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Received 8 June 2004

As is well known, in any infinite-dimensional Banach space one may find fixed point free self-maps of the unit ball, retractions of the unit ball onto its boundary, contractions of the unit sphere, and nonzero maps without positive eigenvalues and normalized eigen- vectors. In this paper, we give upper and lower estimates, or even explicit formulas, for the minimal Lipschitz constant and measure of noncompactness of such maps.

1. A “folklore” theorem of nonlinear analysis

Given a Banach spaceX, we denote byBr(X) := {xX:xr}the closed ball and bySr(X) := {xX:x =r}the sphere of radiusr >0 inX; in particular, we use the shortcutB(X) :=B1(X) andS(X) :=S1(X) for the unit ball and sphere. All maps consid- ered in what follows are assumed to be continuous. Byν(x) :=x/xwe denote the radial retraction ofX\ {0}ontoS(X).

One of the most important results in nonlinear analysis is Brouwer’s fixed point prin- ciple which states that every map f :B(RN)B(RN) has a fixed point. Interestingly, this characterizes finite-dimensional Banach spaces, inasmuch as in each infinite-dimensional Banach spaceXone may find a fixed point free self-map ofB(X).

The existence of fixed point free self-maps is closely related to the existence of other

“pathological” maps in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces, namely, retractions on balls and contractions on spheres. Recall that a setSX is a retractof a larger setBSif there exists a mapρ:BSwithρ(x)=xforxS; this means that one may extend the identity fromSby continuity toB. Likewise, a setSXis calledcontractibleif there exists a homotopyh: [0, 1]×SSjoining the identity with a constant map, that is, such that h(0,x)=xandh(1,x)x0S. We summarize with the followingTheorem 1.1; although this theorem seems to be known in topological nonlinear analysis, we sketch a brief proof which we will use in the sequel.

Theorem1.1. The following four statements are equivalent in a Banach spaceX:

(a)each mapf :B(X)B(X)has a fixed point, (b)S(X)is not a retract ofB(X),

Copyright©2004 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2004:4 (2004) 317–336 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 47H09, 47J10 URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/S1687182004406068


(c)S(X)is not contractible,

(d)for each mapg:B(X)X\ {0}, one may findλ >0andeS(X)such thatg(e)= λe.

Sketch of the proof. (a)(b). Ifρ:B(X)S(X) is a retraction, the map f :B(X)B(X) defined by

f(x) := −ρ(x) (1.1)

is fixed point free.

(b)(c). Given a homotopy h: [0, 1]×S(X)S(X) withh(0,x)=x and h(1,x) x0S(X), for 0< r <1 we set

ρ(x) :=

x0 forxr,



1r ,ν(x) forx> r. (1.2) Then,ρ:B(X)S(X) is a retraction.

(c)(d). Giveng:B(X)X\ {0}, for 0< r <1 we set

σ(x) :=

g x


forxr, xr

1r x1x

1r gν(x) forx> r.


Then, there existszB(X) withσ(z)=0, since otherwiseh(τ,x) :=ν(σ((1τ)x)) would be a homotopy onS(X) satisfyingh(0,x)=xandh(1,x)ν(σ(0)). Clearly,r <z<1.


λ:= zr

1zz, e:=ν(z), (1.4)

one easily sees thatλ >0 andeS(X) satisfyg(e)=λeas claimed.

(d)(a). Given a fixed point free map f :B(X)B(X), consider the map

g(x) :=f(x)x. (1.5)

Ifg(e)=λefor someeS(X), then we will certainly have|λ+ 1| = (λ+ 1)e = g(e) +

e = f(e)1, henceλ0.

Although the above proof is complete, we still sketch another three implications.

(c)(b). Given a retractionρ:B(X)S(X), consider the homotopy

h(τ,x) :=ρ(1τ)x. (1.6)

Then,h: [0, 1]×S(X)S(X) satisfiesh(0,x)=xandh(1,x)ρ(0).


(c)(a). Given a fixed point free mapf :B(X)B(X), consider the homotopy

h(τ,x) :=



for 0τ < r, ν1τ

1rxf 1τ




Then,h: [0, 1]×S(X)S(X) satisfiesh(0,x)=xandh(1,x)≡ −ν(f(0)).

(a)(d). Giveng:B(X)X\ {0}, consider the map f :B(X)B(X) defined by f(x) :=

g(x) +x for g(x) +x 1,

νg(x) +x for g(x) +x >1. (1.8) Letebe a fixed point of f which exists by (a). Ifg(e) +e1, theng(e)=0, contra- dicting our assumption thatg(B(X))X\ {0}. So, we must haveg(e) +e>1, hence eS(X) andg(e)=λewithλ= g(e) +e1>0.

It is a striking fact that all four assertions ofTheorem 1.1aretrueif dimX <, but falseif dimX= ∞. This means that in any infinite-dimensional Banach space one may find not only fixed point free self-maps of the unit ball, but also retractions of the unit ball onto its boundary, contractions of the unit sphere, and nonzero maps without pos- itive eigenvalues and normalized eigenvectors. The first examples of this type have been constructed in special spaces; for the reader’s ease we recall two of them, the first one due to Kakutani [22] and the second is due to Leray [24].

Example 1.2. InX=2, consider the map f :B(2)B(2) defined by f(x)= fξ123,. . .=

1x21,ξ2,. . . x= ξn


. (1.9)

It is easy to see thatf(x)=xfor anyxB(2). By (1.5), this map gives rise to the operator g(x)=gξ123,. . .=

1x2ξ11ξ22ξ3,. . . (1.10) which clearly has no positive eigenvalues (actually, no eigenvalues at all) onS(2).

Example 1.3. InX=C[0, 1], define for 0τ1/2 a family of mapsU(τ) :S(C[0, 1]) C[0, 1] by

U(τ)x(t) :=


t 1τ

for 0t1τ, x(1) + 4τ1x(1)(t1 +τ) for 1τt1.

(1.11) Then, the homotopyh: [0, 1]×S(C[0, 1])S(C[0, 1]) defined by

h(τ,x)(t) :=

U(τ)x(t) for 0τ1

2, (2τ1)t+ (22τ)U

1 2

x(t) for1

2 τ1, (1.12)


satisfiesh(0,x)=xandh(1,x)x0, wherex0(t)=t. By (1.2) (withr=1/2), this homo- topy gives rise to the retraction


x0 for 0x1

2, 34x

x0+4x2U 1


x for1

2x3 4,

U22xx for 3



of the ballB(C[0, 1]) onto its boundaryS(C[0, 1]).

2. Lipschitz conditions and measures of noncompactness

Given two metric spacesMandNand some (in general, nonlinear) operatorF:MN, we denote by

Lip(F)=infk >0 :dF(x),F(y)kd(x,y) (x,yM) (2.1) its (minimal)Lipschitz constant. Recall that a nonnegative set functionφdefined on the bounded subsets of a normed spaceX is calledmeasure of noncompactnessif it satisfies the following requirements (A,BXbounded,KXcompact,λ >0):

(i)φ(AB)=max{φ(A),φ(B)}(set additivity);

(ii)φ(λA)=λφ(A) (homogeneity);

(iii)φ(A+K)=φ(A) (compact perturbations);

(iv)φ([0, 1]·A)=φ(A) (absorption invariance).

We point out that in the literature it is usually required thatφ(coA)=φ(A), that is,φ is invariant with respect to the convex closure of a setA; however, since in our calcula- tions we only need to consider convex closures of sets of the formA∪ {0}, absorption invariance suffices for our purposes.

The most important examples are theKuratowski measure of noncompactness(orset measure of noncompactness)

α(M)=inf{ε >0 :Mmay be covered by finitely many sets of diameterε}, (2.2) theIstr˘at¸escu measure of noncompactness(orlattice measure of noncompactness)

β(M)=supε >0 :a sequencexn

ninMwith xmxn εform=n, (2.3) and theHausdorffmeasure of noncompactness(orball measure of noncompactness)

γ(M)=inf{ε >0 :a finiteε-net forMinX}. (2.4) These measures of noncompactness are mutually equivalent in the sense that

γ(M)β(M)α(M)2γ(M) (2.5)


for any bounded setMX. GivenMX, an operator F:MY, and a measure of noncompactnessφonXandY, the characteristic

φ(F)=infk >0 :φF(A)kφ(A) for boundedAM (2.6) is called theφ-normofF. It follows directly from the definitions thatφ(F)Lip(F) in caseφ=αorφ=β. Moreover, ifLis linear, then clearly Lip(L)= L, and soα(L) Landβ(L)L. A detailed account of the theory and applications of measures of noncompactness may be found in the monographs [1,2].

In view of conditions (a) and (b) ofTheorem 1.1, the two characteristics

L(X)=infk >0 :a fixed point free mapf:B(X)−→B(X) with Lip(f)k, (2.7) R(X)=infk >0 :a retractionρ:B(X)−→S(X) with Lip(ρ)k (2.8) have found a considerable interest in the literature; we call (2.7) theLipschitz constant and (2.8) theretraction constantof the spaceX. Surprisingly, for the characteristic (2.7), one hasL(X)=1 in each infinite-dimensional Banach space X. Clearly, L(X)1, by the classical Banach-Caccioppoli fixed point theorem. On the other hand, it was proved in [26] thatL(X)<in every infinite-dimensional space X. Now, if f :B(X)B(X) satisfies Lip(f)>1, without loss of generality, then following [8] we fixε(0, Lip(f)1) and consider the map fε:B(X)B(X) defined by

fε(x) :=x+ε f(x)x

Lip(f)1. (2.9)

A straightforward computation shows then that every fixed point of fε is also a fixed point off, and that Lip(fε)1 +ε, henceL(X)1 +ε. On the other hand, calculating or estimating the characteristic (2.8) is highly nontrivial and requires rather sophisticated individual constructions in each spaceX(see [3,4,5,6,7,11,13,16,17,19,23,25,28, 29,30,35]). To cite a few examples, one knows thatR(X)3 in any Banach space, while 4.5R(X)31.45. . .ifXis Hilbert. Moreover, the special upper estimates

R1<31.64. . ., Rc0

<35.18. . ., RL1[0, 1]9.43. . ., RC[0, 1]23.31. . ., (2.10) are known; a survey of such estimates and related problems may be found in the book [19] or, more recently, in [18].

In view ofTheorem 1.1, it seems interesting to introduce yet another two characteris- tics, namely,

E(X)=infk >0 :g:B(X)−→X\ {0}with Lip(g)k,

g(e)=λeλ >0,eS(X) (2.11) which we call theeigenvalue constantofX, and

H(X)=infk >0 :h: [0, 1]×S(X)−→S(X) with Lip(h)k,

h(0,x)=x,h(1,x)const, (2.12)


which we call thecontraction constantofX. Here, by Lip(h) we mean the smallestk >0 such that

h(τ,x)h(τ,y) kxy

0τ1,x,yS(X). (2.13) Observe that, similarly as for the constant (2.7), the calculation of (2.11) is trivial, because E(X)=0 in every infinite-dimensional spaceX. In fact, according to [26] we may choose first some fixed point free Lipschitz map f :B(X)B(X), and then define a Lipschitz continuous mapg:B(X)X\ {0}without positive eigenvalues onS(X) as in (1.5). This shows thatE(X)<. Now, it suffices to observe that the eigenvalue equationg(e)=λe is invariant under rescaling, that is, the mapεghas, for anyε >0, no positive eigenvalues onS(X). But Lip(εg)=εLip(g), and soE(X) may be made arbitrarily small.

If we define a homotopyhthrough a given Lipschitz continuous retractionρ:B(X) S(X) like in (1.6), then an easy calculation shows that (2.13) holds forhwithk=Lip(ρ), and soH(X)R(X).

The main problem we are now interested in consists in finding (possibly sharp) esti- mates forφ(F), whereFis one of the maps f,ρ,h, andgarising inTheorem 1.1, andφis some measure of noncompactness (e.g.,φ∈ {α,β,γ}). To this end, for a normed spaceX we introduce the characteristics

Lφ(X)=infk >0 :a fixed point free map f :B(X)−→B(X) withφ(f)k, (2.14) Rφ(X)=infk >0 :a retractionρ:B(X)−→S(X) withφ(ρ)k, (2.15) Hφ(X)=infk >0 :h: [0, 1]×S(X)−→S(X) withφ(h)k,

h(0,x)=x,h(1,x)const, (2.16)


φ(h)=infk >0 :φh[0, 1]×Akφ(A) forAS(X), (2.17) Eφ(X)=infk >0 :g:B(X)−→X\ {0}withφ(g)k,

g(e)=λeλ >0,eS(X). (2.18) From Darbo’s fixed point principle [9] it follows that Lφ(X)1 for every infinite- dimensional Banach spaceXandφ∈ {α,β,γ}. On the other hand,Lφ(X)L(X), and so Lφ(X)=1 in every spaceX, by what we have observed before. Similarly,Rφ(X)R(X), becauseφ(F)Lip(F) for any mapF.

We point out that the paper [32] is concerned with characterizing some classes of spacesXin which the infimumLφ(X)=1 is actuallyattained, that is, there exists a fixed point freeφ-nonexpansive self-map ofB(X). This is a nontrivial problem to which we will come back later (see the remarks afterTheorem 3.3).

3. Some estimates and equalities

In [33], it was shown that Hα(X),Rα(X),Hγ(X),Rγ(X)6 and Hβ(X),Rβ(X)4 + β(B(X)). Moreover,Hφ(X),Rφ(X)4 for separable or reflexive spaces. It has also been


proved in [33] that all spaces X containing an isometric copy of p with p(2 log 3/log 2)1=2.41. . .even satisfy Hφ(X),Rφ(X)3. A comparison of the character- istics (2.14)–(2.18) is provided by the following theorem.

Theorem3.1. The relations

1=Lφ(X)Rφ(X)=Hφ(X), Eφ(X)=0 φ∈ {α,β,γ}

(3.1) hold in every infinite-dimensional Banach spaceX.

Proof. The fact thatLφ(X)=1 andEφ(X)=0 is a trivial consequence of the estimate φ(F)Lip(F) and our discussion above. The proof of the implication (a)(b) in Theorem 1.1shows that alwaysLφ(X)Rφ(X). Now, if we define a retractionρthrough a homotopyhas in (1.2), then forMB(X)\Br(X) we have(M)[0, 1]·M, and so φ(ν(M))(1/r)φ(M), hence φ(ρ(M))(1/r)φ(h)φ(M). We conclude that φ(ρ) φ(h)/r, and sincer <1 was arbitrary this proves thatRφ(X)Hφ(X). Conversely, if we define a homotopyhthrough a retractionρas in (1.6), then clearlyφ(h([0, 1]×M)) φ(ρ)φ(M) for eachMS(X), and so we obtainHφ(X)Rφ(X).

Later (seeTheorem 4.2), we will discuss a class of spaces in which the estimate in (3.1) also turns into equality.

The equality E(X)=0 which we have obtained before for the characteristic (2.11) shows that in every Banach spaceXone may find “arbitrarily small” operators without zeros onB(X) and positive eigenvalues onS(X). Observe, however, that the infimum in (2.11) isnota minimum, since Lip(g)=0 means thatgis constant, sayg(x)y0=0, and thenghas the positive eigenvalueλ= y0with normalized eigenvectore=y0/y0.

On the other hand, the equalityEφ(X)=0 for the characteristic (2.18) shows that in every Banach space X, one may find such operators which are “arbitrarily close to being compact”. As we will show later (seeTheorem 3.3), in this case the infimum in (2.18)isa minimum, that is, the operatorg may always be chosen as a compact map.

The operatorg from (1.10) is not optimal in this sense, sinceg(ek)=ek+1ek, where (ek)k is the canonical basis in2, and thusφ(g)1. In the followingExample 3.2, we give acompactoperator in2 without positive eigenvalues. This example has been our motivation for proving the general result contained in the subsequentTheorem 3.3.

Example 3.2. InX=2, consider the linear multiplication operator Lξ1,ξ23,. . .=

µ1ξ12ξ23ξ3,. . ., (3.2) wherem=123,. . .) is some fixed element in S(X) with 0< µn<1 for alln. Since µn0 asn→ ∞, the operator (3.2) is compact on2. Defineg:22\ {0}byg(x) := R(x)L(x), whereRis the nonlinear operator defined byR(x)=(1x)m. Being the sum of a one-dimensional nonlinear and a compact linear operator,g is certainly com- pact.

Suppose thatg(x)=λxfor someλ >0 andxS(2). Writing this out in components means thatµkξk= −µkξk+ (1xk=λξkfor allk, henceλ= −µkfor somek, con- tradicting our assumptionsλ >0 andµk>0.


Recall that, givenMX, an operatorF:MY, and a measure of noncompactnessφ onXandY, the characteristic

φ(F)=supk >0 :φF(A)kφ(A) (AM) (3.3) is called thelowerφ-normofF. This characteristic is closely related toproperness. In fact, fromφ(F)>0 it obviously follows thatFis proper on closed bounded sets, that is, the preimageF1(N) of any compact setNY is compact. The converse is not true: for ex- ample, the operatorF:XX defined on an infinite-dimensional spaceX byF(x) := xx is a homeomorphism with inverseF1(y)=y/y for y=0 and F1(0)=0, hence proper, but obviously satisfiesφ(F)=0.

Theorem3.3. LetXbe an infinite-dimensional Banach space andε >0. Then, the following is true:

(a)there exists a compact mapg:B(X)Bε(X)\ {0}such thatg(x)=λxfor allx S(X)andλ >0,

(b)there exists a fixed point free map f :B(X)B(X)withφ(f)=1andφ(f)1ε for any measure of noncompactnessφ.

IfX contains a complemented infinite-dimensional subspace with a Schauder basis, it may be arranged in addition thatLip(g)εandLip(f)2 +ε.

Proof. To prove (a), we imitate the construction ofExample 3.2in a more general setting.

By a theorem of Banach (see, e.g., [27]), we find an infinite-dimensional closed subspace X0Xwith a Schauder basis (en)n,en =1. If we even find such a space complemented, letP:XX0be a bounded projection. In general, the setB(X0)=X0B(X) is separable, convex, and complete, and so by [31] we may extend the identity mapIonB(X0) to a continuous mapP:B(X)B(X0). In both cases, we haveP(x)=xforxB(X0) and P(B(X))BC(X0) for someC1.

LetcnX0be the coordinate functions with respect to the basis (en)n, and choose µn>0 with


µk ck < ε

2C. (3.4)

Now, we setg:=RL, where R(x) :=

1 P(x) k=1

µkek, L(x) := k=1


P(x)ek. (3.5)


Ln(x) := n k=1

µkckP(x)ek−→L(x) (n−→ ∞) (3.6)


uniformly on B(X), and since Ln(B(X)) andR(B(X)) are bounded subsets of finite- dimensional spaces, it follows thatg(B(X)) is precompact. Clearly,

R(x) , L(x) C ε 2C=


2 (3.7)

forxB(X), and ifPis linear, we have also

Lip(R), Lip(L)Pε 2C


2. (3.8)

This implies thatg(B(X))Bε(X) and, if the subspaceX0 is complemented, then also Lip(g)ε.

We show now that g(x)=0 for allxB(X). In fact,g(x)=0 implies that L(x)= R(x)X0and so, since (en)nis a basis, thatµncn(P(x))=(1P(x)nfor alln. In view ofµn>0, this means thatcn(P(x))=1P(x), which shows thatcn(P(x)) is actually independent ofn. SinceP(x)X0, this is only possible ifP(x)=0 which contradicts the equalitycn(P(x))=1P(x). So, we have shown thatg(B(X))Bε(X)\ {0}.

We still have to prove that the equation g(x)=λx has no solution with λ >0 and x =1. Assume by contradiction that we find such a solution (λ,x)(0,)×S(X).

Sinceg(x)X0andx =1, we must haveP(x)=xX0, say x=


ξkek. (3.9)

But the relationx =1 also implies thatR(x)=0, and so the equalityg(x)=λxbecomes λx+L(x)=0. Writing this in coordinates with respect to the basis (en)n, we obtain, in view ofcn(P(x))=cn(x)=ξn, thatλξn+µnξn=0. But fromλ+µn>0, we conclude that ξn=0 for alln, that is,x=0, contradictingx =1.

To prove (b), letρ:B1+ε(X)B(X) be the radial retraction of the ballB1+ε(X) onto the unit ball inX. Then, Lip(ρ)2 andφ(ρ(M))φ(M) for allMB1+ε(X), hence φ(ρ)1. Letg:B(X)Bε(X) be the map whose existence was proved in (a). We put

f(x) :=ρx+g(x) xB(X). (3.10) It is easy to see thatφ(f(M))φ(M) for all MB(X), andφ(f(B(X)))=φ(B(X)), which means that φ(f)=1. If Lip(g)ε, we have also Lip(f)2(1 +ε). Moreover, we claim that the map (3.10) has no fixed points inB(X). Indeed, suppose that x= f(x)=ρ(x+g(x)) for somexB(X). Then, the fact thatg(x)=0 implies thatx+g(x)= x=ρ(x+g(x)), and from the definition of ρ it follows that r:= x+g(x)>1. But thenx = f(x) =1 andx= f(x)=(1/r)(x+g(x)), and thus g(x)=(r1)x with r1>0, contradicting our choice ofg.

It remains to show thatφ(f)1ε. The radial retractionρ:B1+ε(X)B(X) satisfies φ(ρ)1/(1 +ε), because

ρ1(M)[0, 1]·(1 +ε)M, (3.11)


henceφ(ρ1(M))(1 +ε)φ(M), for everyMB(X). So, givenAB1+ε(X), by consid- eringM:=ρ(A) we see thatφ(ρ(A))(1/(1 +ε))φ(A). Sinceg is compact, from (3.10) we immediately deduce that

φ(f)=φ(ρ) 1

1 +ε (3.12)

as claimed. The proof is complete.

We make some remarks onTheorem 3.3. Although the above construction works in any (infinite-dimensional) Banach space, the completeness ofX (at least that ofX0) is essential. Moreover, in such spaces uniform limits of finite-dimensional operators must have a precompact range, but it is not clear whether or not they have a relatively compact range. The construction of fixed point free maps in [32] does not have this flaw. More- over, the maps considered in [32] have even stronger compactness properties, because they send “most” sets (except those of full measure of noncompactness) into relatively compact sets.

4. Connections with Banach space geometry

The operatorg constructed in the proof ofTheorem 3.3(a) may be used to show that Rφ(X)=1 in many spaces. To be more specific, we recall some definitions from Banach space geometry. Recall that a spaceXwith (Schauder) basis (en)nis said to have amono- tone norm(with respect to (en)n) if

ξkηkk∈ {1, 2,. . .,n} =⇒



ξkek n


ηkek (4.1) for alln. In view of the continuity of the norm, it is equivalent to require







for all sequences (ξk)kand (ηk)kfor which the two series on the right-hand side of (4.2) converge.

A basis (en)ninXis calledunconditionalif any rearrangement of (en)nis also a basis.

Banach spaces with an unconditional basis have some remarkable properties: for exam- ple, they are either reflexive, or they contain an isomorphic copy of1orc0. So, there are many Banach spaces with a Schauder basis but without an unconditional basis. In fact, no space with the so-calledDaugavet propertyhas an unconditional basis [20,34]. More- over, no space with the Daugavet property embeds into a space with an unconditional basis [21]. In particular,C[0, 1] andL1[0, 1] (and all spaces into which they embed) do notpossess an unconditional basis.

The following proposition relates spaces with unconditional bases and spaces with monotone norm and seems to be of independent interest.

Proposition4.1. LetXbe a Banach space with basis(en)n. Then, this basis is unconditional if and only ifXhas an equivalent norm which is monotone with respect to the basis(en)n.


Proof. Assume first thatXhas an equivalent norm · which is monotone with respect to the basis (en)n. Let (ηn)nbe such thatk=1ηkekconverges, and assume that|ξk| ≤ |ηk| for allk. Applying (4.1) withξk=ηk:=0 fork < mn, we obtain



ξkek n


ηkek (mn), (4.3) and so the Cauchy criterion implies the convergence ofk=1ξkek.

Conversely, suppose that the basis (en)nis unconditional. LetcnXbe the corre- sponding coordinate functionals, and defineAn:×XXby



k,x:= n k=1

µkck(x)ek. (4.4)

Since the basis (en)nis unconditional, by assumption, we have sup


An(m,x) <

m,xX, (4.5)

and so the uniform boundedness principle implies that x:=sup







= sup





= sup




An (m,x) Cx (xX)


with some finite constantC. This, together with the obvious estimatexx, implies that the two norms · and · are equivalent. Clearly, · is a norm which satisfies the monotonicity condition (4.1), and so the proof is complete.

Theorem 4.2. Let X be an infinite-dimensional Banach space whose norm is monotone with respect to some basis(en)n. Then, the equality

Rγ(X)=1 (4.7)


Proof. Consider the mapg:B(X)X\ {0}fromTheorem 3.3(a), that is,g(x)=R(x) L(x) withRandLas in (3.5). We already know thatg is compact andg(x)=λxforλ >0 and allxS(X). Defineσ:B(X)X as in (1.3). Then,σ(x)=0 onB(X). Indeed, the assumptionσ(z)=0 leads tog(e)=λe, withλandedefined as in (1.4), a contradiction.

So, the mapρ(x) :=ν(σ(x)) is a retraction fromB(X) ontoS(X).

Sincegis compact, for anyMB(X) the setσ(MBr(X)) is precompact, and so also the setρ(MBr(X)). Consequently,

γρ(M)=γρMBr(X)ρM\Br(X)=γρM\Br(X). (4.8)


ForxM\Br(X), we have


1r x+1x

1r Lν(x). (4.9)


h(t) := tr

1rt (0t1), (4.10)

by the monotonicity property (4.1) of the norm inX, we conclude thatσ(x)h(x).

Now we distinguish two cases. We assume first that there is a sequence (xn)ninM\ Br(X) withσ(xn)0 asn→ ∞. In view ofσ(x)h(x) and the definition ofh, we obtain thenxnr. Moreover, the definition ofσimpliesL(xn)0 asn→ ∞. Denoting byPkthe canonical projection ofXonto the linear hull of{e1,. . .,ek}, we havePkxn0, asn→ ∞, hence



IPkxn lim sup


IPkxn =r (k=1, 2, 3,. . .). (4.11)

This implies thatγ({x1,x2,x3,. . .})r, and soγ(M)rrγ(ρ(M)). Assume now that there is no sequence (xn)nas above. Then we find a constantc >0 (possibly depending onrandM) such that



σ(x) (1r)L(x) :xM\Br(X)

[0, 1]·c·LM\Br(X). (4.12) BeingL a compact operator, it follows that K is contained in a compact set. Forx M\Br(X), we have

ρ(x)= σ(x) σ(x)


σ(x) (1r)x+K= hx σ(x) rx·x

r+K, (4.13) and thus

ρM\Br(X)[0, 1]·M

r +K. (4.14)

In all cases, we conclude that


rγ(M). (4.15)

Sincer(0, 1) is arbitrary, we see thatRγ(X)1 as claimed.

The proof ofTheorem 4.2 shows that an analogous estimate of the form Rφ(X) C(φ)φ(B(X)) holds for any measure of noncompactnessφonXwith the property that

infk sup


IPkx C(φ)φ(A) (AXbounded) (4.16)

for someC(φ)>0. Some estimates, or even explicit formulas, for the minimal constant C(φ) in some important Banach spaces may be found in [2, Chapter 2].


In view of the above proposition, one might think that it suffices to require inTheorem 4.2that the basis (en)nbe unconditional, by passing then, if necessary, to an equivalent norm which is monotone with respect to this basis. Unfortunately, in this case the unit sphere will change, and so the constantRφ(X) will usually change as well. In this con- nection, the following question arises: given two equivalent norms · and · onX with corresponding unit spheresS(X) andS(X), do there exist a constantc >0 and a homeomorphismω:S(X)S(X) such thatφ(ω(M))=cφ(M) for allMS(X)? If the answer is affirmative, thenTheorem 4.2holds true if the basis (en)ninX is merely un- conditional. We do not know, however, whether or not such a homeomorphism may be found in every spaceX.

We briefly recall an application ofTheorem 4.2to a long-standing open problem in nonlinear spectral theory which was solved quite recently by Furi [12]. A mapf :B(X) X is called 0-epi[15] if f(x)=0 onS(X) and, given any compact mapg:B(X)X which vanishes onS(X), one may find a solutionxB(X) of the coincidence equation f(x)=g(x). More generally,f is calledk-epi(k >0) if this solvability result still holds true for noncompact right-hand sidesg satisfyingα(g)k. In this terminology, Schauder’s fixed point theorem asserts that the identity operator is 0-epi, and Darbo’s fixed point theorem asserts that the identity operator isk-epi fork <1. It was an open question for some time to find a Banach spaceXand a map which is 0-epi onB(X), but notk-epi for any positivek. This problem was solved quite recently by Furi [12] by means of an explicit retractionρ:B(C[0, 1])S(C[0, 1]) withα(ρ)1 +ε. In fact, the homeomorphism f : C[0, 1]C[0, 1], defined by f(x) := xx, is obviously 0-epi, by Schauder’s fixed point theorem. However, it is notk-epi onB(C[0, 1]) for any positivek, as may be seen by considering the noncompact right-hand side

g(x) :=


nρ(nx) forx 1 n,

0 forx> 1



for sufficiently largenN.Theorem 4.2shows that such a construction is possible not only in the spaceC[0, 1], but in any infinite-dimensional spaceXwith monotone norm.

5. Asymptotically regular maps

Sometimes it is interesting to find maps without fixed points or eigenvalues which have some additional properties. One particularly important class in metric fixed point theory is that ofasymptotically regular maps f, that is, those satisfying

nlim→∞dfn(x),fn1(x)=0. (5.1) It turns out that the fixed point free mapf we constructed in the proof ofTheorem 3.3(b) may be chosen asymptotically regular.

Theorem 5.1. Let X be an infinite-dimensional Banach space whose norm is monotone with respect to some basis(en)n, and letε >0. Then, there exists an asymptotically regular



O’Regan, “A Lefschetz fixed point theorem for admissible maps in Fr´echet spaces,” Dynamic Systems and Applications, vol.. G ´orniewicz, Topological Fixed Point Theory of

The key idea for this result is that a contractive mapping defined on the specific type of complete metric spaces with the property of mapping constant functions to constant

Maria Cecilia Zanardi, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Guaratinguetá, 12516-410 São Paulo,

[37] , Multiple solutions of nonlinear equations via Nielsen fixed-point theory: a survey, Non- linear Analysis in Geometry and Topology (T. G ´orniewicz, Topological Fixed Point

[37] , Multiple solutions of nonlinear equations via Nielsen fixed-point theory: a survey, Non- linear Analysis in Geometry and Topology (T. G ´orniewicz, Topological Fixed Point

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