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sig sai 2013 03 11 4 Recent site activity jsaisigsai


Academic year: 2018

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While conducting an experiment regarding fetal move- ments as a result of Pulsed Wave Doppler (PWD) ultrasound, [8] we encountered the severe artifacts in the acquired image2.

RIMS has each year welcomed around 4,000 researchers in the mathematical sciences in Japan and more than 200 from abroad, who either come as long-term research visitors or

Because of the bijection Inv: ˜ S n I → P n−1 (Theorem 4.4) we can pull the Young lattice back to ˜ S n I and obtain a third partial order, in addition to weak order and Bruhat

In Section 4, we observe that for every Hecke group the corresponding Eisenstein series E 2 (m) satisfies an ordinary differential equation of order m that can be

One can easily generate the ordered subset of (V ∗ , <) consisting of all strings of length up to n as follows: start with (∅, 1, 0); given the list of strings of length up to n −

Using a poset fiber theorem, it is proved that the order ideal of this poset generated by the Coxeter elements is homotopy Cohen–Macaulay.. This method results in a new proof

Actually it can be seen that all the characterizations of A ≤ ∗ B listed in Theorem 2.1 have singular value analogies in the general case..

This document provides comments on the report of the thirty-third session of the Editorial and Technical Group CCC 7/5 with regard to the draft individual schedule for "LEACH