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Investigations on the parasitic activities of Apanteles glomeratus. II. On the parasitic activities of Apanteles glomeratus at the low-lying land of Kagawa prefecture-香川大学学術情報リポジトリ


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Investigations on the parasitic activities of Apanteles glomeratus. II. On the parasitic activities of Apanteles glomeratus at the low-lying land of Kagawa prefecture-香川大学学術情報リポジトリ"


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144 TecbBull.Kagawa Agr‖ Coll



II・On the parasitic ac七ivities of A夕anieles gわmeratus at thelow・1ying1andof Kagawa Prefecture.ヰ

HiroshiMATSUZAWA,Y缶Z6MIYAMOTO,HidetoshiOKAMOTO (Laboratory of Applied Entomology)

(Received September’13,1955・Accepted October26,i955.)


Generally,tWOPeaks ofparasitic activitiesofApanteleFg10merOt椚againstPieYisra9aecrueivora aIe Seen

in sp血g and autumnin ayear atSouth−WesternJapanTheremarkablecaseaboutitis seeninMiyazkai

and some other pIefecturesBut onlyonepeakofactivitiylS Seeninsprlngatthelow−1yinglandofKagawa


Prefectureinspiteofthelargenumberof hostsin autumn As we tookinterestin this fact we tried some Cねsuses on the realstate of this,Startinglast year(1954)Describingin this paper the outline of the result we obtained,We Want tO make some discussions aboutit


l)Seasonalprevalence of PieYiS r(ゆae cYuCivo

There are two remaIkable appearances of Pieris rabae〃ucivorain spring andin autumnin a yearin

Kagawa Prefecture anditis very simi1ar・tO Southern K押S旭Itis shownin Figユ But disappearance of merisタ・abaecYuCivorain sum・ meIis verylate andirregularin comparison with that of SouthernKydsh(i,andaccordingly theeggsorlarvae can be found o11t Very Often in mid−Summer.This factin Kagawa Pre− fectureis a very noticeable thing and ou工at ten十ion foItheinvestigation of the ecoioglCal Phenomena must bedirectedtothisatanyrate, becauseitis supposed that the relationofthis

SpeCies o壬 butterflies toits enemies or the

Climatic conditions may be ver・y SpeCialinKa− g?Wa Prefecture,eSPeCia11y at the 王ow・lylng


It seems to us that the activities ofApan

″﹁ヒ L P


lll州IV V V=川V…は X X=川


Figl Seasonalprevalence of PYa♪aecYuCivora at Mikich6,Kagawa(1954−1955)

E:Egg stage,L:Larvalstage P:Pupalstage telesglomeYaiusin early summer are suspended

in aninsu伍cient state tillthe end ofJune or the beginningofJulyandonlytheactivitiesofPolistesWaSpS CanbeseenafterthatAccordingLy,the activities ofAbantelesglomeratusinlate spring orin early summer do not seem to be so grear

ヰContributions fromtheLaboratory ofAppliedEntomology,KagawaAgziculttlralCollege,Noll

OLIVE 香川大学学術情報リポジトリ


Volフ,No∴2(1956) 145 The activities oL zbhsies waspsillthe重eld ar・e COnSidelabl.y weuin sprlng Oli111ate sl)Ilng,1)ut nOt noticeablein ear・1y summe工0Iin mid−SummeIMost ofthe eggs orlarvae of Pieris?aPae crucivora which

are fopnd outin summ甲CannOt develop to pupae or adultsin natuIalcondition Consequently,the disap・ peaIarLCe OfPieYi・S Ya9aecrucivoracan be seeninmid orlate s11mmeIalthot喝hitjs not solongHowever, itis not due to the e庁ect ot Polistes wasp only,but to the e茸ect of the climatic and food conditions Appearance of PieYilS r(ゆaecYuCivorain autumn beginsin Septemberin general,butitis not so muchlike that of Southern Ky江Sh缶

2)Activities of.4♪α〃fβ/βSgわ研β㌢αf〝S

W6dealtwiththe seasonalprevalenceof pieris rq?ae crucivora at thelow−1yinglandofKagawaPre・ fecture and pointed out somel町pOrtant pOints concemng theIelation of this species of butteray toits

enemiesintheabovedescriptions′ Now,WearegOingtodescribetheoutlineoftheactivitieso董Abanieles glomeratus at this districtalthough

the result ofourIeSearChis shown

inFig2Firstofall,theactivities in sprlng muSt be dealt with

At thelow−1yingiand ofKaga− Wa Prefecture,thebeginnlngOfac− tivities o王A♪α油わ15gわ〝好7・めSip Springis much related with Fig2 and so most of thehostsin the first generation arenotpa羊・aSitized The gradualincreasein number of the paIaSitesdependsuponthehost Of the$早COnd or third generation, b11t aCtually t‡1e‡、声is not so、muCh appea亨anCe Of cabbage wormSin this districtMoreoveI,there are

菅︺E OF浮雲SヨSMボ

l∴=llトlV V VlVllVl‖ =く)く)‖ Xll


Fig2Rate of paIaSitism of Ah glomeratusagainst PTaPae

crucivora through out a yeaIat Takamatsu andIkenobe


remarkablegaps among the activities ofparasites and thegenerationpIOgreSSionofthe hostlThese two

factsare very noticeable for the consideration of activities of this waspin spring at this district and the result of Fig2must be considered as the ground foritEspeciallyit seems that the bio】ogicalgaps among the host and parasites may bring the stop of activitiesin early summer too early,COmbined with thelongevity of this parasitesh Accordingly,it must be considered also that these things may have a StrOnge庁ect on the non・aCtivities of Apantelesglomeratusin autumn

As previously describedin this paper,theIeis a disappea【anCe Of Pieris ra?ae cru(ivorain summer at this districtOf course,the activities of Apanielesg10meratuSin this season cannot be seen,buttheymust naturallybeseeninautumnHowever,the activities of this parasitesin autumn cannot be seen at a111ike Fig 2TheIefore,it must be consideTed that there areindeed no parasite wasps sincesummerinthelow lyingland oE Kagawa Prefecture,althougha very slight activities aIe found at rakamatsudistrictin some


In other work connected with this,it was found out that the activities of Ai,anieles glomeratus are continued from sprlngtO autumnwithout a breakin the mountainous district of Kagawa Prefecture which

is shownin Fig3Accordingly,itis suppose卓that the parasites,A♪anieねs glo7WatuS,COme down spnng from the mountainous district to thelow−1yingland,but,in autumn they cannot reach there even

if they try to come,andit has been found otlt nOW afterthese practicalcensuses that this presumption as mentioned aboveis very reliable.


146 Te℃bBull王(agawa AgI\Coll Lastly,We Wan土to describea Iittle about the disappeaIanCe Of

A加7ガfeJβ∫gわ,彫′〃J〝ゞin summer at

thelow・1yingland oiKagawait is veryinteresting that they dis・ SappeaIfrom the重eldin summer in Kagawain spite of the exis・ t声nCein summerinSouthernKy缶− S王滝. We can not believe that the parasite wasp,Aba7deh?S glo・ 1neraius may go up to the moun・ tainous districtin summer,butit is supposed that they may dieiil

this season小

ConceIning this,SOme factors Can be pointed out as follows: エ)BiologicalinteトIelationsofthe

parasitites to their hosts 2)Climaticfactors,SpeCiallythe

influencesofthetempeIature+ 3)Places ofliving or ciICum


4)Artificiale#ects,eSpeCiallythe effects ofinsecticides

These fムctors are veryim・ poItant and none of theぬ Can be lgnOred‖ Accordingly,it seems a Very nAturaland truthfulcognl tionthatwerecognizetheaboveas a wholeItis not clear whether

theparasite,AbanteleSglomeraiu.sin Kagawais a characteristiclocal Strain ornotWe are studyingits physiologicalcharacter


Fig.3小 Showing a part of Kagawa Prefecturein which the

lowestbordersofthe place ofliving of A∴glomeraius

throughout every season aIe Shown

R る s u m畠

In ordertoknow the realstateofthe parasitic activities of4i・anteles glomeT・atusagainst Pi’eris r郎ae

CruCivora at thelow−1yingland of KagawaPrefecture,thisresearch(1954T1955)was carriedoutandacquired

the resultsin Figl−31Some considerations and discussions concernlng these results were madein this

paper and especially we dealt with the disappearance of theseparasitesfrom summertoautumn.Itseems

tousthattheparasites,ApanteleSglomeraius atthelow−1yingland of KagawaPェefecturein spring andin early summer come down from the motlntainous district(OVer10C)m EⅤ〉every yeaI\Butitis not

presumable that they go up to the mountainous districtin summer。Perhaps they may diein this season

♯Daily maximum temperaturein summer at thelow・・1yingland of Kagawais vezLy highandit reaches

3120−31∴フOC,and this high tempeIature GOrItin粥S fq!・卑long time eve工y dayillthe afternoon

OLIVE 香川大学学術情報リポジトリ




Moreover,itis supposed thatin autumn they aIe nOt at a王亘seen at the王0Ⅵ−1yingぬnd,beca11Setheycannot

get theIe eVenif they come down from the mountainous district


l)MATSUZAWA,Hl:BionomicalNotesonAbdniejbs 2)MrYAMOTO,Y∧,SIMA王)A,Y:Transition of

gわ研eraius・・Tech・Bull・Kagawa Agr Coll7(l), aCtivity aIeaOfAbaniele・SglomeratuSinautumn

Presented before the Annual Meeting of the Nippon Society ofAppl・Ent(1954)

60(1955). アオムシコマユノヾチの寄生活動に関する研究 Ⅱ 香川県嘩他におけるアオムレコマユバチの寄生蒔動

松沢 冤,宮本裕三,岡本秀俊

香川県低地に.おけるモソソロチョウの幼虫寄生=蜂アカ■ムンコマユノミチの寄生活動の実態を知るために本研究 (1954−−1955)を行い,滞1図及び第2図に示したような結果を得たい筆者等ば本論文においてこれ等の結果をこつ いての若干の考察論議を行ったが;特に星から秋に至る問の本寄鑓蜂の際影に関して委しく論述した筆者等ほ香 川県低地に.おける春から初夏にかけてのアオムシ∵コマユバチが毎年山地帯(海抜ユ00mm以上)から下′つて来るもの と考えている1しかし夏の匿群が彼等が山地に十/つて才]くからとは考えず・むしろ死に絶えるからだと思う−しか も尚秋に全く活動の見られないのは,山地から下」フても所謹告低地迄到達出来ないからだと考えている

OLIVE 香川大学学術情報リポジトリ



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