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<Original Article> Effects of Static Magnetic Fields on the Induction of Sister Chromatid Exchange in Human Lymphocytes in vitro 利用統計を見る


Academic year: 2021

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Yamanashi Med. J. 8(I), 9--l3, 1993

Effects ofStatic Magnetic Fields on the Induction ofSister Chromatid

Exchange in Human Lymphocytes in vitro

Sumio IuiMA, Zentaro YAMAGATA, Toshimi OoMA, Tatsuya TAKEsmTAi), Makoto HiGuRAsm2), aRd Akio AsAKA

Dopartment ofHealth Sciences, Yamanashi Medical Universdy, Tamaho, Nakahoma, Yamanashi 409-38, i)Dopartment ofHlygtene and Preventive Medicine, School ofMedicine, Osaka Universdy, Kita-ku, Osaka 53 0, and 2)Dopartment ofMaternal and Child Health, Facudy ofMedicine, The Universdy ofTodyo, Bttndyo-hu, Toltyo I13,JaPan

Abstract: The effects of static magRetic fields (MF) on the induction of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) were examined in human lymphocytes using whole blood culture. The SCE frequency in the group unexposed to MF was 9.23±O.08. IR the groups exposed to O.4 and O.8 T of MF, the SCE frequency was 9.88±e.38, 8.93±O.64, respectively. There were no significant differences between unexposed and exposed groups. Analysis ofthe cell cycle kinetics revealed no

marked differeltces between unexposed and exposed groups.

The SCE frequency increased dose-dependently by the treatment with the known rnutagen ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS)・, there being Ro significant difference between MF exposed and unexposed groups. There was alse no difference between MF-exposed and MF-unexposed groups in the SCE frequency in the control group without EMS. These findings were in good accordance with the prevlous reports and suggest that static MF could not induce SCE.

Key words: Magnetic fields, Sister chromatid exchange (SCE), Hurnan lymphocyte, methanesulfonate (EMS), Cell cycle klRetics


There is increasing public concern about the biological effects of electric fields andlor magnetic fields (EMF). EMF has been reported te be carcinogenic in several reportsimii) but not carcinogenic in other repertsi2-i4); the results of epidemiological studies on EMF and cancer are still controversial. Sister chromatid exchange (SCE) is regarded as a sensitive indicator of mutagenic carcinegensi5-i9).

There are several reports efi the induction of SCE using either static magnetic fields (MF) or time-varying EMF. Static MF did not iRduce SCE in spite of very high intensities of MF: up

to several teslas20-23). IR several studies,

time-varying EMF did not iRduce SCE24-29) and

recently in a few studies it has been reported to induce SCESO・3i).

Rosenthal and Obe32) reported the induc-tion of a significantly higher frequency of SCE in human peripheral lymphocytes pretreated

with known chemical mutagens in the presence of EMF when compared to cells cultivated in

the absence of EMF.

In the present study, we examined the

dose-response relationship of the effects of static MF on SCE induction in human

lympho-cy£es (Experiment 1.) and their effect in

combination with a known mutagen,

ethyl-methanesulfonate (EMS) (Experiment 2.). Received


February 26, 1993 March l6, 1993



Euperiment 1

Heparinized peripheral blood was drawn

from three healthy donors. Whole blood from

each donor (O.3 ml) was exposed to O.4 and O.8

T of MF for 7 hours using aR electromagnet

(Tohoku Kinzeku Co Ltd; SEE-9 model).

Immediately after the exposure, each blood

specimen was added to 5 ml RPMI1640

medium (GIBCO) containing 15% fetal bovine

serum (GIBCO) and S% phytohemagglutinin

M (GIBCO). The medium also contained 40

paM bromodeoxyuridine (Sigma) for the entire culture period. The cultures were incubated at

370C for 72 hours in complete darkness. Six

hours before fixation colcemid (fina} concen-tration, 2×1Oww7 M; WAKO) was added to each culture. The cells were collected by centrifuga-tien, then exposed to O.075 M KCI hypotonic solution for 8 min and fixed 3 times in an


ethanol;acetic acid (3:1) solution. Air-dried

chremosome preparations were made, and a

modification of the fluerescence-plus-Giemsa

method was applied to obtain harlequin

chro [}osemes33). Cells dividing for the first, second, and third or more times in culture can be determined in such preparations34)35).

One hundred metaphase cells were scored for cell cycle kinetics, and 8e consecutive second-division metaphases were scored for SCEs per point per person.

Esperiment 2

Heparinized peripheral blood was drawn

from a healthy donor. The whele blood was

added to RPMI1640 medium (GIBCO)

con-taining 15% fetal bovine serum (GIBCO) and

3% phytohemagglutinin M (GIBCO). The

medium also contained 40 paM

bromodeoxy-uridine (Sigma) for the entire culture period. The medium was poured into a silicen culture dish with four wells (O.7 ml) and ethyimethane-sulfonate (EMS) was added at the concentra-tion of O, 25, 50 and 10e uglml. This dish was

put in the middle of the magnetic field of

O.985T permanent magnet and the magnet

was introduced into a COg incubator. Then the cultures were incubated at 370C for 72 hours in complete darkness. Six hours before fixation,

celcemid (final concentration, 2xlOM7 M;

WAKO) was added to each culture.

Chromo-some preparations were made and stained by

the same technique as described for

Experi-ment l.


Esperiment 1

The SCE frequency in the unexposed group

was 9.23±O.08. In groups treated with O.4 and

e.8T of MF, the SCE frequency was 9.88±

O.38, 8.93±O.64, respectively. There were ito significant differences between unexposed and exposed groups (Student's t test, Table 1). No

dose-response relationships were observed,

Table 1. The frequencies of SCEs in human lymphocytes exposed to magnetic

fields SCEs1cell") o lntensMes of magnetic


fields O.8 (T) 9.10 ± O.55 9.23 ± O.57 9.36 ± O.60 10.14 ± O.65 9.l4 ± l.29 10.36 ± O.53 7.66 9.6} 9.52 ± ± ± O.50 O.74 O.60

Average 9.23±O.08

") Data are expressed as mean±S.E.

9.88 ± with data


shown for each 8.93 ± donor.


Effect of magnetic fields on SCE ll

Table 2. Cell cycle kinetics in human lymphocytes exposed to magnetic


cell cycle kiRetics") (%)


intensi£ies of magnetic fields

e.4 O.8 (T) 1 2 3 X}









l8 32 se l6 25 59 ll 35 54 8 so 62 22 29 49 16 32 52 19 34 47 16 26 58 16 22 62 a)Data second are expressed as (X2), and third

percentages of cells dividing for the or more (X3+) time in culture.

first (Xl),

Table 3. The frequencies of SCEs in human lym-phocy{es exposed to EMS with or without magnetic fields

in frequency of SCE, there were no significant

differences between the MF-exposed groups

and unexposed groups.



(ptglml) magnetlc (-) fields (O.985T) (+)


25 50 1eo 7.74 10.43 I5.40 l8.75 ± O.59 ± O.69 ± O.94 ! 2.i6 8.82 14.25 16.oe 20.80 ± 1.02 ± 2.ll ± 1.49 ± o.ge DIscuSSIoN

a)Data are expressed as mean ± S.E.

either. Analysis of the cell cycle kinetics by the sister chromatid differential staiRing method

revealed no notable differences between the

cell cycle kinetics of unexposed and exposed groups (Table 2).

Euperiment 2

MF was applied with the mutagen EMS. The SCE frequency in the control group without EMS was 8.82±1.02 in the MF-exposed group,

and 7.74±O.59 in the unexposed group (Table 3), there being no significant difference

be-tween the two groups. Although the EMS

treatmeRded to a clear dose-related increase

In Experiment l, SCE was not induced by

MF treatment. This finding was in good

accordance with the previous reports20m23). However, recently Khalil and Quassem30) re-ported a sigRificant increase in the SCE in the cultures continuously exposed to a pulsing EMF (50 Hz, l.05 mT) for 72 hours but not

with a shorter exposure time (24 and 48

hours). Garcia-Sagredo and Monteagudo3i)

also reported that low-level pulsed EMF

caused a significant increase in SCE.

There-fore, under certain conditions EMF may

in-duce SCE.

Analysis of the cell cycle kinetics by the sister chromatid differential staining method has

been shown to be a very good iRdicator of the cytotoxicity35). However, iR the present experi-ment, there were no notable differences in the cell cycle kinetics between the MF-exposed and

unexposed groups. This suggests that MF

under the present condition does not affect the cell cycle kinetics.


In Experiment 2, SCE was not significantly

enhanced when MF was applied with EMS.

Rosenthal and Obe32) reported that cultivation

of human lymphocytes in the presence of

50-Hz EMF does not alter the spolttaneous

frequeflcy of SCE but in some cases the

frequency of SCE in humalt lymphocytes

pretreated with mutagens was higher when the

cells were cultured iR the preseRce of EMF.

This was always less than the doubling of the

SCE frequencies obtained when pretreated

cells were cultured in the absence of EMF.

Therefore EMF might cause SCE after

pre-treatment with a mutagen. The differences between the above report and our findings may be due to the duration of pretreatment

and the form of EMF.

IR the present study, the SCE frequency in

{he groeps exposed to static MF was not

significantly different from that in the

unex-posed groups even when the MF was applied

with EMS. Further studies using various fire-quencies,intensities and wave forms are clearly required.


This work was supported in part by a

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, ScieRce and Culture of



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