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The Global Weak Solutions of the Compressible Euler Equation with Spherical Symmetry(Evolution Equations and Nonlinear Problems)


Academic year: 2021

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Weak Solutions of the Compressible Euler

Equation with

Spherical Symmetry

Tetu Makino*, Kiyoshi Mizohata** and Seiji Ukai**

(December, 1991)

Department ofLiberal Arts

Osaka Sangyo University* and

Department of Information Sciences

Tokyo Institute of Technology**

1 Introduction

The compressible Euler equation for an isentropic


in $R^{n}$ is given by

$\rho_{t}+\nabla\cdot(\rho\tilde{u})=0$ ,




with the equation ofstate

(1.2) $p=a^{2}\rho^{\gamma}$ ,

where density$\rho$



$\vec{u}$and pressure

$p$ are functionsof $x\in R^{n}$ and $t\geq 0$,

while $a>0$ and $\gamma\geq 1$ are given constants.

Forone dimensional case $(n=1)$


the Cauchy problem for (1.1) with (1.2)

has been studied by many authors. Nishida [10] established the existence of global weak solutions, for the first time, for the case $\gamma=1$ with arbitrary

initial data, and Nishida and Smoller [11] for $\gamma\geq 1$ but with small initial

data, both

using Glimm’s

method. DiPerna [3] extended the latter result to

the case of large initial data, using the theory of compensated compactness under the restriction $\gamma=1+2/(2m+1),$ $m\geq 2$ integers. Ding et al

[1], [2] removed this restriction and established the existence ofglobal weak

solutions for $1<\gamma\leq 5/3$


数理解析研究所講究録 第 785 巻 1992 年 1-28


On the other hand, littleis known for the case $n\geq 2$


No global solutions

have been known to exist, but only local classical solutions ([5], [6], [8] and


In this paper, we will present global weak solutions first


the case

$n\geq 2$


We will do this, however, only for


case of spherically symmetry

with $\gamma=1$


As will be seen below, our proof does not work without these


Thus, we look for solutions of the form

(1.3) $\rho=\rho(t, |x|))\tilde{u}=\frac{x}{|x|}\cdot u(t, |x|)$


Then, denoting $r=|x|,$ $(1.1)$ becomes

(1.4) $\rho_{t}\rho+_{t}\frac{1}{r^{n-1}+u}(;^{n-}1^{\rho_{P}u_{f}})_{f}==00$ ,

This equation has a singularity at $r=0$


To avoid the difficulty caused by

this singularity, we simply deal with the boundary value problem for (1.4)

in the domain $1\leq r<\infty$ (the exterior of a sphere) with the boundary

condition $u(t, 1)=0$, which is identical, under the assumption (1.3), to the usual boundary condition $\tilde{n}\cdot\tilde{u}=0$ for (1.1) where $\tilde{n}$ is the unit normal to the boundary.

Put $\tilde{\rho}=r^{\mathfrak{n}-1}\rho$


Then we get from (1.4)

$\tilde{\rho}_{\ell}+(\tilde{\rho}u)_{r}=0$ , (1.5)

$u_{\ell}+u u_{f}+\frac{a^{2}\gamma\tilde{\rho}_{r}}{\tilde{\rho}^{2-\gamma_{\Gamma}\langle n-1)\langle\gamma-1)}}=\frac{a^{2}\gamma(n-1)\tilde{\rho}^{\gamma-1}}{r^{n}\cdot r^{(\mathfrak{n}-1)(\gamma-2)}}$

Introduce the Lagrangean mass coordinates

(1.6) $\tau=t$


$\xi=l^{r}\tilde{\rho}(t,r)$ dr.

Then $\xi>0$ as long as $\tilde{\rho}>0$ for $r>1$, and (1.5) is


as $\tilde{\rho}_{\tau}+\tilde{\rho}^{2}u_{\xi}=0$ ,




Put $v=1/\tilde{\rho}$ and note that the inverse transformation to (1.6) is



(1.8) $t=\tau,$ $r=1+ \int_{0}^{\epsilon}v(\zeta,t)d\zeta$


Then after changing $\tau$ to $t$ and $\xi$ to

$x,$ $(1.7)$ is written as

$v_{t}-u_{x}=0$ ,


$u_{t}+( \frac{a^{2}}{v^{\gamma}})_{x}$ $\frac{1}{r^{(n-1)(\gamma-1)}}=\frac{a^{2}\gamma(n-1)v^{1-\gamma}}{r^{n}\cdot r^{(n-1)(\gamma-2)}}$

where $r$ is now defined by $r=1+ \int_{0}^{x}v(t, \zeta)d\zeta$


Now we restrict ourseves to the case $\gamma=1$


Then (1.7) becomes




$u_{t}+( \frac{a^{2}}{v})_{x}=\frac{K}{1+\int_{0}^{x}v(t,\zeta)d\zeta}$

where $K=a^{2}(n-1)$


Let us consider the initial boundary value problrm for (1.10) in

$t\geq 0,$ $x\geq 0$ with the following boundary and initial conditions.

(1.11) $u(O, x)=u_{0}(x)$ , $v(O, x)=v_{0}(x)$ ,



(1.12) $u(t, 0)=0$ ,



Let $BV(R_{+})$ denote the space of functions of bounded variation on

$R_{+}=(0, \infty)$


Our main result is as follows.

Theorem (Main Result) Suppose that $u_{0}(x),$ $v_{0}(x)\in BV(R_{+})$


and that



all $x>0$ with some positive constant$\delta_{0}$


Then (1.10),

(1.11) and (1.12) have a global weak solution which belongs to the class

$u,$ $v\in L^{\infty}(0, T;BV(R_{+}))\cap Lip([0, T];L_{loc}^{1}(R_{+}))$




The definition of the weak solution will be given in section 4. This the-orem can be proved by


Nishida’s argument [10] based

on Glimm’s


method. Indeed this can be seen from thefollowing twosimple observations.

First, the homogeneous equation corresponding to (1.10),

$v_{t}-u_{x}=0$ ,


$u_{t}+( \frac{a^{2}}{v})_{x}=0$ ,

is just the same equation as solved by Nishida [10] using Glimm’s method

both on


Cauchy problem and the initial boundary value problem. Note

that if $\gamma>1$, the homogeneous equation for (1.9) has a variable coefficient

and hence does not coincide with the one dimensional Euler equation.

The second observation is that, as long as $v\geq 0$, the right hand side of


(1.14) $\frac{K}{1+\int_{0}^{x}v(t,()d\zeta}$

is monotone decreasing in $x$ and has an a priori estimate

(1.15) T.V. $( \frac{K}{1+\int_{0}^{x}v(t,\zeta)d\zeta})\leq K$,

independent of $v$


The one dimensional inhomogeneous Euler equation has

been studied in [12]. However, the conditions imposed therein on the


term are not applicable to our (1.14).

These observations allow us to use Nishida’s argument [10] to construct global weak solutions to (1.10), (1.11) and (1.12). More precisely, we will

first construct, in section 2, approximate solutions of the form



Riemann problem


(1.13)} $+$



$\cross t$


This is the main idea of [12]. Then in section 3, we will estimate the total variation of the approximate solutions. Thanks to (1.15), this can be done with a slight modification of Nishida’s argument [10]. In section 4, we will show that there exists a subsequence of approximate solutions which


strongly in $L_{loc}^{1}$ for any finite time interval. Finally, for the sake of

completeness, we give in Appendix a detailed proof of two lemmas used in section


These lemmas are due to Nishida [10], but their proofs are not found in the literature.



2 The Difference Scheme

Toconstruct the approximate solutions, we shall usethedifferencescheme developed in [10]. For $l,$$h>0$



$Y=$ $\{(n , m); n=1,2,3, \cdots, m=1,3,5, \cdots\}$ ,


$A= \prod_{(m,n)\in Y}[\{nh\}\cross((m-1)l, (m+1)l)]$


where $l/h$ will be determined later. Choose a point $\{a_{nm}\}\in A$ randomly,

and write $a_{nm}=(nh, c_{nm})$


For $n=0$, we put $c_{Om}=ml$


We denote

approximate solutions by $u^{l}$ and $v^{l}$


Mesh lengths $l$ and $h$ are chosen so that

$l/h>a/( \inf v^{t})$, for anygiven $T>0$


We shall show later that there exists a$\delta>0$ such that




For $0\leq t<h,$ $ml\leq x<(m+2)l,$ $m$ : odd, we define

$u^{l}(t,x)=u_{0}^{l}(t, x)+U^{l}(t,x)t$,



where $u_{0}^{l}$ and $v_{0}^{l}$ are the solutions of




$u_{\ell}+( \frac{a^{2}}{v})_{x}=0$,

with initial data

$u_{0}^{l}(0, x)=$ (2.4) $\{u_{0}^{0}((m+2)l)u(ml)$, $X>(mX<(m:_{1)l}^{1)l},$’ $v_{0}^{l}(0, x)=\{v_{0}^{0}((m+2)l)v(ml)$


$X>(mX<(mI_{1)l’}^{1)l}$ , and (2.5) $U^{l}(t,x)= \frac{K}{1+\Sigma^{\frac{m+1}{j=^{2}1}}v_{0}((2j-1)l)\cdot 2l}$

For $0\leq t<h,$ $0\leq x<l$, we define $u^{l}$ and $v^{l}$ by (2.2)

where $u_{0}^{l}$ and $v_{0}^{l}$

are the solutions of (2.3) with initial boundary data


(2.7) $u(t, 0)=0,$ $t>0$, and

(2.8) $U^{l}(t,x)=K$


Suppose that $u^{l}$ and $v^{l}$ are defined for$0\leq t<nh$


For$nh\leq t<(n+1)h$


$ml\leq x<(m+2)l,$ $m$ : odd, we define







where $u_{0}^{l}$ and $v_{0}^{l}$ are the solutions of (2.3) with initial data $(t=nh)$

$u_{0}^{l}(nh, x)=$ (2.10) $\{\begin{array}{l}u^{l}(nh-0,c_{nm})u^{l}(nh-0,c_{nm+2})\end{array}$ $x>(m+1)lx<(m+1)l$, $v_{0}^{l}(nh, x)=\{v^{l}(nh-0,c_{nm}^{nm})v_{l}(nh-0,c)_{+2}$ $x>(mx<(m\ddagger^{1)l}1)l$


and (2.11) $U^{l}(t,x)= \frac{K}{1+\Sigma^{\frac{m+1}{j=^{2}1}}v^{l}(nh-0,c_{n2j-1})\cdot 2l}$

For $nh\leq t<(n+1)h,$ $0\leq x<l$


we define $u^{l}$ and $v^{l}$ as

(2.9) where $u_{0}^{l}$

and $v_{0}^{l}$ are the solutions of (2.3) with initial $(t=nh)$ boundary data

(2.12)$u_{0}^{l}(nh, x)=u^{l}(nh-0, c_{n1}),$ $v_{0}^{l}(nh, x)=v^{l}(nh-0, c_{n1}),$ $x>0$,

(2.13) $u(t, O)=0,$ $t>nh$,

and $U^{l}(t, x)$ is as (2.8).

3 Bounds for Approximate Solutions

System (1.6) is hyperbolic provided $v>0$, with the characteristic roots

and Riemann invariants given by








It is well-known, [10], that all shock wave curves in the (r,s)-plane have the

same figure. (See Figure 1.) Tlie l-shock wave curve $S_{1}$, starting from

$(r_{0}, s_{0})$ can be expressed in the form

(3.2) $s-s_{0}=f(r-r_{0})$ for $r\leq r_{0}$,

and the 2-shock wave curve $S_{2}$ can also be expressed in the form

(3.3) $r-r_{0}=f(s-s_{0})$ for $s\leq s_{0}$,



The l-rarefaction wave curve $R_{1}$ can be expressed in the form

(3.4) $s-s_{0}=0$ for $r\geq r_{0}$,

and the corresponding expression for the 2-rarefaction wave curve $R_{2}$ is

(3.5) $r-r_{0}=0$ for $s\geq s_{0}$


Now we must prepare some lemmas to estimate Riemann invariants.

First, let us consider (2.3) with following initial data

(3.6) $u_{0}(x)=\{\begin{array}{l}u_{l}u_{r}\end{array}$ $v_{0}(x)=\{\begin{array}{l}v_{l},x<0v_{f},x>0\end{array}$

Lemma 3.1 Let $u$ and $v$ are the solutions


(2.3) and (3.6). Then,

(3.7) $\{r(t,x)\equiv r(u(t,x),v(t,x))\geq ro\equiv\min(r(u,v),r(u,v_{v_{l}^{l}})_{)})_{)}s(t,x)\equiv s(u(t,x),v(t,x))\leq so\equiv\max(s(u^{f_{f}},v^{r_{f}}),s(u_{l}^{l},$

Next consider (2.3) in $t\geq 0,$ $x\geq 0$ with following initial and boundary


(3.8) $u(O, x)=u_{0}^{+}$ , $v(O, x)=v_{0}^{+}$





(3.9) $u(t, 0)=0$,




Lemma 3.2 Let $u$ and $v$ are the solutions


(2.3), (3.8) and (3.9). Then,

(3.10) $\{\begin{array}{l}r(t,x)\equiv r(u(t,x),s(t,x))\geq r(u_{0}^{+},v_{0}^{+})s(t,x)\equiv s(u(t,x),s(t,x))\leq\max(-r(u_{0}^{+},v_{o}^{+}),s(u_{o}^{+},v_{0}^{+}))\end{array}$

The above two lemmas were proved in [10]. Using thesetwo lemmas, we can

get the following lemma. Lemma 3.3 Let $u^{l}$ and $v^{l}$

be the approximate solutions


in section 2

and put $r_{0}= \min r(u_{0}(x), v_{0}(x))$ and $s_{0}= \max s(u_{0}(x),v_{0}(x))$







Let us consider Riemann problem (2.3) and (3.6). Denote by $\Delta r$

(resp $\Delta s$) the absolute value of the variation ofthe Riemann invariant


(resp s) in the first (resp second) schock wave.

Definition 3.4 We denote

$P(u_{l}, v_{l}, u_{f}, v_{f})=\triangle r+\Delta s$


Then we have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.5

(3.12) $P(u_{1},v_{1},u_{3}, v_{3})\leq P(u_{1}, v_{1}, u_{2}, v_{2})+P(u_{2}, v_{2}, u_{3}, v_{3})$,

where $u_{1},$ $u_{2}$ and $u_{3}$ are arbitrary constants and $v_{1},$ $v_{2}$ and $v_{3}$ are arbitrary

positive costants.

We shall prove Lemma 3.5 in the Appendix A.

Denote by $i_{0}^{n\pm}$ the straight line segmentsjoining the points $(0, (n \pm\frac{1}{2})h)$

and $a_{1n}$


Let $F(i_{0}^{n\pm})$ be the absolute value of the variation of the Riemann

invariants for all shocks on $i_{0}^{n\pm}$


Then we also have the following Lemma.

Lemma 3.6

(3.13) $F(i_{0}^{n+})\leq F(i_{0}^{n-})$


This lemma 3.6 will be proved in the Appendix B.

We denote

$Z_{1}=\{l-O, l+O, 3l-0, \cdots , (2m-1)l-0, (2m-1)l+0, \cdots\}$,

$Z_{2}=\{2l, 4l, 6l\cdots 2ml, \cdots\}$


Let $Z_{t^{n)}}=Z_{1}\cup Z_{2}\cup\{c_{nm}\}$ and line up the elements $z_{n,i}$ of $Z_{(n)}$ so that

$z_{n,i}\leq z_{n,i+1}$


(We regard


for $m$ : integer. ) Let

$F(nh- O,u^{l}, v^{l})=\frac{1}{2}F(i_{0}^{n-})$


$F(nh+0, u^{l}, v^{l})= \frac{1}{2}F(i_{0}^{n+})+\sum_{m:odd}P(u^{l}(a_{nm}), v^{l}(a_{nm}),$ $u^{l}(a_{nm+2}),$$v^{l}(a_{mm+2}))$


Using Lemma 3.5 and Lemma 3.6, we get

(3.14) $F((n+1)h+0, u^{l}, v^{l})\leq F((n+1)h-0,u^{l}, v^{l})$


The followingequality is obvious from the definition of $F,$ $u^{l}$ and $v^{l}$


(3.15) $F((n+1)h-0, u_{0}^{l}, v_{0}^{l})=F(nh+0, u^{l}, v^{l})$


We also get

$F((n+1)h-0, u^{1}, v^{l})=F((n+1)h-0, u_{0}^{l}, v_{0}^{l})$

$+ \sum_{m:odd}P$(


$u^{l}(n+1)h-0,ml+0),v^{l}((n+1)h-0, ml+0))$.

Lemma 3.7



ml–O), $v^{l}$( $(n+1)h-0$



(3.16) $u^{l}((n+1)h-0,ml+0),v^{l}((n+1)h-0,ml+0)$

$\leq 2h\{U^{l}(nh, (m-1)l)-U^{l}(nh, (m+1)l)\},$ $m$ : odd.


From the definition,

$u^{l}$( $(n+1)h-0$,ml-O) $=u_{0}^{l}(nh, ml)+U^{l}(nh, (m-1)l)\cdot h$,

$u^{l}((n+1)h-0, ml+0)=u_{0}^{l}(nh, ml)+U^{l}(nh, (m+1)l)\cdot h$


$v^{l}$($(n+1)h-0$,ml–O) $=v^{l}((n+1)h-0, ml+0)=v_{0}^{l}(nh, ml)$


Therefore we get




ml–O) $-r^{l}((n+1)h-0,ml+0)$

(3.17) $=s^{l}$($(n+1)h-0$


ml–O) $-s^{l}((n+1)h-0, ml+0)l$

$=h\cross\{U^{l}(nh, (m-1)l)-U^{l}(nh, (m+1)l)\}\geq 0$

Thus thefollowing inequality holds.



From (3.18), we get (3.16). $\square$

Using Lemma 3.7, we get

$F((n+1)h-0, u^{l},v^{l})-F((n+1)h-0, u_{o}^{l}, v_{0}^{l})$


$\leq 2h\sum_{m:odd}\{U^{l}(nh, (m-1)l)-U^{l}(nh, (m+1)l)\}\leq 2Kh$

From (3.14), (3.15) and (3.19), we get

(3.20) $F((n+1)h+0, u^{l}, v^{l})\leq F(nh+0, u^{l}, v^{l})+2Kh$

Thus we obtain the following lemma. Lemma 3.8

(3.21) $F(nh+0, u^{l}, v^{l})\leq F(+0, u^{l}, v^{l})+2KT\equiv F_{0}+2KT$

Denote by $G(\tau)$ the absolute value of the sum ofnegative variation of$r^{l}$ and


for $t=\tau$


Then for $nh\leq\tau<(n+1)h$, we get



$)^{G(\tau)\leq G(nh)+2h\sum_{m:odd}\{U^{l}(nh,(m-1)l)-U^{l}(nh,(m+1)l)\}}$

$\leq G(nh)+2Kh$.

Lemma 3.9

(3.23) $G(nh)\leq 2F(nh+0,u^{l}, v^{l})$



Denote by $\delta s$ (resp $\delta r$ ) the absolute value ofthe Riemann invariant

$s$ (resp r) in the first (resp second) shock wave. By (3.2) and (3.3),

$\triangle r+\delta s<2\triangle r$ on the first shock and $\delta r+\triangle s<2\triangle s$ on the second shock.

So from (3.17), (3.18) and above arguements, we get (3.23). $\square$

From (3.23), (3.24) and (3.25), for any $\tau(nh\leq\tau<(n+1)h)$,

$G(\tau)\leq G(nh)+2Kh\leq 2F(nh+0, u^{l}, v^{l})+2Kh$


$\leq 2F_{0}+6KT\equiv M_{1}$


Now we can establish a priori estimates of $u^{l}$ and $v^{l}$


Denote by T.V.



Theorem 3.10 For any $T>0$, the variation


$u^{l}$ and $v^{l}$ is bounded



$h$ and $\{a_{mn}\}$


Their upper bound and lower bound, especially the

positive lower bound


$v^{l}$, are also uniformly bounded.


Denote by $T.V^{+}.u$ (resp $T.V^{-}.u$ ) the absolute value of the positive

(resp negative) variation of$u$


Put $f^{l}\equiv 2u^{l}=r^{l}+s^{l}$


Then $0\leq f^{l}(t, 0)\leq$



Without loss of generality, we assume that $u_{0}(x)$ and $v_{0}(x)$ are constant outside a bounded interval. Let

(3.25) $f^{l}(t, \infty)=r^{l}(t, \infty)+s^{l}(t, \infty)\equiv M_{2}$.

Then from the definition,

$f^{l}(t, 0)+T.V^{+}.f^{\int}$ –T.$V^{-}.f^{l}=f^{l}(t, \infty)$


Since T.$V^{-}.f^{l}(t, \cdot)\leq G(t)$ for any $t,$ $(3.24)$ yields

$T.V^{+}.f^{l}=f^{l}(t, \infty)+T.V^{-}.f^{l}-f^{l}(t, 0)\leq M_{1}+M_{2}$


Thus we get

(3.26) T.V.$f^{l}=T.V2u^{l}\leq 2M_{1}+M_{2}$


From (3.26), we get

$|f^{l}|\leq Kh+2M_{1}+M_{2}\leq KT+2M_{1}+M_{2}\equiv 2M_{3}$


Therefore we get

(3.27) $|u_{l}|\leq M_{3}$.

Using Lemma 3.2, we get

$2alogv^{l}=r^{l}-s^{l} \geq r_{0}-(\max(-r_{0}, s_{0})+KT)$


Thus we get

(3.28) $v^{l} \geq\exp\frac{r_{0}-(\max(-r_{0},s_{0})+KT)}{2a}\equiv\frac{1}{M_{5}}$ From the definition,



Using Lemma 3.3 and (3.24),

(3.29) $T.V^{+}.r^{l}=-r^{1}(0)+T.V^{-}.r^{l}+r(t, \infty)\leq-r_{0}+M_{1}+r(t, \infty)$


In view of (3.27) and (3.29), there exists a positive constant $M_{6}$ such that

(3.30) $v^{l}\leq M_{6}$


Theorem 3.11 For any interval $[x_{1}, x_{2}]\subset[O.\infty$), we get

(3.31) $\int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}|u^{l}(t_{2}, x)-u^{l}(t_{1}, x)|+|v^{l}(t_{2}, x)-v^{l}(t_{1}, x)|dx$

$\leq M\cdot(|t_{2}-t_{1}|+h)$, $0\leq t_{1},t_{2}<T$,

where $M$depends on $T,$ $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$, but not on $l$ and $h$



Without loss ofgenerality, we assume that

$nh\leq t_{1}<(n+1)h<\cdots<(n+k)h\leq t_{2}<(n+k+1)h$



$\int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}|u^{l}(t_{2},x)-u^{l}(t_{1}, x)|dx$

$\leq I_{1}+I_{2}+\int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}|u^{l}(t_{2}, x)-u^{l}((n+k)h+0,x)|+|u^{l}(t_{1}, x)-u^{l}((n+1)h-0,x)|dx$


$I_{1}= \int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}\sum_{1=1}^{k}|u^{l}((n+i)h+O, x)-u^{l}((n+i)h-O,x)|dx$

$I_{2}= \int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}\sum_{1=1}^{k-1}|u^{l}((n+i+1)h-O, x)-u^{l}((n+i)h+O, x)|dx$



Denote by $1_{1^{\alpha,\beta]}}$ the characteristic function of the interval $[\alpha,\beta]$


We regard $T.V.-l<x<l=T.V_{0<x<l}$




$\leq\sum_{1=0}^{k+1}\sum_{m:integer}\int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}T.V_{2ml<x<(2m+2)l}u^{l}((n+i)h-0,x)\cdot 1_{[2ml,(2m+2)l]}dx$ ,

$\leq([\frac{t_{2}-t_{1}}{h}]+2)\cdot(\sup_{0\leq t\leq T}T.Vu^{l}(t, \cdot))\cdot 2l$



$\leq\sum_{i_{\overline{k}}^{-0}}^{k}\sum_{m}\int_{x_{1}^{x_{2}}}(T.V_{(2m-1)l<x<(2m+1)l}u_{0}^{l}((n+i+1)h-0, x)\cdot 1_{[(2m-1)l,(2m+1)}\eta+Kh)dx$,



T.$V.u_{0}^{l}((n+i+1)h-0, \cdot)+K(x_{2}-x_{1})h$,

$\leq([\frac{t_{2}-t_{1}}{h}]+1)\cdot(2l\sup_{0\leq t\leq T}T.V.u_{0}^{l}(t, \cdot)+K(x_{2}-x_{1})h)$


The remaining terms can be evaluated similarly. For

$\int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}}|v^{l}(t_{2}, x)-v^{l}(t_{1}, x)|dx$,

we also have a similar estimate. Combining these results gives (3.31). $\square$

4 Convergence of The Approximate Solution

Let $h_{n}=T/n$ and $h_{n}/l_{n}=\tilde{\delta}<\delta\equiv 1/M_{5}$


Consider the sequence

$(u^{l_{n}}, v^{l_{n}})(n=1,2, \cdots)$


Then from Theorem 3.9 and Theorem 3.10, there exists a subsequence which converges in $L_{loc}^{1}$ to functions (u,v) uniformly for



Now we shall prove that u(x,t) and v(x,t) are the weak solutions

of initial boundary value problem (1.6), (1.7) and (1.8) provided $\{a_{nm}\}$ is

suitably chosen, namely, they satisfy the integral identity


$\int_{0}^{T}\int_{0}^{\infty}u\phi_{t}+(\frac{a^{2}}{v})\phi_{x}+\frac{K}{1+\int_{0}^{x}v(t,\zeta)d\zeta}\cdot\phi dxdt$

$+ \int_{0}^{\infty}u_{0}(x)\phi(0,x)dx=0$,



for any smooth functions $\phi$ and $\psi$ with compact support in the region

$\{(t, x) : 0\leq t<T, 0\leq x<\infty\}$ and $\phi(t,0)=0$


Now we know that $u_{0}^{l}$ and

$v_{0}^{l}$ are weak solutions in each time strip $nh\leq t<(n+1)h$ so that for each

test function $\phi$ satisfying $\phi(t, 0)=0$,

$\int_{nh}^{(n+1)h}\int_{0}^{\infty}u^{l}\phi_{t}+(\frac{a^{2}}{v^{l}})\phi_{x}+U^{l}(t,x)\cdot\phi dxdt$

(43) $+ \int^{\infty}u^{l}(nh+O, x)\phi(nh, x)$

$- \int_{0}^{\infty}u^{\int}((n+1)h-0,x)\phi((n+1)h, x)dx=0$

Ifwe sum this over $n$, weget

$\int_{0}^{T}\int_{0}^{\infty}u^{l}\phi_{t}+(\frac{a^{2}}{v^{l}})\phi_{x}+U^{l}(t,x)\cdot\phi dxdt+\int_{0}^{\infty}u^{l}(0, x)\phi(0,x)$


$=- \sum_{k=1}^{N}\int_{0}^{\infty}\{u^{l}(kh+O, x)-u^{l}(kh-0, x)\}\cdot\phi(kh, x)dx$

where $N=T/h$. When $Narrow\infty$, the right-hand side of the above equality

tends to $0$ for almost every $\{a_{nm}\}\in A$ (see [4]). It is immediate to see that

$\int_{0}^{\infty}u^{l}(0, x)\phi(0,x)dxarrow\int_{0}^{\infty}u_{0}(x)\phi(0, x)dx$ $(Narrow\infty)$


Lemma 4.1

(4.5) $U^{l}(t,x) arrow\frac{K}{1+\int_{0}^{x}v(t,\zeta)d\zeta}$ $(Narrow\infty)$


locally uniformly


$t$ and $x$.


Let $nh\leq t<(n+1)h,$ $x\in((m-1)l, (m+1)l),$ $m$ : odd. Then

(4.6) $| \int_{0}^{x}v^{l}(nh, \zeta)d\zeta-\frac{m+1}{\sum_{j=1}^{2}}v^{l}(nh, c_{2j-1n})|\leq\Vert v^{l}||_{\infty}\cdot l$.


the other hand


locally uniformly for $t$ and $x$


We get

$| \int_{0}^{x}v^{l}(t, \zeta)d\zeta-\int_{0}^{x}v^{l}(nh, \zeta)d\zeta|$

(4.8) $\leq\int_{0^{\sum_{m:odd}T.V_{(m-1)l<(<(m+1)\iota^{v^{l}(nh,\cdot)\cdot 1_{1(m-1)l,\langle m+1)T}d\zeta}}}}^{x}$


$\leq\sup_{0\leq t\leq T}T.Vv^{\int}\cdot 2l$.

From (4.6), (4.7) and (4.8), we get (4.5). $\square$

For each test function $\psi,$ $v^{l}$ also satisfies,

$\int_{0}^{T}\int_{0}^{\infty}(v^{l}\psi_{t}-u^{l}\psi_{x})dxdt+\int_{0}^{\infty}v^{l}(0, x)\psi(O, x)dx$

(49) $=- \sum_{k=1}^{N}\int_{0}^{\infty}\{v^{l}(kh+O, x)-v^{l}(kh-0, x)\}\cdot\psi(kl, x)dx$




$I_{1}= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1}\int_{nh}^{(n+1)h}U^{l}(t, O)(t-nh)\psi(t, O)dt$


$I_{2}= \sum_{n=0}^{N-1}\sum_{m:odd}\int_{nh}^{(n+1)h}\{U^{l}(t,ml+O)-U^{l}(t, ml-0)\}(t-nh)\psi(t,ml)dt$


The first term of the the right-hand side of equality (4.9) tends to $0$ for

almost every $\{a_{nm}\}\in A$ (see [4]). It is also immediate to see that

$\int_{0}^{\infty}v^{l}(O, x)\psi(O,x)dxarrow\int_{0}^{\infty}v_{0}(x)\psi(0, x)dx$ $(Narrow\infty)$


We shall show that $I_{1},$ $I_{2}arrow 0$ as $Narrow\infty$


$I_{1} \leq||\psi\Vert_{\infty}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}\int_{nh}^{(n+1)h}U^{l}(t, O)(t-nh)dt$





$\sum_{m:odd}\int_{nh}^{\langle n+1)h}\{U^{l}(t,ml+0)-U^{l}(t,ml-0)\}(t-nh)\psi(t,ml)dt\leq K\Vert\psi||_{\infty}h^{2}$.

Thus we get

(4.11) $I_{2} \leq\Vert\psi\Vert_{\infty}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}Kh^{2}\leq K\Vert\psi\Vert_{\infty}hT$

From above arguments, we can conclude that $u$ and $v$ satisfy (4.1) and

(4.2). Thus we obtain our main result.

Theorem 4.2 (Main Result) Suppose that $u_{0}(x),$ $v_{0}(x)\in BV(R_{+})$ , and



all $x>0$ with somepositive constant$\delta_{0}$


Then (1.10),

(1.11) and (1.12) have a globalweak solution which belongs to the class

$u,$ $v\in L^{\infty}(O, T;BV(R_{+}))\cap Lip([0, T];L_{loc}^{1}(R_{+}))$



A Proofof Lemma 3.5



, and put

$P(u_{1}, v_{1}, u_{2}, v_{2})=\Delta r_{1}+\Delta s_{1}$

$P(u_{2}, v_{2}, u_{3}, v_{3})=\triangle r_{2}+\Delta s_{2}$

$P(u_{1}, v_{1}, u_{3},v_{3})=\Delta r_{3}+\Delta s_{3}$

Then it is obvious that

$\Delta r_{3}+g(\Delta s_{3})+\Delta s_{3}+g(\Delta r_{3})$

$\leq\triangle r_{1}+\Delta r_{2}+\triangle s_{1}+\triangle s_{2}++g(\Delta r_{1})+g(\triangle r_{2})+g(\triangle s_{1})+g(\Delta s_{2})$

We notice that $f^{u}\leq 0$ and hence

$\leq\Delta r_{1}+\Delta r_{2}+\Delta s_{1}+\triangle s_{2}+g(\Delta r_{1}+\triangle r_{2})+g(\triangle s_{1}+\triangle s_{2})$


Let $x+g(x)=h(x),$ $\triangle r_{3}=p’,$ $\triangle s_{3}=q’,$ $\triangle r_{1}+\Delta r_{2}=p$ and $\Delta s_{1}+\Delta s_{2}=q$



(A.1) $h(p’)+h(q’)\leq h(p)+h(q)$




We shall estimate $p+q$ from below under the

restriction (A.1). To do this, as $h$ is monotone increasing function, we must

estimate$p+q$ from below under the restriction




We do this by using Lagrange’s method ofindeterminate coefficients. Put $G(p, q, \lambda)=p+q+\lambda(h(p)+h(q)-K)$



$G_{p}=1+\lambda h’(p)=0,$ $G_{q}=1+\lambda h’(q)=0$


Because $h^{u}(x)>0$


we get $p=q$



$p+q$ attains its extremum at $p=q$


Wecan show that when$p=q,$ $p+q$ is minimumunder the restriction (A2).




Hence it follows that

$p=q \geq\frac{p’+q’}{2}$

Thus we get

(A.3) $p+q\geq p’+q’$


which proves Lemma


B Proof of Lemma 3.6

To prove Lemma 3.6, we must check the following 12 cases:

1) $c_{1n}<l$


(1) $S_{2}$ crosses


(2) $R_{2}$ crosses $\iota_{0}$

$n-$ (3) no wave cross $\iota_{0}$

2) $c_{1n}\geq l$,

(1) $S_{2}$ and $S_{1}$ cross $i_{0}^{n-}$,

(2) $R_{2}$ and $S_{1}$ cross $i_{0}^{n-}$


(3) $S_{2}$ and $R_{1}$ cross $i_{0}^{n-}$


(4) $R_{2}$ and $R_{1}$ cross $i_{0}^{n-}$,

(5) $S_{1}$ crosses $i_{0_{n-}}^{n-}$, (6) $R_{1}$ crosses $\iota_{n^{0}-}$ , (7) $S_{2}$ crosses $\iota_{0}$ , (8) $R_{2}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n-},.n-$ (9) no wave cross $\iota_{0}$


Put $r_{+}^{n-1}=r^{l}(a_{1n-1}),$ $s_{+}^{n-1}=s^{l}(a_{1n-1}),$ $r_{-}^{n-1}=-s_{-}^{n-1}$

$=r^{l}((n-1)h+0,0)$, and $\delta_{n-1}=U^{l}(a_{1n-1})$


Put $r_{+}^{n-1’}=r^{l}((n-1)h+O, 2l)$ and $s_{+}^{n-1’}=s^{l}((n-1)h+O,2l)$


Put $A=(r_{-}^{n-1}, s_{-}^{n-1}),$ $B=(r_{+}^{n-}, s_{+}^{n-1})$ and $B’=(r_{+}^{n-1’}, s_{+}^{n-1’})$


Put $C=(r_{+}^{n-1}+Kh, s_{+}^{n-1}+Kh)$


(resp $=(r_{+}^{n-1’}+\delta_{n-1}h,$$s_{+}^{n-1’}+\delta_{n-1}h,$$)$ ) if $c_{1n}<l$ (resp $c_{1n}\geq l$).

If$R_{2}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n+},$

$F(i_{0}^{n+_{n+}})=0\leq F(i_{0}^{n-})$, so that it is sufficient to consider the

cases when $S_{2}$ crosses $\iota_{0}$


Figure.2 1) $c_{1n}<l$


(1) $S_{2}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n-}$ (Figure 2). Denote by I (resp II) the halfspace

$\{(r,s)|r+s<0\}$ (resp $\{(r,s)|r+s\geq 0\}$



i) $C\in I$


In this case $S_{2}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n+}$


Denote by V(PQ) the absolute value of the

total variation of$r$ and $s$ by the line segment PQ. From Figure.3, $F(i_{0}^{n+})=V(A’C)\leq V(A’C’)=V(AB)=F(i_{0}^{n-})$




Figure.3 ii) $C\in II$


In this case $R_{2}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n+}$



(B.1) $F(i_{0}^{n-})\geq F(i_{0}^{n+})=0$


(2) $R_{2}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n-}$

In this case $B\in II$ so that $R_{2}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n+}$



(B.2) $F(i_{0}^{n-})=F(i_{0}^{n+})=0$


(3) no wave crosses $i_{0}^{n-}$

In this case $(r_{+}^{n-1}, s_{+}^{n-1})$ is on the line



Hence $C\in II$


It is


2) $c_{1n}\geq l$


(1) $S_{2}$ and $S_{1}$ cross $i_{0}^{n-}$ (Figure.4)



Figure.5 i) $C\in I$


From Figure.5,

$F(i_{0}^{n+})=V(A’C)\leq V(A’C’)=V(A^{u}B’)=V(AB’)=F(i_{0}^{n-})$


ii) $C\in II$ implies that $R_{2}$





we get (B2).


(2) $R_{2}$ and $S_{1}$ cross $i_{0}^{n-}$ Figure.6 i) $C\in I$


From Figure.6, $F(i_{0}^{n+})=V(A’C)\leq V(A’D)=V(A^{u}E)=V(A^{u}B^{u})$ $\leq V(BB’’)=V(BB’)=F(i_{0}^{n+})$

ii) $C\in II$




(3) $S_{2}$ and $R_{1}$ cross $i_{0}^{n-}$


Put $G=$ $(r_{+}^{n-} +\delta_{n-1}h, s_{+}^{n-1}+\delta_{n-1}h)$ and $II=(r^{l}(a_{1n}), s^{l}(a_{1n}))$


Then $H$ is on the line $CG$.

i) $H\in I$.

From Figure.7,

$F(i_{0}^{n+})=V(A’H)\leq V(A^{u}G)\leq V(AB)=F(i_{0}^{n-})$


ii) $H\in II$, so $R_{2}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n+}$, and we get

$(B2)n-$ (4) $R_{2}$ and $R_{1}$ cross $\iota_{0}$


(5) $S_{1}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n-}$ Figure.8 i) $C\in I$


From Figure.8, $F(i_{0}^{n+})=V(A’C)=V(AE)=V(AD)$ $\leq V(AB’)=F(i_{0}^{n-})$ Thus we get (B1). ii) $C\in II$




(6) $R_{1}$ crosses $i_{0}^{n-}$

In this case, it is obvious that $F(i_{0}^{n+})=0$


IIence we get (B3).

Cases (7), (8) and (9) are almost the same as cases (1), (2) and (3) in 1).

Thus, we obtain Lemma



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