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Exploring Motivation in Second Language Learning: A Qualitative Study of Chinese Learners of Japanese in a JSL Context


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Exploring Motivation in Second Language Learning: A Qualitative Study of Chinese Learners of Japanese in a JSL Context"


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(1)Exp1on㎎Motmtm1nSeconaLan即ageLeammg. AQua此ativeStudyofChneseLeamersofJapanese                 in a JSL Context. 教科・領域教育学専攻 言語系コース. M091281. 王莉      Being a1anguage1eaIlner studying. background for this study Fo11owing a. Japanese as a second1anguage(JSL)in. genera1introduc七ion of‘motivation’notion,. Japan, I distinct1y sensed ana heaI・d. conceptua1ization   in   a   cognitive. simi1ar experiences from many other. perspective   and   socio・Psycho1ogica1. Ieamers,to the extent that,mastering. perspective are reviewed.Motivation in a. Japanese 1anguage seems extre皿e1y. cognitive perspective proposed by Deci and. ef丘。ient丑aone in Japan.It seems that the. Ryan(1985)focuses on two types:intrinsic. Japanese context we are invo1ved in. which  expanas  on  individua1’s. presents us with a specia1‘force’.But,. se正一regu1atea actions with the inherent. ‘以力就j8庄〃も危肥θ’? If we supPose thユs. eIlergy source fω丘】ユing se1f・needs(Ryan&. ‘force’exists,then we may ask the question. Deci, 2002) and coping with the. of‘乃。w C08u8庄∂j=口‘力j8危”oθ戸’. ‘satisfaction’emotion(Va11erand&Rate11e,.      There are numerous ana diversj血ed. 2002);extrinsic motivation吉hat consisted. studies carried out by psycho1ogists and. of fouエ hierarchica1categories (Deci&. 1anguage educators wl〕ich have paved the. Ryan,1985).From genera1psycho1ogica1. Way fOr any diSCuSSiOn On‘1mOtiVatiOn’.. reseaI・ch to the L2 pedagogica1丘e1d,a. However,to aate,most of the existing. deve1opment progress mode1of in虹insic. 1iterat㎜e conceming motivation of L2. motivation of Nakata(2010)was proposed. 1earmng may m1ss some unseen om1ss1ons. to iuustrate its1eve1s and aeve1opment.In. in unaerstanding 1earners’deep fee1ings. the socio−psycho1ogica1 perspective, the. and experiences.. fOCuS iS On SeCOnd1anguage aCquiSitiOn in.      The current■esearch1ooks direct1y. a socia1cuユtura1context.It is丘xed by the. into1earners’Perceptions,he1ping to丘11an. socio・educationa1  mode1  of  second. existing vacancy in the丘e1d一.In aadition,it. 1anguage acquisition (Gardner, 2005). nlay  a1so  furnish  some  va1uab1e. inVO1Ving integI’atiVe and inStrumenta1. infOrmatiOn fOr SeCOnd1anguage IearnerS.. motivation (Gardner & Lambert,1959),. The research concentrated on motivationa1. 1earners’attitude towara the 1eaming. vaI・iab1es that he1p to enab1e greater. situation that revea11earner’s undergoing. achievement  in   second   1anguage. be1ief and identity (Norton,2000)and. pro丘。iency invo1vea in a socio−cu1tura1. one’ 刀@reIation within socia1context(Taj逓e1.. context in the case of Chinese1earners of. 1981).. Japanese in a JSL context,.      Chapter   2   represents   the.      Chapter1demonstrates a theoretica1. methoao1ogy ana participants ofthis study.. 一252一.

(2) Three research questions are adaressed t0.       In Chapter3,data ana1ysis using. fu1fi1I the research purpose:. the KJ Method conc1uded participants’ responses into six categories(motivation,. (1)What are the factors that cou1d. attitude, anxie七y  and  se1f・con丘dence,. raise Chinese 1earners’awaIeness. rea1ization of barrier, necessity of L2. about how to improve their. 1eaming method, 1eaming methods)、. Japanese pro協。iency?. Based on retrospection of participants’. (2)How couユd these factors1eaa. responses, foundationa1 constructs of. Chinese1eamers to be autonomous. attitude,motivation,the1eaming context,. in  their  Japanese  1anguage. and persona1experience and i11ustration of. 1earning?. their   individua1   ana   co11ective. (3)How does this autonomy he1p. contributions to successfu1engage肌ent in. them achieve a high 1eve1 of. behaviora11eaning actions,c1arifiea the. Japanese1anguage pro丘。iency in a. comp1icated process of the formation and. JSL context?. deve1opment of1eamers’工notivation.It. was represented− in three moae1s1      Participants were se1ected based on. intrinSiC−integratiVe     mOtiVatiOn,. their meeting the requirement of studying. intrinSiC一{nStrumenta1  mOtiVatiOn  and. a L2in the native commu㎡ty with the. extrinsic−instmmenta1motivation,1ocking. agency of 1anguage acquirement. In. the focus into primari1y a conscious. addition,these1eamers,as my friends,. perspective or a socio−cu1tura1perspective.. sharea simi1ar experience with me,so.      On the grounds of the Iearners’. there is a potentia1for such a I・e1ationship. perceptions and  experiences obtained. to mitigate the concerns about the vahdity. through a qua1itative investigation,the. of the 丘naings of the study to a1arge. factors that cou1a raise Chinese1earners’. extent,The semi・structured interview was. awareness about how to improve their. adopted  and,  to  obtain  a  aeep. Japanese pro丘。iency are aiscussed a1ong. unaerstanaing  of  the  participants’. with how these factors 1ead Chinese. 1earning backgT0una and their attitudes. 1earners to be autonomous Japanese. toward the JSL context.Three genera1. 1anguage Iearners and丘na11y how this. questions were inquired (How did you. aut0D0my heIps them achieve a high1eve1. 1earn Japanese?Did you have any painfu1. of Japanese1anguage pI・o丘。iency in a JSL. experiences in the JSL context a】=1d,if yes,. context are c1arifiea.. how did you dea1with them?What do you p1an to do in the future by utihzing. Japanese1anguage and your experience in. the JSL context?)And the data were ana1yzed by emp1oying a coding Procedure. 主任指導教員 中田賀之. based on KJ method..    指導教員 中田賀之. 一253一.




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