448. Pleuronichthyscornutuぶ(Temminck a Schleg・el) (Fig. 79)
Medaka (Mimase and Urado) Common. Length, 50―300 mm.
Fig.79 Pleiironicゐthyscornutu∫CTEMMINCK & SCHLEGEX.) 449.DexistesrikuaeniusJORDANふStajjks
Very rare. Length, 120―220 mm.
450. Microstomus hitaharae JOBBAN A STARKS, 1904. Matsushima Bay. (Fig. 80) Rather rare. Length, 80―300 mm. ‥
Fig.80 Microstomus kitaharae JoBDAN .t STARTvS 451. Poecilopsettaplinthus(JoBDANふStakss)
Rather common. Length, 70―150 nim..
452. Lepidoblepha。0,1ophthal。lolepisWebeb, 1913, Arafura Sea.
D. 66 0r67; A. 46 0r 47; P. 11; V. 6; L.I. 55. Head 3`・inlength; depth 2; eyと 3.2―4.2 in head; snout 3.8―4.5. Body。oblong; eyes on right side. separated by a narrow scaly space. Mouth wide; maxillary reaching to below middle of eye; lower jaw with a sharp knob at symphysis. Teeth fine. those of jaw in bands; head of vomer acutely pointed; vomer and palatines toothless. Base of dorsal and anal in a low sheath; scales ctenoid on ocular side. cycloid on the blind. Lateral line with a weak arch above pectoral. Color uniform brownish. Rare. Length, 110―280 mm.
453. Sa。lariscristatusGray,・1831, China.
Hatatate‑garei (New name)
Eevised descriptions of the offshore bottom、‑fisliesof PI・ov.Tosa 83`
D. T7‑.A. 57; L.I. ca 70. Head 5.1in length; depth ・2.5; eye 3.5 in・ head;
snout 5.6. Maxillary extending to below anterior edge・,0feye; lower jaw a little projecting. Scales ctenoid on ocular side, cycloid on blind side; first13 rays of dorsal greatly prolonged, highest・ray 4 times length of head. Color blackish brown.
spotted with blackish; a series of more distinct・dark blotches along upper and lower edges of body; snout pale; prolonged "dorsal rays 'white. sorrie of them.
blackish at their bases; pectoral blackish. A single specimen, 194 mm long. colle‑
cted by Mr. Ry6zabur6 Magano, a student of the K6chi University,'・at Urado.
454. Samariscus huysmani WeBEK・, 1913, JavaSea‑ ダ Hime‑garei(New name) トI
D. 63; A.52;P.4‑ Head 4.5in length; depth 2.4; eye 4 in head; snout 3.7.
Eyes separated by a narrow, scaled ridge, the lower in advance of the upper;
maxillary extending to below anterior part of lower eye‑ Scales ctenoid on ocular side; about 70 in lateral line; lengthof pectoral a・littlegreater than that of head‑
・ r` i ● ・ . I
Color brownish, with numerous scattered darker spots and rings; distal portion・ of pectoral blackish. ' 卜 ・ ' ∇
'Asingle specimen, 65 mm long, collected by MrごRy6zabur6 Nagano at Urado‑
The specimen differs from the original description and figure in having'4 pectoral rays instead of 5 an(!less number of dorsal arid anal rays ‑・, ぐI゛
455.SamariscMSinoTnotus(Lloyd),‑1909, Gulf of Adeふ(Fig. 81) 丿 ゛∧ ……
D. 71 to 75; A.. 52 to 58; P. 5; Vに5r tニ1. 60. Head 4.4―4.6 in length; depth S
2.2; eye 3―3.5 in head; snout 4.2―5.6. No pectoi・al on blind side. Rare. Length, 100―130 mm・
,タSj・4 ●
`七 ・. ‥`
Fig.8J IS(;bhariscusinomatus(LLOyD,) ゛Jχ●' J● ● 456. Samariscus japonicus KAMOHAEA, 1936, Mimase.
D.63t071; A. 49 to 57; L山 ca 65‑. Head 4‑2べ・:5 in length;・.depth 2.4―2.6r upp>ereye 3¬3.6 in head; lower eye 3.2二3.6; snout 4.6←5 .Pectoral nearly equal tohead in length・ Very rare. Length. 90―120 m:m. \
457. PI・piopsettaがossaFkanz ・ Rare.・Length,・50−140・ mm.
Cχχ.Family Soleidcte 458. (S)Amatejapo肌ca(Temaitncica Schlegb!J) ,
Betaand "Shita are known as local names of all the species of this familyat Mimase and Urado。
丿 ■ ・
Rare. Length, 50―150 mm.
459・(S)AseragRodesfeobeiisis(STE!NDACHyER) ・ Rather common. Length, 90―140 mm. ,。
460.Aserageodes featanus(Gぴnthek),1880, Kei Islands・ 。
D. 67 0r68; A. 47 toヽ・49;Lふca 70. Head・3.6―4.2 in length; (!epth 2.2―2.5;
eye 6―7.6 in head; snout to anterior rim of upper eye 3―3‑8. Eyes on right side;
theupper somewhat in advance of the lower; interorbital space scaly, its width nearlyequal to eye・diameter;rhouth gently curved, extending slight!ybeyond below・
anteriorrim of lower eye. Pectoral absent; anterior rays of dorsal shortest; scales stronglyctenoid on both sides of body. Color light・brownish; head, body and fins reticulatedwith brown, the network being more distinct towards the margin of thefish. Very rare. Length, 90―120 mm.
461. (S) Zebrias zebr加は∫(TSMMINCK .A‑SCHLEG・EL),
Shimagare, Shimashita or Beta (Kochi) Race. Length, 100―300 mm.
・462. (S)Zehrias iabonicuz(BLEEKER)
Rather common'^ Length, 100―300 mm.
463. (S)AesobiacornutaKAUP, 1858, British India.
Very rare. Length, 100―170 mm.
464.' CS) Rhinopla,西柚japo心a (TeMMIXCK & SC血LEG・el) (Fig. 82) Ushinoshita,Kurobeta or Shita (Kochi)
Very rare. Length, 200―300 mm. 。
Fig.82 Rhi。,μ昭usiaj砂o・ica(TeJMiMINCK A SGHLEG・EL)
465. (S) Paraplagu血減Khi (BlEEKEB)
D.95 to 97; A. 75 to 78; L.I. ca 90. Head 4―4.1 in length; depth 3・4―3.5;
Bevisod descript・ionsof tileol'fsiioreb6t・t・om‑fishesof Prov. Tosa ヽ , ●i.りr:',v. / パ
85 ■eye10.5―11.2 in head; snout 2.3―2.4. Lips of .left side with a row of fringed tentacles;upper eye much in advance of lower one, Separated by a・scaly interspace which is about equal in length to diameter of eye.・Left side with two lateral lines.
rightside withヽone. Two lateral lines of left side separated by 15―16 scales at thepoint of their greatest distance. Color brownish', with narrow dark longitudinal stripes.corresponding to the rows of scales. Two specimens, 185 and 197mm long.
from Kdchi City.
466. (S)Trullaitina S^YI)EE,1909, Okinawa. ,
Head 5.1in length; depth 3‑6; eye 7.6 in head;・snout 2.7; scales in lateral seriesabout 83. A single tubular nostril on left side directly in front of lower eye;
three lateral lines on colored side; pectorals absent‑Color・ light brown, with scatteredirregularly formed brown b!otches .` single specimen,A 102 mm long.
from Usa. ゛
467. 'Symt〉みμΓμ∫honゐε7HUB1!S,「s 1915, Suruga Gulf.
D. 107 t0 110; A. 93 t0 95; about 110 scales ・between upper angle of branchial aperture and caudal base. Head as measured to upper angle of branchial aperture 5.5―5.8in length; depth 3.2―3.6; eye 6―7.2 in head. Body e!ongateeiliptical;
vent on blind side; head rather evenly rounded; snout being nearly vertical from tip・of rostral hook to origin of dorsal;・eyes small, the upper slight汐うnadvance of the Iowざr;origin of・dorsal on snout. in・ advance of upper eye about three‑fourths
で)fits diameter. Scales ctenoid on both sides."of body; lateral line absent‑ Color uniform brown; dorsal and anal dusky. Nine specimens, 100―130 mm long, from Mimase‑
468 Svmphurus s 「どtmGiLBEBT, 1903 (1905). Oahu Island. :..
■ j●φ I Mり:1 D. 95 t0 100; A.85 t0 90; series of scales running downward and backward ・can0. Head as measured to upper angle of branchial aperture 5.4―6 in length;
■depth4; eye 6.8―7.2 in head‑ Body much elongate; vent on blind side; mouth ・curved;maxillary reaching beyond vertical from anterior rim of eye; eyes very small, close together; the upper slightly in advance of the lower. Dorsal beginning above・■middle of upper eye; caudal with a vertically straight base. Scales ctenoid onboth sides(jf body; no latera! line. Color uniform light reddish yellow. faintly Tnarbledwith light brown. Five specimens* 95―122 mm long. from Mimase.
My specimens differ from the original description and figure in having fewer
● ● w ● I− ■ ÷
number of dorsal and anal rays. but it wiir probably be a variant rather than a . F ・ t. ゜F ● distinctspecies. ゛・\ ゛ ・≒
1¥φ 寸 ゛ ● ● ・ 1
469. (S)Arelhci↓sloyneri(GijiSiTHE功 ゛゛
Akabeta(Urado); Ushinoshita (Susaki); Karb (Muroto); B^ragarei (Kata‑
shinia) . ・ い ゛ ㎜ − w J
● ・
Common‑ Length, 50―300 mm. . ごレ フ
86 T.KAMOHABX 470. (S) At・e&aμ戸urpureo・nacidatuぶ(REGAN)
Very rare. Lengthに100―300 mm.
471. (S)Cvnoがosst↓srobusね1sGCJNTHEE
で Cynoglossusinusita・JOBDAN& SNYDEE Cynogtossusbrun?let↓sRegan
Very rare. Length, 100―360 mm. 。 ▽CXXl. Family Gobitdae
472. (S)ChaeturichthysheχanemusBleeker Very rare. Length, 120―170 mm.
473. Suruga fund必ola JOBDAN &SNyDER Very rare. Length, 60―75 mm long。
CXXII. FamilyPteropsaridae 474. (S)Paraperdspulchella(Temmlnck & Schlegel)
Very rare. Length, 100―200 nim.
T75.NeoperdsmimaseanaKAMOHAi^A,1937, Mimase. (Fig. 83)
D. V, 23; A. 20; P. 19; V. 5; L.I. 62. Head 3.8―4 in length; depth 4.6―5; eye 3―3.6 in head; snout 3.2―3.6; scaies ctenoid; cheek and opercle scaly; six scales in a series between base of firstdorsal spine and lateral line;・ventralinserted in advance of base of pector°al.Color light orange・ with about six longitudinal illdefined brown・
bands on upper and middle sides of body; upper and middle sides of head brownish;・
spinous dorsal black, very narrowly margined witねwhite. Very rare. Length, lOO ―190 mm.
Fig.83 Neoper臨面。laseana Kamohaka 476. (S)Neoperdssexfasdata(Temminck& Schlegel)
Oki‑haze (Mimase); Rogui or Tora‑haze (Susaki) Common. Length, 100―200 mm.
477.Neotcrcismtd可asciata(Dodeblein) Rare. Length, 100―150 mm.
478. Neopercis aurantiaca(DODEKLEIn)
Rather common. Lengゆ. 100―170 mm.
Reviseddescriptions of t・h'eoffsiioi‑ebottom‑fishes of Prov. Tosa 87
・479Neobercts dece吋畔ciataFranz ` し
・4ゝ●I I li d ♂ jl ■
Rathercommon. Length, 100―170. mm. . ≒ .480Neoperds WMtronisTANAliA, 1918, Tanabe, Pcov. Kii.
゜I ミ ゜ ♂ ` ●l.F・・● ・・ ; 1 1●
Veryrare.・ Length, 100―150 .mm. 上 よ 481.Neotiercis flouofasciotaKχrMOHAEA, 1936, Mimase.
.ヽ.D.11. 22; A. 17; P.・19; V. 1,5; L.I. 58. Heac!3.3―3.6 in length; depth 6.3―
7.7; eye 3,8二心6 in head; 4riterobital 6.6―7.5; snout 3.5―3.8. Lower iaw・・niuch included; scales ctenoid. Color deep brown, pale below; a broad yellow band extending from near tip of snout to upper part of base of caudal; a large round black ocellus inupper part o± basal half of caudal. Four specimens, 137―156 mm long, from Mimase・ ‥‥‥l ノ ,. 一犬 ニ . :
1 ● ●‑482.召・ibrops cauぶ脚αc STEINDACHNEB ,..「a
「 が ● ・ ●●
Rathercommon. Length, 100―300'血m.
483. C/ 「onemachryseresGilbert, 1903 (1905), Oahu !sland. (Fig. 84)
D.VI‑16; A. 26 0r 27; P. 21; V.I, 5; L:1. 75. Head 3in leりgth;depth 6.8―7.8;
I ●● d ● I●●● r ● eye 4―4.2 in head; snout 3.5―3.8. Head large. depressed; snout spatulate; teeth f ` ● 丿 I villiform, in bands in jaws and on vomer and palatines; scales small. ctenoid.
Color olivaceous above. finely mottled with darker brown; three large dusky blotches ・onand be二〇wmiddle of sides; smaller dark blotches in the lig叫erinterspaces between above mentioned blotches; a number of bright golden‑yello Wspots on . ● 1
upper parts‑ Rare. Length, 150―220 mm・ . .
Fig.‑84ソChrione・a chryseresGilbert
/ . ・ . CIχχ111.FamilyUranoscopidae. ・484.(S)Uron・.)scojntsoligolゆisごBleekee レ I `・
.卜Zalescopu^tosaeJordan & HUBBS
゛・Mushima; Mushima‑fugu (everywhere in Tosa). Loca! names of all the species of this family are the same as those of the species.
Rare. Length, 50―210 mm. .
‑435. Uranoscopus japonicus HOQTTQY・N (FigごS5) ・ Common. Length, 50―300 mm. ・ ノ
88 T. Kamohara
汐 ゛`碩き同
心ぺ Fig.85 びranosco戸zj∫jap・o㎡とusUoVTTUYii
436. CS)Urai!oscot)usbicinctusTemminck & SCHLEG・EL へ Very rare. Length, 100―300 mm.
487. Gnathagnus elongαtus(TeMMIKCK & SCHLEG・EL)
D. 13; A. 16 0r17. Head 3.2―3.4 in length; depth 4―4.5; eye 4.4―4.8 in.
head; interorbital 2.8―3.2; snout 8一一10.Rare. Length, 70―350 mm。
CχχIV.Family Dr・acひ,1ε出血ε 48'3.DraconettoχenicaJoBDAN & FOWLEB, 1903, Suraga Bay.
D. m‑12; A. 12. Head 3.51n length;depth 8.1; eye 3 in head; snout 3.5;:
depth of caudal peduncle 5.2.Preopercle entire; opercle and subopercle rudimentary,.
each with a nearly straight. sharp, simple spine; the lower equal in length to・
diameter of eye. the upper much shorter. Color pale brown; back and side mottled.
and spotted with dark brown; a blackish band runs from base of spinous dorsal to behind pectoral base; spinous dorsal blackish. A single specimen. 88mm long.
from Mimase.
4S9.Draconettal)t↓eudoχenica, n. sp. (Fig. 86)
Hanagasa‑numeri (New name)
D. I1M4; A. 13; p. 16; V.I, 5. Head 2.9 in length; depth 6.2; eye 3in head;:
snout 4.8; depth of caudal peduncle 5.3.
Body elongate, depressed in front; trunk more or less rounded and tapering.
behind. Snout pointed; eyes vei‑y large. superior, almost touching each other.
directed upward. Premaxillaries protractile; maχillaryreaching to below anterior・
margin of eye; teeth in jaws in villiform bands; upper jaw slightly beyond the lower; edge of preopercle entire; opercle and subopercle each with strong spine posteriorly;the interspace filledby a soft membrane. which forms the middle portion of gill‑flap; gill‑slitentirely lateral. little wider than distance between tips of the 2spines; lower end of giil‑siitimmediately above base of ventral spine. Pectoral.
much shorter than head; ventral jugular. reaching to vent. and as long as pectoral which reaching beyond base of second anal ray; second dorsal spine longest。
somewhat greater than length of snout; the first,and third of about equal length.。
littleless than ha迂diameter of eye; anterior dorsal rays prolonged into filaments;
anal' inserted below base of third dorsal ray; caudal long, slightly shorter than.
Eovised desoripitionsof the offs・h bottom‑fishes of PI・ov.Tosaore 8・9ヽ venrtal, and rounded ‑ No trace of lateral line.
Color light reddish. paler below; backレ印otted.・ with greenish, side of body with scattered reddish or yellowish blotches; base of pectoral red. ‥
Described and・ figured from. a specimen. 124スmm long. from Mimase.
Very near. Draconetta xenica JOECAN & FOWLEK differing in the following points::
Dorsal spines very short and dorsal rays filamentous. Maxillary not beyond vertical from. anterior margin of eye. Greater number of dorsal and anal rays and・ less number of pectoral rays‑ ●,.
Fig.86 Dracoれetta pseudoχenica, n. sp。
CχχV.Family Chambsodwitidae ‑。
− ・ ●
490. Champsodon voraxGiJNT耳EJR. 1867, China Sea.
ChmnpiodonsnvderiFranz .
Hishike‑iako or Hotoke‑jako (Urado); Guimi‑iako (Susaki)
D.V‑21; A. 19; P. 12; V.I, 5. Head 3.4ヽin length; depth 4.6―6 (young);・
eye 4 (young)―5.4 in head; interorbital 5.4―3 (young); snout 3.4―4. Body covered.
with small. very rough. scarcely imbricate scales. except on belly. Two lateral.
lines. Common. Length. 70―200 mm. The species occurs at depths of 5−200 hiro‑。
CXXVl.Family Calliony?㎡ゐe
491. (S)Galliurichthysjabonicus(Hoqttoyn) ・ヽ ゛ , Sekiren (Mimase and Urado); Shinne, Shinnemon (Susaki) Common. Length, 200―400 mm..
492. Callioりy″ calau゛oタomuss RICHABDSOK
C 「lionymu!‑ 「tivelUTeMMINCK & SCHLEGEL . Aka‑sekiren (Urado); Aka‑tonbo or゛Ak a‑gochi(Mimase); Akム■shinne (Susaki) ` し
Common. Length, 70―300 mm. ‥ ・
493. Callionym£zy祠り沁JORDAN&FOWLER ` Very rare. Length, 60―120 mm.
90 T.KAHOH.Ui.V 494. (S) C 「lionymuslunと7zな∫Tf.MMIXCIv& SCHLEG・EL
Nodokusari or Nobeta (Mimase and Urado); Shinne or Shinnemon i(Susaki) Rather common ‑ Length, 70―250 mm.
495. (S)Callioiiymus v 「enciennesiTEJIJII・NCKふSCHLEGEL
CallionymusμfigrisJORt)AN&FOWLE.R Nodokusari or Nobeta (Mimase and Urado"); Tabaco‑shinne (Susaki) Common. Length, 100―250 mm.
496. C 「μony。mscor・ 「linusGilbert, 1903 (1905), Hawaii.
D. lV‑9; A. 7. Head 2.8in length; depth 5.2; eye 3.6 in head; snout 4.3.
Preopercular spine short, with one S!endercurved spinelet‑ None of the dorsal spines filamentous; firstspine longest, reaching. when declined, to base of third soft dorsal ray. Color yellowish. crossed bχ narrow brown reticulating bands; spinous dorsal with 4 dark bands‑ A single specimen. 202mm long. from Mimase.
497. Caiiionvmusso!konumeriKAJIOHAJRA,1936, Mimase. (Fig. 87)
D. IV‑9; A. 9; p.21; V.I. 5. Head 4in length; depth 7.6―8; eye 2.4―2.6 in head;
snout 3―3.8. Length of four specimens exclusive of caudal filament 140―170 mm.
, Fig.87 C 「1と:>nymussokoni,。,je・jKamohaka CXXVII. Family Blenniidご7ε
498. (S)Enedriasiiebutosus(Temaiinck& Schlegel) Very rarely caught by kisen‑teguri . Length, 150―300 mm.
CχχVIII.Family Xφhcsiidae 499.XiphasiasetiierSWAINSON
Hyakkan or Kint6ji (Susaki) Very rare. Length, 400―500 mm.
CXXIX. FamilyLycodidae 500.£ycodes caudimac 「atusMkTSUBAR.K. 1936, Owase, Prov. Ise.
D. ca 100; A. ca 85; P. 19; V. 3. Head 5.6―6.3 in length; depth 9.6―10.4;
eye 3.2in head; snout 3.6―3.8. Very rare. Length, 190―220 mm.
CXXX. Family Caraがdae
501. Pyramoゐ,l venf‑ 「isS‑MITH ふRADOT^TFFK. 1913. Doworra Island, Dutch East Indies.(Fig. 88)
Eevised descriptions of the offshore bott・om‑fislifisof Fi・ov.Tosn, 911 D. ca 140; A. ca 140; P. 25; V.I. Head 5.5―6 in length; depth 7.4―7.8; eye 4.8一一5.1in head; interorbital 5.1―5.4; snout 4.8一一5.2ごBody much elongate.:
compressed; head pointed; maxiliary extending beyond vertical from posterior rim 0feye; pseudobranchiae represented by two small filaments; skin smooth. scale'ess;
no lateral line; each ventral consisting.0fa slender filament. one‑third length of head‑ Color yellowish bl・own.dotted with small brown spots. Three examples 。 115―210 mm long, from Mimase. ト ・/
Fig.88 Pyramodon ventralisSmith &RA])CLIFFE 502. (S)Carapussogamiamis T:\"SMvA, 1903,Sagami Sea.
Head 11.8 in length; depth 15.4; eye 4.9・in head; snout 4.2. A single specimen ・ 200mm in length. from.ぷ/[imase. ,
Cχχχ1.Family Ofchiditdne. ・, j 503‑ Otoph 「忌。衣r。JOSDAN & FOWLEB ゛ `
Oki‑namazu (Ura do).
Rare. Length, 160―200 mm‑
Cχχχ11.Famiiy Brot 「 「αe − 504. Brotuta m 「tibarbataTEMHUnCK A SCHLEG・EL − ゜ 召roZ 「aかy謂りsi^ieJOKDAK A‑ E\‑EKMA^^^f 。・ ・ ・ Very rare. Length, 190―380 mm. ・
505. Sire 「)oimbcrbisCTEMMIKCivふSCHLEG・EL) ‑・
Oki‑namazu or Itachi (Susakt)・
Rather common. Length, 100―250 m m. 。 ・・
506. Hopl必,・OZ 「どzど7・zどita(TeMMTTSiCK St.SCHLEGEL) (Fig. 89) Namazu (almost everywhere in Tosa); Ch6man (Mimase) Rather common. Length, 200―600 mm.
Fig. 89 Hoplobrot 「aar。lata(TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL)
92 T. KAiMO】HABA 507. Neobythitessiriicoius(Jordan& Snyder) Rare. Length, 200―250 mrn.
503. Neobvthi゜Z6yg必nus Smith & Radcltffe Very rare. Length, 200―250 mm‑
509. Neob\thifesscuariiipinnh(Alcock),1889, Bay of Bengal。
Herijiro‑itachi・uo(New narae)
Only a single specimen. 295mm in length. from Mimase. The specimen agrees well with Alcock's description. It seems to be the first record of the occurrence of this species in Japan and adjacent regions・
510. Neoり>thi 16,jな・omac 「αlzμKaMOHAEA(Fig. 90)
Neobythitesnigro。laculatusKAMOHABA, Offshore bottom‑fish・. Tosa, Jap‑
an;1938, p. 67, fig‑ 37. Mimase.
D.ca 97; A. ca 73; P. 24; V. 2; L.I. ca 115. Head 4.2in length, depth 6; eye 5.41n head; interorbital 5; snout4.5; pectoral 2; ventral 1.5. Body elongate.
compressed; head subconical; snout blunt. projecting beyond mouth. slightly longer than eye・diameter;mouth large. upper jaw overhanging lower; maxillary reaching beyond vertical from posterior ・margin of eye a distance equal to about one‑half the ye‑diameter; jaws, vomer and palatines with broad bands of close set, minute.
blunt teeth; interorbital space convex; ・opercle armed with a single. long. sharp spine; two spinules on preopercle; pseudobranchiae consisting of several filaments;
^ill‑rakers 5 4‑12, reduced むo mere protuberances at ends; scales small. cycloid.
・entirelycovering head and body. 12 in a series from origin of dorsal to lateral line;lateral line in upper third or body. disappearing, at a poinと about one‑half the length of head from base of cauda]. Dorsal commencing slightly behind above ■baseof pectoral; ventrals bifid,inner ray longer; pectorals acutely rounded. Color uniform clay. lighter ventrally; snout dusky; brownish shades along back; dorsal and anal dusky gray; a large black, white‑rimmed ocellus on dorsal. the black portion lying between twentieth and twenty seventh rays; dorsal narrowly margined with brown; paired fins and lower parとSof head and body finely punctuated with ・darker.
Fig. 90 Neobvthites nigromaculatusKamohara
JRevised descript・ionsof t・h6oifsiiore.bot・tom‑fisbesof Prov. Tosa 9き Described and figure dfrom a ・specimen 250 ・mm long from Mimase Market.
At a glance the species resembles Neobythites malavcinuぶχVE」遂RandNeobythites steatiticぱAlcook, but apparently differs from them in having two spinules on preopercle. It also differs frornNeobythitesuni。vacutatusSmithand Radcliffe fromBO rneoin having more number of dorsal rays and more number of scales in a series from origin of dorsal to lateral line. Moreover,・ocellus on dorsal in the latter lying between fourteenth and twenty‑fourth rays. Rather rare. Length, 150一一 250 mm. 。'
,二511.Hornっ∫tolu∫acerSMITH & RADCLIFFE, 1913, Iligan Bay, Mindanao. (Fig. 91) D. ca,95; A. ca. 70; P.20;V.1. Head 3.6ご4レinlength; depth 5.4―5.8; eye 3.8―4.4 1n head; interorbital .4.4―5; snout 3.8. Body e!ongate. compressed; head long, pointed, cavernous, theりony crest not prominent;narrow bands of ・minute villiform teeth on jaws. vomer, palatines and tongue. Scales small, cycloidコat eral line wide and distinct. with a clearly defined covering・ of skin above the scales.
・disappearing within half length of head from base of caudal. Ventrals elongate.
1.2―1.5 times length of head. each composed of two closely bound rays. Two ‑specimens. 117 and 207 mm long. from Mimase.
Fig.91 Ho。tostolu∫acerSmith & RADCLTFFE 石12. Glyptoph 「iumjaponicum KAMOHAXtA, 1936, Mimase.
D. ca 130; A. ca 100; P. 25; V. 2. Head 4.6―5 in length; depth 5.6―6.2;
eye 3.5in head; interorbital 3‑2―3.5; snout 3.6―3.8. Head cavernous, with thin.
well distinct crests‑ Color uniform whitish brown, with many minute brown spots.
Rare. Length, 145―220 mm. ≒ノ
513. Luci。brot 「abartschiSjIITH & RADGL/TFJ?E, 1913, Parawan Passage, Philippines。
● ・ I 丿 D. ca 86;"A. ca 70;: C. 13; V.2. Head 4.・2in length;・depth 6.1; eye 7.7in head; snout 3 ."8;‑eye 2.in snout. Maxillary reaching beyond vertical from posterior margin of eye a distance subequal to eye‑diameter, posterioi end expanded, 1.3 timさS as broad as eye. Color dark gray; head bluish'brown; vertical fins margined with blackish. A single specimen. 217 mm long. from Mimase.
石14. BytWteslゆidogettysSmith & RADCLIFFE, 1913, east of Masbate.
D. ca 75; A. ca 50; P. 23; V. 1; scalesin a !ongitudinal series ca 80. Head 3.石¬3.81nlength; depth 3.4―3.6; eye 6.6―8.3 in head; snout 4.2―5; interorbital.
3.3―3.8. Top of head and suborbital region, in which the scales entirely absent,.
are thickly covered with small cirri. Lateral line interrupted under base of 14th.
dorsal ray. the two parts not overlapping. Color dark brown, darker on head;
belly purplish black; fins blackish brown. Three specimens, 121―203 mm long。
from Mimase.
515. Itatiu∫tnicrolやisMATSDBAKA, 1943, Kumano Nada
Two specimens. 170 and 215 mm in length. from Miraase.
Cχχχ111.Family召r懸詞ncerot!・ぬg 516. Bregmaceros japoりiciis(Tanaka), 1908, Sagami Sea.
D. 1, ca 60; A. ca 50; P. ca 12; V. ca 5; scales ca 73.Head 6―7.1 in length;:
depth 7.7―8; eye 4―4.4 in head; interorbital 3―4.2; snout 4―4.4. Color dusky;.
back dark; all the fins pale. Very rare. Length, 50―110 ・mm. 。
CχχχIV.Family Ga励・j2 ● 517.?んyjを 「zz∫inbどirbatiis,n. sp. (Fig. 92)
Naga・chigodara (New name)
D. 7―67; A. 66; V. 6; scales in a longitudinal series ca 120. gill‑rakers on.
first arch 5+12=17.Head4.5in length; depth 5.5; eye 6.1 in head; interorbital 2.9; snout 3Q. depth of caudal peduncle 9.8.
. Body elongate. compressed; tail strongly tapering; greatest depth under origin 0f first dorsal. Head compressed, its bones papedy, with a bony but paperiy outstanding crest on snout. Snout long, obtusely rounded; interorbital space・
slightly convex. Mouth large. terminal, oblique, upper jaw alittleproduced beyond lower jaw when mouth is closed; raaxillary scarcely reaching to below posterior margin of eye; no mandibular barbel. Teeth small. 0fequal size in villiform band inupper jaw. two of three series in louver jaw; none on vomer or palatines. Scales small, caducous, all fallen in the type; lateral line scarcely visible anteriorly.
Firstdorsal originates above upper end of base of pectoral, connected at its.
base with second dorsal; dorsal rays gradually increase in length from before・
backwards; the longest as long as the head without snout and eye combined; anal of similar length and behaviour. comrnencing below about middle of pectoral;
ventral consists of 6 slender rays; ,the outer two rays prolonged into filaments.
reaching to base of 10th anal ray; caudal narrow. rounded, totaliy free from dorsal and anal. as long aS゛postocular part of head。
Colorpale brownish; belly and throat purplish blue; branchiostegal membranes blackish; ail the fins pale.