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鈴 Suzu 燻 し 蛍 烏 賊 黄 身 酢 添 え アスパラ 焼 き 浸 し いくら 蚕 豆 Smoked Firefly Squid, Egg Yolk, Vinegar Roasted Asparagus, Salmon Roe, Broad Bean 桜 餅 揚 げ 油 目 菜 の 花 黄


Academic year: 2021

シェア "鈴 Suzu 燻 し 蛍 烏 賊 黄 身 酢 添 え アスパラ 焼 き 浸 し いくら 蚕 豆 Smoked Firefly Squid, Egg Yolk, Vinegar Roasted Asparagus, Salmon Roe, Broad Bean 桜 餅 揚 げ 油 目 菜 の 花 黄"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)






笹身と菜の花の辛子和え、花弁百合根、煎り胡麻 Chicken Breast, Nanohana Flower, Lily Bulb, Sesame

鮪湯引き、八代海苔、醤油ドレッシング Tuna, Seaweed, Soy Sauce Dressing

皿盛 口取り八寸

中巻き玉子、焼き魚、細魚桜寿司、魚子生姜煮、笹巻き麩、蚕豆、アスパラ焼き浸し Omelet, Grilled Fish, Sayori Sushi with Sakura Leaf, Boiled Herring Roe with Ginger

Dried Wheat Gluten, Broad Bean, Roasted Asparagus 温物

新キャベツとカリフラワーの玉地蒸し、青寄せ餡、舞茸、生ハム Steamed Cabbage and Cauliflower with Dashi and Egg

Green Sauce, Maitake Mushroom, Ham 揚物

帆立あられ揚げ、山菜天麩羅、桜塩 Fried Scallop, Wild Plant Tempura, Sakura Salt



Welsh Onion, Deep Fried Tofu, Vinegar, Miso 食事


ちりめん山椒と花山葵の醤油漬け、香の物、赤出汁 Steamed Rice from Tottori

Dried Sardines with Sansho Pepper, Wasabi-flower with Soy Sauce Japanese Pickles, Akadashi Miso Soup


苺の酒粕ヨーグルト掛け Strawberry, Sake Must Paste, Yogurt


w m e

w = 小麦/wheat p = 落花生/peanuts m = 乳/milk e = 卵/eggs b = そば/buckwheat c = かに/crab s = えび/shrimp 入荷の都合により、原産地およびメニュー内容が変更になる場合がございます。/ Menu items or products may change based on the availability of ingredients. 食材などにアレルギーをお持ちのお客様は、サービススタッフにお申し付けください。/ Kindly let us know if you have any food allergies or dietary requirements.

表記料金には、税金が含まれております。サービス料 13%を別途加算させていただきます。/ Prices include tax. 13% service charge will be added to your bill. 国産米使用 / Japanese rice.



燻し蛍烏賊黄身酢添え、アスパラ焼き浸し、いくら、蚕豆 Smoked Firefly Squid, Egg Yolk, Vinegar

Roasted Asparagus, Salmon Roe, Broad Bean 椀

桜餅、揚げ油目、菜の花、黄人参、花弁百合根 Clear Soup, Sakura Rice Cake, Fried Greenling

Nanohana Flower, Carrot, Lily Bulb 鮮


Seared Sea Bream, Grated Radish and Plum, Citrus Sudachi, Yuba and Wasabi-flower with Soy Sauce 温物

新キャベツとカリフラワーの玉地蒸し、青寄せ餡、舞茸、生ハム Steamed Cabbage and Cauliflower with Dashi and Egg

Green Sauce, Maitake Mushroom, Ham 組肴

鰆の木の芽焼、魚子生姜煮、分葱とお揚げの酢味噌掛け 細魚の桜寿司、青竹串刺し(生麩揚げ煮、百合根団子、小蛸旨煮)

Grilled Mackerel with Kinome, Boiled Herring Roe with Ginger Welsh Onion, Deep Fried Tofu, Vinegar, Miso, Sayori Sushi with Sakura Leaf

Dried Wheat Gluten, Lily Bulb Dumpling, Braised Baby Octopus 舞

海老と玉葱のつみれ揚げ、山菜天麩羅 Fried Dumpling, Shrimp, Onion, Wild Plant Tempura


鳥取県日南町コシヒカリの白米、紅鮭塩焼き、香の物、赤出汁 Steamed Rice from Tottori, Grilled Salmon

Japanese Pickles, Akadashi Miso Soup 水菓子

苺の酒粕ヨーグルト掛け Strawberry, Sake Must Paste, Yogurt


w m e s



釜揚げ白魚、うるい、アスパラ焼き浸し、いくら、あおさゼリー掛け Whitebait, Urui, Roasted Asparagus, Salmon Roe, Sea Lettuce Jelly


Clear Soup, Sakura Rice Cake, Fried Greenling, Nanohana Flower, Carrot, Lily Bulb 鮮

鯛焼き霜造り、梅おろし、酢橘、鮪湯引き、八代海苔、醤油ドレッシング 汲み上げ湯葉と花山葵の醤油漬け

Seared Sea Bream, Grated Radish and Plum, Citrus Sudachi, Tuna, Seaweed, Soy Sauce Dressing, Yuba and Wasabi-flower with Soy Sauce


帆立あられ揚げ、法蓮草、柚子おろし、土佐酢ゼリー Fried Scallop, Spinach, Grated Yuzu, Tosa Vinegar Jelly


鰆の木の芽焼、魚子生姜煮、分葱とお揚げの酢味噌掛け 細魚の桜寿司、青竹串刺し(生麩揚げ煮、百合根団子、小蛸旨煮)

Grilled Mackerel with Kinome, Herring Roe with Ginger

Welsh Onion, Deep Fried Tofu, Vinegar, Miso, Sayori Sushi with Sakura Leaf Dried Wheat Gluten, Lily Bulb Dumpling, Braised Baby Octopus


Fried Anago Eel with Shiso Leaf, Shrimp, Wild Plant Tempura 止鉢

鳥取県日南町コシヒカリの白米、紅鮭塩焼き、香の物、赤出汁 Steamed Rice from Tottori, Grilled Salmon, Japanese Pickles, Akadashi Miso Soup


苺の酒粕ヨーグルト掛け、蓬餅、煎りきな粉 Strawberry, Sake Must Paste, Yogurt

Mugwort Rice Cake, Soybean Flour





釜揚げ白魚、うるい、アスパラ焼き浸し、いくら、あおさゼリー掛け Whitebait, Urui, Roasted Asparagus, Salmon Roe, Sea Lettuce Jelly


Clear Soup, Sea Bream, Kudzu, Ostrich Fern, Iwatake Mushroom 鮮

鯛焼き霜造り、梅おろし、酢橘 鮪湯引き、八代海苔、醤油ドレッシング


Seared Sea Bream, Grated Radish and Plum, Citrus Sudachi

Tuna, Seaweed, Soy Sauce Dressing, Yuba and Wasabi-flower with Soy Sauce 温物


Steamed Abalone and Taro with Sakura Shrimp Sauce, Spinach, Grated Yuzu 組肴


細魚の桜寿司、青竹串刺し(生麩揚げ煮、百合根団子、小蛸旨煮) Grilled Scallop with Dried Mullet Roe, Boiled Herring Roe with Ginger

Jellyfish, Vinegar, Miso, Sayori Sushi with Sakura Leaf Dried Wheat Gluten, Lily Bulb Dumpling, Braised Baby Octopus


Fried Anago Eel with Shiso Leaf, Shrimp, Wild Plant Tempura 止鉢

鳥取県日南町コシヒカリの白米 紅鮭塩焼き、香の物、赤出汁

Steamed Rice from Tottori, Grilled Salmon, Japanese Pickles, Akadashi Miso Soup 水菓子



w m e s

w = 小麦/wheat p = 落花生/peanuts m = 乳/milk e = 卵/eggs b = そば/buckwheat c = かに/crab s = えび/shrimp 入荷の都合により、原産地およびメニュー内容が変更になる場合がございます。/ Menu items or products may change based on the availability of ingredients. 食材などにアレルギーをお持ちのお客様は、サービススタッフにお申し付けください。/ Kindly let us know if you have any food allergies or dietary requirements.

表記料金には、税金が含まれております。サービス料 13%を別途加算させていただきます。/ Prices include tax. 13% service charge will be added to your bill. 国産米使用 / Japanese rice.



アスパラと花山葵の叩き芋掛け 生海苔の佃煮と生雲丹

Asparagus, Wasabi-flower, Grated Yam, Boiled Seaweed in Soy Sauce, Sea Urchin 椀


Clear Soup, Sea Bream, Kudzu, Rape Blossoms, Ostrich Fern, Iwatake Mushroom 鮮

穴子焼き霜造り、青海苔、酢橘 鯛湯引き、梅タレ、叩きおくら Seared Anago Eel, Green Laver, Citrus Sudachi

Sea Bream, Plum Sauce, Okura 温物


Steamed Abalone and Taro with Sakura Shrimp Sauce, Spinach, Grated Yuzu 組肴


細魚の桜寿司、青竹串刺し(生麩揚げ煮、百合根団子、小蛸旨煮) 筍木の芽焼き、海老芝煮

Grilled Scallop with Dried Mullet Roe, Boiled Herring Roe with Ginger Jellyfish, Vinegar, Miso, Sayori Sushi with Sakura Leaf Dried Wheat Gluten, Lily Bulb Dumpling, Braised Baby Octopus



Duck with Sansho Pepper Sauce, Fuki Plants, Onion Leaf, Burdock Rice Cracker 止鉢

鳥取県日南町コシヒカリの白米、紅鮭塩焼き、香の物、赤出汁 Steamed Rice from Tottori, Grilled Salmon, Japanese Pickles, Akadashi Miso Soup

水菓子 Dessert





アスパラと花山葵の叩き芋掛け 生海苔の佃煮と生雲丹 Asparagus, Wasabi-flower, Grated Yam

Seaweed in Soy Sauce, Sea Urchin 椀

へぎ鮑、甘鯛桜蒸し、桜花葛水仙、こごみ、岩茸 Clear Soup, Abalone, Sea Bream, Kudzu

Ostrich Fern, Iwatake Mushroom 鮮

穴子焼き霜造り、青海苔、酢橘 鯛湯引き、梅タレ、叩きおくら


Seared Anago Eel, Green Laver, Citrus Sudachi Sea Bream, Plum Sauce, Okura

Marbled Toro Tuna, Wasabi 温物

国産イセエビ湯葉包みと丸茄子の揚げ出汁、スナップエンドウ Japanese Spiny Lobster with Yuba, Fried Eggplant, Dashi

Green Peas 焼皿


Grilled Kuroge Wagyu Beef Sirloin, Bamboo Shoot 舞

車海老、魚介、野菜の天麩羅 Tempura (Kuruma Prawn, Seafood, Vegetables)

止鉢 握り寿司、赤出汁 Nigiri Sushi, Akadashi Miso Soup

水菓子 Dessert




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