Smoke that layers and moves laterally in a concentrated cloud (under low wind conditions) indicates an inversion, while smoke that moves upward and rapidly dissipates indicates good vertical air mixing.
Sensitive Areas
The pesticide should only be applied when the potential for drift to adjacent sensitive areas (e.g. residential areas, bodies of water, known habitat for threatened or endan- gered species, non-target crops) is minimal (e.g. when wind is blowing away from the sensitive areas).
Arkansas Only:
Use the specified rate of this product in 3 to 15 gallons of water per acre. Use sufficient carrier volume and appropriate equipment set-up to form droplets large enough to avoid drift potential. Coarse droplets in the 300 to 500 (VMD) micron range are recommend- ed.
Applications should typically be made with the nozzle release point at 8 to 15 feet above the top of the target plants unless a greater height is required for aircraft safety.
The distance of the outermost nozzles on the boom must not exceed 75% of the length of the wingspan or rotor. In many cases reducing the distance to 65% of the length of the wingspan or rotor will improve drift control without affecting the swath width.
Nozzles must always discharge backward parallel with the air stream and never dis- charge downwards more than 45 degrees on fixed wing aircraft or forward of the pre- vailing airflow on rotary winged aircraft. Avoid the use of nozzles with wide-angle dis- charge.
Do not apply this product when wind speeds are in excess of 10 miles per hour. Do not apply when there is a low-level inversion where fine spray particles could be suspended in still air and move outside the target area when the inversion layer moves. These con- ditions may occur when wind speeds are less than 2 mph.
Use the following guidelines when applications are made near crops or other desirable vegetation:
1. Do not apply within 100 feet of any desirable vegetation or crops.
2. If wind up to 5 miles per hour is blowing toward desirable vegetation or crops, do not apply within 500 feet upwind of the desirable vegetation or crops.
Winds blowing from 5 to 10 miles per hour toward desirable vegetation or crops will like- ly require buffer zones in excess of 500 feet.
For control of annual or perennial weeds listed on this label using broadcast equipment - Use the specified rates of this product in 3 to 40 gallons of water per acre as a broadcast spray unless otherwise specified on this label. See the “WEEDS CON- TROLLED” section of this label for specific rates. As density of weeds increases, spray volume should be increased within the recommended range to ensure complete cover- age. Carefully select proper nozzles to avoid spraying a fine mist. For best results with ground application equipment, use flat fan nozzles. Check for even distribution of spray droplets.
®EPA REG. NO. 34704-889
The rate of this product applied per acre by vehicle-mounted CDA equipment must not be less than the amount specified in this label when applied by conventional broadcast equipment. For vehicle-mounted CDA equipment, apply 3 to 15 gallons of water per acre.
For the control of labeled annual weeds with hand-held CDA units, apply a 20 percent solution of this product at a flow rate of 2 fluid ounces per minute and a walking speed of 1.5 mph (1 quart per acre).
Controlled droplet application equipment produces a spray pattern which is not easily visible. Extreme care must be exercised to avoid spray or drift contacting the foliage or any other green tissue of desirable vegetation, as damage or destruction may result.
HAND-HELD and HIGH VOLUME EQUIPMENT Use coarse sprays only.
Mix this product in clean water and apply to foliage of vegetation to be controlled. For applications made on a spray-to-wet basis, spray coverage should be uniform and com- plete. Do not spray to the point of runoff.
For control of annual weeds listed on this label, apply a 0.5 percent solution of this prod- uct plus nonionic surfactant to weeds less than 6 inches in height or runner length. Apply prior to seedhead formation in grass or bud formation in broadleaf weeds. Allow three or more days before tillage or mowing.
For annual weeds over 6 inches tall, or when not using additional surfactant, or unless otherwise specified, use a 1 percent solution. For best results, use a 2 percent solution on harder-to-control perennials, such as bermudagrass, dock, field bindweed, hemp dogbane, milkweed and Canada thistle.
When using application methods which result in less than complete coverage, use a 5 percent solution for annual and perennial weeds, and a 5 to 10 percent solution for woody brush and trees.
Prepare the desired volume of spray solution by mixing the amount of this product in water as shown in the following table.
Spray Solution
Amount of MAD DOG®
0.5% 1% 1½% 2% 5% 10%
1 Gal 2/3 oz 1 1/3 oz 2 oz 2 2/3 oz 6 ½ oz 13 oz 25 Gal 1 pt. 1 qt 1 ½ qt 2 qt 5 qt 10 qt 100 Gal 2 qt 1 gal 1 ½ gal 2 gal 5 gal 10 gal
2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce
For use in knapsack sprayers, it is suggested that the specified amount of this product be mixed with water in a larger container. Fill sprayer with the mixed solution.
This product may be applied through a recirculating spray system, a shielded applicator, or a wiper applicator after dilution and thorough mixing with water to listed weeds grow- ing in any noncrop site specified on this label and only when specifically stated in crop- ping systems.
A recirculating spray system directs the spray solution onto weeds growing above desir- able vegetation, while spray solution not intercepted by weeds is collected and returned to the spray tank for reuse.
A shielded applicator directs the herbicide solution onto weeds, while shielding desirable vegetation from the herbicide.
A wiper applicator applies the herbicide solution onto weeds by rubbing the weed with an absorbent material containing the herbicide solution.
Contact of the herbicide solution with the desirable vegetation may result in damage or destruction. Applicators used above the desired vegetation should be adjusted so that the lowest spray stream or wiper contact point is at least 2 inches above the desirable vegetation. Droplets, mist, foam or splatter of the herbicide solution settling on desirable vegetation may result in discoloration, stunting or destruction.
Application made above the crops should be made when the weeds are a minimum of 6 inches above the desirable vegetation. Better results may be obtained when more of the weed is exposed to the herbicide solution. Weeds not contacted by the herbicide solution will not be affected. This may occur in dense clumps, severe infestations or when the height of the weeds varies so that not all weeds are contacted. In these instances, repeat treatment may be necessary.
When applied as directed under conditions described for shielded applicators, this prod- uct will control those weeds listed in the “WEEDS CONTROLLED” section of this label.
Use the following equation to convert from a broadcast rate per acre to a band rate per acre.
Band width in inches X Herbicide Broadcast = Herbicide Band Row width in inches RATE per acre RATE per acre Band width in inches X Broadcast VOLUME = Band VOLUME of Row width in inches of Solution per acre solution per acre Use nozzles that provide uniform coverage within the treated area. Keep shields on shielded sprayers adjusted to protect desirable vegetation. EXTREME CARE MUST BE EXERCISED TO AVOID CONTACT OF HERBICIDE WITH DESIRABLE VEGETATION.
For specific rates of application and instructions for control of various annual and peren- nial weeds, see the “WEEDS CONTROLLED” section of this label.
Wiper applicators are devices that physically wipe appropriate amounts of this product directly onto the weed.
Equipment must be designed, maintained, and operated to prevent the herbicide solu- tion from contacting desirable vegetation. Operate this equipment at ground speeds no greater than 5 mph. Performance may be improved by reducing speed in areas of heavy weed infestations to ensure adequate wiper saturation. Better results may be obtained if 2 applications are made in opposite directions.
Avoid leakage or dripping onto desirable vegetation. Adjust height of applicator to ensure adequate contact with weeds. Keep wiping surfaces clean. Be aware that, on sloping ground, the herbicide solution may migrate, causing dripping on the lower end and dry- ing of the wicks on the upper end of a wiper applicator.
Do not use wiper equipment when weeds are wet.
Mix only the amount of solution to be used during a 1-day period, as reduced activity may result from use of leftover solutions. Clean wiper parts immediately after using this product by thoroughly flushing with water.
Do not add surfactant to the herbicide solution.
For Rope or Sponge Wick Applicators– Mix 1 gallon of this product in 2 gallons of water to prepare a 33 percent solution. Apply this solution to weeds listed in this “WIPER APPLICATORS” section.
For Porous-Plastic Applicators - Solutions ranging from 33 to 100 percent of this product in water may be used in porous-plastic wiper applicators.
When applied as directed under the conditions described for “WIPER APPLICATORS”, this product CONTROLS the following weeds:
Corn Rye, common
Zea mays Secale cereale
Panicum, Texas Shattercane
Panicum texanum Sorghum bicolor
Sicklepod Starbur, bristly
Cassia obtusifolia Acanthospermum hispidum Spanishneedles
Bidens bipinnata
When applied as directed under the conditions described for “WIPER APPLICATORS”, this product SUPPRESSES the following weeds:
Beggarweed, Florida Ragweed, giant Desmodium tortuosum Ambrosia trifida Dogfennel Sunflower
Eupatorium capilliflorium Helianthus annuus Pigweed, redroot Thistle, musk
Amaranthus retroflexus Carduus nutans Ragweed, common Velvetleaf
Ambrosia artemisiifolia Abutilon theophrasti PERENNIAL GRASSES
Bermudagrass Smutgrass Cynodon dactylon Sporobolus poiretii Guineagrass Vaseygrass
Panicum maximum Paspalum urvillei Johnsongrass
Dogbane, hemp Nightshade, silverleaf Apocynum cannabinum Solanum elaeagnifolium Milkweed Thistle, Canada
Ascelepias syriaca Cirsium arvense
®EPA REG. NO. 34704-889
This herbicide controls many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds.
• Apply to actively growing grass and broadleaf weeds.
• Allow at least 3 days after treatment before tillage.
• For maximum agronomic benefit, apply when weeds are 6 inches or less in height.
• To prevent seed production, applications should be made prior to seedhead formation.
• This product does not provide residual control; therefore, delay application until maximum weed emergence. Repeat treatments may be necessary to control later germinating weeds.
LOW-VOLUME BROADCAST APPLICATION (LOW-RATE TECHNOLOGY) When applied as directed under the conditions described, this product will control the weeds listed below when:
1. Water carrier volumes of 3 to 10 gallons per acre for ground applications and 3 to 5 gallons per acre for aerial applications are used. (See the “AERIAL APPLICATION” section of this label for approved sites.)
2. A nonionic surfactant is added at 0.5 to 1 percent by total spray volume. Use 0.5 percent surfactant concentration when using surfactants which contain at least 70 percent active ingredient or a 1 percent surfactant concentration for those surfactants containing less than 70 percent active ingredient.
• The addition of 2 percent dry ammonium sulfate by weight or 17 pounds per 100 gallons of water may increase the performance of this product on annual weeds.
The improvement in performance may be apparent where environmental stress is a concern. Refer to the “MIXING, ADDITIVES, and APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS”
section of this label.
• Do not tank-mix with soil residual herbicides when using these rates unless otherwise specified.
• For weeds that have been mowed, grazed or cut, allow regrowth to occur prior to treatment.
• Refer to the “TANK MIXTURES” portion of this section for control of additional broadleaf weeds.
Maximum Rate Per Height/ Acre*
Weed Species Length (fluid ounces) Foxtail 12” 8 oz
Setaria spp.
Barnyardgrass 6” 12 oz
Echinochloa crus-galli (0 to 4” 16 oz¹)
(4 to 6” 24 oz¹)
Bluegrass, annual Poa annua Brome, downy**
Bromus tectorum Mustard, blue
Chrorispora tenella Mustard, tansy
Descurainia pinnata Mustard, tumble
Sisymbrium altissimum Mustard, wild
Sinapis arvensis Spurry, umbrella
Holosteum umbellatum
Barley 12”
Hordeum vulgare Rye
Secale cereale Sandbur, field
Cenchrus spp Shattercane
Sorghum bicolor Stinkgrass
Eragrostis cilianensis
Wheat 18” 12 oz
Triticum aestivum
Morningglory 2” 16 oz
Ipomoea spp.
Sicklepod Cassia obtusifolia
Bluegrass, bulbous 6”
Poa bulbosa Cheat
Bromus secalinus Chickweed, common
Stellaria media Chickweed, mouseear
Cerastium vulgatum Corn
Zea mays
Maximum Rate Per Height/ Acre*
Weed Species Length (fluid ounces)
Goatgrass, jointed 6” 16 oz
Aegilops cylindrical Groundsel, common
Senecio vulgaris Henbit
Lamium amplexicaule Horseweed/Marestail
Conyza canadensis Lambsquarters, common
Chenopodium album Pennycress, field
Fanweed Thlaspi arvense Rocket, London
Sisymbrium irio Ryegrass, Italian
Lolium multiflorum Sheperdspurse
Capsella bursa-pastoris Spurge, annual
Euphorbia spp.
Buttercup 12”
Ranunculus spp.
Xanthium strumarium Crabgrass
Digitaria spp.
Dwarfdandelion Krigia cespitosa Falseflax, smallseed
Camelina microcarpa Foxtail, Carolina
Alopecurus carolinianus Johnsongrass, seedling
Sorghum halepense Oats, wild
Aven fatua Panicum, fall
Panicum dichotomiflorum Panicum, Texas
Panicum texanum Pigweed, redroot
Amaranthus retroflexus Pigweed, smooth
Amaranthus hybridus Witchgrass
Panicum capillare
Sicklepod 3 to 4” 24 oz.
Cassia obtusifolia
Signalgrass, broadleaf 4”
Brachiaria platyphylla
Horseweed/Marestail 7 to 12”
Conyza Canadensis Lambsquarters, common
Chenopodium album Spurge, annual
Euhporbia spp.
Rice, red 4” 32 oz.
Oryza sativa Teaweed
Sida spinosa
Sprangletop 6”
Leptochloa spp.
Geranium, Carolina 12”
Geranium carolinianum Goosegrass
Eleusine indica Primrose, cutleaf evening
Oenothera laciniate Pusley, Florida
Richardia scabra
Sicklepod 5 to 12”
Cassia obtusifolia Spanishneedles
Bidens bipinnata
Filaree 12” 48 oz.
Erodium spp.
Sprangletop Leptochloa spp.
¹Use these rates to control barnyardgrass in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana and Texas for preplant treatments.
*For those rates less than 32 fluid ounces per acre, this product at rates up to 32 fluid ounces per acre may be used where heavy weed densities exist.
**For control in no-till systems, use 16 ounces per acre.
®EPA REG. NO. 34704-889
DO NOT APPLY BANVEL® OR 2,4-D TANK MIXTURES BY AIR IN CALIFORNIA This product may be tank mixed with the products listed providing the product tank- mixed is registered for use on this site.
These tank mixtures are for use in fallow and reduced tillage area only. Follow use direc- tions as given in the “LOW-VOLUME BROADCAST APPLICATION” section.
This product plus BANVEL® or 2,4-D will control the annual grasses and broadleaf weeds listed for this product alone at the indicated heights (except 8 fluid ounces per acre applications), plus the following broadleaf weeds. For those weeds previously list- ed at 8 fluid ounces of this product alone per acre, use 12 fluid ounces in these tank mixtures.
NOTE: Refer to the specific product labels for crop rotation restrictions and cautionary statements of all products used in tank mixtures. Some crop injury may occur if Banvel®
is applied within 45 days of planting. The addition of Banvel® in a mixture with this prod- uct may provide short-term residual control of selected weed species.
Apply 12 to 16 fluid ounces of this product plus 0.25 pound a.i. of Banvel® or 0.5 pound a.i. of 2,4-D, plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume per acre to control dense populations of the following annual broadleaf weeds when less than the height indicated:
Cocklebur (12”) Morningglory(6”) Xanthium strumarium Ipomoea spp.
Kochia*(6”) Pigweed, redroot(12”) Kochia scoparia Amaranthus retroflexus Lambsquarters(12”) Pigweed, smooth(12”)
Chenopodium album Amaranthus hybridus Lettuce, prickly(6”) Thistle, Russian(12”)
Lactuca serriola Salsola kali Marestail/Horseweed(6”)
Conyza Canadensis
*Controlled with Banvel® tank mixture only.
Apply 16 fluid ounces of this product plus 0.5 pound of a.i. of 2, 4-D, plus 0.5 to 1 per- cent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume per acre to control the following annual broadleaf weeds when less than 6 inches in height.
Ragweed, common Smartweed, Pennsylvania Ambrosia artemisiifolia Polygonum Pennsylvanicum Ragweed, giant Velvetleaf
Ambrosia trifida Abutilon theophrasti HIGH-VOLUME BROADCAST APPLICATIONS
When applied as directed under the conditions described, this product will control the weeds listed below when water carrier volumes are 10 to 40 gallons per acre for ground applications.
Apply 1 to 1.5 quarts of this product per acre plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume. Use 1 quart per acre if weeds are less than 6 inches tall and 1.5 quarts per acre if weeds are over 6 inches tall. If weeds have been mowed, grazed or cut, allow adequate time for new growth to reach specified stages prior to treatment.
These rates will also provide control of weeds listed in the “LOW-VOLUME BROAD- CAST APPLICATION” section.
WEED SPECIES Balsamapple* Panicum
Momordica charantia Panicum spp.
Bassia, fivehook Ragweed, common Bassia hyssopifolia Ambrosia artemisifolia Brome Ragweed, giant
Bromus spp. Ambrosia trifida Fiddleneck Smartweed, Pennsylvania
Amsinckia spp. Polygonum pennsylvanicum Fleabane, hairy Sowthistle, annual
Conyza bonariensis. Sonchus cleraceus Fleabane Sunflower
Erigeron spp. Helianthus annus Kochia Thistle, Russian
Kochia scoparia Salsola kali Lettuce, prickly Velvetleaf
Lactuca serriola Abutilon theophrasti
*Apply with hand-held equipment only.
Perennial Weeds
Apply this product as follows to control or destroy most perennial weeds.
NOTE:If weeds have been mowed or tilled, do not treat until plants have resumed active growth and have reached the specified stages.
Repeat treatments may be necessary to control weeds regenerating from underground parts of seed. Repeat treatments must be made prior to crop emergence.
The addition of 1 to 2 percent dry ammonium sulfate by weight or 8.5 to 17 pounds per 100 gallons of water may increase the performance of this product on perennial weeds.
The improvement in performance may be apparent where environmental stress is a con- cern. Refer to the “MIXING, ADDITIVES, and APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS” section of this label.
When applied as directed under the conditions described, this product WILL CONTROL the following PERENNIAL WEEDS:
Alfalfa Bindweed, field
Medicago sativa Convolvulus arvensis Alligatorweed* Bluegrass, Kentucky
Alternanthera philoxeroides Poa spp.
Anise (fennel) Blueweed, Texas Foeniculum vulgare Helianthus cillaris Artichoke, Jerusalem Brackenfern
Helianthus tuberosus Pteridium aquilinum Bahiagrass Bromegrass, smooth
Paspalum notatum Bromus inermis Bentgrass Bursage, woollyleaf
Agrostis spp. Franseria tomentosa Bermudagrass Canarygrass, reed
Cynodon dactylon Phalaris arundinacea Bermudagrass, water (knotgrass) Cattail
Paspalum distichum Typha spp.
Clover, red Nutsedge; purple, yellow Trifolium pratense Cyperus rotundus,
Cyperus exculentus Clover, white Orchardgrass
Trifolium repens Dactylis glomerata Cogongrass Pampasgrass
Imperata cylindrical Cortaderia spp.
Dallisgrass Paragrass Paspalum dilatatum Brachiaria mutica Dandelion Phragmites*
Taraxacum officinale Phragmites spp.
Dock, curly Poison hemlock Rumex crispus Conium maculatum Dogbane, hemp Quackgrass
Apocynum canabinum Agropyron repens Fescues Redvine*
Festuca spp. Brunnichia ovata Fescue, tall Reed, giant
Festuca arundinacea Arundo donax Guineagrass Ryegrass, perennial
Panicum maximum Lolium perenne Horsenettle Smartweed, swamp
Solanum carolinense Polygonum coccineum Horseradish Spurge, leafy*
Armoracia rusticana Euphorbia esula Ice plant Starthistle, yellow
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Centaurea solstitalis Johnsongrass Sweet potato, wild*
Sorghum halepense Ipomowea pandurata Kikuyugrass Thistle, Canada
Pennisetum clandestinum Cirsium arvense Knapweed Thistle, artichoke
Centaurea repens Cynara cardunculus Lantana Timothy
Lantana camara Phleum pratense Lespedeza Torpedograss*
Lespedeza spp. Panicum urvillei Milkweed Trumpetcreeper*
Asclepias spp. Campsis radicans Muhly, wirestem Vaseygrass
Muhlenbergia frondonsa Paspalum urvillei Mullein, common Velvetgrass
Verbascum thapsus Holcus spp.
Napiergrass Wheatgrass, western Pennisetum purpureum Agropyron smithii Nightshade, silverleaf
Solanum elaeagnifolium
*Partial control
This product is not registered in California for use on water bermudagrass.
See “DIRECTIONS FOR USE” and “MIXING, ADDITIVES, and APPLICATION INSTRUC- TIONS” sections of this label for labeled uses and specific application instructions.
Alfalfa– Apply 1 quart of this product per acre plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Make applications after the last hay cutting in the fall. Allow alfalfa to regrow to a height of 6 to 8 inches or more prior to treatment. Applications should be followed with deep tillage at least 7 days after treat- ment, but before soil freeze-up.
Alligatorweed– Apply 4 quarts of this product per acre or apply a 1.5 percent solution with hand-held equipment to provide partial control. Apply when most of the plants are in bloom. Repeat applications will be required to maintain such control.
Anise (fennel)/Poison hemlock– Apply a 1 to 2 percent solution of this product as a spray-to-wet treatment. Optimum results are obtained when plants are treated at the bud to full-bloom stage of growth. Repeat applications may be needed in succeeding years to control plants arising from seeds.
®EPA REG. NO. 34704-889
Bentgrass– For suppression in grass seed production areas. For ground applications only, apply 1.5 quarts of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 10 to 20 gallons of water per acre. Ensure entire crown area has resumed growth prior to a fall application. Bentgrass should be actively growing and have at least 3 inches of growth. Tillage prior to treatment should be avoided. Tillage 7 to 10 days after application is recommended for best results. Failure to use tillage after treat- ment may result in unacceptable control.
Bermudagrass– For control, apply 5 quarts of this product per acre. For partial control, apply 3 quarts per acre. Treat when bermudagrass is actively growing and seedheads are present. Retreatment may be necessary to maintain control. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Bermudagrass, water (knotgrass)– Apply 1.5 quarts of this product plus 0.5 to 1 per- cent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Apply when water bermudagrass is actively growing and 12 to 18 inches in length. Allow 7 or more days before tilling, flushing, or flooding the field.
Fall applications only:Apply 1 quart of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic sur- factant by total spray volume in 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Fallow fields should be tilled prior to application. Apply prior to frost on water bermudagrass that is actively grow- ing and 12 to 18 inches in length. Allow 7 or more days before tillage.
Bindweed, field– For control, apply 4 to 5 quarts of this product per acre west of the Mississippi River and 3 to 4 quarts east of the Mississippi River. Apply when the weeds are actively growing and are at or beyond full bloom. Do not treat when weed is under drought stress as good soil moisture is necessary for active growth. For best results, apply in the late summer or fall. Fall treatments must be applied before a killing frost.
Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Also for control, apply 2 quarts of this product plus 0.5 pound a.i. of Banvel® in 10 to 20 gallons of water per acre. At these rates, apply using ground application only.
The following tank mixtures with 2,4-D may be applied using aerial application equip- ment (except in California) in fallow and reduced tillage systems only.
For suppression on irrigated agricultural land, apply 1 to 2 quarts of this product plus 1 pound a.i. of 2,4-D in 10 to 20 gallons of water per acre with ground equipment only.
Applications should be made following harvest or in fall fallow ground when the bindweed is actively growing and the majority of runners are 12 inches or more in length.
The use of at least one irrigation will promote active bindweed growth.
For suppression, apply 16 fluid ounces of this product plus 0.5 pound a.i. 2,4-D plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre for ground applications and 3 to 5 gallons of water per acre for aerial applications.
Applications should be delayed until a maximum emergence has occurred and when vines are between 6 to 18 inches in length.
For suppression on irrigated land where annual tillage is performed, apply 1 quart of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Apply to actively growing bindweed that has reached a length of 12 inches or greater. Allow maximum weed emergence and runner growth. Do not treat when weeds are under drought stress as good soil moisture is necessary for active growth. Allow 3 or more days after application before tillage.
Bluegrass, Kentucky/Bromegrass, smooth/Orchardgrass– Apply 2 quarts of this product in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre when the grasses are actively growing and most plants have reached boot-to-early seedhead stage of development. For partial con- trol in pasture or hay crop renovation, apply 1 to 1.5 quarts of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre.
Apply to actively growing plants when most have reached 4 to 12 inches in height. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Orchardgrass (sods going to no-till corn)– Apply 1 to 1.5 quarts of this product per acre plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Apply to orchardgrass that is a minimum of 12 inches tall for spring appli- cations and 6 inches tall for fall applications. Allow for at least 3 days following applica- tion before planting. A sequential application of atrazine will be necessary for optimum results.
Blueweed, Texas– Apply 4 to 5 quarts of this product per acre west of the Mississippi River and 3 to 4 quarts per acre east of the Mississippi River. Apply when weed is active- ly growing and is at or beyond full bloom. Do not treat when weed is under drought stress as good soil moisture is necessary for active growth. New leaf development indicates active growth. For best results, apply in late summer or fall. Fall treatments must be applied before a killing frost. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Brackenfern – Apply 3 to 4 quarts of this product per acre as a broadcast spray or as a 1 to 1.5 percent solution with hand-held equipment. Apply to full expanded fronds which are at least 18 inches long.
Bursage, woolyleaf – For control, apply 2 quarts of this product plus 1 pint of Banvel®
per acre. For partial control, apply 1 quart of this product plus 1 pint of Banvel® per acre. Add 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume and apply in 3 to 20 gallons of water per acre. Apply when plants are producing new active growth which has been initiated by moisture for at least 2 weeks and when plants are at or beyond flowering.
Canarygrass, reed/Timothy/Wheatgrass, western– Apply 2 to 3 quarts of this prod- uct per acre. For best results, apply to actively growing plants when most plants have reached boot-to-head stage of growth. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Cogongrass– Apply 3 to 5 quarts of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfac- tant in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. Apply when Cogongrass is at least 18 inches tall and actively growing in late summer or fall. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage or mowing. Due to uneven stages of growth and the dense nature of veg- etation preventing good spray coverage, repeat treatments may be necessary to main- tain control.
Dandelion / Dock, curly– Apply 3 to 5 quarts of this product per acre when plants are actively growing and most have reached the early bud stage of growth. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Also for control, apply 16 fluid ounces of this product plus 0.5 pound a.i. 2,4-D plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre.
Dogbane, hemp– Apply 4 quarts of this product per acre. Apply when actively growing and when most plants have reached the late bud to flower stage of growth. Following crop harvest or mowing, allow weeds to regrow to a mature stage prior to treatment. For best results, apply in late summer or fall. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
For suppression, apply 16 fluid ounces of this product plus 0.5 pound a.i. of 2,4-D plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre for ground applications and 3 to 5 gallons of water per acre for aerial applications.
Delay application until maximum emergence of dogbane has occurred.
Fescue, tall– Apply 3 quarts of this product in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre to actively growing plants when most have reached boot-to-early seedhead stage of development.
Fall applications only:Apply 1 quart of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic sur- factant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Apply to fescue in the fall when actively growing and plants have 6 to 12 inches of new growth. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage. A sequential application of 1 pint per acre of this product plus nonionic surfactant will improve long-term control and control seedlings ger- minating after fall treatments or the following spring.
Guineagrass– Apply 3 quarts of this product per acre or use a 1 percent solution with hand-held equipment. Apply to actively growing guineagrass when most plants have reached at least the 7-leaf stage of growth. Ensure thorough coverage when using hand- held equipment. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Johnsongrass/Ryegrass, perennial – Apply 1 to 3 quarts of this product per acre. In annual cropping systems apply 1 to 2 quarts of this product per acre. Apply 1 quart of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gal- lons of water per acre. Use 2 quarts of this product when applying 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. In noncrop, or areas where annual tillage (no-till) is not performed, apply 2 to 3 quarts of this product in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. For best results, apply to actively growing plants when most have reached the boot-to-head stage of growth or in the fall prior to frost. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage. Do not tank mix with residual herbicides when using the 1 quart per acre rate.
For burndown of Johnsongrass, apply 1 pint per acre plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic sur- factant in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre before the plants reach a height of 12 inch- es. For this use, allow at least 3 days after treatment before tillage.
Spot treatment (partial control or suppression)– Apply a 1 percent solution of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume when Johnsongrass is 12 to 18 inches in height. Coverage should be uniform and complete.
Kikuyugrass– Apply 2 to 3 quarts of this product per acre. Spray when most kikuyu- grass is at least 8 inches in height (3 or 4-leaf stage of growth) and actively growing.
Allow 3 or more days after application before tillage.
Knapweed/Horseradish– Apply 4 quarts of this product per acre. Apply when actively growing and when most plants have reached the late bud to flower stage of growth.
Following crop harvest or mowing, allow weeds to regrow to a mature stage prior to treat- ment. For best results, apply in late summer or fall. Allow 7 or more days after applica- tion before tillage.
Lantana– Apply this product as a 1 to 1.25 percent solution using hand-held equipment only. Apply to actively growing lantana at or beyond the bloom stage of growth. Use the higher application rate for plants that have reached the woody stage of growth. Allow 7 or more days after the application before tillage.
Milkweed, common– Apply 3 quarts of this product per acre. Apply when actively grow- ing and most of the milkweed has reached the late bud to flower stage of growth.
Following small grain harvest or mowing, allow milkweed to regrow to a mature stage prior to treatment. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Muhly, wirestem– Apply 1 to 2 quarts of this product per acre. Use 1 quart of this prod- uct plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Use 2 quarts of this product when applying 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre or in pasture, sod, or noncrop areas. Spray when the wirestem muhly is 8 inches or more in height and actively growing. Do not till between harvest and fall applications or in the fall or spring prior to spring applications. Allow 3 or more days after application before tillage. This product will not provide residual control of wirestem muhly from seeds which germinate after application of this product. Do not tank mix with residual herbicides when using the 1 quart per acre rate.
®EPA REG. NO. 34704-889
Nightshade, silverleaf – For control, apply 2 quarts of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre.
Applications should be made when at least 60 percent of the plants have berries. Fall treatments must be applied before a killing frost. Allow 7 or more days after applications before tillage. Do not treat when weed is under drought stress as good soil moisture is necessary for active growth.
Nutsedge; purple, yellow– Apply 3 quarts of this product per acre as a broadcast spray or apply a 1 to 2 percent solution from hand-held equipment to control existing nutsedge plants and immature nutlets attached to treated plants. Treat when plants are in flower or when new nutlets can be found at rhizome tips. Nutlets which have not ger- minated will not be controlled and may germinate following treatment. Repeat treat- ments will be required for long-term control of ungerminated tubers.
Sequential applications of 1 to 2 quarts of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic sur- factant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre will provide control.
Make applications when a majority of the plants are in the 3 to 5-leaf stage (less than 6 inches tall). Repeat this application, as necessary, when newly emerging plants reach the 3 to 5-leaf stage. Subsequent applications will be necessary for long-term control.
For suppression to partial control of existing plants, apply 1 pint to 2 quarts of this prod- uct per acre, plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant in 3 to 40 gallons of water per acre.
Treat when plants have 3 to 5 leaves and most are less than 6 inches tall. Repeat treat- ments will be required to control subsequent emerging plants or regrowth of existing plants. Wait 7 days after treatment before tillage or mowing.
Pampasgrass/Ice plant– Apply this product as a 1.5 to 2 percent solution using hand- held equipment. Apply to plants that are actively growing. Pampasgrass should be at or beyond the boot stage of growth. Thorough coverage is necessary for best control.
Phragmites – For partial control of phragmites in Florida and the counties of other states bordering the Gulf of Mexico, apply 5 quarts per acre as a broadcast spray or apply a 2 percent solution from hand-held equipment. In other areas of the U.S., apply 3 quarts per acre as a broadcast spray or apply a 1 percent solution from hand-held equipment for partial control. For best results, treat during late summer or fall months or when plants are actively growing and in full bloom. Treatment before or after this stage may lead to reduced control. Due to the dense nature of the vegetation, which may prevent good spray coverage or uneven stages of growth, repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain control. Visual control symptoms will be slow to develop.
Quackgrass – In Annual Cropping Systems or in Pastures and Sods Followed by Deep Tillage:Apply 1 to 2 quarts of this product per acre. For the 1-quart rate, apply 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre.
For the 2-quart rate, apply in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. Do not tank mix with residual herbicides when using the 1-quart rate. Spray when quackgrass is 6 to 8 inch- es in height and actively growing. Do not till between harvest and fall applications or in fall or spring prior to spring application. Allow 3 or more days after application before tillage. In pastures or sods, for best results use a moldboard plow.
Quackgrass – Pasture or Sod or Other Noncrop Areas Where Deep Tillage is Not Planned Following Application:Apply 2 to 3 quarts in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. Spray when the quackgrass is greater than 8 inches tall and actively growing. Do not till between harvest and fall application or in fall or spring prior to spring application.
Allow 3 or more days after application before tillage.
Redvine – For suppression, apply 24 fluid ounces of this product per acre at each of two applications 7 to 14 days apart or a single application of 2 quarts per acre. Apply spec- ified rates in 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume. Apply in late September or early October to actively growing plants, which are at least 18 inches tall and have been growing 45 to 60 days since the last tillage operation. Make applications at least 1 week before a killing frost.
Reed, giant– For control of giant reed, apply a 2 percent solution of this product when plants are actively growing. Best results or obtained when applications are made in late summer or fall.
Smartweed, swamp– Apply 3 to 5 quarts of this product per acre when plants are actively growing and most have reached the early bud stage of growth. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Also for control, apply 16 fluid ounces of this product plus 0.5 pound a.i. of 2,4-D plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre in the late summer or fall. Apply when plants are actively growing and most have reached the early bud stage of growth. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Spurge, leafy– For suppression, apply 16 fluid ounces of this product plus 0.5 pound a.i. 2,4-D plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gal- lons of water per acre in the late summer or fall. Apply when plants are actively growing.
If mowing has occurred prior to treatment, apply when most of the plants are 12 inches tall. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Starthistle, yellow– Best results are obtained when applications are made during peri- ods of active growth, including the rosette, bolting and early flower stages. For spray-to- wet applications, apply this product as a 2 percent solution. For broadcast applications, apply 2 quarts per acre in 10 to 40 gallons per acre of water carrier.
Sweet Potato, wild/Thistle, artichoke– Apply this product as a 2 percent solution using hand-held equipment. Apply to actively growing weeds that are at or beyond the bloom
stage of growth. Repeat applications may be required. Allow the plant to reach the spec- ified stage of growth before retreatment. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Thistle, Canada– Apply 2 to 3 quarts of this product per acre. Apply to actively grow- ing thistles when most plants are at or beyond the bud stage of growth. After harvest, mowing or tillage in the late summer or fall, allow at least 4 weeks for initiation of active growth and rosette development prior to the application of this product. Fall treatments must be applied before a killing frost. Allow 3 or more days after the application before tillage.
For suppression of Canada thistle, apply 1 quart per acre of this product, or 1 pint of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 3 to 10 gallons of water per acre in the late summer or fall after harvest, mowing or tillage. Allow rosette regrowth to a minimum of 6 inches in diameter before treating. Applications can be made as long as leaves are still green and plants are actively growing at the time of applica- tion. Allow 3 or more days after application before tillage.
Ohio Only:
For control:
Apply 1 quart per acre of this product plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre.
The addition of ammonium sulfate at the rate of 17 pounds per 100 gallons of spray solu- tion is recommended for enhanced performance under stress conditions.
In the spring, apply to actively growing thistles when most are at or beyond the bud stage of growth. After harvest, mowing or tillage in the late summer or fall, allow at least 4 weeks for initiation of active growth. Rosette size must be a minimum of 6 inches in diam- eter before treating. Applications can be made in the fall as long as leaves are still green, and plants are actively growing at the time of application. Allow 3 or more days after application before tillage. For best results, till the area within 14 days after application.
For suppression with spring applications:
Apply 1 pint to 1 quart of this product per acre plus 0.5 to 1 percent nonionic surfactant by total spray volume in 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Apply to actively growing plants that are at least 8 inches tall.
The addition of ammonium sulfate at the rate of 17 pounds per 100 gallons of spray solu- tion is recommended for enhanced performance under stress conditions.
For improved burndown and to control other broadleaf weeds, mix this product with 0.5 pound a.i. 2,4-D per acre. Applications of 2,4-D must be made at least 7 days prior to planting corn and at least 30 days prior to planting soybeans.
Allow 3 or more days after application before tillage. A subsequent cultivation may enhance control.
Torpedograss– Apply 4 to 5 quarts of this product per acre to provide partial control of torpedograss. Apply to actively growing torpedograss when most plants are at or beyond the seedhead stage of growth. Repeat applications will be required to maintain control.
Fall treatments must be applied before frost. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage.
Trumpetcreeper– For control, apply 2 quarts of this product per acre to 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre. Apply to actively growing plants in late September and early October, which are at least 18 inches tall and have been growing 45 to 60 days since the last tillage operation. Make applications at least 1 week before a killing frost.
Other perennials listed on this label– Apply 3 to 5 quarts of this product per acre.
Apply when actively growing and most have reached early head or early bud stage of growth. Allow 7 or more days after the application before tillage.
When applied as directed under the conditions described, this product CONTROLS or PARTIALLY CONTROLS the following woody brush, plants and trees:
Alder Maple:
Alnus spp. Red**
Acer rubrum Ash* Sugar
Fraxinus spp. Acer saccharum Aspen, quaking Vine*
Populus tremuloides Acer circinatum Bearmat (Bearclover) Monkey Flower*
Chamaebatia foliolosa Mimulus guttatus Beech Oak:
Fagus grandifolia Black*
Quercus velutina Birch Northern Pin
Betula spp. Quercus palustris Blackberry Post
Rubus spp. Quercus stellata Blackgum Red
Nyssa spp. Quercus rubra Bracken Southern Red Peridium spp. Quercus falcate Broom: White*
French Quercus alba
Cytisus monpessulanus
Scotch Persimmon*
Cytisus scoparius Diospyros spp.