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Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings


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(de Gruyter 2004

Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings

Hajime Tanaka*

(Communicated by E. Bannai)

Abstract.Kwok [10] studied the association schemes obtained by the action of the semidirect products of the orthogonal groups over the finite fields and the underlying vector spaces. They are called the assiciation schemes of a‰ne type. In this paper, we define the association schemes of a‰ne type over the finite ringZq¼Z=qZwhereqis a prime power in the same manner, and calculate their character tables explicitly, using the method in Medrano et al. [13]

and DeDeo [8]. In particular, it turns out that the character tables are described in terms of the Kloosterman sums. We also show that these association schemes are self-dual.


The purpose of the present paper is to study a certain kind of association schemes related to the orthogonal groups over the finite ringZq¼Z=qZ, where q¼pr is a prime power.

Let f :Fqn!Fq be a non-degenerate quadratic form over the finite fieldFq and OðFqn;fÞits orthogonal group. Sinceid is contained inOðFqn;fÞ, the action of the semidirect product OðFqn;fÞyFqn on Fqn defines a symmetric association scheme XðOðFqn;fÞ;FqnÞ. Kwok [10] called this association scheme an association scheme of a‰ne type, and calculated its character table completely (see also [12], [5]).

We define the association schemes of a‰ne type over the finite rings Zk ¼Z=

kZðkANÞin the same manner. However, by the Chinese remainder theorem, it is enough to consider the case wherekis a prime power ([1, p. 59]). It seems that these association schemes had not been studied, but some related results can be found in Medrano et al. [13] and DeDeo [8]. Namely, in [13], [8], the finite Euclidean graph Xqðn;aÞoverZqwithaAZq ¼ZqnpZqis defined as the graph with the vertex setZqn, and the edge set

E¼ fðx;yÞAZqnZqnjdðx;yÞ ¼ag;

* The author is supported in part by a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


wheredðx;yÞAZq is the ‘‘distance’’ defined by

dðx;yÞ ¼ ðx1y1Þ2þ ðx2y2Þ2þ þ ðxnynÞ2:

We will show that if q is an odd prime power, then in our language these graphs are part of the relations of XðOðZqn;dð;0ÞÞ;ZqnÞ, the association scheme of a‰ne type with respect to the non-degenerate quadratic formdðx;0Þ ¼x12þx22þ þxn2 (dð;0Þis degenerate ifqis even).

In this paper, we determine the character table of the symmetric association schemeXðOðZqn;fÞ;ZqnÞexplicitly for all non-degenerate quadratic forms onZqn (for both oddqand evenq). These results are given in Theorem 2.10, Theorem 2.12 and Theorem 2.15. In particular, we will be able to see a phenomenon similar to the En- nola type dualities observed in [4]. Also, as an immediate consequence of these cal- culations, we verify that these association schemes are self-dual.

The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 1, we review some basic notions on commutative association schemes, and classify the non-degenerate quadratic forms onZqn completely. In Section 2, the character tables are calculated explicitly.

The discussion in this section is almost parallel to those in [13], [8]. We will find that the method of computing the eigenvalues of the graphsXqðn;aÞused successfully in [13], [8] also works in our case. (It seems possible to obtain the results in [10], by the method in [12], [13], [8].) In particular, the character tables are described in terms of the Kloosterman sums overZq.

Acknowledgement. The author would like to thank Mr. Makoto Tagami for some useful discussions.

1 Preliminaries and the classification of the non-degenerate quadratic forms overZq

1.1 Preliminaries on commutative association schemes. Here, we recall some basic notions on commutative association schemes. We refer the reader to [3], [7], [2] for the background in the theory of these objects.

Let X¼ ðX;fRig0cicdÞbe a commutative association scheme with the adjacency matricesA0 ¼I;A1;. . .;Ad, whereIis the identity matrix of degreejxj. The algebra Aof dimensiondþ1, generated byA0;. . .;Ad over the complex number fieldC, is called the Bose–Mesner algebra of X. If we consider the action ofA on the vector spaceV ¼CjXjindexed by the elements ofX, thenV is decomposed into the direct sum of the maximal common eigenspaces:

V¼V0?V1 ? ?Vd;

where V0 is the one-dimensional subspace spanned by the all-one vector. Let Ei:V !Vi be the orthogonal projectionð0cicdÞ. Then the setfE0;E1;. . .;Edg forms another basis ofA, and the base change matrixP¼ ðpiðjÞÞis called thechar- acter tableor thefirst eigenmatrixofX:




piðjÞEj ð0cicdÞ

(the ðj;iÞ-entry of Pis piðjÞ). In particular,ki¼ pið0Þis the valency of the regular graph ðX;RiÞ. The second eigenmatrix Q¼ ðqiðjÞÞof X is defined by Q¼ jXjP1, that is,



qiðjÞAj ð0cicdÞ:

The numbers mi¼qið0Þ ¼dimVi ð0cicdÞare called the multiplicities ofX. No- tice that the first eigenmatrixP, together with the multiplicities ofX, gives complete information of the spectra of the graphsðX;RiÞ ð1cicdÞ.

Now, assume thatXis symmetric and that the underlying setXhas the structure of an abelian group. We call X a translation association scheme if for 0cicd and zAX we have

ðx;yÞARi) ðxþz;yþzÞARi:

For such an association scheme, there is a natural way to define the dual scheme X¼ ðX;fRig0cicdÞ, where X denotes the character group of X. Namely, we define the relationRi by

ðm;nÞARi ,nm1 AVi

(considered as a vector of V). Then, X¼ ðX;fRig0cicdÞ becomes a translation association scheme with the eigenmatricesP¼QandQ¼P(see e.g. [7, §2.10B] or [3, §2.6]). The translation association schemeXis calledself-dualif it is isomorphic to its dualX. In particular, ifXis self-dual, then clearly we haveP¼Q.

1.2 The classification of the non-degenerate quadratic forms overZq.Letq¼prwith p prime. Ifa is a unit in Zq¼Z=qZ, we denote its multiplicative inverse in Zq by a½1. Sometimes we identify the ring Zq with the set f0;1;. . .;q1g, and regard Zpnl ðl<rÞas a subset ofZqn.

For a nonzero elementaofZq, we denote the largest integerlsuch that pldivides aby ordðrÞp ðaÞ. Conventionally, ordðrÞp ð0Þis defined to ber. Also, ifx¼ ðx1;x2;. . .;xnÞ is an element ofZqn, then we define ordðrÞp ðxÞby

ordðrÞp ðxÞ ¼ min

1cicnordðrÞp ðxiÞ:

The reduction of x modulo pZqn is denoted by xAZpn. If ordðrÞp ðxÞ>0, then there exists a unique element yofZpnr1 such thatx¼py, and we write y¼1px.

For later use, we prove the following lemma.


Lemma 1.1. Let W be a submodule ofZqn.Then W is a direct summand of Zqn if and only if it is free.

Proof.First, suppose thatWis a direct summand ofZqnso thatW is projective. Then sinceZq is local with the maximal ideal pZq,W is free (see e.g. [11, p. 9, Theorem 2.5]).

Conversely, suppose thatW is free. Letff1;f2;. . .;fkg be a basis ofW. Then it follows that f1;f2;. . .;fk AZpn are linearly independent over Zp. In fact, assume thata1f1þa2f2þ þakfk ¼0 holds for somea1;a2;. . .;ak AZq. Then we have

f ¼X


aifiA pZqn:

This implies f ¼0, since otherwise pr1f does not vanish, which is a contradiction.

Thus, we have ai¼0 for all i, as desired. Now, take fkþ1;. . .;fn AZqn so that

ff1;f2;. . .;fngforms a basis ofZpn. Then by the well-known Nakayama lemma (see

e.g. [11, p. 8, Theorem 2.2]), f1;f2;. . .;fn span Zqn. Finally, since jPn

i¼1Zqfij ¼

jZqnj ¼qn, f1;f2;. . .;fn must be linearly independent over Zq. This completes the

proof of Lemma 1.1. r

Corollary 1.2.Let x be an element ofZqn.Then Zqx is a direct summand ofZqn if and only ifordðrÞp ðxÞ ¼0.

Let B:ZqnZqn!Zq be a symmetric bilinear form. For a subset U of Zqn, we define the orthogonal complementU? ofU by

U?¼ fxAZqnjBðx;yÞ ¼0 for all yAUg:

The symmetric bilinear form B is said to benon-degenerateif detðBðei;ejÞÞAZq ¼ ZqnpZq, wherefe1;e2;. . .;eng is the standard basis ofZqn, that is,ei is the element of Zqn with 1 in the i-th component and zero elsewhere. Clearly, this condition is equivalent to saying that the map xAZqn7!Bðx;ÞAHomZqðZqn;ZqÞ gives an iso- morphism betweenZqnand HomZqðZqn;ZqÞ.

Aquadratic formonZqnis a map f :Zqn!Zqsatisfying fðaxÞ ¼a2fðxÞ;

fðxþyÞ ¼ fðxÞ þfðyÞ þBfðx;yÞ;

for any aAZq and x;yAZqn, where Bf is a symmetric bilinear form on Zqn. Some- times we call the pair ðZqn;fÞa quadratic module over Zq.

Let ðZqm;f0Þ be another quadratic module over Zq. An isometry s:ðZqn;fÞ ! ðZqm;f0Þis an injective Zq-linear map such that fðxÞ ¼ f0ðsðxÞÞfor allxAZqn and sðZqnÞis a direct summand of Zqm. If in addition the isometry s is a linear isomor-


phism, then we say that the two quadratic modules ðZqn;fÞ and ðZqm;f0Þ are iso- morphic, and writeðZqn;fÞGðZqm;f0Þ.

The quadratic form f is said to benon-degenerateifBf is non-degenerate. We de- fine the reductions f :Zpn!Zp andBf :ZpZp!Zpof f andBf modulopZq, in an obvious manner.

The orthogonal group OðZqn;fÞ is the group of all linear transformations on Zqn that fix f, that is,

OðZqn;fÞ ¼ fsAGLðZqnÞ jfðsðxÞÞ ¼ fðxÞfor allxAZqng:

Now we classify all non-degenerate quadratic forms onZqn using the classification of those onZpn. First of all, we prepare two propositions.

Proposition 1.3(cf. [1, p. 10, Proposition 3.2]).Let f be a quadratic form onZqn.If W is a direct summand ofZqn such that the restriction fjW of f to W is non-degenerate, then we haveZqn ¼W ?W?.

Proof. For an element x of Zqn, define a Zq-linear map jx:W!Zq by jxðyÞ ¼ Bfðx;yÞ for yAW. Since BfjW is non-degenerate, there exists a unique element z of W such that jxðyÞ ¼Bfðz;yÞ for all yAW, so that we have x¼zþ ðxzÞA WþW?. Since clearlyWVW?¼0, we obtain the desired result. r Proposition 1.4 (cf. [1, p. 11, Corollary 3.3]). Let f be a quadratic form on Zqn. Then,for any orthogonal decomposition Zpn¼W1?W2 with respect to f such that the restriction fjW1 is non-degenerate, there exists an orthogonal decomposition Zqn¼W1?W2 such that fjW1is non-degenerate and WiGWi=pWiði¼1;2Þ.

Proof. Let y1;y2;. . .;yn be a basis of Zpn such that y1;y2;. . .;yl span W1. For each yi¼ ðyi1;yi2;. . .;yinÞ ð1cicnÞ, take an elementxi¼ ðxi1;xi2;. . .;xinÞofZqn such that yi¼xi. Since detðyijÞ1ci;jcn00, we have detðxijÞ1ci;jcnAZq so that x1;x2;. . .;xnform a basis ofZqn. Put

W1¼Zqx1lZqx2l lZqxl:

Since fjW1 is non-degenerate, we have detðBfðyi;yjÞÞ1ci;jcl00, from which it fol- lows that detðBfðxi;xjÞÞ1ci;jclAZq, that is, fjW1 is non-degenerate. Thus, we have Zqn¼W1?W2 by Proposition 1.3 whereW2¼W1?and clearly,WiGWi=pWiði¼

1;2Þ, as desired. r

It is well-known that the non-degenerate quadratic forms overZp are classified as follows:

Theorem 1.5 (cf. [14]). (i)Suppose n¼2m is even.If p is odd, then there are two in- equivalent non-degenerate quadratic forms f1þand f1:


f1þðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2m;

f1ðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m3x2m2þx2m12 ex2m2 for x¼ ðx1;x2;. . .;x2mÞAZp2m,whereeis a non-square element ofZp.

If p¼2,then there are also two inequivalent non-degenerate quadratic forms f1þand f1:

f1þðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2m;

f1ðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m3x2m2þx2m12 þx2m1x2mþx2m2 for x¼ ðx1;x2;. . .;x2mÞAZ22m.

(ii) Suppose n¼2mþ1 is odd. If p is odd, then there are two inequivalent non- degenerate quadratic forms f1 and f10:

f1ðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2mþx2mþ12 ; f10ðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2mþex2mþ12

for x¼ ðx1;x2;. . .;x2mþ1ÞAZp2mþ1, where eis a non-square element ofZp, but their orthogonal groups OðZp2mþ1;f1Þand OðZp2mþ1;f10Þare isomorphic.

If p¼2,then there is no non-degenerate quadratic form onZ22mþ1.

Remark 1.6. The definition of non-degeneracy of a quadratic form in this paper is slightly stronger than that in [14]. Namely, if we define the radical Radf of a qua- dratic form f onZpnby

Radf ¼ f1ð0ÞVðZpnÞ?;

then using the terminology in [14], f is said to be non-degenerate if Radf ¼0. Our definition agrees with this unless p¼2 andn is odd. If one adopts the definition in [14], then it turns out that there exists exactly one inequivalent non-degenerate qua- dratic form f1onZ2mþ12 :

f1ðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2mþx22mþ1;

forx¼ ðx1;x2;. . .;x2mþ1ÞAZ22mþ1, which is clearly degenerate in our sense.

For the convenience of the discussion, we call the (free) quadratic module ðZqe1lZqe2;fÞof rank two with a distinguished basisfe1;e2gsuch that fðe1Þ ¼a, fðe2Þ ¼b andBfðe1;e2Þ ¼1, the quadratic module of type½a;b. Similarly, we call the quadratic moduleðZqe;fÞof rank one with a distinguished basis feg such that fðeÞ ¼z, the quadratic module of type½z. In order to find the isomorphisms among these quadratic modules, we need the following lemma.


Lemma 1.7.(i)If p is odd,then for any uA pZq,there exists a unique element aAZq such that a11 modp and a2a1umodq.

(ii)If p¼2,then for any odd t and even u inZq,there exist unique even a and odd b inZqsuch that a2þta1b2þtb1umodq.

Proof.(i) Letaandbbe elements of 1þpZq. Then we havea2a1b2bmodqif and only if ðabÞðaþb1Þ10 modq. Since aþb111 modp, this implies a1bmodq. Thereforea2atakes alluA pZqasaruns through 1þpZq.

(ii) The proof is similar to that of (i), hence omitted. r Using Lemma 1.7, we obtain the following.

Proposition 1.8. (i)For anya and b in pZq, the quadratic modules of type½a;b and

½0;0are isomorphic.

(ii)If p¼2,then the quadratic modules of type ½g;dand ½1;1are isomorphic for anyganddinZq.

(iii)Suppose p is odd,and letebe a non-square element ofZp.Then for eachzAZq, the quadratic module of type ½zis isomorphic to that of type [1]or ½e, depending on whetherzis a square or not.

Proof.(i) Letfe1;e2gbe the distinguished basis of the quadratic module of type½0;0.

By Proposition 1.7 (i) and (ii), there exists uniqueaAZq such thata11 modpand a2a1abmodq. Put

e10 ¼ae1þa½1ae2 and e20 ¼be1þe2: Then since

det a b

a½1a 1

¼aa½1ab11 modp;

fe10;e20g therefore forms another basis. Clearly, we have fðe10Þ ¼a, fðe20Þ ¼b and Bfðe10;e20Þ ¼1.

(ii) Let fe1;e2g be the distinguished basis of the quadratic module of type ½1;1.

Then it follows from Proposition 1.7 (ii) that there exista and unique evenb inZq such thata2þa1g1 modqand 3gb23b1ð2aþ1Þ2d1 modq. Put

e10 ¼ae1þe2 and e20 ¼ ð2aþ1Þ½1ð1ab2bÞe1þbe2: Sincebis even,

det a ð2aþ1Þ½1ð1ab2bÞ

1 b



is odd, so thatfe10;e20gis a basis. First, we have fðe10Þ ¼a2þaþ11gmodq. Also, since

ð2aþ1ÞBfðe10;e20Þ ¼2að1ab2bÞ þ ð2aþ1Þabþ ð1ab2bÞ þ2ð2aþ1Þb


we haveBfðe10;e20Þ ¼1. Finally, it follows that

ð2aþ1Þ2fðe20Þ ¼ ð1ab2bÞ2þ ð2aþ1Þð1ab2bÞbþ ð2aþ1Þ2b2

¼3ða2þaþ1Þb23bþ1 13gb23bþ1 modq 1ð2aþ1Þ2dmodq;

so that fðe20Þ ¼d.

(iii) This is trivial, sinceZq is a cyclic group if pis odd. r Combining Theorem 1.5, Proposition 1.4 and Proposition 1.8, we conclude that:

Theorem 1.9. (i)Suppose n¼2m is even.If p is odd, then there are two inequivalent non-degenerate quadratic forms frþand fronZ2mq :

frþðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2m;

frðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m3x2m2þx2m12 ex2m2 for x¼ ðx1;x2;. . .;x2mÞAZq2m,whereeis a non-square element ofZp.

If p¼2,then there are also two inequivalent non-degenerate quadratic forms frþand fronZ2mq :

frþðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2m;

frðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m3x2m2þx2m12 þx2m1x2mþx2m2 for x¼ ðx1;x2;. . .;x2mÞAZq2m.

(ii) Suppose n¼2mþ1 is odd. If p is odd, then there are two inequivalent non- degenerate quadratic forms fr and fr0 on Z2mþ1q :

frðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2mþx2mþ12 ; fr0ðxÞ ¼x1x2þ þx2m1x2mþex2mþ12

for x¼ ðx1;x2;. . .;x2mþ1ÞAZ2mþ1q ,whereeis a non-square element ofZp. If p¼2,then there is no non-degenerate quadratic form onZq2mþ1.


In what follows, we denote the orthogonal groups of frþ, frand frbyGOþ2mðZqÞ, GO2mðZqÞandGO2mþ1ðZqÞ, respectively. It is easy to see that the orthogonal group OðZq2mþ1;fr0Þis isomorphic toGO2mþ1ðZqÞ.

2 The character tables 2.1 The relations of X(O(Znq,f),Z


q). As in the introduction, let XðOðZqn;fÞ;ZqnÞ denote the symmetric association scheme obtained from the action ofOðZqn;fÞyZqn onZqn. That is, the relations ofXðOðZqn;fÞ;ZqnÞare the orbits ofOðZqn;fÞyZqnin its natural action onZqnZqn. Since the stabilizer of an element ofZqninOðZqn;fÞyZqn is isomorphic to OðZqn;fÞ, the relations ofXðOðZqn;fÞ;ZqnÞare in one-to-one corre- spondence with the orbits ofOðZqn;fÞonZqn.

For quadratic modules over fields, there is a very famous theorem known as Witt’s extension theorem (see e.g. [14]). Knebusch [9] proved that a similar result also holds for quadratic modules over any local ring. In our case, this result is stated as follows.

Theorem 2.1([9, Satz 5.1]).Let f be a non-degenerate quadratic form onZqn.Suppose that W is a direct summand ofZqnandt:W !Zqnis an isometry.Then there exists an extensionsAOðZqn;fÞoft,i.e.sjW ¼t.

We use Theorem 2.1 to determine the relations ofXðOðZqn;fÞ;ZqnÞ.

Lemma 2.2.Let f be a non-degenerate quadratic form onZqn.Then for any element x ofZqn such thatordðrÞp ðxÞ ¼0 and aAZpl ð0cl<rÞ,there exists an element y ofZqn such that x1ymodprlZqnand fðyÞ ¼ fðxÞ þprla.

Proof.SinceBf is non-degenerate andx00, there exists an elementzAZqnsuch that Bfðx;zÞ00, or equivalently,Bfðx;zÞAZq. Notice that for anyb;cAZpl we have

bBfðx;zÞ þprlb2fðzÞ1cBfðx;zÞ þprlc2fðzÞmodpl if and only if

ðbcÞfBfðx;zÞ þprlðbþcÞfðzÞg10 modpl:

SinceBfðx;zÞ þprlðbþcÞfðzÞD0 modp, this impliesb¼c. Therefore, there exists a unique elementcofZpl such thatcBfðx;zÞ þprlc2fðzÞ1amodpl. Clearly, y¼

xþprlczAZqn is a desired element. r

Remark 2.3. In fact, with the notation of Lemma 2.2, the above proof shows the existence of an element zAZqn such that for all vAZqn with v1xmodprlZqn,

fðvþprlczÞ ðcAZplÞare distinct and

ffðvþprlczÞ jcAZplg ¼ fðxÞ þ prlZq:


Proposition 2.4.Let f be a non-degenerate quadratic form onZqn.Then for two non- zero elements x and y of Zqn, there exists an automorphism sAOðZqn;fÞ such that sðxÞ ¼ y if and only if ordðrÞp ðxÞ ¼ordðrÞp ðyÞ and fp1lx


modprl where l¼ordðrÞp ðxÞ.

Proof. The ‘‘only if ’’ part is obvious. Assume l¼ordðrÞp ðxÞ ¼ordðrÞp ðyÞ ð<rÞ and f 1


1f 1


modprl. Then by Lemma 2.2, there exists an element u of Zqn such thatu1 1

plxmodprlZpnl and fðuÞ ¼ fp1ly

. SinceZqu andZq 1

plyare direct summands of Zqn by Corollary 1.2, it follows from Theorem 2.1 that there exists sAOðZqn;fÞsuch thatsðuÞ ¼ p1ly. Then we havesðxÞ ¼ plsðuÞ ¼ y. r In the next subsection, we calculate the character table ofXðGO2mðZqÞ;Zq2mÞ. The discussions are almost parallel to those in Medrano et al. [13] and DeDeo [8]. In §2.3 and §2.4, the results for XðGOþ2mðZqÞ;Z2mq Þ and XðGO2mþ1ðZqÞ;Zq2mþ1Þ are stated without detailed proofs.

2.2 The character table of X(GOC2m(Zq),Z2mq ). By Proposition 2.4, the relations of XðGO2mðZqÞ;Z2mq Þare given as follows.

ðx;yÞARðrÞ0 ,x¼y;


for 0cl<randaAZprl, whereLðrÞl;a is an orbit ofGO2mðZqÞonZq2m defined by LðrÞl;a¼ xAZq2mjordðrÞp ðxÞ ¼l;fr 1



¼ fplujuALðrlÞ0;a g:

Notice that thekðrÞl;a¼ jLðrÞl;ajare the valencies ofXðGO2mðZqÞ;Zq2mÞ.

Proposition 2.5.For0cl<r and aAZprl,we have

kðrÞl;a¼ jLðrÞl;aj ¼ pðrl1Þð2m1Þpm1ðpmþ1Þ; if paa;

pðrl1Þð2m1Þ ðpm11Þðpmþ1Þ; if pja:

In particular,XðGO2mðZqÞ;Z2mq Þis a symmetric association scheme of class prþpr1þ þp¼pðpr

p1 if m>1,and of class


ðprpr1Þ þ ðpr1pr2Þ þ þ ðp1Þ ¼ pr1 if m¼1.

Proof.SincejLðrÞl;aj ¼ jLðrlÞ0;a j, we only have to prove the equality whenl¼0. Ifr¼1, then it is easy to see that the assertion is true (cf. [10, §3.3]). Now, suppose r>1.

Then for an elementxofZq2m, we have ordðrÞp ðxÞ ¼0 if and only ifx00, from which it follows that

jfxAZ2mq jordðrÞp ðxÞ ¼0;frðxÞ1amodpgj

¼ pðr1Þ2mpm1ðpmþ1Þ; if paa;

pðr1Þ2m ðpm11Þðpmþ1Þ; if pja.


By Remark 2.3,jLðrÞ0;ajis obtained by dividing the right-hand side of (1) bypr1. r Medrano et al. [13] and DeDeo [8] determined the graph spectra of the graphs ðRðrÞ0;a;Zq2mÞ ðaAZqÞcompletely for many cases. We apply this method in the calcu- lation of the character table ofXðGO2mðZqÞ;Z2mq Þ.

Let VðrÞ be the complex vector space of the functions j:Zq2m!C. For each 0cl<randaAZprl, we define theadjacency operator AðrÞl;aonVðrÞby

AðrÞl;ajðxÞ ¼ X



for alljAVðrÞ. We will decomposeVðrÞinto the direct sum of the maximal common eigenspaces of theAðrÞl;a’s.

For brevity, we denote the associated bilinear formBfrof fr simply byBr. Also, we use the notation

eðrÞðaÞ ¼expð2p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p1


foraAZq. For eachuAZq2m, define a linear charactereðrÞu :Zq2m!Cby eðrÞu ðxÞ ¼eðrÞðBrðu;xÞÞ

forxAZq2m. Then, sinceBr is non-degenerate, theeðrÞu ’s are distinct and they form an orthonormal basis ofVðrÞwith respect to the inner product

ðj;cÞ ¼ 1 q2m






Proposition 2.6(cf. [13, Proposition 2.2]).For each element u ofZq2m,the function eðrÞu is a common eigenfunction of the AðrÞl;a’s,and the eigenvalue of AðrÞl;acorresponding to eðrÞu

is given by

lðrÞl;a;u¼ X


eðrÞu ðzÞ: ð2Þ

Proof.Note that

AðrÞl;aeðrÞu ðxÞ ¼ X


eðrÞu ðyÞ ¼ X


eðrÞu ðxþzÞ ¼ X


eðrÞu ðzÞ

eðrÞu ðxÞ: r

Our next problem is to evaluate the eigenvalueslðrÞl;a;u.

Proposition 2.7 (cf. [13, Theorem 2.3]). (i) For 0cl<r, aAZprl and uAZ2mq , we havelðrÞl;a;u ¼lðrlÞ0;a;u.

(ii)For aAZqand uAZq2m,we have

lðrÞ0;a;u¼ jLðrÞ0;aj; if u¼0;

pkð2m1ÞlðrkÞ0;a;ð1=pkÞu; if u00;



where k¼ordðrÞp ðuÞ.

Proof. (i) This is clear from the definition ofLðrÞl;a.

(ii) The assertion is trivial whenk¼0 or k¼r(i.e. u¼0) therefore, we assume 1ck<r, so thatrd2.

We writea¼a0þpr1a00, witha0AZpr1 anda00AZp. For eachz¼z0þpr1z00A Zq2mwithz0AZp2mr1 andz00AZ2mp , we have

frðzÞ1frðz0Þ þpr1Brðz0;z00Þmodpr; sincerd2. Now, let

M¼ fz0AZp2mr1jordðr1Þp ðz0Þ ¼0;frðz0Þ1a0modpr1g;

and for eachz0AMlet

Nðz0Þ ¼ fz00AZ2mp jBrðz0;z00Þ1a00ymodpg

where frðz0Þ ¼a0þpr1y with yAZp. Then since z0D0 modp and B1 ¼Br is non-degenerate, we havejNðz0Þj ¼ p2m1, from which it follows that


lðrÞ0;a;u¼ X




eðrÞu ðz0þpr1z00Þ

¼ X




eðrÞ Br p1


¼ p2m1lðr1Þ0;a;ð1=pÞu:

By repeating the same argument, we obtain the desired result. r By virtue of Proposition 2.7, we only have to evaluate lðrÞ0;a;u for uAZq2m with ordðrÞp ðuÞ ¼0.

In the case of fields, the character tables of the association schemes of a‰ne type are described by using the Kloosterman sums ([12], [5]). In the process of studying lðrÞ0;a;u, we will encounter the Kloosterman sums over rings. Letkbe a linear character of the multiplicative group Zq. Then for a;bAZq, we define the Kloosterman sum KðrÞðkja;bÞby

KðrÞðkja;bÞ ¼ X



Note that these sums are completely evaluated by Salie´ [15] when r>1 and k¼1 (see also [8]).

We shall need to evaluate the following exponential sum:

WðrÞg ¼ X




Proposition 2.8.For any elementgofZq,we haveWðrÞg ¼ ð1Þrqm. Proof.First of all, it is easy to see that



eðrÞðv1v2gÞ ¼q:

Therefore, if pis odd, then we have to show that X


eðrÞððv12ev22ÞgÞ ¼ ð1Þrq;

where, as usual,eis a non-square element inZp. However, this equality directly fol-


lows from the evaluation of the Gauss sums (cf. [6, p. 26, Theorem 1.5.2], see also [13, Corollary 2.7]):

gði;hÞ ¼Xh1


expð2p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p1

ij2=hÞ ¼ i h ffiffiffi


; if h11 mod 4;

i h ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


; if h13 mod 4;







where iandhare any coprime integers withh>0 andhodd, and hs

is the Jacobi symbol.

If p¼2, then in this case we have to show that oðrÞg ¼ X


eðrÞððv21þv1v2þv22ÞgÞ ¼ ð1Þrq: ð4Þ

Now, letv1 be an odd element ofZq. Then, by Lemma 1.7 (ii) it follows that fv1v2þv22jv2:oddg ¼ fv1v2þv22jv2 :eveng ¼2Zq;

so that ifr>1, then we have X


eðrÞððv12þv1v2þv22ÞgÞ ¼ X


eðrÞððv21þv1v2þv22ÞgÞ ¼0:

In this way, we obtain

oðrÞg ¼ X


eðrÞð4ðw12þw1w2þw22ÞgÞ ¼4oðr2Þg ;

ifrd3. Therefore, (4) follows from an easy calculation:

oð1Þg ¼ 2; oð2Þg ¼4:

This completes the proof of Proposition 2.8. r

Theorem 2.9(cf. [13, Theorem 2.9]).Let a be an element ofZq.Then for any uAZq2m withordðrÞp ðuÞ ¼0,we have the following.

(i)If r>1,then we have

lðrÞ0;a;u¼ ð1Þrprðm1ÞKðrÞð1ja;frðuÞÞ: (ii)If r¼1,then we have


lð1Þ0;a;u¼ pm1Kð1Þð1ja;f1ðuÞÞ d0ðaÞ wheredbðaÞis defined by

dbðaÞ ¼ 1 if a1bmodp;

0 if aDbmodp:

Proof.We regardlðrÞ0;a;u as a function ina, then it has the Fourier expansion with re- spect to the linear charactersfeðrÞðagÞggAZqofZq:

lðrÞ0;a;u¼1 q




for allaAZq, where the coe‰cientsCgðrÞðuÞare given by CgðrÞðuÞ ¼ X


lðrÞ0;b;ueðrÞðbgÞ ¼ X

zAZ2mq ordðrÞpðzÞ¼0

eðrÞðBrðu;zÞ þfrðzÞgÞ

We write

lðrÞ0;a;u¼1 q




; ð5Þ





CgðrÞðuÞeðrÞðagÞ; P




First of all, assumer>1. We evaluateP

1. Settingg¼pzwithzAZpr1, we obtain P

1¼ X

zAZq2m ordðrÞp ðzÞ¼0

eðrÞu ðzÞ X

zAZp r1

eðr1ÞððfrðzÞ aÞzÞ

¼ pr1X


eðrÞu ðzÞ

summed over zAZq2m such that ordðrÞp ðzÞ ¼0 and frðzÞ1amodpr1. If we let z¼z0þpr1z00withzAZp2mr1 andz00AZp2m, then this sum is equal to



eðrÞu ðz0Þ X




where the first sum is over z0AZpr1 such that ordðr1Þp ðz0Þ ¼0 and fr1 ðz0Þ1 amodpr1. Since ordðrÞp ðuÞ ¼0, this is in turn equal to 0.

Now, we evaluate P

2. Since Brðu;zÞ þfrðzÞg¼ frðzþg½1uÞgfrðuÞg½1 if pag, we have








where the inner sum on the right is over vAZq2m such that vDg½1umodpZq2m. However, sincer>1, it follows from Remark 2.3 that



eðrÞðfrðvÞgÞ ¼0;

where the sum on the left is overvAZq2m such thatv1g½1umodpZq2m. Hence, we have


2 ¼X


WðrÞg eðrÞðagfrðuÞg½1Þ ¼ ð1ÞrqmKðrÞð1ja;frðuÞÞ;

by Proposition 2.8.

By substituting the above evaluations to (5), we conclude that the eigenvaluelðrÞ0;a;u is written in the desired form.

Finally, whenr¼1, we can evaluatelð1Þ0;a;u in exactly the same way, but we omit

the details. r

To summarize:

Theorem 2.10.For0ck<r and bAZprk,let

Vk;bðrÞ¼ 0


CeðrÞu :

Then Vk;ðrÞb is a maximal common eigenspace of the adjacency operators AðrÞl;að0c l<r,aAZprlÞ.Moreover,we have the direct sum decomposition:

VðrÞ¼V0ðrÞl 0

0ck<r bAZp rk


where V0ðrÞ¼CeðrÞ0 is the trivial maximal common eigenspace. With these parameter- izations, the ðk;b;l;aÞ-entry pðrÞl;aðk;bÞ of the character table PðGO2mðZqÞ;Zq2mÞ of XðGO2mðZqÞ;Zq2mÞ(i.e. the eigenvalue of AðrÞl;a corresponding to Vk;bðrÞ)is given by


pðrÞl;aðk;bÞ ¼

pkð2m1Þ ð1ÞrklpðrklÞðm1ÞKðrklÞð1ja;bÞ; if kþl<r1;

pkð2m1Þ fpm1Kð1Þð1ja;bÞ þd0ðaÞg; if kþl¼r1;

pðrl1Þð2m1Þpm1ðpmþ1Þ; if kþldr and paa;

pðrl1Þð2m1Þ ðpm11Þðpmþ1Þ; if kþldr and pja:






In particular,XðGO2mðZqÞ;Z2mq Þis self-dual.

Proof. All but the last statement follow from the above calculations. Obviously, x7!eðrÞx ðxAZ2mq Þdefines an isomorphism betweenXðGO2mðZqÞ;Z2mq Þand its dual.

r Example 2.11. The character table P¼PðGO2mðZ4Þ;Z42mÞ of XðGO2mðZ4Þ;

Z42mÞ ðm>1Þis given by



1 23m2ð2mþ1Þ 22m1ð2m11Þð2mþ1Þ 23m2ð2mþ1Þ

1 22m1 0 22m1

1 0 22m1 0

1 22m1 0 22m1

1 0 22m1 0

1 23m2 22m1ð2m11Þ 23m2

1 23m2 22m1ð2m1þ1Þ 23m2

22m1ð2m11Þð2mþ1Þ 2m1ð2mþ1Þ ð2m11Þð2mþ1Þ

0 2m1 2m11

22m1 2m1 2m11

0 2m1 2m11

22m1 2m1 2m11

22m1ð2m11Þ 2m1ð2mþ1Þ ð2m11Þð2mþ1Þ 22m1ð2m1þ1Þ 2m1ð2mþ1Þ ð2m11Þð2mþ1Þ



where the row and column indices are ordered as (0),ð0;1Þ,ð0;2Þ,ð0;3Þ,ð0;0Þ,ð1;1Þ, ð1;0Þ.

2.3 The character table ofX(GOB2m(Zq),Z2mq ).It follows from Proposition 2.4 that the relations ofXðGO2mþ ðZqÞ;Zq2mÞare given as follows.

ðx;yÞARðrÞ0 ,x¼y;


for 0cl<randaAZprl, wherePðrÞl;a is an orbit ofGOþ2mðZqÞonZq2mdefined by



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