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Bivalve fossils from the type Monobegawa Group (Part VI)


Academic year: 2021

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Bivalve fossilsレfrom the type MonobegawaしGroup∇(班χΓtvl)

  I Masayuki Tashiro" and∧Takeshi KoZAI 2)

1)Department o∫Geology, Faculりof Scierice,しKochi Uniuersiり

2)Asahi Gakuen, South. San Pedro St., Los Angeles√us.j

Abstract      T      犬 コ∧   ..・・..・. .・...・  .・      ・.・.

 In this part VI√the:bivalve faunas of the:Lower Cretaceous strataし distributed at the Monobe area of Kochi and adjecent areas mainly in Shikoku, and their bios七ratigraphy are treated concludingly based on the犬paleontological description already pubulished as this series partsニI to V.         犬  十  .・.・.・  ...・. ・.・ .・  ・..・・   ..・・・.  The Lower Cretaceous System of the Monobe area is divided into theヶMonobegawa∧卵d Nankai Groups. The bivalve faunas d曲e Nankai Group are characterized by the genera and species of the Tethian-type bivalves. Although the faun飴・ of the Monobegawa Group are co血posed of the Tethian-type bivalve genera, the lower二latitude-type of the genera were rare in the occurrence from the Monobegawa∇Group. The sedimenta! basin of the Monobegawa Group was probably located higer latitude▽than十thtしof the Nankai Group. It seems that a greate movement of a lateral fault貨as undubtedly present betwee:n the

Monobegawa and Nankai basins.   \    \ ■■■ ■    ‥‥‥i・・ ..      \ 1

●・         ●    一一       l・ ・.         ・  ●  ●

Kりwards- Lower Cretaceous, Bivales, Monobegawa Group, Nankai Group     \

Concluding remarks

of series.″type∧Monobegawa



Cretaceous Bivalve Fauna

and its geological setting

   The bivalve fossils,」41 species and 70 genera, from

the十Lower Cretaceous System


the Monobe〉area in Kochi Prefecture, had been described in this series,Bivalve fossilsレfrom

仙e type Monobegawa

Group, Parts. I-V (1984-1991).    犬     ニ犬 ダ   \

  In the part 1,the Lower

Cretaceous System

of theコMonobe

area in Shikoku was divided

into the Northern and Southern Belts in the same

Group, so-called the 班四〇begawa


(Tashiro and Kozai, 1984).


the system

of the southern Belt was esterblished as

a distinct Group, newly named the NankaiしGroupにclearly discriminated犬from the




one of us Tashiro


lithological and


distinction between two


The。faunaトdistinction is presented 垣

the listes o卜the discribed・species in this series showingうn・ Text-figs. l and ・2. The

lithological distinction between

the Monobegawa

and Nankai


had been reported in

detail by Tashiro (1985, 1986, 1993, and 1994).   丿  ◇  十   犬  j


Cretaceo如上Torinosu二G如up (Jurassic T Sa岫ozanレ(Sambouzan) Terrain, noれ-comfc that the Sanbouzan∧Terrainト(Soutern Chic composedし9卜the Sotoizumiし(Upper Cr尚 NankaトGr卵p)トNankai,……Tori面・su=よ臨:d cQm如面doof∧thqしNaradanトandトSanbouzaむレ五

Upper Jurassic Accretional△Pris血‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥y




is generaly

Belt (MiddleしChichibねBelt)レ血d NorthenトChichi uncomformably boundared from theトp坤引re砲巾

十 Thリ土NaれkφGれoup isニbounded二會om∧th[ノ] locatedトbetween]the Sanpouzan andレthe Northeri tectonic complex zone of Kuroseだawa Tectonic I terrains.・ ....・   ・犬上         犬 … ……11

ト  ………万………The bivalve faunas∧from・=……1

 トThe bivalve species of the Mo叩畑gawa・下口 102.……Theyぱre composed o卜曲eしspecies◇6仁曲

Prefectureト(Tashiro, 1994)、   ∧  …………\………Species∧:……… ・Nucitl・opsis(Palaeoれuむula)ishidoeas=φ Nuculopsis(Palaeonucula) tosaensis 皿(P.) sp△才六 ………十 Portlandia(Portlandiぶ?)sanckuensis MesosaccelJa・むfiosRieれsis…………万…… 肘.insiems①  1………= =……… トCosmetodonmo良心beれsis尚  ∧ >八 入C.十nipponicusレ(?)… ……j.・・・・.    ・.レ ……… Naaonauis vofeovcふ陽(μ………:…… J……: Np.m.ndcin toso,ensis‥‥‥‥‥: ‥‥‥‥‥, λだa(Eonauicula)くshinanoensiト\ :A. (E.)∧minima‥‥‥‥‥‥ ‥‥= コjヶノ  Barbatia(s.s.)ha%ia7TLuノ 十六………:‥ ・召.(且)feockiensis………万. ・・   ・ ノ ・・  召.(R)\hibiRarensis\ ……… Gりcymeris\(亙面=dia) m=atsumo如ズ:………  MonobfiaΓCO, cucullo・河船ニし=レ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ .?.L-ycettia・feochie几sisコ・..・・.・.・・ .・・..・. tsT………distributed:on:the φ面面∧G坤面∧lt〉面己組心 ≠叫如紅〉J面面上血ay be 〕:1yトon the 十Group十is :th・ゾMiddleトto 咀☆Tectonic Japanしand =:lateralソfault に1985)レThe ヒ)6七h〉sideward プ心なしcountable 所収〉巨面pure


Bivalve fossils from the type Monobegawa Groリp(Part VI) (Tashiro・KOZAl) 57

Brachidontes PAiriforrRis

Modiolus aif. subsimplex




Pterinelia Rhinoharai.


GeruiUia forbesiana

Gervぶaria fiaradae


Isog几oraon cKoshiensis

lnoeramus anボicus


Entoliura tosn.ftnsff






N. (s.s.)hanouTRnRiR



C. fedujaiii


Plicatula feochiensis




Limatula nagaoi



Pterotバgonia (s.s.)pocilliformis


Nipponitrieonia safeanxotoensis



Astarte (s.s.)subsenecta



Yabea sfiinanoensis


Anthon:ya raonobeりsis


E. cf.minima

E. monoheane

Opis(Trieonopis) sp.





”Granocardium.” iRhirfopnsfi

”G." breuis


”G……"koch,i.eTt.sis………>……… ∧Linearia(lredalestai)monobeaaa……ニ ∇Scittila j・apoでuca∧   …………万  ………= Tancredia十(?)・レ印L‥‥‥‥‥‥ ‥‥‥1‥‥‥‥‥ ‥‥ ‥Isocyprina fiibiねarens.紬▽ ‥‥‥ ‥‥‥:………  Tosacタprina cr‘enidatμ‥‥‥ ‥‥‥ +1  ト  ・Costocy・renarad・latostriataレ犬〉ト .・ ....:  .C.・otsij,fefl.i o・tsukai.・  : ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ \C.mino.戸 十       >    犬< で。ohnishii・ コ <  ‥ \       ト・. C∧ct. peifeartgensis.・.・.・ ・.・ ト‥ \  fsoflfimeUa skiroicngis ∧     几 白 Hacyarriina謙aumo皿れi\………:‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ コ亙レmatsiifeaisuai\ ……… ………  H=∠aolida   ………… ……11    十  Hレminor尚  :   ▽……=     十六  亙・・(?).・tarruirca  ………=……..\………ノ. .・.Tetoria sanchuensis‥‥‥‥‥‥\.=‥‥‥:<.ノ十  Goshorcda minor∧\‥‥‥‥‥:………=‥‥‥‥  八面似パキ……(.Vecto.油・is)japo・nica………  Pseadaphrodih体己lonsata… … …………1 ……… PseudopisiGtium Hibiharensis\………… レP八nflata ……… … …………=……  …… … し ………  Pulsidisレtashiroi……… ニ  く………  P,rostratus‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ト八十aff.noeatoenstsト\………:‥‥‥‥‥:………\:=……… 尚Caestcorbula["] Parmicorbula)威服amai 十(コレ(??.)monobensis…………つ∧…………\………  C. (s上卜4皿れqua\………j   六 大Paれopea (,Mタopsis)ノnagaoi…………j……… 八八(M.)elongattt………=……=……= =Pねoladomva sp‥‥‥‥レ………<………i … ……  Goniomya:ha^amii…………万………十\……  Mタoph-olas aK. carinatus\………j……]……j 二Plectomya aritagaiuana………ダ\  Peripio叫a (,s.L)∧moれobensis……∧………

Textごfig. 1:▽Bivalveユfossilsfrom the

conditional species・=にmainly Ha'vamin.a,ダTetoria√Cost

The Yunoki∧Forma



rice of the………brackish-water 肺∧日如面皿卜Fauna.:ノ The


Bivalve fossils from the type Monobegawa Gr㈲p (Part VI) (Tashiho ・fKozAi) 59

species are, how昨er, distinguished from the species of Ryouseki Fauna, except for several species, suchas Tetoria sa?icfttiensis, Crassostreasp.and Pulsidもsしspp.. The Species of Hayamina, costocvrena fromthe Yunoki Fauna are probably related systematically to the

species from the Ryoseki FaunaよThe spescies of Isodと:unera is not found froピ the Yunoki Fauna.       ト       い   し

 \ The basal part of the Hibihara Formation is also characterized by the occurrence of the brackish conditional bivalves. The species o!Hcりamina,Costocvrenaand Crassostrea are found. The species of them d汀fer from those from the faunas of the Ryoseki and Yunoki Formations, like as the same case between the Ryoseki and Yunoki Faunas.


B: Shallow marine conditional bivalves     ニ 犬 :      犬       ..

  The lower-half parレof the Monobe Formation and theスower part of the Hibihara Formation are ・characterized by the occurrence of manyニspecies犬of bivalves considerable living on the condition ・of the shallow marine sむdiments. About one thirds numbers of

species are identical between the Mondbe and Hibihara Faunas. It is very interesting that the species belonging to the genera,Goshoraia, Gりc;yrrieris, Aatfipn'va andMonobearca, began to appear abundantly in the Hibihara Fauna, considerable to Late Aptian in ageレ

C: Pure marine conditional bivalves      ∧  = l.  ..       ■■ ■■   ■ ■・■   Inoceramusspp。Paruamussium spp・,ΛBafeeuellia(/veobafeeoellia)しspp.↓andNuculids species are usually found from the dark-gray mudstone of the Upper Part of the Hibihara Formation. On the other hand, Entolium. monobensis.トParuamussiurahimuraiandMyrtea monobeanaareknown frφm the upper Part of thむ Monobe Formation, occurring together

with several ammonites and nano二plancton fossils suggestedトthe Upper Albian∧stage (Tashiro et a1. 1980).      レ      ●・

       The bivalve faunas frO昨the Nankai Group        ト

 The Lower half of the Nankai Group (Birafu-Funadani For血社tions) is alternated with

the Brackish-water or very shallow marine conditional sediments, and the旅心10w to pure

marineむonditional sediments. So-called the Torinosu-limestones are usually inserted at the

lower member of the part. This part is considerablり with Barranginian to Barremian.

Many brackish-water bivalves occurred from this part, 誰re characterized by the species

bりlonging to 仏e genera, Eomiodon, Isodomera,Isocンpliatt, Aguilerella E皿d Crenotrapezium.

The species of月卿amina andTetoria are very rare in the occurrence. The species of

Costoc^lrenais unknown from 塙is part一丁Υhe species of the shallow mariれe or pure marine

conditions are nearly identical as 曲e same species with the species from the Upper Jurassic

to Lowest Cretaceous Torinosu Groupに \   <   .・.・・・  .・  ・..・:         ト

 The upper half part of the Nankai Group (Igenoki-Ikuna Formations) is characterized

by the shallow marine conditional bivalves∧The gelogical ages are the sameトwith the


Species  NanoMtms ■yDteoyam.ai *?………<ト Nemo doれ Spし, \ \‥‥‥‥‥‥ ノん4ニ(Eonauicula)<p叫rataニ<……  Cucullaea(s.s.?)レobliquata‥‥‥‥‥ ‥ 紛臨臨dorttes iffenofeiensis………I , Modibl臨丿alcata ∧j…………j。 ・;  Piれna(s.sと) of.rohinaldina‥/…… Gp'riiillaria hardddeダレ 十………  Neitkea∧(示か)S:yrtaca amaixoi………  Plica.tii.la]takahashii…… ………=  Arn,ph,icionte(s.sナsubftariotoidea・‥ Pterotrigoixia(s.s.) yokoyamai…… アノ.尚・j.りSc・abr.oな Mes・omiltfia iaponica ミ……… χ白ねoGardita amanoi ノ∧……… Astarte (s.s.)〉Rp.mtc.ciRtata\\………= λ……(.が・icaniella)mafeibaensis六十 Å聯=々(liny a igeれofeiensis………j =  Pach,"ythaeroussp‥‥ ‥‥‥ 犬…… …… Leptgolen am.abiliり……I  プ ………… Protocardia(s.s.)amanoト \ニ  p. (Gl・obocardium)=rm.mn『十\……… ノ' Granocardimuトcorpulenも已m‥‥‥  イ.Gブソ?一multinostata‥‥‥‥ ‥‥‥:゛万  士meariaし(Paiaeomoera)∇れdれ'kaiana  Scittila dericatostriata   \…………  Isocyp八几(1・aliquantula.・・   ・.・・・・  L japontca・    ‥‥‥‥‥‥ ‥‥∧  7.(?)〉isertofeiensis・.・.・・ .・ .・ .=……… Eomiodon sdfeaioaれItsニ   ……  E,matsiunotoi  ………  Crenotrapeziurri feitaねa7れiensis\∧ト  Isodomella matsum(元(元………1I ………□  Caestocorbula\(s士)\m.orir…………  Paaopeaト(M-yopsis)……aff. plic・叫( ・・ Goniom%ia・aff.h.a'vami∩∧∧レ上\.: ・・ ∧Plectom-yぐ1.concentrica‥‥‥‥‥=・.・・ . =.・. 1

Teμ岨gン2仁Bivalve 紬卵i卜:from the

generaニfr・9m ・地沁一皿rt are identical☆w録h

Warid-wise spりcies√辿dr:・as=Geruillaria, :Doganaro ………万 .・●し the species pレ……=:φりcurred hardly



ever from the Monobegawa Group. Cu£vllaea, Scabrotrigonia, Protocardia etc., arek!lown from the Upper half part, and Eomiodoa, Crenotrapezumi,Aeuilerella, Pacfiitlaaai琲d the

Torinosu-type bivalve genera are from 仙e lower halfトpart.      /  \    ▽ し

      Correlation of the Lower Cretaceous strata in Shikoku

   The correlation of The Lower Cretaceous strata distributed sporadically at various areas in the Chichibu Terrain of the Outer Tectonical Zone of Southwest Japan in Shikoku, is achived on Teχt-figs.3 and 4.      ニ .・・ ・.・. ・.   ・・   ・・.・・.・






  −   _ 』   −   1   ト ー   a 。   曙 - ` 掌 ミ   −   −   l g   ㎝     1   ト ー   -  心   Z




_LLし│Jjユ1   TANONO F, -ヅー」且  −    Q  ヨ回,  加一心9  −    ㎝  ・-  T  加一一    −  〃=皿皿  KUROSAKI F.



。iLLLl」」」_   FUJIKAWA F.










Text-fig. a: Corralation =of the Monobegawa Group in the Monobegawa area with the Lower 十     Cretaceous strata located at various areas on the Kurosegaw:a Tectonic Belt and

        the Chichibu Terrain in Shikoku.     犬   ‥ ‥‥‥ :・   1 ...   ■■■■ ■


Cretaceous shallow marine conditional bivalve fauna, su:chaりthe Doganaro


of the Shimanto Terrainレdistributed

at〉the southern area of Sambouzan

Terrain, is undoubtedly

correlated with the Nankai

Group, judging from

the composition of

nearly the same

bivalve fauna (see Text-fig. 2).十   :

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 (1917)犬.・.・・..  .・.・・.・  . ・ .・ :…………J……j…………〉…………=j=ノI Yabe↓H.レPraecapfotiTia、)印.・gen. from〉the白工o加叶………q・.rJりta・j   Imp.Univ:.=:ノ紅9バ!)√21-24、p卜で(1叩砂\)………:……:j\………Iレ………\……=:j1万:J:j乙 -≒一一二大Cr吋aceo叩ノ乱ratigraphy of theし=J面四面(㈲知命√  (1927)……つ……1  \ト………∧j………I……∧yl2∇………レ……=ソ………ll Nagao,トT. and Shimizu, K りf,……Syria. 6…………日雇面㈲………言皿b呻………in the T ̄ ̄TT ̄’1N?1gaU,\1犬auμ・=ou111リ1zu’r`’汗し1'tj1匹y?暫……ツ琴ツ琴?=y?………J……1・.゛1:I?.1?.・j,=・:1=1や ニ\ Kaw面to上叫o面雁ih=iand∠払心レレ9,②レ33÷耳∧証牡犯÷ノパ……牡卯敗ノノ……>………J………=.J……ニヶゾ……ニ………=.1一・ノ……二万万=・j Y良仇阿所ムレN.:て呻aceoUs=mohsca士行o尚/t肘ゾ邱尚が=干姉半邱粧ニ,万レノ=く弗邱半レ]j==I万りぉ4=か伴jy仲ノソ,j=ニI刄rた

▽一― : Cretaceous分泌o:niae from southwe牡浦

  叫√p包レ8+13(↓923)‥‥‥  ‥ ‥‥‥‥ ト=万=

-¬サー:Cretaceous trigoうiae from southwest Ji

--¬-TザFaunalぺand stratigraphical study o卜曲


1¬5 (1927) \上  ………… …………宍

Yokoyama, M⑤Onレ叫me犬Cretaceous fossilsしj

 ………Tofe-yo・・,4√(2), 357¬366√pl.レ40 (1891)………=…………=J・ --¬T:くV臨teine・rungen∧aus d昨・japonisch'むnダ:χf  \i8÷25 (1890)  ………=:\………サ Zittle,大尽.⊃AにText-book of:palaeontologyi trar ・・:り£j.・ノ=・:・/.:.・・..・.・:・.・・・‥ ..・y・ フGfiol.<印面元∠町サ(紅/p√59プ ∠&÷mケ(1923) 元ノ聚〕ノ[i土仏1− 嶮しImp.……U航U、、 昿]159-202, pis. j叩9])琵:プ(1913) 昨ト30ン1994 er 26,い:j!994



Therefore, with the weak form of the positive mass theorem, the strict inequality of Theorem 2 is satisfied by locally conformally flat manifolds and by manifolds of dimensions 3, 4

Furthermore, the upper semicontinuity of the global attractor for a singularly perturbed phase-field model is proved in [12] (see also [11] for a logarithmic nonlinearity) for two

This paper develops a recursion formula for the conditional moments of the area under the absolute value of Brownian bridge given the local time at 0.. The method of power series

Answering a question of de la Harpe and Bridson in the Kourovka Notebook, we build the explicit embeddings of the additive group of rational numbers Q in a finitely generated group

Aluminosilicate Refractory Ceramic Fibres are fibres covered by index number 650-017-00-8 in Annex VI, part 3, table 3.1 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament

Then it follows immediately from a suitable version of “Hensel’s Lemma” [cf., e.g., the argument of [4], Lemma 2.1] that S may be obtained, as the notation suggests, as the m A

Definition An embeddable tiled surface is a tiled surface which is actually achieved as the graph of singular leaves of some embedded orientable surface with closed braid

[Mag3] , Painlev´ e-type differential equations for the recurrence coefficients of semi- classical orthogonal polynomials, J. Zaslavsky , Asymptotic expansions of ratios of