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Canonical bases of higher-level q -deformed Fock spaces


Academic year: 2022

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DOI 10.1007/s10801-007-0062-7

Canonical bases of higher-level q -deformed Fock spaces

Xavier Yvonne

Received: 12 June 2006 / Accepted: 29 January 2007 / Published online: 17 April 2007

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007

Abstract We show that the transition matrices between the standard and the canon- ical bases of infinitely many weight subspaces of the higher-levelq-deformed Fock spaces are equal.

1 Introduction

The q-deformed higher-level Fock spaces were introduced in [6] in order to com- pute the crystal graph of any irreducible integrable representation of level l ≥1 of Uq(sln). More precisely, the Fock representation Fq[sl]depends on a parameter sl=(s1, . . . , sl)∈Zl called multi-charge. It contains as a submodule the irreducible integrableUq(sln)-module with highest weights1+ · · · +sl. The representation Fq[sl]is a generalization of the level-one Fock representation ofUq(sln)([4,17], see also [14,15]).

The canonical bases are bases of the Fock representations that are invariant under a certain involution ofUq(sln)and that give atq=0 andq= ∞the crystal bases.

They were constructed forl=1 in [14,15] and forl≥1 by Uglov [19]. In [19], Uglov provides an algorithm for computing these canonical bases. He also gives an expression of the transition matrices between the standard and the canonical bases in terms of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for affine Hecke algebras of typeA.

In this article we prove three theorems.

1. The first one (Theorem 3.9) is a generalization to l≥1 of a result of [13]. It compares the transition matrices of the canonical bases of some weight subspaces inside a given Fock space Fq[sl]. The weights involved are conjugated under the action of the Weyl group ofUq(sln). This action leads to bijectionsσi that can

X. Yvonne (


Institut Camille Jordan (Mathématiques), Université Lyon I, 43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

e-mail: yvonne@math.univ-lyon1.fr


be described in a combinatorial way by adding/removing as manyi-nodes as pos- sible to thel-multi-partitions indexing the canonical bases. These bijections are generalizations of the Scopes bijections introduced in [18] in order to study, when n=pis a prime number, thep-blocks of symmetric groups of a given defect.

2. In a dual manner, our second result (Theorem 4.4) gives some sufficient condi- tions on multi-chargesslandtlwith given residues modulonthat ensure that the transition matrices of the canonical bases of some weight subspaces of Fq[sl]and Fq[tl]coincide.

3. Our third result (Theorem5.2) is an application of Theorem4.4to the case when the multi-chargessl=(s1, . . . , sl)andtl=(t1, . . . , tl)are dominant, that iss1

· · · sl andt1 · · · tl. It shows that the transition matrices of the canonical bases of the Fock spaces Fq[sl]stabilize whenslbecomes dominant (with a given sequence of residues modulon). This supports the following conjecture (see [22]).

We conjecture that ifsl=(s1, . . . , sl)is dominant, then the transition matrix of the homogeneous component of degreemof the canonical basis of the Fock space Fq[sl] is equal to the decomposition matrix of the cyclotomic v-Schur algebra SC,m;ζs1, . . . , ζsl)of [2], whereζis a complex primitiven-th root of unity. This conjecture generalizes both Ariki’s theorem for Ariki-Koike algebras (see [1]) and a result of Varagnolo and Vasserot (see [20]) which relates the canonical basis of the level-one Fock space and the decomposition matrix ofv-Schur algebras with parameter a complexn-th root of unity.

Notation LetN(respectivelyN) denote the set of nonnegative (respectively posi- tive) integers, and fora, b∈Rdenote by[[a;b]]the discrete interval[a, b] ∩Z. For X⊂R,t∈R,N∈N, put

XN(t ):= {(s1, . . . , sN)XN|s1+ · · · +sN=t}. (1) Throughout this article, we fix 3 integersn,l≥1 ands∈Z. Letdenote the set of all integer partitions, and forN∈N, letNdenote the set of allN-multi-partitions.

The empty partition (respectively emptyN-multi-partition) will be denoted by∅(re- spectivelyN).

2 Higher-levelq-deformed Fock spaces

In this section, we introduce the higher-level Fock spaces and their canonical bases.

We follow here [19], to which we refer the reader for more details. All definitions and results given here are due to Uglov.

2.1 The quantum algebrasUq(sln)andUp(sll)

In this section, we assume thatn≥2 andl≥2. Letslnbe the Kac-Moody algebra of typeA(1)n1defined over the fieldQ[7]. Lethbe the dual of the Cartan subalgebra ofsln. Let0, . . . , n1∈hbe the fundamental weights,α0, . . . , αn1∈hbe the simple roots andδ:=α0+ · · · +αn1be the null root. It will be convenient to extend


the index set of the fundamental weights by settingi:=imodnfor alli∈Z. The simple roots are related to the fundamental weights by

αi=2ii1i+1+δi,0δ (0in−1). (2) For 0≤i, jn−1, letai,j be the coefficient ofj inαi. The space




Qi ⊕ Qδ=



Qαi ⊕ Q0

is equipped with a non-degenerate bilinear symmetric form(. , .)defined by i, αj)=ai,j, (0, αi)=δi,0, (0, 0)=0 (0i, jn−1). (3) Let Uq(sln)be the q-deformed universal enveloping algebra of sln. This is an algebra over Q(q)with generatorsei,fi,ti±1 (0in−1)and∂. Let Uq(sln) be the subalgebra ofUq(sln)generated byei,fi,ti±1(0in−1). The relations inUq(sln)are standard and will be omitted (see e.g. [10]). The relations among the degree generator and the generators ofUq(sln)can be found in [19, §2.1]. IfMis aUq(sln)-module, denote byP(M)the set of weights ofMand letMwdenote the subspace ofMof weightw. IfxMw \ {0}is a weight vector, denote by

wt(x):=w (4)

the weight ofx. The Weyl group ofsln(orUq(sln)), denoted byWn, is the subgroup of GL(h)generated by the simple reflectionsσi defined by

σi()=(, αi) αi (∈h,0≤in−1). (5) Note thatWn is isomorphic toSn, the affine symmetric group which is a Coxeter group of typeA(1)n1.

We also introduce the algebraUp(sll)with

p:= −q1. (6)

In order to distinguish the elements related toUq(sln)from those related toUp(sll), we put dots over the latter. For example, e˙i,f˙i,t˙i±1 (0il−1)and˙ are the generators of Up(sll), α˙i (0il−1) are the simple roots for Up(sll), W˙l = ˙σ0, . . . ,σ˙l1is the Weyl group ofUp(sll)and so on. Similarly, ifM is aUp(sll)- module, denote byP˙(M)the set of weights ofM.

2.2 The spaces

2.2.1 The vector spacesand its standard basis

Following [19], we now recall the definition ofs, the space of semi-infiniteq-wedge products of charges(this space is denoted bys+2 in [19]). First, letr≥2 be an


integer, andrqV be the space ofq-wedge products of finite lengthr (this space is denoted byr in [19]; we hope that this does not make any confusion with ours).

As a vector space overQ(q),rqV is spanned by theq-wedge products

uk=uk1uk2∧ · · · ∧ukr, k=(k1, k2, . . . , kr)∈Zr, (7) with relations given in [19, Prop. 3.16]. These relations are called straightening rules (we will not need them in this article). Now, definesas the inductive limit


−→rqV , (8)

where maps rqVrqV (r> r) are given by vvusrusr1∧ · · · ∧ usr+1. Less formally,s is spanned byq-wedge products of infinite length

uk=uk1uk2∧ · · ·, k=(k1, k2, . . .)P (s), (9) whereP (s)is the set of all sequences of integers(k1, k2, . . .)such thatki=si+1 forilarge enough. The straightening rules given in [19, Prop. 3.16 (i)] still hold for any pair of adjacent factors of aq-wedge productuks. From now on, we shall assume without further comment that allq-wedge products lie ins (in particular, they have infinitely many factors). Using the straightening rules, one can express aq-wedge product as a linear combination of so-called ordered q-wedge products, namelyq-wedge productsukwithkP++(s), where

P++(s):= {(k1, k2, . . .)P (s)|k1> k2>· · ·}. (10) In fact, the orderedq-wedge products{uk|kP++(s)}form a basis ofs, called the standard basis. In this article, it will be convenient to use different indexations of this basis which we give now.

* Indexationuk. This is the indexation we have just described.

* Indexationλ. To the ordered q-wedge product uk corresponds a partition λ= 1, λ2, . . .)defined by

λi:=ki(s+1−i) (i≥1). (11) Ifukandλare related this way, write

|λ, s :=uk. (12)

* Indexationλn. Recall the definition ofZn(s)from (1). Uglov constructed a bijec- tion

τn :n×Zn(s), λn,sn) (13) (see [19, §4.1], where this map is denoted byτns). With the notation above,λnis the n-quotient ofλandsnis a variation of then-core ofλ(see e.g. [16, Ex.8, p.12]).


|λn,sn:= |λ, s (14)


if n,sn)=τn(λ). Note that this indexation coincides with the indexationλ if n=1.

* Indexationλl. Uglov constructed a bijection

τl:l×Zl(s), λl,sl) (15) (see again [19, §4.1], where this map is denoted byτls). The mapτl is a variation of the mapτn defined above. Write

|λl,sl := |λ, s (16) ifl,sl)=τl(λ). Note that this indexation coincides with the indexationλifl=1.

Example 2.1 Taken=2,l=3 ands= −1. Then we have

u3u1u0u2u4u6u7∧ · · · =(4,3,3,2,1),−1


, (−1,0)

=(1,1), (1,1), (1)

, (0,0,−1) .

2.2.2 Three actions ons

Following [3, 6, 19], the vector space s can be made into an integrable repre- sentation of level l of the quantum algebra Uq(sln). This representation can be described in a nice way if we use the indexation λl. In order to recall the ex- plicit formulas, let us first introduce some notation. Fix λl =(1), . . . , λ(l))l and sl =(s1, . . . , sl)∈Zl. Identify the multi-partitionλl with its Young diagram {(i, j, b)∈N×N× [[1;l]] |1≤jλ(b)i }, whose elements are called nodes of λl. For each nodeγ=(i, j, b)ofλl, define its residue modulonby

resn(γ ) = resn(γ ,sl) := (sb+ji) modn ∈ Z/nZ∼= [[0;n−1]]. (17) If resn(γ )=c, we say thatγ is ac-node. Ifμll is such thatμlλl andγ :=

μl\λl is ac-node ofμl, we say thatγ is a removablec-node ofμl or thatγ is an addablec-node ofλl. For 0≤cn−1, denote by

Mcl;sl;n) (respectivelyAcl;sl;n), respectivelyRcl;sl;n)) (18) the number ofc-nodes (respectively of addablec-nodes, respectively of removable c-nodes) ofλl. Put

Ncl;sl;n):=Acl;sl;n)Rcl;sl;n). (19) Forλl,μll,sl∈Zl,c∈ [[0;n−1]]andk∈N, write

λl−→c:k μl (20)

if there exists a sequence ofl-multi-partitionsν(0)lν(1)l ⊂ · · · ⊂ν(k)l such thatλl= ν(0)l ,μl =ν(k)l and for all 1≤jk,ν(j )l \ν(jl 1) is an addablec-node of ν(jl 1).


Given a multi-charge(s1, . . . , sl)and two nodes γ =(i, j, b) andγ=(i, j, b), write

γ < γ (21)

if eithersb+ji < sb +ji or sb+ji=sb +ji andb < b. This defines a total ordering on the set of the addable and removablec-nodes of a given multi-partition. Ifλl−→c:k μl, put



{β∈N3|βis an addablec-node ofμlandβ > γ}

{β∈N3|β is a removablec-node ofλlandβ > γ} ,(22)

and define similarlyNc<l;μl;sl;n).

Example 2.2 Take sl =(5,0,2,1), λl =

(5,3,3,1), (3,2), (4,3,1), (2,2,2,1) , n=3 andc=0. Then we have

Mcl;sl;n)=11, Acl;sl;n)=Rcl;sl;n)=5 and Ncl;sl;n)=0.

The addablec-nodes ofλlare(5,1,4),(4,2,1),(1,4,2),(1,3,4)and(1,5,3). The removablec-nodes ofλl are (2,2,2),(3,1,3),(3,2,4),(2,3,3)and(1,5,1). The list of all these nodes arranged with respect to the ordering described above is

(5,1,4) < (2,2,2) < (3,1,3) < (3,2,4) < (4,2,1) < (1,4,2)

< (2,3,3) < (1,3,4) < (1,5,3) < (1,5,1).

Take alsoμl=

(5,3,3,1), (3,2), (5,3,1), (2,2,2,1)

, so thatμl\λl= {(1,5,3)} is a single c-node. Then Nc>l;μl;sl;n)=0−1= −1 and Nc<l;μl;sl;n)=


Forsl=(s1, . . . , sl)∈Zl, define (sl, n):=1




sb2 nsb



. (23)

Now we can state the following result.

Theorem 2.3 [3,6,19] The following formulas define ons a structure of an inte- grable representation of levellof the quantum algebraUq(sln).

ei.|νl,sl =


qNi<l;νl;sl;n)|λl,sl, (24)

fi.|νl,sl =

νl−→i:1 μl

qNi>l;μl;sl;n)|μl,sl, (25)


ti.|νl,sl =qNil;sl;n)|νl,sl, (26)

∂.|νl,sl = −

(sl, n)+M0l;sl;n)

|νl,sl. (27) Note that these formulas involve no straightening of q-wedge products. They are therefore handy to use for computations.

In a completely similar way, s can be made into an integrable representa- tion of level n of the quantum algebraUp(sll). This action can be described us- ing the indexation λn. Namely, we have (with obvious notation) the following re- sult.

Theorem 2.4 [3,6,19] The following formulas define ons a structure of an inte- grable representation of levelnof the quantum algebraUp(sll).



λn i:1


p−Ni<n;νn;sn;l)|λn,sn, (28)


νn i:1


pNi>n;μn;sn;l)|μn,sn, (29)


ti.|νn,sn=pNin;sn;l)|νn,sn, (30)

∂.˙|νn,sn= −

(sn, l)+M0n;sn;l)

|νn,sn. (31) Theorems2.3and2.4show in particular that the vectors of the standard basis of s are weight vectors for the actions of Uq(sln)andUp(sll), and the weights are given by:

Corollary 2.5 [19], (27–30) With obvious notation, we have

wt(|λl,sl)= −(sl, n)δ+s1+ · · · +sl



Mil;sl;n) αi, (32)


wt(|λl,sl)= −

(sl, n)+M0l;sl;n)δ˙+(ns1+sl)˙0 +



(sisi+1)˙i, (33)


wt(|λn,sn)= −(sn, l)˙δ+ ˙s1+ · · · + ˙sn



Min;sn;l)α˙i, (34)


wt(|λn,sn)= −

(sn, l)+M0n;sn;l)

δ+(ls1+sn)0 +



(sisi+1) i. (35)

Definition 2.6 Form∈Z, define an endomorphismBmofsby

Bm(uk1uk2∧ · · ·):=+∞


uk1∧ · · · ∧ukj−1ukjnlmukj+1∧ · · · (k1, k2, . . .)P++(s)

. (36)

Using a variation of [19, Lemma 3.18] forq-wedge products with infinitely many fac- tors, one sees that the sum above involves only finitely many nonzero terms, hence Bm is well-defined. This definition comes from a passage to the limit r→ ∞ in the action of the center of the Hecke algebra ofSr onq-wedge products ofr fac- tors. However, the operatorsBmdo not commute, but by [19, Prop. 4.4], they span a Heisenberg algebra

H:= Bm|m∈Z. (37) We now recall some results concerning the actions of Uq(sln),Up(sll)and H ons.

Proposition 2.7 [19], Prop. 4.6 Recall thatp= −q1. Then the actions ofUq(sln),

Up(sll)andHons pairwise commute.

ForL,N∈N, introduce the finite set

AL,N(s):= {(r1, . . . , rL)∈ZL(s)|r1≥ · · · ≥rL, r1rLN}. (38) Using [19, §4.1], it is not hard to see that ifrl∈Zl(s)andrn∈Zn(s)are such that

|∅l,rl = |∅n,rn, thenrlAl,n(s)andrnAn,l(s). Conversely, ifrlAl,n(s), then there exists a unique rnAn,l(s) such that |∅n,rn= |∅l,rl, and if rnAn,l(s), then there exists a uniquerlAl,n(s)such that|∅l,rl = |∅n,rn. There- fore,

{|∅l,rl |rlAl,n(s)} = {|∅n,rn|rnAn,l(s)}

is a set of highest weight vectors simultaneously for the actions of Uq(sln) and Up(sll). It is easy to see that these vectors are also singular for the action of H, that is, they are annihilated by theBm,m >0. It turns out that these vectors are the only singular vectors simultaneously for the actions ofUq(sln),Up(sll)andH, and we have the following theorem.


Theorem 2.8 [19], Thm. 4.8 We have







2.2.3 The involution ofs

Following [19], the spaces can be endowed with an involution . Instead of recall- ing the definition of this involution, we give its main properties (by [23, Thm. 3.11], they turn out to characterize it completely).

Proposition 2.9 [19] There exists an involution ofs such that:

(i) is aQ-linear map ofssuch that for allus,k∈Z, we haveqku=qku.

(ii) (Unitriangularity property). For allλ, we have

|λ, s ∈ |λ, s +


Z[q, q1] |μ, s, wherestands for the dominance ordering on partitions.

(iii) For allλ, we have wt(|λ, s)=wt(|λ, s)andwt(˙ |λ, s)= ˙wt(|λ, s).

(iv) For all 0in−1, 0≤jl−1,m <0,vs, we have fi.v=fi.v, f˙j.v= ˙fj.v and Bm.v=Bm.v.

Proof Let be the involution ofs defined in [19, Prop. 3.23 & Eqn. (39)]. By construction, (i) holds. The other statements come from [19, Prop. 4.11 & 4.12] and


2.3 q-deformed higher-level Fock spaces 2.3.1 Definition

By Theorem2.3, the space Fq[sl] :=


Q(q)|λl,sls (sl∈Zl(s)) (39)

is a Uq(sln)-submodule of s. The reader should be aware that Fq[sl] is not a Up(sll)-submodule ofs. In a similar way, by Theorem2.4, the space



Q(q)|λn,sns (sn∈Zn(s)) (40)

is aUp(sll)-submodule ofs.


Definition 2.10 [19] The representations Fq[sl]and Fp[sn](sl∈Zl(s),sn∈Zn(s)) are called (q-deformed) Fock spaces. Whenl >1 andn >1, we speak of higher-level

Fock spaces.

Since the mapsτlandτn are bijections, we have the following decompositions:



Fq[sl] =


Fp[sn]. (41) Neither of these decompositions is compatible with the decompositions ofs given in Theorem2.8.

2.3.2 Fock spaces as weight subspaces ofs. Actions of the Weyl groups.

LetN,L∈N. Recall the definition ofQL(s)andQL(N )from (1) and define a map θL,N :QL(s)→QL(N ), (s1, . . . , sL)(Ns1+sL, s1s2, . . . , sL−1sL).

(42) (Note that this map also depends on the charge s∈Z that we have fixed. How- ever, since s will not vary in this paper, we do not keep it in our notation.) It is easy to see thatθL,N is bijective. Moreover, for(a1, . . . , aL)∈QL(N ), thel-tuple (s1, . . . , sL):=θL,N1(a1, . . . , aL)is given by

si= 1 L




j aj+1




aj (1iL). (43) The next result shows that the Fock spaces are sums of certain weight subspaces of s. The proof follows easily from Corollary2.5.

Proposition 2.11 [19]

(i) Letsn∈Zn(s). Let(a1, . . . , an):=θn,l(sn)andw:=n

i=1aii−1. Then Fp[sn]=


sw+dδ. (ii) Letsl∈Zl(s). Let(a1, . . . , al):=θl,n(sl)andw˙:=l

i=1ai˙i1. Then Fq[sl] =


s ˙w+˙.

Note that the operator Bm (m∈Z)maps the weight subspace sw (respec- tively s ˙w) intosw+ (respectivelys ˙w+m˙δ). Therefore, by Propo- sition2.11, the Fock spaces Fq[sl]and Fp[sn] (sl∈Zl(s),sn∈Zn(s)) are stable under the action ofH.


We now compare some weight subspaces of the Fock spaces. The proof follows again from Corollary2.5.

Proposition 2.12

(i) Let sl =(s1, . . . , sl)∈Zl(s)and w be a weight of Fq[sl]. Then there exists a unique pair(sn,w)˙ such that Fq[sl]w =Fp[sn] ˙w, wheresnis inZn(s)and


w is a weight of Fp[sn]. More precisely, write w=+n

i=1aii1 with a1, . . . , an, d∈Z, and puts0:=n+sl. Then we havesn=θn,l1(a1, . . . , an)and




(ii) Letsn=(s1, . . . , sn)∈Zn(s)andw˙ be a weight of Fp[sn]. Then there exists a unique pair(sl, w) such that Fp[sn] ˙w =Fq[sl]w, where sl is in Zl(s) andwis a weight of Fq[sl]. More precisely, writew˙ =˙+l

i=1ai˙i1with a1, . . . , al, d ∈Z, and puts0:=l+sn. Then we havesl=θl,n1(a1, . . . , al)and w=+n1


Example 2.13 Take n=3, l=2, sl =(1,0) andw= −20+1+32−2δ. Then by (32), we have wt(1,1), (1)


=w, sow is a weight of Fq[sl]. By Proposition 2.12 (i), we have Fq[sl]w =Fp[sn] ˙w with sn=(2,1,−2) and


w=2˙0+ ˙1−2δ. Moreover, using (32) and (34), we see that for all˙ |λl,sl =

|λn,snFq[sl]w =Fp[sn] ˙w, we haveM0l;sl;n)=2, M1l;sl;n)=1, M2l;sl;n)=0 andM0n;sn;l)=M1n;sn;l)=0 (this shows a posteriori that


We now deal with the actions of the Weyl groups ofUq(sln)andUp(sll)on the set of the weight subspaces ofs. Recall thatWn= σ0, . . . , σn1is the Weyl group of Uq(sln). Since theαi’s are the simple roots and thej’s are the fundamental weights for the Kac-Moody algebrasln, we have (j, αi)=δi,j for all 0≤i, jn−1.

Hence by (5),Wnacts on the weight latticen1

i=0Zi⊕Zδby σi=δ and


j ifj=i,

i1+i+1iδi,0δ ifj=i (0i, jn−1). (44) Moreover, it is easy to see thatWnacts faithfully onZn(s)by

σ0.(s1, . . . , sn)=(sn+l, s2, . . . , sn−1, s1l),

σi.(s1, . . . , sn)=(s1, . . . , si+1, si, . . . , sn) (1in−1), (45) and the set An,l(s)defined by (38) is a fundamental domain for this action. In a similar way, one can define two actions of the Weyl groupW˙lofUp(sll), one on the weight latticel1

i=0Z˙i⊕Zδ˙and one onZl(s). The following lemma will be useful later.

Lemma 2.14 Letsn∈Zn(s)and w˙ be a weight of Fp[sn]. Let(sl, w)∈Zl(s)× P(s)be the unique pair such that Fp[sn] ˙w =Fq[sl]w (see Proposition2.12


(i)). Letσ˙ ∈ ˙Wl. In the same way, let(tl, w)∈Zl(s)×P(s)be the unique pair such that Fp[sn] ˙σ .w =˙ Fq[tl]w. Then we have

tl= ˙σ .sl and w=w+wt(|∅l,tl)−wt(|∅l,sl).

Proof The proof follows immediately from the formulas given in Proposition2.12.

2.3.3 The lower crystal basis(L[sl],B[sl])of Fq[sl]atq=0

Letsl∈Zl(s). Following [8], letA⊂Q(q)be the ring of rational functions which are regular atq=0,L[sl] :=

λllA|λl,sland for 0≤in−1, lete˜ilow,f˜ilow,


eiup andf˜iup denote Kashiwara’s operators acting onL[sl]. The following lemma shows that sometimes, certain powers of the operatorse˜ilow ande˜iup coincide (one has an analogous result forf˜ilowandf˜iup).

Lemma 2.15 Let sl ∈Zl(s), wP(Fq[sl]), u(Kerei)Fq[sl]w and k :=

(w, αi). Then we have


Proof The second equality follows easily by induction onk from the definition of


eilow. Let us now show that(e˜iup)k.(fi(k).u)=u. Note that for 0jk, we have (wt(fi(kj ).u), αi)=(wt(u), αi)(kj )(αi, αi)=2j−k.

By induction on 0≤kk, we get therefore, by definition ofe˜iup,





[(2j−k)+(kj )+1]


fi(kk).u (0kk).

As a consequence, we have(e˜iup)k.(fi(k).u)=







B[sl] := {|λl,slmodqL[sl] |λll}. (46) From now on, we shall write more brieflyλlfor the element inB[sl]indexed by the corresponding multi-partition. By [3,6,19], the pair(L[sl],B[sl])is a lower crystal basis of Fq[sl]atq=0 in the sense of [8], and the crystal graphB[sl]contains the arrowλl−→i μl if and only if the multi-partitionμl is obtained fromλl by adding a goodi-node in the sense of [19, Thm. 2.4]. We shall still denote bye˜ilow andf˜ilow Kashiwara’s operators acting onB[sl] ∪ {0}.



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