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Lecture note 2 最近の更新履歴 Keisuke Kawata's HP


Academic year: 2018

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Keisuke Kawata

ISS, UTokyo


Search decision making

Sequential search: → Agent sequentially samples (learns) the private value of alternative.

Why sequential search? Sequential search is the simplest model of search friction ←can focus to understand the search decision making.

Key concepts: Dynamic optimization problem with uncertainly, threshold strategies



1. Basic environments

2. Optimal strategy in finite alternatives 3. Optimal strategy in infinite alternatives


1. Basic environment

• A age t e.g., o su e ; jo seeke ; fi a se ue tially lea the alue (e.g., individual consumer surplus; wage) of alternatives (e.g., goods; job; best worker; supply source; business solutions and investment).

← “e ue tial sa pli g of alte ati es, o dy a i lotte y .

• Strategy: stop the search activities or continue.

• Alte ati e’s alue is d a f o a i depe de t a d ide ti ally dist i uted iid) of with support [ , ∞ . ←Common knowledge.


1. Classification

• Conventional sequential search models can be categorized by two attributes. Number of alternatives: Finite/Infinite number.

Recalling: Agent can/cannot recall the value of previous alternatives and freely come back.

• The slide will discuss the sequential search without recall

Finite alternatives Infinite alternatives Full memory Consumer search Consumer search

No memory Not tractable Job search


2. Finite alternatives

• Timing of game: In each period t

1. Observing the value of an alternative (denoted by ).

2. Decision-making whether to accept the alternative/ continue to search.

→ Stop: Obtaining payoff (becoming employees)

→ Continue: Moving next alternative (period) with search cost c.

• We here discuss a case with three alternatives.

• For simplicity, zero payoff if no alternatives are accepted.


2. Optimal strategy

• Applying the backward induction method←Start from period 3.

Period 3: Because the agent cannot recall jobs 1 and 2, the job 3 must be accepted, and her payoff is then .

Period 2: After observing (but not observing ), she decides whether to stop or continue to search. ← Her strategy is mapping from to stop/continue to search.


2. Optimal strategy (cont.)

• If the alternative 2 is accepted, payoff is , while the payoff to continue the job- search is

∫ − .

• Continuing to search ↔

∫ − ≥

↔∫ − ≥ (Stopping condition)

• Because the right-hand side of the stopping condition is decreasing in , the condition can be rewritten by the threshold strategy as

� � � ℎ ↔ < ҧ


∫ − ҧ = .


2. Optimal strategy (cont.)

• Note that expected payoffs at the decision-making are

= and

= max , ∫ −

= + max , ∫ − −

→ Value of alternative 2 plus the option value of search.

If = , the expected payoff at period 2 must be larger than at period 3 due to the option value.


2. Optimal strategy (cont.)

• Characterizing the optimal threshold strategy in period 1.

• The payoff accepting the alternative 1 is , while the payoff continuing to search is

− .

The search threshold is obtained by

− = ҧ

which can be rewritten as

− ҧ + max , ∫ =

• Age t is o e pi ky i pe iod 1 ҧ ≥ ҧ ) due to the option value

← ҧ = ҧ if the option value is zero.


2. Main finding

• The discussion can be extend more general cases; the number of alternative is more than 3 (but still finite number), and/or risk averse agent.

→ The job-acceptance (stopping) probability is generally increasing according to period because the option value is decreasing. (Experimental Evidence)

Intuition; In earlier periods, even if drawing value is lower, an agent has a change to recover by continuing search activity.

• Main reason of less tractability.


2. Empirical/Experimental test

• The model predicts the acceptance probabilities are increasing.

• Experimental and/or observable data (e.g., unemployment, lab-experiments) allows us to observe the acceptance probabilities among group.

← In same case, the acceptance probabilities are increasing over time period

• Inconsistent with the model prediction?

←Survival bias (Agents with lower threshold tend to quit from the observation poor in earlier periods).

• In experiment, the strategic design is better?


3. Infinite alternatives

• Characterizing the infinite number of alternatives.

• Now considering a general case with the dynamic structure.

• The life-time utility is



where + = if the agent have accepted a alternative with wage v, while + =

− if the agent have not accepted any alternatives.

← Assuming no financial markets.


3. Value function (cont)

• Applying the DP technique.

• Choice variable: whether to accept an alternative v or not

→ An indicator choice variable I(v): v → {0,1}.

• Assuming v is supported with [ , ].

• The life-time utility (value) before observing a alternative, , is

= max න I + − � − + � +

= න max , − + � +


3. Value function (cont)

• The optimal search strategy can still be characterized by the threshold strategy Continue to search iff ≥ ҧ where

ҧ = − + � + .

• In cases with the infinite number of alternatives, the life-time utility and then threshold is time invariant because of the constant option value.

→ Search threshold is

ҧ = − + �

where = = +


3. Optimal threshold

• With threshold, value function can be rewritten as

= න

+ ҧ − + � ,

and then



− � ҧ


3. Property of optimal threshold

• The threshold can be obtained as

− � ҧ = − + � න

− ҧ

• Only if � → and c → , ҧ → , (accept only alternatives with )

←Converging Walrasian (Frictionless) market.

• Intuition: The dynamic sequential search model includes not only the explicit search costs c but also implicit time costs ←disappeared if no-time discounting.


3. Property of optimal threshold

• We can obtain the same strategy by solving

= max

+ ҧ − + � ,


3. Comparative statistics

• Because the optimal threshold is obtained as implicit form, we need to use the total differentiation.

Example) Let obtain the comparative statistics result over c



• Incorporating additional dynamic structure.

• If an agent has accepted an alternative with v, her value is

= + � + − ,

while the value of searching is

= max න I + − � − + � +

Assignment: Characterizing an optimal threshold value.


4. Application: Collective Decision-making

• In some cases (e.g., search for new project, best worker, and supply source), the search decision-making is by multiple agents (e.g., members of operating


→ Albrecht; Anderson; Vroman (2010) extends the sequential search model into the committee decision-making by voting.

• Committee decides whether to accept a current alternative or reject and continue search activity.

• Values of the accepted alternative are different among committee members

←Private value is drawn from the iid distribution, F v , where is the private


4. Application: Collective Decision-making

• Committee is characterized by {N,M}, where N is the number of members, and M is the number of votes required to accept an alternative.

→McCall model is a special case as N=M=1. Timing: In each period,

1. Each member observes her private value of an alternative . 2. Voting whether to accept the alternative/ continue to search. Number of votes to accept is,

→ larger than M: Obtaining payoff is

→ smaller than M: Moving next alternative with search cost c.


4. Application: Collective Decision-making

• Focusing on stationary Markov strategies; individual voting strategy still depends on only the private value of current alternative, : → , .

• Voting strategy is still characterized as the threshold strategy ҧ.

→ Member c votes to accept ↔ ≥ ҧ

Definition: Committee search equilibrium

• Equilibrium voting threshold ҧ maximizes life-time utility of member c.


4. Application: Collective Decision-making

• Let focus on a simple example case as N=M=2, and the committee is then consisted by member 1 and 2.

• Considering the strategy of member 1. Because M=2, if < ҧ , the alternative is never accepted. If ≥ ҧ , the alternative is accepted if and only if member 1 votes to accept (pivotal voter).

• The value functions are

= max

1 ҧ − + �

+ − ҧ ҧ − + � + න



4. Application: Collective Decision-making

• First order condition is

ҧ = − + � .

← Same form in the individual decision-making case (Pivotal voting). However, is smaller than the individual decision-making case as

= ҧ + ҧ ҧ + ҧ 1

− ҧ � − − ҧ ҧ �

← Smaller than the individual case (less picky) if ҧ > .


4. Application: Collective Decision-making

• Symmetric equilibrium ( ҧ = ҧ = ҧ) holds.

− � ҧ = − + � − ҧ න

− ҧ

• Individual trade-off is same as in the individual decision-making case.

→ But the value to continue the search activity (U) is decreased because any members cannot perfectly control the committee decision-making in the future voting.

→ Less picky.

Experimental evidence: Hizen; Kawata; Sasaki (15)



• We discuss about the fundamental problem of search decision-making in sequential search situation.

→ Optimal strategy can be characterized by the threshold strategy.

• McCall model can explain the dispersion of individual payoff (violation of the law of one price) even as a result of optimal behavior.

→If search costs is larger, the individual payoff is more dispersed. Shortcoming: Exogeneous distribution of alternative value


Seminal paper

McCall, J. J. (1970). Economics of information and job search. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113-126.

Committee search

Albrecht, J., Anderson, A., & Vroman, S. (2010). Search by committee. Journal of Economic Theory, 145(4), 1386-1407.

Compte, O., & Jehiel, P. (2010). Bargaining and majority rules: A collective search perspective. Journal of Political Economy, 118(2), 189-221.

Delegated search

Lewis, T. R. (2012). A theory of delegated search for the best alternative. RAND Journal of Economics, 43(3), 391-416.

Ulbricht, R. (2016). Optimal delegated search with adverse selection and moral hazard. Theoretical Economics, 11(1), 253-278.



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