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TA5 最近の更新履歴 Econometrics Ⅰ 2016 TA session


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TAsession note #5

Shouto Yonekura

May 18, 2016


1 chi-squre distribution 2

2 t-distribution 5

3 F-distribution 6

4 Distribution of (n−k)sσ2 2 7

5 Distribution of qβˆiβi V [ ˆβ]ii


6 Distribution of ( ˆβ−β)

(XX)( ˆβ−β)

s2 8


1 chi-squre distribution

def 5.1

Let Xiiid N(0, 1) i = 1, 2, · · · n. Then

Z:= X12+ X22+ · · · Xn2

is called chi-squre distribution with degrees of freedom n and denoted Z ∼ χ2(n). Its p.d.f is given by below: f(x) :=nΓ(n/2)21 n/2xn/2−1ex/2 ,0 < x < ∞

where Γ(s) :=´0xs−1exdx.

prop 5.2

Let X ∼ χ2(n). Then

MX(t) = (1 − 2t)n/2, E[X] = n, V[X] = 2n. Proof


By the definition, MX(t) can be calculated as follows:

MX(t) =´ Γ(n/2)21 n/2xn/2−1ex/2etxdx

= constant´ xn/2−1ex2(1−2t)dx

= constant´ 1−2tr n/2−1er/21−2t1 dr (r := x(1 − 2t))

= (1−2t1 )n/2´ Γ(n/2)21 n/2rn/2−1er/2dr

= (1 − 2t)n/2. Next we can derive E[X] and V [X] as follws:

MX (t) = −n2(1 − 2t)n/2−1(−2) = n(1 − 2t)n/2−1. MX (t) |t=0= E[X] = n(1 − 0)n/2−1= n.

MX′′(t) = −2n(−n2− 1)(1 − 2t)n/2−2. MX′′(t) |t=0= n(n − 2).

V[X] = (MX (t) |t=0)2− MX (t) |t=0

= n2− n2+ 2n

= 2n Q.E.D.

prop 5.3

Let x ∼ Nk(µ, Σ). Then

(x − µ)Σ1(x − µ) ∼ χ2(k).


Let z := Σ1/2(x − µ). Then z ∼ Nk(0 Ik). Thus ,by the definition of chi-squre distribution, zz∼ χ(k) and we can rewrite this as follows:

zz= (Σ1/2(x − µ))1/2(x − µ))

= (x − µ)1/2)Σ1/2(x − µ)

= (x − µ)Σ1/2Σ1/2(x − µ) , (Σ = Σ)

= (x − µ)Σ1(x − µ). Q.E.D

prop 5.4

Let A be a symmetric and idempotent n×n matrix and its rank is k. Let x ∼ Nn(µ, In). Then xAx∼ χ2(k).



Since A is a symmetric and idempotent, there exisits n×n matrix P such that (see appendix.): PP = P P = In


 1

. .. 1

0 . ..


 .

Let y = P x. Then we get

y∼ Nn(0, P IP)

= Nn(0, In). Furthermore, we can rewrite it as follows:

y= Px

⇐⇒ P y = P Px

⇐⇒ P y = x. Using these results, we can obtain

xAx= (P y)A(P y)

= yPAP y

=Pki=1yi2. Since each yiiid N(0, 1), thusPki yi2∼ χ2(k) Q.E.D.

prop 5.5

Let A be a symmertric and idempotent n×n matrix and its rank is k. Let x ∼ Nn(0, σ2In). Then

1 σ2x

Ax∼ χ2(k). Proof

Define y := 1σx. Then E[y] = 0 and

V[y] = E[(σx) xσ]



= In.

Thus y ∼ Nn(0, In) and yAy∼ χ(k) (prop5.4). Finally we obtain yAy = (xσ)A(xσ)

= σ12xAx∼ χ2(k) Q.E.D


2 t-distribution

def 5.6

Let x ∼ N(0, 1) and y ∼ χ2(n). Then if x and y are independent, z:= √x


is called t-distribution with degrees of freedom n and denoted z ∼ t(n).

prop 5.7

Let x ∼ t(n). If n → ∞, then x →dN(0, 1) where →d means convergence in probability(we will study later calass.) .

Although we provide proof of this proposision, you do not need to understand it at present. Proof

Let z ∼ N(0, 1) and y ∼ χ2(n). If viiid χ2(1) , i = 1, 2, · · · n, then Pni=1vi ∼ χ2(n).Since E[vi] = 1 (prop5.2), we can show that E[n1Pni vi] →p1 by using the law of large number. Thuspyn p1 (Continuous mapping theorem).From these results, we can finally obtain that √z

y/n d N(0, 1) (Slutsky’s theorem) as required. Q.E.D.



It you need to show that some r.v. is distributed from t-distribution, you have to show following 3 things: (1) a numerator is distributed N (0, 1), (2) a denominator is distributed χ2(n), and (3) they are independent.

3 F-distribution

def 5.8

Let u ∼ χ2(n) and v ∼ χ2(m). If they are independent, then z:=v/mu/n

is called F-distribution with degrees of freedom (n,m) and denoted z ∼ F (n, m).

prop 5.9

If x ∼ t(n), then x2∼ F (1, n). Proof

Let y ∼ N(0, 1) and z ∼ χ2(n). Suppose that they are independent. Then √y

z/n ∼ t(n). Thus the distribution of x2 is as same as the distribution of z/ny2 . Since y2and z are independent and y2∼ χ1(1), z ∼ χ2(n), we can get x2=z/ny2 ∼ F (1, n). Q.E.D.


If you want to show that some r.v. has F (n, m), you you have to show following 3 things: (1) a numerator is distributed from χ2(n), (2) a denominator is distributed from χ2(m), and (3) they are independent.


4 Distribution of

(n−k)sσ2 2

prop 5.10

Suppose that assumptions A1 ∼ A6 hold. Let ˆβ is the OLSE of β and e := y − X ˆβ. Then

(n−k)s2 σ2 ∼ χ

2(n − k),

where s2:= n−kee. Proof

First we rewrite (n−k)sσ2 2 as eσ2e. Let MX:= In− X(XX)1X. Since ee= uMXu, we can get:

ee σ2 =

uMXu σ2


Since u ∼ Nn(0, σ2In), uσ ∼ Nn(0, In). Recall that MXis symmetric and idempotent matrix. Thus uσMXuσ ∼ χ2(rankMX) (prop5.5). As we studied last class, if a matrix A is symmetric and idempotent, then rankA = trace(A) and rankMX is could be calculated as follows:

rnakMX= traceMX

= trace(In− X(X


= n − k. Therefore we obtain uσMXuσ ∼ χ2(n − k) as required. Q.E.D.

5 Distribution of


V[ ˆβ]ii prop 5.11

Suppose that assumptions A1 ∼ A6 hold. Let ˆβ is the OLSE of β. Then


q V [ ˆβ]ii =


(s2(XX)−1)ii ∼ t(n − k),

where s2:= n−kee and V [ ˆβ]ii means (i, i) component of V [ ˆβ]. Proof

As mentined above, we have to show that (1) a numerator is distributed from N (0, 1), (2) a denominator is distributed from χ2(n − k), and (3) they are independent.



First we rewrite √ βˆiβi


as follows:



=√ βˆiβi


qσ2 s2


s22 ,(zi:=




= r zi

e′ e/(n−k) σ2

= qzi

l n−k

(l := eσ2e).

Since ˆβi∼ N(βi, σ2((XX)ii1), ˆβi− βi ∼ N(0, σ2((XX)ii1).Therefore zi=√ βˆiβi

2XX)−1)ii ∼ N(0, 1).


l∼ χ2(n − k) is already shown (prop5.10). (3)

Since both e and ˆβ are linear functions of u which has standard normal distribution, we only need to show that Cov(e, ˆβ) = 0n.

Cov(e, ˆβ) = E[MXu((XX)1Xu)] , e = MXu

= E[MXuuX(XX)1]

= E[(In− X(X


= E[uuX(XX)1− X(XX)1XuuX(XX)1]

= E[uu]X(XX)1− X(XX)1XE[uu]X(XX)1

= σ2X(XX)1− X(XX)1Xσ2X(XX)1 ,(E[uu] = σ2In)

= σ2X(XX)1− σ2X(XX)1XX(XX)1

= σ2X(XX)1− σ2X(XX)1= 0n, thus ei and ˆβi are independent.Therefore qβˆiβi

V [ ˆβ]ii ∼ t(n − k) Q.E.D.

6 Distribution of

( ˆβ−β)

(XX)( ˆβ−β) s2

prop 5.12

Suppose that assumptions A1 ∼ A6 hold. Let ˆβ is the OLSE of β.Then

( ˆβ−β)(XX)( ˆβ−β)/k

s2 ∼ F (k, n − k),

where s2:= n−kee . Proof


First, we rewrite ( ˆβ−β)(Xs2X)( ˆβ−β) as follows:

( ˆβ−β)(XX)( ˆβ−β)/k

s2 =

( ˆβ−β)(XX)( ˆβ−β)/k ee/n−k

= ( ˆβ−β)

(XX)( ˆβ−β)/k

σ2 × e′ e/(n−k)1


=l/n−ku/k , u:== ( ˆβ−β)

(XX)( ˆβ−β) σ2 , l:=

ee σ2.

As mentioned above, we have to show that (1) u is distributed from χ2(k), (2) l is distributed from χ2(n − k), and (3) they are independent.


Since ˆβ∼ Nk(β, σ2(XX)1), we get u ∼ χ2(k). (prop5.3, (Xσ2X) corresponds to Σ1and µ = β.) (2)

l∼ χ2(n − k) is already shown. (prop5.10) (3)

Since u is a linear fuction of ˆβ and l is a linear function of e, we only need to show that Cov(e, ˆβ) = 0n

and this is already proved in proof of prop5.11.Therefore ( ˆβ−β)

(XX)−1( ˆβ−β)/k

s2 ∼ F (k, n − k) Q.E.D.


lem 5.13

Let A be a n×n symmetric matrix. Then there exisits n×n orthogonal matrix P such that


λ1 0 · · · 0 0 λ2 0 ... ... 0 . .. 0 0 · · · 0 λn

 ,

where λi are eigenvalues of A. Proof

Let pi be a eigenvectors which correspond to λi and k pik= 1, ∀i. That is, Ap1= λ1p1, Ap2= λ2p2,· · · Apn= λnpn. (#)

Let P := (p1, p2,· · · pn). Since pi and pj are orthogonal for any i 6= j, P is a n×n orthogonal matrix. Let Λ be a matrix whose diagonal components are λi. Then we can rewrite (#) as AP = P Λ. Thus we obtain PAP = Λ. Q.E.D.


prop 5.14

Let A be a n×n symmetric and idempotent matrix. Then there exisits n×n orthogonal matrix P such that


 1

. .. 1

0 . ..


 .


Since A is a n×n symmetric and idempotent matrix, its eigenvalues are 1 or 0 (see note #3). Thus combining this and prop5.13 yields prop5.14 Q.E.D.



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