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・[入試問題]後期試験 平成29年度入試問題 過去問題 入試情報 中部大学


Academic year: 2018

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<注意> 次の ア から ヒ にあてはまる数字または符号を,マークシート解 答用紙の該当する解答欄にマークせよ。ただし,分数は既約分数で表 せ。また,根号を含む形で解答する場合,根号の中に現れる自然数が 最小となる形で答えよ。

1 各辺の長さが1の正四面体の表面積は

ア であり,体積は

ウ エ である。

2 次の2つの方程式


−(2a+ 3)xa+ 1 = 0, x2

+ (a3)x+ 2a+ 1 = 0

が,ただ一つの共通解をもつとき,a= オ カ であり,また共通解は キ ク


3 1から6までの数字を1つずつ書いたカードが6枚ある。これらのカードを無作為


確率は ケ

コ であり,また,1と2のカードが隣り合う確率は

シ である。

4 0≦θ≦πにおけるy= 2√3 sinθcosθ+2 sin2

θの最大値は ス ,最小値は セ ソ



数   学 ②

〔数   学〕


5 x <1を満たすすべての実数xについて,ax2+ 4xa+ 5>0が成り立つよう

な,aの範囲は タ < aである。

6 複素数平面上に3点O(0),A(α),B(β)があり,2β =

1 +√3iαを満たして いる。このとき,�OABにおいて,∠OAB= チ ツ ◦である。

7 無限等比級数1 + x 3 +

x2 9 +


27 +· · · は,xの範囲が テ ト < x < ナ

のとき ニ ヌ x


8 関数f(x)x= 0において微分可能で,f

(0) = 2であるとき,

lim h→0


h2 = ネ である。

9 整式f(x) =x2+x+ ハ ヒ は

f(x) =−x2+x 1


f(t)dt+ 1



注意 次の ア から ヨ にあてはまる数字または符号を,マークシート解 答用紙の該当する解答欄にマークせよ。ただし,分数は既約分数で表 せ。また,根号を含む形で解答する場合,根号の中に現れる自然数が 最小となる形で答えよ。

とするとき, ア であり,

イ ウ エ である。

を満たす の範囲は, オ カ

ケ である。

分数 は循環小数で表すと コ サ であり, シ ス


実数 , に対して, が成り立つとき, は セ , ソ タ

で最小値 チ をとる。

右図の地点 から出発して,各マス目上で上と

右をそれぞれ の確率で選択しながら進む。


池に入ることなく,辺 か辺 に到達する




数   学 ①

数   学 ①


当たりクジが 本入っている 本のクジがある。この中から 本のクジを同時に引

くとき, 本とも当たる確率は ト

ナ ニ ヌ であり, 本以上当たる確率は

ネ ノ ハ ヒ である。

を満たす自然数 , , の組の個数は フ ヘ 通りある。また,

を満たす負でない整数 , , , の組の個数は ホ マ ミ


のとき, ム メ モ である。

である二等辺三角形 に対して,下図のように の延長に点

をとる。 , であるとき, ヤ であり,三角形 の面積

は ユ ヨ である。








英     語

( 解答番号 1 ~ 40 )



Smartphones are great inventions that have made our lives easier. They can be used to

communicate, to find information, as a navigation system, and even to monitor your health. Despite all of these benefits, these convenient devices can also be harmful in a number of ways.

Smartphones have the potential to be detrimental to your health. Think about how you hold and look at your phone. This hunched-over posture increases the weight on your neck and could cause you discomfort, which some people refer to as “text neck.” Additionally, looking at

the screen of your smartphone could be bad for your eyes. Some doctors believe there is a link between the type of light used for smartphone screens, known as blue light, and damage to the

user’s eyes, such as loss of or cloudy vision. Exposure to this same type of light can also ruin your sleep because it disrupts the brain’s production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the body’s sleep cycle. Some believe that lack of sleep is linked to higher cancer risk

and it can also take a toll on mental health.

Being distracted by your smartphone may also be harmful. If you are looking at your

phone while walking, you may bump into other people or objects such as poles. Furthermore, many traffic accidents occur because the drivers are either texting or doing something else with their phones. As you can see, there are many ways in which smartphones can physically

hurt you.

Relationships can also be harmed by smartphones. More and more people are communicating via their smartphones and not with the people who are actually with them.

Have you ever been talking to somebody who takes out their phone and looks at it while you are saying something? If so, you’ve been “phubbed.” Phubbing is the act of snubbing someone

in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention. If you phub somebody, then you are showing them that you are not interested in them. Why would you want to be around somebody who isn’t interested in you?

Furthermore, you cannot build a strong relationship with a love interest if both of you are

〔英   語〕


lonely and not feel your partner’s love. If a couple are having a romantic dinner and the man checks his phone when he gets a text, then he is sending the message that his girlfriend is not worthy of his attention.

Despite all of these negatives to smartphones, there are ways to alleviate these problems. First, turn off your phone before you go to bed. If you use your phone as an alarm clock, then

you should turn off notifications and be disciplined enough not to touch your phone at night. Most phones these days have a mode that you can set so that no notifications are sent during certain hours. When you are with people, turn your phone off. If your phone is not buzzing in

your pocket, then you will be less tempted to touch it. You may feel that you cannot live without your phone, but if you leave it at home for one day, you might be surprised at how different you feel without the distraction of digital communication and media.


本文の内容と一致するように,次の空欄( 1 ~ 10 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,


“Text neck” in paragraph 2 is 1 . ア a hunched-over posture

イ how you hold and look at your phone ウ increased weight on your neck エ a name given to a type of ache

2 is something that may cause damage to your eyes.

ア Clicking links イ Cloudy vision

ウ Blue light エ An irregular sleep cycle

Melatonin is something that 3 .

ア is produced in the brain イ exposes your eyes to light


4 is something that is NOT mentioned as being potentially harmful. ア Using a phone while driving

イ Using a phone while walking

ウ Being distracted by your smartphone エ Meeting strangers from the sites you visit

Phubbing is 5 .

ア snubbing your phone when you are with someone イ favoring your phone over your friends

ウ talking to somebody on your phone

エ showing people that you are interested in them

We can infer that the author believes 6 .

ア we should use our smartphones more to communicate with others イ the number of people communicating via smartphones is decreasing ウ using your smartphone is a good way to meet a love interest

エ people should not use their phones while socializing

A woman looking at her phone during a date shows the man that 7 .

ア she is an important person

イ she wants to take the relationship to the next level ウ he is not good enough for her to focus on him

エ they are in a good relationship and don’t need to attend to each other

8 is mentioned as something that could hurt a person mentally. ア Not responding to notifications

イ Receiving hateful text messages ウ Not getting enough sleep

エ Using a smartphone while driving

The word alleviate in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to 9 .


The best title for this passage would be “ 10 .”

ア Some Dangers of Smartphones イ The Benefits of Smartphones ウ Smartphones and Driving



次の空欄( 11 ~ 20 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下のア~エのうちから 一つずつ選べ。

Please let me know if you come up 11 a good idea for the new project.

ア on イ with ウ to エ at

The math exam last week was much easier than I 12 it would be.

ア think イ have thought ウ had thought エ would think

Kei drove carefully last night, 13 it was raining heavily.

ア if イ as ウ despite エ that

It was very nice 14 you to offer your seat to the elderly lady.

ア for イ to ウ like エ of

The company 15 my son works for is in the building next to the post office.

ア which イ when ウ why エ whose

Monica is fed up 16 being compared to her twin sister.

ア with イ for ウ to エ of

The location of the hotel I stayed at in London could not have been 17 .

ア much イ better ウ little エ fewer

Please be aware that you need to arrive two hours 18 departure.

ア ago イ backward ウ prior エ before

Our teacher’s advice 19 us to study science.

ア motivate イ motivating ウ motivated エ to motivate

One of the participants in the workshop left this handkerchief 20 .



次の対話が成り立つように,空欄( 21 ~ 30 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞ れ下のア~クのうちから一つずつ選ベ。(同じ選択肢を2回以上使うことはない。選択肢は 文頭にくる場合でも大文字で始まっているとは限らない。)

Kenji and Dennis are talking about Dennis’s new car.

Kenji: Hey, Dennis. 21 bought a new car.

Dennis: Wow, 22 . I just got it yesterday!

Kenji: I saw your sister yesterday and she told me about it.

Dennis: Ah, I see.

Kenji: So, 23 did you buy?

Dennis: It’s a blue minivan.

Kenji: Huh, I thought you would prefer a smaller car.

Dennis: Well, 24 for family. Besides, it’s not that big.

Kenji: I see. So, is it a new car or used?

Dennis: Oh, it’s a used car. I bought it from a dealer near Kozoji Station.

Kenji: 25 for it?

Dennis: I paid about seven hundred thousand yen.

ア what kind of car イ how many cars ウ I heard you エ I need space オ it’s too small カ I think you


A customer enters a clothing store and is welcomed by a salesclerk.

Salesclerk: Hello. Welcome to Elegant Dresses. How may I help you? Customer: I’m looking for a dress for a wedding I’m going to next month.

Salesclerk: A spring wedding. How nice. We have some 26 over here.

Customer: Thank you. I really like this one. May I try it on?

Salesclerk: Certainly. 27 is right this way.

 (a few minutes later)

Salesclerk: How did that work for you, ma’am?

Customer: I really like it, but it was too big. Do you have 28 ?

Salesclerk: I believe we do. I’ll bring it right over.

Customer: Thank you very much.

Salesclerk: Here you go. I think this 29 .

Customer: Yes, it certainly does. I’ll take it.

Salesclerk: Great. Please follow me to 30 and I can ring you up.

ア lovely spring colors イ the front of the store ウ this in a smaller size エ should fit you better

オ nice shoes perfect for weddings カ the fitting room



次の下線部( 31 ~ 35 )に最も近い意味を表すものを,それぞれ下のア~エのうちから 一つずつ選べ。

There are many people who try to

31 take advantage of people around them.

ア improve イ benefit ウ use エ rob

Peggy was tired of

32 putting up with her loud neighbors.

ア engaging イ meeting ウ ignoring エ tolerating

I was angry to see that my lunch had been 33 taken out of the refrigerator.

ア removed from イ observed in

ウ adjusted to エ prepared for

This is the most difficult question I have answered

34 so far.

ア until now イ far away ウ for good エ now and then

As soon as Lila

35 showed up at the party, she turned on her cellphone.



次の 36 ~ 40 について,正しい英文にするために枠内の語句を並べ替えるとき,空欄 A と空欄 B にくる語句の組み合わせとして正しいものをそれぞれ下のア~オのうちか ら一つずつ選べ。(語句は文頭にくる場合でも大文字で始まっているとは限らない。)

36 Please wait here A B step forward.

1. are 2. to 3. told

4. until 5. you

ア A-3 B-5 イ A-5 B-3 ウ A-2 B-1

エ A-5 B-4 オ A-1 B-5

37 High blood pressure A B heart disease.

1. to be 2. a risk factor 3. is

4. known 5. for

ア A-2 B-3 イ A-5 B-3 ウ A-1 B-2

エ A-4 B-1 オ A-4 B-2

38 Is there A B you?

1. anything 2. can 3. for

4. get 5. I

ア A-5 B-3 イ A-4 B-1 ウ A-5 B-4


39 It is difficult A B on our everyday lives.

1. will 2. the influence 3. this new policy

4. to predict 5. have

ア A-5 B-4 イ A-3 B-2 ウ A-3 B-4

エ A-2 B-1 オ A-1 B-3

40 The children ran away when A B .

1. a 2. saw 3. approaching

4. they 5. big dog

ア A-2 B-5 イ A-3 B-5 ウ A-4 B-3








恋 れ

歌 か


無 む

垢 く

萬 ま

年 ね

筆 ひ

花 か

圃 ほ

顰 ひ


飛 ひ

沫 ま

洋 ラ

薔 ば

薇 ら

鼠 ねず

色 い

滲 に

溜 た

息 い

毛 ス

冴 さ

笠 か

玩 お

具 ち


姉 ね

滔 と

々 と





夕 ゆ

餉 げ

参 ん


鉄 い

鍋 な

柄 え


挫 く

暇 い

昼 ちゅ

餐 さ


陸 お

蒸 じ

気 き

半 は

刻 と

安 あ

堵 ど

交 こ

叉 さ

仙 せ

台 だ

平 ひ

龍 た

子 こ

藪 や

鶯 うぐ

上 じょ

梓 し


大 お

袈 げ

裟 さ

三 み

雪 せ

嶺 れ

貫 か

禄 ろ



淹 い

揉 も

頷 う



坐 す

田 た

邊 な

太 た

一 い

揮 ふ


鱗 り

粉 ぷ

頰 ほ

杖 づ

鈍 に

色 い

垣 か

間 ま

宮 きゅ

城 じ

夏 な

眼 ま

差 ざ

抽 ひ

斗 だ

硯 すず

箱 ば

磨 す



倖 し

羨 うら

萩 は

舎 や

伊 い

東 と

夏 な

子 こ

樋 ひ

口 ぐ

嗜 た

中 な

島 じ

歌 う

子 こ


一 い

葉 よ

人 ひ

伝 づ









湯 ゆ

桶 と







































紅 こ

塵 じ


黄 こ

塵 じ



嚆 こ

矢 し



諸 も

矢 や



































































を体現する世界市民の育成」の下、国連・国際機関職員、外交官、国際 NGO 職員等、


⚗万円以上~10万円未満 1,773円 10万円以上 2,076円..

第二次審査 合否発表 神学部 キリスト教思想・文化コース


*⚓ TOEFL Ⓡ テストまたは IELTS を必ず受験し、TOEFL iBT Ⓡ テスト68点以上または IELTS 5.5以上必要。. *⚔ TOEFL iBT Ⓡ テスト79点以上または

ケンブリッジ英語検定 実用英語技能検定 GTEC IELTS TEAP TEAP CBT TOEFL iBT TOEIC L&amp;R / TOEIC S&amp;W ※⚒. First 以上 または Cambridge