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Study on Pre-treatment of Bamboo Fibers and Kneading Conditions in Process of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene by Twin Screw Extrusion


Academic year: 2022

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Study on Pre-treatment of Bamboo Fibers and Kneading Conditions in Process of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene by Twin Screw Extrusion

Hyojin K


*, Hidenori K


**, Kazuya O


*** and Toru F



(Received May 9, 2009)

Bamboo fiber reinforced polypropylene (BFRPP) pellets is manufactured by twin screw extruder with different screw segment, where the ingredient feed method is major concern in investigating the effect of pre-treatment of bamboo fibers and assembly condition of twin screw extruder on mechanical properties of BFRPP. In the present study, three different types of segments and two different types of ingredient feed method are selected. The used specimen of tensile test is molded by injection molding machine, using manufactured pellets. Tensile strength of specimens and residual fiber aspect ratio of pellets are found to be increased with kneads ability of segments (Full flight <Rotor<Kneading). In contrast, residual fiber length of pellets using specimen is decreased at high tensile strength and residual fiber aspect ratio. The diameter of fiber bundle is decreased, when the fiber is compressed in clearance between segment and barrel.

-G[YQTFU㧦bamboo fiber, pre-treatment, assembly condition, mechanical properties




㊄ቁ㎾*ޔਭ଻↰ ⑲ౖ**ޔᄢ┄ ๺਽***ޔ⮮੗ ㅘ***


PP ଔᩰߩ㜞㛛߅ࠃ߮ㄭᐕߩⅣႺ߳ߩ㑐ᔃߩ㜞߹


ᚑᒻຠ߳㑐ᔃ߇㓸߹ߞߡ޿ࠆ㧚ߎߩ PP 㧔ࡐ࡝ࡊࡠࡇ


⛽ߣ⇣ߥࠅᑄ᫈ᤨߦ὾ළ಴᧪ࠆ߶߆㧘ࠟ࡜ࠬ❫⛽ߣ Ყߴߡ┻❫⛽╬ߩ࠮࡞ࡠ࡯ࠬ♽❫⛽ߩ୯Ბߪ቟ଔ㧘





ࠆ BFRPP ࡍ࡟࠶࠻߆ࠄᚑᒻߒߚ኿಴ᚑᒻຠߩᯏ᪾

⊛․ᕈߪ╩⠪ߩ⍮ࠆ㒢ࠅᒁᒛࠅᒝߐ 20㨪30 MPa ߣ ߆ߥࠅૐ޿㧚઒ߦᯏ᪾⊛․ᕈࠍ❫⛽฽᦭₸ 10 㨣㨠㧑 ߩࠟ࡜ࠬ❫⛽ᒝൻ PP ਗߦะ਄ߔࠆߎߣ߇಴᧪ࠇ߫㧘



㧚❫⛽ⶄว᧚ᢱ ߩ႐ว㧘ᯏ᪾⊛․ᕈߦߪ㈩ะ





*Research and Development Center for Composite Materials, Doshisha University, Kyoto Tel&Fax:075-65-6784, E-mail:hkim@mail.doshisha.ac.jp

**Former graduate student of Doshisha University

***Department of Mechanical Engineering and System, Doshisha University, Kyoto E-mail:kokubo@mail.doshisha.ac.jp, tfujii@mail.doshisha.ac.jp











⛽ᒝൻ PP ߩ႐ว㧘ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ㅧ☸ᤨߦᷙ✵ߖߕߦㅧ




㧚หߓ ᄤὼ❫⛽ࠍ↪޿ߚⶄว᧚ᢱߢ޽ࠆ㤗❫⛽ᒝൻ PP ߦ ߟ޿ߡߪੑゲ᛼಴ᯏਥゲ࿁ォᢙࠍ਄ߍࠆߦߟࠇᱷሽ




޽ࠆ㧘ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ਛߩᱷሽ❫⛽ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყࠍะ਄ߐ ߖࠆὑߦߤߩࠃ߁ߥࠬࠢ࡝ࡘ࡯࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻ࠍ↪޿ㅧ


ࠇ߫ࠃ޿ߩ߆ࠍᬌ⸛ߒߚ⺰ᢥߪ╩⠪ߩ⍮ࠆ㒢ࠅߥ޿㧚 ߘߎߢᧄ⎇ⓥߢߪ㧘 BFRPP ኿಴ᚑᒻຠߩᯏ᪾⊛

․ᕈะ਄ࠍ⋡⊛ߦ BFRPP ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩㅧ☸᧦ઙ,❫⛽



┻❫⛽ᒝൻ PP ߦㆡߔࠆㅧ☸ᴺߩᬌ⸛ࠍⴕߞߚ㧚 ⹜㛎ᣇᴺ


ࠪࡦࡢᩣᑼળ␠⵾ PP ਇ❱Ꮣ 6640-10 ࠍ૶↪ߒߚ㧚 ߅ࠃ߮ࠪࡦࡢᩣᑼળ␠⵾ PP ਇ❱Ꮣ 6640-10 ࠍੑゲ᛼

಴ᯏࠍ↪޿ߡࡍ࡟࠶࠻ൻߒߚ PP ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ࠍ↪޿ߚ㧚


޿ߡขࠅ಴ߒߚ┻❫⛽ࠍ↪޿ߚ㧚ታ㛎ߦ૶↪ߒߚᧂ ಣℂ┻❫⛽ࠍ Fig. 1 ߦ␜ߔ㧚

⵾૞ᚻ㗅ߩ᭎⇛ࠍ Fig. 2 ߦ␜ߔ㧚ࠕ࡞ࠞ࡝ᵞᵺಣ ℂߒߚ┻❫⛽ࡄ࡞ࡊ (WALP) ߩ⵾૞ߦߪ㧘᏷ 25 㨙㨙

ෘߐ 2 㨙㨙⒟ᐲߩࠬ࡜ࠗࠬߦടᎿߒߚቃቬ┻ࠍ 70͠ߩ 6 wt㧑 NaOH ṁᶧߦ 10 ᤨ㑆ᶐẃߒߚ㧚 NaOH ṁᶧߦᶐẃߒߚᓟ㧘❫⛽ߦઃ⌕ߒߚ NaOH ࠍቢోߦ 㒰෰ߔࠆὑߦ┻ࠬ࡜ࠗࠬࠍ᳓㆏᳓ߦᶐߒ㧘ᶐߒߚ᳓

ߩ PH ߇ 7 એਅߦߥࠆ߹ߢ 3 ᣣᲤߦ᳓ࠍ੤឵ߒߚ㧚

ࠬ࡜ࠗࠬߒߚ┻ ࠍࡊ࡟ࠬ߈ࠍ↪޿ߡ࿶ኒߒߚᓟ㧘

᳓ಽ฽᦭₸ 10 㧑⒟ᐲ߹ߢੇ῎ߐߖ㧘ߘߎ߆ࠄࡇࡦࠞ




Fig. 1. Photograph of none treated fiber (NTF).

Fig. 2. Process of WALP.

(a) ࡠ࡯࡞ᣇᑼ (b) side feed ᣇᑼ

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of manufacturing BFRPP pellets.


ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩㅧ☸߅ࠃ߮⹜㛎 ᚑᒻ

Fig. 3 ߦㅧ☸ᚻᴺߩᮨᑼ࿑ࠍ␜ߔ㧚ੑㅢࠅߩ᧚ᢱ

ᛩ౉ᴺࠍ⹜ߺߚ㧚৻ߟߪ┻❫⛽ߣ MAPP ߣࠍᚲቯߩ






᛼಴ᯏߩ਄ᵹ߆ࠄ MAPP ߇ 5 㨣t㧑ᷙ౉ߐࠇߚࡍ࡟


࠳࡯ࠍ↪޿ߡ┻❫⛽ࠍᛩ౉ߔࠆᚻᴺ㧔side feed ᣇᑼ㧕


Fig. 4 ߦㅧ☸ߦ↪޿ߚ kneading ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻㧔⋥ᓘ 㧩 31.58 mm 㧘ࡃ࡟࡞ - ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻㑆㧩 0.21 㨙㨙㧕㧘

rotor ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻㧔ࡃ࡟࡞-࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻㑆㧩1.4 㨙㨙㧕 㧘

full flight ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻㧔⋥ᓘ㧩 31.58 mm 㧘ࡃ࡟࡞ - ࠮ࠣ

ࡔࡦ࠻㑆㧩0.21 㨙㨙㧕ࠍ␜ߔ㧚ߎࠇࠄߩ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻

ߣᧂಣℂ┻❫⛽㧔 NTF 㧕ߣࠍ↪޿ߡ㧘࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻ᒻ


Table 1 ߦᧄታ㛎ߢㅧ☸ߐࠇߚࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩㅧ☸᧦ઙ


┻❫⛽㧘ࡐ࡝ࡊࡠࡇ࡟ࡦߣ MAPP 㧔ਃᵗൻᚑᎿ

ᬺ㧦࡙࡯ࡔ࠶ࠢࠬ 1101㧕ߣࠍ 50㧦47.5㧦2.5 ߩഀว ߢᷙวߐߖߚ኿಴ᚑᒻ↪ BFRPP ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ࠍ , ੑゲ᛼

಴ᯏ㧔␹ᚭ⵾㍑⵾, HYPER-KTX 30㧘ࡃ࡟࡞ౝᓘ 32.00 㨙㨙㧕ࠍ↪޿ߡ⵾ㅧߒߚ㧚

᧲ᵗᯏ᪾⵾኿಴ᚑᒻᯏ ET40V ࠍ↪޿ߡ࠳ࡦࡌ࡞

ဳᒁᒛ⹜㛎 ࠍ⵾૞ߒߚ㧚ᚑᒻ᧦ઙࠍ Table 2 ߦ␜ߔ㧚

⹜㛎 ᒻ⁁ߪ JIS7113A ߦᓥߞߚ㧚 ┻❫⛽᧤ߖࠎᢿ߅ࠃ߮ᒁᒛ․ᕈ



ᓘ⚂ 100 ঙߩ❫⛽⁁ߢ޽ࠆߩߢ㧘᳢↪ⵝ⟎ߦߡ┻❫


┻ ❫ ⛽ ᧤ 1 ᧄ ࠍ ା ⿧ ൻ ቇ ⵾ ࠪ ࡝ ࠦ ࡦ ࠝ ࠗ ࡞

(KF96H100) ਛߦᛩ౉ߒ㧘ࠪ࡝ࠦࡦࠝࠗ࡞ߦߖࠎᢿᄌ

ᒻࠍਈ߃ࠆߎߣߢ┻❫⛽᧤ࠍಽ㔌ߒߚ㧚Fig. 5 ߦ␜

ߔᄢဳ࿁ォᑼ☼ᐲ⸘㧔ᄖ╴ᓘ 32.02 㨙㨙㧕ࠍ⥄૞ߒ ߚ㧚Fig. 6 ߦౝ╴ߩᒻ⁁ࠍ␜ߔ㧚߹ߚ Table 3 ߦ❫⛽

Table 1. Manufacturing parameters for BFRPP pellets.

Fiber-Type Feed-Type Screw Rev.


Kneading NTF twist 100rpm

Rotor NTF twist 100rpm

Fullflight NTF twist 100rpm Kneading NTF sidefeed 100rpm Rotor NTF sidefeed 100rpm Fullflight NTF sidefeed 100rpm Kneading NTF sidefeed 300rpm


( Fullflight) WALP sidefeed 100rpm

Table 3. Test condition of shear test.

Diameter (mm)

Shear rate (1/s)

Shear stress (MPa)


(rpm) Time (sec)

Type-A 31.52 4000 0.16 600 60

Type-B 31.52 4000 0.16 600 60

Type-B 31.78 8400 0.21 600 60

Type-B 31.96 25000 0.22 600 60 Fig. 4. Photograph of segment.

Table 2. Injection parameters for BFRPP specimen.

Injection Speed

Injection Pressure

Holding Pressure

Back Pressure

Screw Rev.

Barrel Temp.

50mm/sec 80MPa 55MPa 10MPa 45rpm 180


ߦട߃ࠄࠇࠆߖࠎᢿㅦᐲ㧘ߖࠎᢿᔕജ㧘ౝ╴࿁ォᢙ ߅ࠃ߮⽶⩄ᤨ㑆ࠍ␜ߔ㧚⹜㛎ߦߪᒻ⁁ߣࡃ࡟࡞࠮ࠣ

ࡔࡦ࠻㑆ࠢ࡝ࠕ࡜ࡦࠬߩ⇣ߥࠆ 4 ⒳㘃ߩ࿁ォሶࠍ↪


ᧄታ㛎᧦ઙߦ߅޿ߡੑゲ᛼಴ᯏౝߦ⊒↢ߔࠆߖ ࠎᢿㅦᐲᚑಽࠍᵹ૕⸃ᨆ࠰ࡈ࠻ poly flow 㧔ࠕࡦࠪ

ࠬࠫࡖࡄࡦᩣᑼળ␠㧕ࠍ↪޿ߡ⷗Ⓧ߽ߞߚ㧚⸃ᨆߢ ߪߖࠎᢿ⊒ᾲࠍ⠨ᘦߖߕ㧘ቢోలḩ㧘߆ߟ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ


ᧄታ㛎ߢㅧ☸ߒߚ BFRPP ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ౝᱷሽ❫⛽ߩ ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყࠍ᷹ቯߒߚ㧘ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყߩ᷹ቯߦᒰ ߚࠅ㧘ㅧ☸ߒߚࡍ࡟࠶࠻ࠍ 140 ߩࠠࠪ࡟ࡦਛߢㆶᵹ

ߐߖ BFRPP ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ࠍ┻❫⛽ߣ PP ߣߦಽ㔌ߒߚ㧚


ࡍࠢ࠻Ყࠍ▚಴ߒߚ㧚᷹ቯࠨࡦࡊ࡞ᢙࠍ 600 ߣߒߚ㧚

⹜㛎ߦߪ AUTOGRAPH ਁ⢻⹜㛎ᯏ㧔ፉᵤ⵾૞

ᚲ㧕ࠍ↪޿ߚ㧚⹜㛎ㅦᐲࠍ 2 mm/min ߣߒߚ㧚 ⚿ᨐ


ᵹ૕⸃ᨆ࠰ࡈ࠻ poly flow ࠍ↪޿⷗Ⓧ߽ߞߚ

kneading ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻ࠍ↪޿ߚ႐ว㧔 100 㨞㨜㨙㧕ߩ࠮

ࠣࡔࡦ࠻ోၞߩߖࠎᢿㅦᐲಽᏓࠍ Fig. 㧣ߦ␜ߔ㧚

Fig. 㧣ࠃࠅੑゲ᛼಴ᯏౝߢ┻❫⛽ߦ⽶⩄ߐࠇࠆਥߚ ࠆߖࠎᢿᔕജߪ࠺ࠖࠬࠢࠡࡖ࠶ࡊㇱߢᦨᄢߢ޽ࠅ

0.13 MPa ⒟ᐲߢ޽ࠆߎߣ߇ಽ߆ߞߚ㧚


ടᎿ೨ߩ┻❫⛽᧤ߩ⁁ᘒߣ㧘 d=31.52mm 㧘 type A ߩ࿁ォゲࠍ↪޿ߚ႐วߩ┻❫⛽᧤ߩߖࠎᢿಽᢔᓟߩ

❫⛽᧤ߩ⁁ᘒߣࠍ Fig. 㧤ߦ␜ߔ㧚ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ㅧ☸ਛߦ


(Type A) (Type B)

Fig. 5. Rotational rheometer. Fig. 6. Rotational axis.

Fig. 7. Shear rate of internal twin-screw extruder in using kneading segment.

Fig. 8. State of untreated and treated bamboo fiber

bundle by shear.


᧤ ߪ න ❫ ⛽ ߦ ಽ ഀ ߒ ߥ ߆ ߞ ߚ 㧚 Fig. 㧥 ߦ ౝ ╴ ᓘ d=31.94㨪31.50 mm ߩ type B ࿁ォሶࠍ↪޿ߚ႐วߩ

⚿ᨐࠍ␜ߔ㧚┻❫⛽߇ࡃ࡟࡞ - ࿁ォሶ㑆ࠢ࡝ࠕ࡜ࡦࠬ

ࠍㅢㆊߔࠆߎߣߢ❫⛽߇⚦ಽൻߔࠆߎߣ߇ಽ߆ߞߚ㧚 ಽᢔߐࠇߚ❫⛽ߩ❫⛽ᓘߪࠢ࡝ࠕ࡜ࡦࠬߦଐሽߒߡ


ㅧ☸᧦ઙ߇ᱷሽ❫⛽ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყߦਈ߃ࠆᓇ 㗀

ᧂಣℂ┻❫⛽㧔 NTF 㧕ࠍ↪޿ߡㅧ☸ߒߚࡍ࡟࠶࠻

ߩᐔဋᱷሽ❫⛽ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყ⴫ߔ᫔ࠣ࡜ࡈࠍ Fig. 10

ߦ␜ߔ㧚 Side feed ᴺᑼ㧘ࡠ࡯࡞ᴺᑼߦ㑐ࠊࠄߕ㧘ㅧ


☸ߒߚࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩᱷሽࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყ߇ะ਄ߔࠆ௑ะ ࠍ␜ߒߚ㧚߹ߚ㧘side feed ᣇߣᲧߴ㧘ࡠ࡯࡞ᣇᑼࠍ




ᧂಣℂߩ┻❫⛽㧔 NTF 㧕ࠍ↪޿ߡㅧ☸ߒߚࡍ࡟࠶

࠻ߩᱷሽ❫⛽㐳ߩ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻᧦ઙߦࠃࠆ㆑޿ࠍ Fig.

11 ߦ␜ߔ㧚ᷙ㍰⢻ജߩૐ޿ゲ᭴ᚑࠍ↪޿ㅧ☸ߔࠆߦ ߟࠇߡ㧘ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩ❫⛽㐳߇ᡷༀߔࠆߣ޿߁௑ะࠍ

␜ߒߚ㧚߹ߚ㧘side feed ᣇߣᲧߴ㧘ࡠ࡯࡞ᣇᑼࠍ↪

޿ߡㅧ☸ߐࠇߚࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩᱷሽ❫⛽㐳߇⍴޿੐߇ࠊ ߆ߞߚ㧚


ࠕ࡞ࠞ࡝ᵞᵺಣℂࠍߒߚ┻❫⛽ࡄ࡞ࡊࠍ૶↪ߒ full flight ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻㧘߅ࠃ߮ side feed ᴺߦࠃࠅㅧ☸

ߒߚࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩᐔဋᱷሽ❫⛽ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყߣ㧘ᧂಣ ℂ┻❫⛽ࠍ૶↪ߒ kneading ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻㧘ࡠ࡯࡞ᣇᑼ ࠍ↪޿ߡㅧ☸ߒߚࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩᐔဋᱷሽ❫⛽ࠕࠬࡍࠢ

࠻Ყߩ㆑޿ࠍ Fig. 12 ߦ␜ߔ㧚࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻࠲ࠗࡊ߅ࠃ

߮ᛩ౉ᴺߩ㆑޿ߦࠃࠅᱷሽ❫⛽㐳ߪᄢ߈ߊᄌൻߒ㧘 full flight ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻ࠍ૶↪ߒ side feed ᣇᴺࠍⴕ߁ߣ ᦨ߽㐳޿ᱷሽ❫⛽㐳ࠍᓧࠄࠇߚ㧚


Fig. 9. States of bamboo fiber bundle sheared by type B axial.

Fig. 10. Residual NTF fiber aspect ratio of BFRPP pellets manufactured by different segment and feed method.

Fig. 11. Residual NTF fiber length in BFRPP pellets

manufactured by different segment and feed



$(422 ᱷሽ❫⛽ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყߩะ਄ࡔࠞ࠾࠭

Fig. 13 ߦ㧘ㅧ☸ਛߩᷙ㍰ߦࠃࠅᱷሽ❫⛽ߩࠕࠬ

ࡍࠢ࠻Ყ߇ะ਄ߔࠆࡔࠞ࠾࠭ࡓࠍᮨᑼ⊛ߦ␜ߔ㧚 3.1

▵߅ࠃ߮ 3.2 ▵ߩ⚿ᨐ߆ࠄ㧘┻❫⛽߇❫⛽᧤⁁ߩᒻ

⁁ ࠍ ⛽ᜬ ߒߚ ߹ ߹ᛩ ౉ߐ ࠇ ࠆߩ ߢ㧘 ᒝ ޿ᷙ ㍰ࠍ

BFRPP ߦ⽶⩄ߔࠆߎߣߢ࿑ߦ␜ߔࠃ߁ߦ┻❫⛽߇


ߢ᜽߹ࠇࠆ㗫ᐲ߇Ⴧടߒ㧘ߘߩ⚿ᨐ㧘❫⛽߇⚦ಽൻ ߒࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყ߅ࠃ߮ᒁᒛࠅᒝߐ߇ᡷༀߐࠇߚ ߣᕁࠊࠇࠆ㧚߹ߚ᧚ᢱᛩ౉ᴺߩੑ⒳㘃ߩ㆑޿ߦࠃߞ ߡ߽㧔side feed ᣇᴺ㧘ࡠ࡯࡞ᣇᑼ㧕㧘ᱷሽ❫⛽㐳㧘ᱷ ሽ❫⛽ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყ߅ࠃ߮ᒁᒛࠅᒝߐߩ㆑޿߇ߺࠄ ࠇߚ㧚ࠨࠗ࠼ࡈࠖ࡯࠳ࠍ૶↪ߔࠆ᧚ᢱᛩ౉ᣇᑼߢߪ


ߒㄟ߹ࠇࠆߩߦኻߒߡ㧘ࡠ࡯࡞ᣇᑼߢߪ┻̆PP ਇ❱



᮸⢽ߣ┻❫⛽ߣߩធ⸅㗫ᐲ߇ࠨࠗ࠼ࡈࠖ࡯࠼ᣇᑼߣ ᲧߴჇടߒ㧘┻❫⛽᧤߇⎈ߌ⚦ಽൻߐࠇ߿ߔߊ㧘ࠕ

ࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყ߇ᡷༀߐࠇߚߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆ㧚 ⚿⸒

ᧄ⎇ⓥߢ BFRPP ኿಴ᚑᒻຠߩᯏ᪾⊛․ᕈࠍะ਄

ߐߖࠆߚ߼ਥߦ BFRPP ࡍ࡟࠶࠻ߩㅧ☸᧦ઙߩᬌ⸛




1. ࠨࠗ࠼ࡈࠖ࡯࠳࡯ࠍ↪޿ߡㅧ☸ᤨߩ❫⛽᛬៊




2. ┻❫⛽᧤ࠍᒝൻ᧚ߣߒߡ↪޿ࠆ႐ว㧘ᒝൻߣ᮸



᦭ലߢ޽ࠆ߇㧘ᱷሽ❫⛽㐳ߪૐਅߒߚ㧚 3. ❫⛽᛬៊㧘❫⛽ߩ⚦ಽൻߪ❫⛽ห჻㧘࿕૕᮸⢽

ߣធ⸅ߒ 2 ゲ᛼಴ᯏౝߢᷙߗࠄࠇࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅ


̆PP ਇ❱Ꮣߩਛ㑆⵾ㅧ‛߇᛼ߒ಴ᯏߦᛩ౉ߐ ࠇࠆߎߣ߆ࠄ㧘࿕૕᮸⢽ߣ┻❫⛽ߣߩធ⸅㗫ᐲ ߇ࠨࠗ࠼ࡈࠖ࡯࠼ᣇᑼߣᲧߴჇടߒ㧘┻❫⛽᧤

߇⎈ߌ⚦ಽൻߐࠇ߿ߔߊ㧘ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყࠍᡷༀ ߢ߈ߚ㧚

4. ㅧ☸೨ߦ┻❫⛽ࠍࡄ࡞ࡊൻ㧔⚦ಽൻ㧕ߒߚᓟ㧘 side feed ᣇᑼ full flight ࠮ࠣࡔࡦ࠻ߩߺߩゲ᭴ᚑ ࠍ૶↪ߒࡍ࡟࠶࠻ࠍㅧ☸ߔࠆߎߣߢࡍ࡟࠶࠻

ౝߩᱷሽ❫⛽ࠕࠬࡍࠢ࠻Ყࠍᡷༀߔࠆߎߣ߇ ߢ߈ߚ㧚ߘߩ⚿ᨐᒁᒛᒝᐲ․ᕈࠍᡷༀߔࠆߎߣ ߇಴᧪ߚ㧚


ᬺޟవㅴⶄว᧚ᢱߩ㐿⊒ߣߘߩᔕ↪㧔หᔒ␠ᄢቇ㧕 ޠ ߩᡰេࠍฃߌߚ㧚⸥ߒߡ⻢ᗧࠍ⴫ߔ㧚

Fig. 12. Aspect ratio of kneaded pellet and WALP pellet.

Fig. 13. Mechanism of fiber breakage and separation

between barrel and segment.



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